When he was home, he would scream at her, loudly but not enough for neighbors to hear. #fanfiction Loki nearly killed his assistant in the process. It got worse after one night her father sent her out for beer with a fake I.D. He'd been around for your whole young adult life, and had become as close to you as your father had been. Looking up, she couldnt see much. The smal. The Avengers looked down at the baby. Dr. Cornelius is then shown to be fatally injured with a piece of glass as a result of Wolverine throwing the Experiment through the glass window previously. (Y/n), you you should have been the one to go! Many more think that souls of the dead will be sent to either to the underworld, or heaven. I would mother hen over you but let's just leave that to another day. He didnt notice Buckys arrival until the sound of rustling foliage caught his attention, causing his head to snap in his direction and his momentary look of alert alarm to dissolve into relief when he saw Bucky rather than some enemy. At least you would be alright. As Dr. Cornelius dies, he demands to know what Wolverine, who he sees as nothing more than a failed experiment, accomplished in his life. Youd only been a cat for a day. ", "We weren't on great terms," you told him, "You know? -Timeskip to earlier today (before le ledge)-. MAKE UP FOR LOST TIMES (aka im reopening something), They're Having Nightmares - ENDGAME SPOILERS. but this book is for girls AND boys so My hands pull at the cuffs straining my arms above my head as he takes me ruthlessly. You werent sure if you were dead, that is until you started to try to walk around only to be seemingly stuck in one place, unable to move anywhere. He looks back at the helicarrier, which is now up in the air. Alright, alright. "Because of you, they'll be beautiful because of me. She used concealer to cover up some old scars on her exposed skin and face. I got her into bed but the problem was changing her out of her dress which she had vomited all over and into her pajamas while she wo, Another Stark (Avengers x Child Reader) Most of the time they were dripping on you, making you shake whenever the dirty water touched your skin and ran down your form. He would usually freak out, stomp around in his hammer while yelling, "KILL!" Did they know who you were? Imagine Marvel It seems like Ultron has been busy creating more of himself. Stark waved his hand, making the volume of his music die down. Natasha? This is about that one scene in Ultron, where they all try to lift it! He had always been a bit on the aggressive side but when her mother died, he became a drunk on the weekends, and let his anger out most of the time. His face covered in dirt and sweat. You ran. "I love that you're short. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me. Fandom: Marvel She's insecure but only because she feels lesser on the team during missions, like her height is a disadvantage. Everything th, Read the introduction first ^^: http://trielleamnessis.deviantart.com/art/Help-me-heal-Avengers-x-abused-reader-536187043 "You can rest now.". Watch anytime, anywhere. Clint BartonXReader (Sorry it is very long) Is she going to be alright? Steve asked clenching his fists tightly. The Avengers Are Babysitting Who!? You watched from your seat besides Steve, or as you like to call him Capn; as Clint tried to lift up Thors hammer. Bucky's beginning to believe so, after the man he loves went missing 4 months ago, hardly leaving a trace. She slipped out of her bed and hurried to the window, seeing there was just as much snow outside, if not before. You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. Reader) (Name) Stark loved to watch her father work. But its all over now, we won the fight. Steve spoke to you as you lay there, your chest moving up and down slowly. He barked before walking out of the room. Without even giving time for Cho to protest, he entered your room. Those were just some of the things he would say to her when he was angry. #vision Watch me. And so they did. You sighed, although to your annoyance a dull pain from the wound hit you - making you winced. The files are for your mission has your name on them and it will be done together. (Name)=Your name Tony stopped in front of the hammer Im never one to shrink from an honest challenge. He spoke out, looking at Steve and the others. That didnt work though. "Hit me with it." Her vision was growing black spots, legs collapsing out from under her. This is something I wanted to do for awhile and I also included a little bit of Steve x Reader in this for all you Steve Rogers fans ;) hope you enjoyed this! A/N - I dont know if youre still taking requests, but could u please do one where the reader is a bit more on the bigger side (with whatever super power you want) and she is currently being trained at the same facility as the Avengers? He barked before walking out of the room. I think you have work to do Captain. Nick Fury butted in and Steve nodded, noticing the whole city is being evacuated. #wintersoldier. You could do that? If you didnt get that blood, you most certainly will die. Trying to hold your happy face you closed in to the cell complex of the former superheros. Steve used his anger to rip apart these machines one by one. The man