Lead agencies may also consider how they can pair more flexible funding provided by the CARES Act and CRRSA Act with the more prescriptive ARP Act stabilization funds. Private information such as social security information, home addresses of employees, fingerprint records, drivers license numbers, medical information, credit card information, bank account numbers of employees, etc. OCC is not imposing a specific timeframe for when a temporarily closed provider due to COVID-19 at the time of application must reopen. Now, thanks to passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the child care sector will receive a total of more than $50 billion in direct relief funding. At their option, Lead Agencies may pay providers based on a childs enrollment rather than attendance (45 CFR 98.45(l)(2)(i)). Eligibility and award amounts will be determined at the site level based on each sites licensed capacity and will consider the communitys SVI. Providers will not be penalized for temporary closures that occur during the grant period, provided they are open and serving children for at least part of that month. A provider does not have to be serving a child eligible for CCDF in order to be considered as meeting CCDF requirements. This grant award increase will only be available to providers who previously received the COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization Grant at the end of 2021. Yes, CCDF lead agencies may reprogram regular CCDF, CARES, or CRRSA funds until the obligation deadlines, which is September 30, 2022, for CARES and CRRSA. No. What is the difference between a major renovation and minor building updates or maintenance? The request must also certify and describe how the health, safety, and well-being of children served through CCDF will not be compromised as a result of the waiver. Home visiting programs typically provide services to parents and families to ensure that they have the necessary resources and skills to raise and care for their own children. Child Care Counts Call Center hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F. Can a sole proprietor of an FCC use the grant funds to pay expenses that are associated with the program but are also inclusive of normal household bills? Where not addressed by OCC guidance, OCC will defer to Lead Agencies' reasonable interpretation of these decisions and encourages Lead Agencies to provide guidance to providers on implementation of this policy where they think it is useful. After September 30, 2022, no additional CCSG awards will be made. Where to find more information Q: If I use the grant for my IRA, can I deduct 100% of this on my taxes? If after viewing this video and reading these questions and answers, you still have questions, feel free to send me an email at tomcopeland@live.com. Q: My state (Colorado) is requiring that 50% of the grant be used as tuition discounts. You will have to withhold and pay payroll taxes on these amounts. Broader considerations could include asking: Testing capabilities vary among communities and may be changing often. Before the pandemic, there were approximately 675,000 childcare providers around the country, mostly small businesses, who were already operating on thin margins. Yes, CCDF funds can be used to provide some sanitation supplies to families, provided that the supplies relate to the provision of child care. Thus, a policy that terminates the receipt of the subsidy at redetermination for a child who is otherwise eligible is inconsistent with the law and the rule. Forthcoming guidance will comprehensively address use of the CCDBG Supplemental funds in the American Rescue Plan Act. The recertification process can be done at any time after the first of the month. Q: When you give a bonus to your staff, do you treat the deduction the same as payroll deductions? These are some of the many questions Ive received during my February 10th webinar How to Save Money on Your 2021 Taxes. Heres a link to the recording and power point for this webinar. However, child care providers are not required to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care during the ARP Act stabilization subgrant period. The plan includes $24 billion in child care stabilization grant funding for states, territories, and tribes to distribute within their state using the Child Care and Development Grant (CCDBG) formula. This is unsustainable for many reasons. Rather, lead agencies have the discretion of placing reasonable conditions or timelines with regard to reopening on child care providers who receive a subgrant. The instructions for submitting applications for construction or major renovation (available on the OCC website) require the tribal lead agency to describe the percentage of floor space that will be used to provide direct services to children. State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies have broad flexibility to operate the CCDF program and have a number of options within federal statute and regulation to adapt policies in order to maintain continuity of services for families affected by a disaster. However, the ARP Act stabilization funds are meant to support the child care sector during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency. For Group and School Age/Center-Based (GSA)programs, the formula will use a centers total licensed capacity to calculate the base amount of the monthly payment. T he O ff i ce of Chi l d Care's st abi l i zat i on grant s are i nt ended f or provi ders f aci ng f i nanci al burdens due t o t he CO V I D-19 pandemi c. T he f unds wi l l assi st i n st abi l i zi ng t he chi l d care The portion that she uses for businesses expenses can be deducted from her taxable income, but the other half cannot, and she will need to pay taxes on that amount. These payments count as a rebate or advance payment of a credit that are exempted as income. In order to request temporary waivers for