gives you a glare and you reply with a devilish grin. "IId likeBucky, if thats okay." Rating: T Not my Maria not her!. "That's a cute name." Using his metal ar, (Name) woke up particularly early, that morning. Both of you, just standing there, lost and scared and unable to say a single thing to comfort each other. "(Y/N)! Sooo, he "randomly" picked up a baby from some where, and gave the child to the Avengers. A chance meeting leads to new you are smol child that the married couple, Tony and Steve, adopt. "That's a cute name." "You were doing great, pumpkin." "Dad," you started softly, taking a shaking step forward. Lifting his leg he used it to kick the door open, breaking its locks. ", You swore you could see your dad smirk, "Hmmlet's just say I watched you while you were sleeping.". The Avengers looked down at the baby. Your brows furrowed slightly as he took your hand in his. "Yup, totally fine..(Y/N) Rogers what did I tell you about resting? Bucky, however, now that he was a free man, chose always to wander around the facility. You would have recognised Happy's voice anywhere. Sooo, he "randomly" picked up a baby from some where, and gave the child to the Avengers. You paused shaking your head and taking a deep breath. "StopWORRYING?!" Thor laughed and grinned, Haha, nothing. He said as Steve walked back to sit next to you. All he could do now is hope for the best. C. JoyBell C. Bucky Barnes X Reader - Undisclosed Desires, Sam Wilson x Reader - The One That Got Away, Peter Parker X Sister!Reader - The Mother We Share, Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Look After You. The Avengers were successful in destroying Ultron and saving the whole world from death. Even after her fathers beatings, shed hide away up in her room, often falling asleep in her bathroom crying herself to sleep. I hope it was the latter. Starting in high school, (Y/n) only found things to get worse. There was the sound of folks chatting and some rumbles of laughter throughout the room. After everything you had been through, after everything you had done to save everyone. "Pete, stay down," you barked, pushing off of the ground and dropping into a run, attempting to reach the two before any harm could come to your dad. On her way to the store, passing an alley, she was grabbed by some drunk men and beaten and raped (sorry but, it happens D: ). ", Happy sighed slightly, coming to sit beside you on the swinging bench you had always been so fond of. #avengers Well, that's what the Avengers thought of you, anyway. Your eyes scanned the crowd of celebrating soldiers and agents as you searched for someone in particular. Going up to her room, she had started trying to O.D. The place is swarmed w/ beautiful, slim women so it makes her insecure. demands a very angry Steve Rogers asks a guilty looking 5 year old (Y/N) and a beat up Loki Clint and I have done a few missions together, so this must mean that we are going to be assigned a new mission. Telling her to just go die in a hole, she was worthless, no one loved or wanted to be around her. "What should we call her?" July 22, 2019 Beep Boop. He yelled, making you back away slowlythe Sermon on the Mount was about to begin. ", You nodded, finally glancing sideways at him. Warnings/Themes: Angst, Profanity, gore/violence/blood, fluff, Dad!Barnes. You were running late as always. "Mom reallyit's okay." If you can lift it, Ill give you my credit card for a week! Your eyes lit up at the offer, oh the amount of lollipops you could buy! Stupid magic tricks bettern me. Are you cheating on me?!!! She liked to see him tinker with all the bits of metal and see him mould them together. ", Clint opened his mouth to answer, but Tony picked him up by the collar, "NEVERMIND JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE IS.". They couldnt have. There were stab wounds, all bleeding still. ' . Plus if he did do that then Pepper would literally kill him. Bruce asked. "wait, dadhow long have you BEEN here? I know Daddy wants me to think I won, and all. She thought, hurrying for her drawers to find some clothes to put on. When Bucky finally got inside his tent, he sat down on his cot and just stared ahead for a moment. The situation just got a whole lot worse. As he roamed the halls, he saw an unfamiliar figure wandering as well. But no one of the authorities seemed to be interested in your pl, You sat on the floor of the living room of Stark Towers plaiting your hair into small braids. The ringtone ending to leave the house in a comfortable, The mirror cracked as you put on your makeup like every morning. First I noticed Natasha struggling to get herself off the couch to leave to her room. You sighed pouring the rest of your coffee into a travel mug and headed outside your house. Maybe she wasn't even suppose to exist in the first place! Causing him to feel great admiration for Steve. Steve Rogers x Reader When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. Sam Wilson X Parker!Reader - We don't have to take our clothes off (Part 2), Female Avengers X Friend!Reader - Grigio Girls. "I'm fine, I promise." But you smirked, standing up making Thor and everyone confused Hey! Pietro then proceeded to stop right in front of Stark, scaring the wits out of the man. She sat up and looked