extraordinary circumstances in response to emergency situations, the Lead Agency must submit a written request to the Office of Child Care (OCC) Director (with a copy to the OCC Regional Program Manager), indicating the reason why the Lead Agency is requesting the waiver including a description of the extraordinary circumstances. No. HUD regulations specifically exclude temporary, nonrecurring, or sporadic income from the definition of annual income (24 CFR 5.609(c)(9)). We encourage family child care providers to contact a tax advisor about what should and should not be reported as part of ones AGI. How can I best prepare for an EEC fiscal monitoring review? The Child Care Stabilization Base Grant's requirement to use 70% of funds to increase compensation for staff regularly caring for children did not apply to One-Time Supplemental Stabilization Grants. pdf Child Care Restoration Grants Funding Summary . To show payments from the business to the person, documentation may include: Records of self-payments of grant funds from the business should be consistent with personal records for tax purposes. Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3)/ Child Care Stabilization Grants, contact the Department of Early Education and Care, Personnel costs, benefits, premium pay, and, Rent or mortgage payments, utilities, facilities maintenance and improvements, or insurance, Personal protective equipment, testing supplies, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, or, Structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor exterior, or load-bearing walls of a facility, Extension of a facility to increase its floor area. Once a family begins receiving CCDF, their subsidy can only be terminated at redetermination through the graduated phase-out policy, if the reason for termination is income eligibility. WV DHHR BFA Division of Early Care and Education is pleased to announce the availability of child care stabilization payments from October 2021 through September 2023 for child care providers that meet . If you do sign up, please use the referral code 0659. This work may include, but is not limited to, designing and reviewing subgrant applications, providing support in estimating current operating expenses, distributing subgrant funds, and monitoring the use of subgrant funds. You would report $5,000 as income and $2,000 as an expense, and end up paying taxes on the difference, or $3,000. In order to qualify for a child care stabilization subgrant, a child care provider must be open to provide child care services or temporarily closed due to public health, financial hardship, or other reasons relating to the COVID-19 public health emergency. State tax rules vary by State. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, which provides an additional $300 per week to individuals who are collecting regular state or Federal UC, through weeks of unemployment ending on or before March 14, 2021. A: You report the grant as income. For example, if the funding were used to cover rent, and if that did not affect a recipients net income, then the funding would not affect WIC eligibility. Law 117-2), signed on March 11, 2021, includes $23.97 billion for child care stabilization grants to be allocated to states, territories, and Tribes based on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) formula. States, territories, and tribes must use the majority of these funds to provide subgrants to child care providers. What is the SC Building Blocks Grant? FAQs in this category focus on questions about how to implement subgrant programs and allowable uses for these funds by the provider. Each months report is due by the last day of the month for the previous month. Because the ARP Act Supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds allocated at section 2201 can be used for the same purposes as regular CCDF funds, states and territories making major policy or programmatic changes effective before October 1, 2021, were instructed to submit amendments to their current FY 2019-2021 CCDF Plans. These subgrants are designed to stabilize existing child care businesses, not fund the start-up or reopening of a provider not open for business. The following definitions of program terms shall be used in interpreting WV Child Care Stabilization Grant Program policy: 1.1.1. How far back can a program go in paying these previous expenses? The Expenditure Tracker is a template to help track the purchases/payments made using grant award funding. Is there a deadline for spending this funding? Yes, if you are a for-profit organization this funding is taxable. Children do not need to be formally involved with child protective services or the child welfare system in order to be considered eligible for CCDF assistance under this category. As an employee stipend software company that specializes in tax compliance, Compt can serve as your trusted guide to help administer the grant money in the form of an employee stipend, while staying fully compliant with federal tax law. Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory. Programs that are awarded a grant will receive an IRS Tax Form 1099-NEC. Also, tribal lead agencies may be accountable for reporting to OCC on data elements that would have been included in the application. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. Will the Child Care Stabilization Grant funding be considered income when I file my 2021 taxes? Agreements with intermediaries to administer the subgrants must meet CCDF requirements at 45 CFR 98.11Visit disclaimer page(PDF), including that lead agencies retain overall responsibility for the administration of the program and administrative and implementation responsibilities undertaken by the intermediary must be governed by written agreements. Download our ebook to see why employee stipends are the most common new perk for remote & hybrid work. An Office of the Administration for Children & Families, for an existing multiyear construction project. The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. This funding has been expended and programs that received a Child Care Restoration Grant in 2020 are required to input monthly reporting into the Director Portal. Provider A receives a $3,500[1] grant and uses the entire amount of the grant to pay herself; the full amount of the grant will be taxable, but the provider can spend the funds on whatever she wants (e.g., pay down personal debt, save for an emergency, save for retirement, go on vacation). Yes, Lead Agencies can provide hazard pay to providers that remain open during COVID-19. All Rights Reserved. The CCSG Workforce Amount began with the July 2022 grant payment for providers starting the month following application approval. (45 CFR 75.2Visit disclaimer page), Child care stabilization subgrants included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page are benefits to a child care provider and are considered payments made to beneficiaries of a federal program, which is the same as with child care subsidies paid under the voucher program. In addition, all tribal lead agencies were allocated $30,000 as a base amount of the ARP Act stabilization funds prior to allocating funds based on the number of children served. No, CCDF funds cannot be used to purchase laptops or equipment solely for the purpose of allowing children to access virtual school instruction from home. Below are the steps you will need to take to obtain a listing of your paid amounts. Therefore, there must be a connection to non-parental child care in order to use CCDF funds. Child Care Stabilization Base Grants will be available to all eligible providers on a monthly basis beginning September 2021. Tribal lead agencies may use CCDF funds from more than one funding stream (i.e., Mandatory, Discretionary, Supplemental, or stabilization funds) to fund a construction or major renovation project, as indicted in their application for construction or major renovation (. These laws provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Almost two-thirds of childcare centers are serving less than 75 children and are struggling to break even. Enter your LEAD username, enter your LEAD password, and click Login. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Families First; P.L. Tribal Lead Agencies must complete the full construction/major renovation application process and receive ACF approval (45 CFR 98.84). When and where will a copy of the slide deck from the C3 training sessions be available? A conservative estimate would be to assume 15 percent for social security/Medicare plus 15 percent federal income tax and about 10 percent for state and local income tax, for a total of 40 percent or $1,400. As noted in a prior FAQ, lead agencies have the flexibility to disregard Unemployment Compensation (UC) benefits or Economic Impact Payments (also called stimulus payments) under the CARESVisit disclaimer page, CRRSAVisit disclaimer page, or ARPVisit disclaimer page Acts as income. Lead agencies may use their stabilization fund set-asides to carry out activities to increase the supply of child care, especially for historically underserved populations. This enables Lead Agencies to have the flexibility to define in their CCDF Plan the criteria that the Lead Agency believes would best serve subsidy families, such as families affected by COVID-19 circumstances. Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. This only applies to Tribal CCDF Plans and not to tribes with approved Public Law 102-477 Plans. OCC will review construction and major renovation applications to make sure that the use of ARP Act stabilization funds for construction or major renovation will not result in a decrease in the level of child care services provided in the service area. Is this deductible? . As a result, the children of these workers are vulnerable during this time. This builds on critical down payments on relief . The EITC phases in with earnings and phases out with the greater of earnings or AGI. ACF strongly recommends that CCDF lead agencies coordinate with the state agency that administers TANF to ensure that child care workers do not lose or experience reductions in their TANF benefits when receiving assistance from the ARP Act child care stabilization funds. around the country, mostly small businesses, who were already operating on thin margins. If you do sign up, please use the referral code 0659. Federal law defines income for SNAP. The ARP ActVisit disclaimer page at section 2202(e)(1) specifies that subgrant funds can only be used for the following operating expenses: No, ARP Act stabilization subgrants cannot be used to help a new child care provider open or a permanently closed child care provider reopen. Alternatively, states could provide quality grants to child care providers for supply retention and/or quality improvement activities to benefit the full range of families, which would make the eligibility determination process for individual families immaterial. For example, a Head Start program licensed by the state as of March 11, 2021, would meet the definition of eligible provider at section 2202(a)(2)(B)Visit disclaimer page. However, since every situation is unique and states may release additional requirements or restrictions, providers should always consult a tax professional to obtain advice specific to their own unique situation. You will probably owe no more than 40% of the grant in taxes. The waiver request must include the preferred start date (which may be retroactive to the time the emergency occurred) and the duration of the waiver. Lead Agencies may temporarily lower a familys co-payment while the family is experiencing temporary or non-temporary job loss. Yes, Child Care Stabilization Grant funds are considered income by the IRS.
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