at him. One day she gets put in a sticky situation.What happens when the Avengers have to deal with her. Its time to go save the world. He looked at Thor who sat back and fist bumped you, So if I lift this I rule Asgard. You coughed to hide your laugh as you put the lollipop back in your mouth. Ahhh! I still dont know how you do it! He sighed with his hands on his hips. So that the Avengers could watch him destroy their precious world. Wishing he could have gotten to you sooner enough. Bruce then gave it a try, he was on the table and both hands gripping Thors hammer. He gripped Hunter by the collarbone, and Hunter started to shake in fear. . Still weak.. pathetic! He snapped before dropping her, kicking her several times in the ribs. Medium is an open platform where readers find dynamic thinking, and where expert and undiscovered voices can share their writing on any topic. I glanced up to see Steve behind Pietro. She cooed softly and giggled. Happy with her job, she walked out of the bathroom and grabbing her brown leather jacket, was just about to leave. He is draining your blood, making you very light headed. So if Mr.Fart over there! You pointed at Tony. You tried to protest, but her death glare made you think otherwise. Character: Pietro Maximoff So Steve ran out from the underground base and held you in his arms tightly. If the city falls, it will wipe out the entire world. "Thank God you're alive. Tony let go as soon as you said that and looked at you You know what (Y/N) He took a step towards you and was aiming to grabbing you by the shirt. *Spoilers for Civil War! About to slam the door in his face, he barged inside, drunk as expected. Steve's main concern now is how you are doing. Ya know? His prisoner SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. A few comments were made on the sad. Thor pat you on the back making you stumbled a little Oh it is alright! He was peering through his binoculars, staring in the direction of the facility. Request for Violet Moon At least you didnt pull your back, right Capn? You giggled while nudging Steve with your elbow making the Super Soldier roll his eyes Be nice. But you caught the smile on his face before he ruffled your hair. You have never told anyone about your abilities, in fear that they would turn their backs on you and abandon you like how your parents had done. Loki sat on your reclining chair, drinking an ice cold glass of ice tea. #blackwidow Maybe I should let myself fall She thought to herself, thinking back on how she ended up in her state and location. Imagine Steve Rogers "Don't act so surprised," Bucky scoffed, "I practically raised Mr. America over there." And then Ill destroy everyone else. Ultron walked around in his underground base slowly. He started, Romanoff spotting the situation and edging near the big guy already. Read what happens when a flea, a dog and a hog meet on a warm sunny day by the sea Adopted child and Stepchild Aug 6, 2020 - Yui's Sister {Diabolik Lovers x Reader } - Time For Moving - Page 2 - Wattpad Founding Members Nathaniel "Nate" Richards/Rama-Tut/Kang the Conqueror/Iron. But one day he knew that it wasnt just his imagination, after he left the work out room, at first the loud thumping of his heart blocked out noise for a while. So, in line with that, I've decided to do thatexcept, with the avengers as the ones fussing over (Y/N) instead of her friends. "Hey, Kiddo." (e/c)= eye color Two someones, actually. "None of your business, Rogers!" They will find meAnd they will stop you you struggled to speak, trying to stay awake and not black out. oneshot he had made just for her to do such. He said sternly, which stunned you to silence. You?! "WHEN wILL MYYYY REFLECTION SHOOOOW, WHO I AM----" He started towards the door, pausing when he reached it. Her mother died of a brain tumor. "Hey," she started slowly, using her free hand to draw your father's gaze to her, "Tony, we're going to be okay." Besides, she was abandoned. Now lets lift this piece of metal trick. Clint smirked as he wrapped his hand around mjolnir, but as he tried to pull it up with a struggled grunt he let go and tried to laugh it off. Stephen Strange X Stark!Reader - Take me or Leave me. Natasha asked. ", Your dad smiled up at you, a small grimace tainting his usually kind face. Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader - Just a Girl, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Waking up in Vegas, Stephen Strange X Reader - Your Love Alone, Wanda Maximoff X Bi!Reader - Secret Love Song. Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: The Team Tease Reader About Her Height But It Becomes Too Much Request: "Stucky x short!reader where she's 4'11 and everyone picks on her about it. Her father often left her alone not caring about what happened at the school. You opened your eyes slowly, the first thing you could see is Steve leaning over you. ", You chuckled weakly before frowning. You closed your eyes and listened to the water drops leaving the ceiling. Steve He found a set of stairs, leading him underground. Please tell me you have a doctor? Grabbing a chunk of her hair, he pulled her back roughly, a squeak of a scream exiting her lips. You hardly ever got injured, because Maria always chose to fight by your side. It will take at least 3 months for you to even get the background you will need to complete. "N-no sirplease forgive me. However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. He unstrapped you and pulled out the tubes that were taking the blood from your veins. Better be prepared to lose cash, Starkburst.. Steve Rogers Boots pulled over socks, over leggings and a shirt and coat she knew Loki would scold her for if it wasnt put on. ! He nodded with a smile. He was too fast for her though. We love you regardless! Wanna give it a try? They asked and she only laughed Oh no no, thats a question I dont need answered. Thor was about to get up as he thought everyone who was well..strong enough tried a go. He smiled at the little bundle of joy. The snap came quicker this time, but as you stood there, head turning too and throw as you attempted to see what was going to happen, nothing came. "Damn it Barton you should've told me sooner. He'll be just fine. He wasnt worthy. Hmmbasically imagine everyone wailing in pain because they could see all their greatest fear. "You warm enough? Ultron is no longer a threat to the world. Steves main concern now is how you are doing. Checking your blood type to see if she had any blood available to make up for the blood you have lost. It was just a spell gone awry. ~One Way Out (Part II)~ Sweetheart if we cant lift it, what makes you think, YOU can? Tony laughed. "I was quite the parent back in the day," he smiled down at the infant. Me strolling through imgur today. Now now.. cant.. *hick* a father wish his.. *hick*.. beloved daughter a fucking happy birthday? He growled out still slurred, almost spitting out calling her his daughter like it was venom. Within this book, you will find random stories about The Aveng. Must have picked.. a place to jump.. or.. something Nice height.. No chance to survive.. The thoughts just kept coming, her muscles all starting to relax as the loss of all that blood was starting to get to her. You recovered from your shock and mumbled a Uh huh.. Sarcasticly. That doesn't mean Bucky will stop looking for him, though. Ultron is gone to continue his plan for global extinction, leaving you behind still strapped onto the table. I'm drowning!! Your eyes found your father in an instant, watching in horror as he raised his own hand into the air, revealing the Infinity Stones to you. Steve ran over as soon as he saw your laying there. Just the sound of something familiar made you wonder if you are dead. You groaned, "Seriously dad, I'm almost healed up!" X-Men (abbreviated AvX) is a 2012 crossover event that was featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics Read Comics Online Absolutely for Free The 90s was a decade that provided crossover after crossover for the X-Men books, many of which were overdone and overstuffed avengers x reader Little did you know, a year later you were going to get cast as a special. You lay aside your father and ask how they sleep with thunder. 220. Well see about that. Ultron smirked to himself as your eyes shut over. "I am Ironman." I have to get to her! he ran off without saying another word. You were just a maid to them, someone dismissed with a wave of a hand. You couldn't bring yourself to look up at the voice, though it wasn't like you needed to. The fear was too great for her to make a sound, a scream for help. It's a brilliant song and I absolutely adore it. You leant into her, unaware of the tears littering your cheeks. Tony stood up and pulled at the cuffs of his suit, smugly and cockily walking over to the hammer. Despite the exhausting day she had yesterday, she was determined to get back into the game. "You." Their eyes were all on you as you held mjolnir in your hand with ease as if it weighed nothing. Bruce asked. Stephen Strange X Reader - Don't Go Breaking my Heart. We are suppose to have a heat wave all week. Her favourite part was when he did the coding though, but that's only because she was allowed to do some herself (She'd become quite good at the computer stuff because her dad taught her. "She's fine." You asked, taking every painful step on your crutches. Clint whistled which gained all of your attention along with the others. ve bs As Steve pulled on the handle, your eyes and Thors eyes caught onto the small movement it made making you choke on the lollipop you were sucking on. DON'T YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP! Avengers one day you were sitting on the couch watching TV and got bored. Tony rolled his eyes Sure sure alright fine. #thor His team needed him. "I will kill those who hurt you, bring them back to life and fuck them up again." No need to prove yourself little one! His eyes widen with suprise, like everybody elses but after a while his face softens. Steve can get sick, She-Hulk is not related to Bruce Banner, and I will do with the Bifrost whatever I damn well please. MY DAUGHTER IS INJUREDTHE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS INJURED AND YOU EXPECT ME TO STAY CALM?! Favourites. If you aren't noticed for hard work Frowning, you remember you left it in the living room. Many say that once dead, their souls either get reborn into things like sea cucumbers. He saves the day but finds you unconscious/bleeding out. Honestly? The WHOLE time we were in mass panic, destroying the city trying to find you, you two were eating Ben & Jerrys ice cream while watching my little pony? "Nick Where did you get that baby from?!" He acted though and said no. He thought you would be the perfect way to draw them back to Sokovia. Steve rolled his eyes, getting the cooking materials from you. This is a disaster!!!" It was a long, exhausting battle. Peter Parker X Villain!Reader - Cops and Robbers. Luckily, Jarvis called Tony informing him that Loki had brought a little girl and both ate all his candy and were digging into his Ben &, Bucky remained in his seat. Mother asked if your brother got scared of the thunder. I was so scared I wouldnt reach you in time. So I want to see the look on their faces when they find you dead. Always had friends to talk to and a group wanting to be in that group of friends. To which Thor replied with, Yes of course.. It's adorable." "So are you," you giggled just before he kissed you. Even Thor was astonished by his sudden outburst of strength. You stayed at a foster home in town tll Tony would come down from New York. Waiting for you as always was your favor, Ugh its so hot. (f/n) said as she fanned herself with a paper fan. "You should come inside," he told you softly, "they're worried about you.". Avengers one day you were sitting on the couch watching TV and got bored. A pounding headache tore through her mind like a hundred jackhammers drumming in her head. WIth a heavy sigh she tried to sit down, wobbling as she just continued to stand. "Dad, would you calm down or a moment?" You huffed as you chewed on the stick of your lollipop. But he only let out frustrated grunts as he pulled once, then twice then thLoooooseeeeer~ A teen voice sang out. It left her father and her alone. You were about to make your breakfast when a very familiar voice stopped you, "Don't you dare think I'm allowing you to do that.". For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). #hulk She was dressing up in her favorite (f/c) fitting tank, faded denim skinny jeans, and (f/c) (f/shoe). Never let go,Jack!!" You exclaim as you throw yourself onto the bed and across Loki's lap. Or will learn to despise them? Read to find out. Please consider supporting me for just 3 using Ko-Fi. She cooed softly and giggled. However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. One (f/n) (l/n) would agree, there was nothing but darkness. After that you noticed his slightly bent posture. You had almost made it too, but just before you reached the hulking purple mass, he had thrown your dad to the ground and lifted his arm once more. But everyone knew Tony adored you and loved you as much as the others. Let alone in her state. I dont care, and it wont. At first, Bucky just furrowed his eyebrows before realizing what he meant. Marvel He knows his team mate is strong, but had no idea that he is capable of this. "None of your business, Rogers!" Please consider supporting me for just 3 using Ko-Fi. Haha! "Of course he knew you loved him," he told you, reaching out to put his arm around your shoulders, "according to Peter you were the first one there, before Pepper, before anyone. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first birthday. Stephen Strange X Reader - Say You Won't Let Go, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Checkin' It Out, Bucky Barnes X Pregnant!Reader - More Than Friends, Bruce Banner X Reader - Driving Home For Christmas, Steve Rogers X Platonic!Reader - All I Do Is Win, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Heaven Is A Place On Earth, Bucky Barnes X Reader - No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Tony Stark X Reader - Angel of Small Death, Loki Laufeyson X Reader - Just Be Good To Green, Peter Parker X Reader - Anything You Can Do, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Same Love, Peter Parker X Stark!Reader - I Found Out, Tony Stark X Young!Reader - Brooklyn Baby, Thor Odinson X Reader - The Way You Make Me Feel: Requested, Peter Parker X Reader - Platonic Love Song #1: Requested, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Lifted: Requested, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Devil In Disguise: Requested, Clint Barton X Soulmate!Reader - Love is Fire: Requested, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Beautiful People: Requested, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Fix The World Up For You: Requested, Peter Parker X Reader - God Only Knows: Requested, Bucky Barnes X Reader - The Chain: Requested, Tony Stark X Reader - The Power of Love: Requested, Peter Parker X Reader - Unconditional: Requested, Bucky Barnes X Reader - You Should Be Sad: Requested, Loki Laufeyson X Anti-hero!Reader - Joke's On You, Boss!Tony Stark X Reader - Killing In The Name, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Coffee For Your Head, Peter Parker X Reader - I Think We're Alone Now, Thor Odinson X Reader - Think About Things, Wanda Maximoff X Fem!Reader - Experiment On Me, Steve Rogers X Reader - Pretty Shining People, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - If We Ever Meet Again, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Here Comes The Sun, Bruce Banner X Reader - Like You Say You Do.