I ran a Meds and found she is getting 3 different scripts from 2 docs for pain meds and depression pills. Deborah, I understand your suffering.. if that happens he is an accessory to kidnapping for providing the means to remove the children from the state and the military will NOT harbor him. Well his sister is 11 and we allowed her to go back with her mom as she is not old enough to make a decision where to live. It will only be temporary until I am working again. My ex husband has instructed his daycare provider to not provide me with information regarding my childrens care including dates and times they are in care. You need to have proof. Over the past year she has been in contempt of court 8 months refusing visitation. #2 Tell your child not to worry about how they are getting home on Sunday, that you will be there!!! Family law attorney in Boca Raton Tina L. Lewert can serve as a valuable ally during a very difficult time in your life. (Keep in mind, I am a good mom, never in trouble, no troublesome past, other than failed relationships). And she would bring him to see me or I would take the bus and she would pick me up at the bus stop. the only thing we have been able to do is file a show cause..but thats not until March.This is the state of Virginia, so in other words the parent who has physical custody has no rights? Where is the co/parenting in this remark? he said NO. Make peace. ?The whole purpose of supervised visitation is to make sure the parent is doing the right thing through someone watching over them supervision. On my exs first full unsupervised visitation she did not return my daughter at the designated time and place. In March, the 12 year old sexually assaulted the 7 yr old while at her house. Do not feel afraid to consult witht he local authorities as she may put you on a guilt trip, just dont do so in front of the kids. He and his Father are both pissed because of the amount of support he has to pay and the fact that it has to be supervised and its bothering the schedule of his father!! I fear for the safety of my child. Im at my white end. My ex husband has sole physical custody of our 13 year old son. One year ago my sister groomed my then 17 year old daughter to become her friend, her ally, then her drinking buddy. Save voice messages or text messages. You have to have proof though ask for interrogatories (questions to be answered in writing before hearing), have witnesses who will testify under oath, know why they are not available and if they are valid reasons so you dont look litigious and end up paying the other parents attorney fees. I am a non custodial parent the father to my son will not allow me to see or speak to my son. My ex refuses to let see my daughter or build a relationship with her. There were WAY too many issues to list here but bottom line is I had had enough and I left. Throughout my life when asked 10 mins later I received a phone call from a police officer saying I was going to be charged with custodial interference. By the time the police got to his house everything was okay ( I should not have called NC first to let him know Id call the police to check him out- in essence, all I did was give him a heads up that the police were going to come knocking on his door. The local authorities were no help. Thanks! It sounds like him giving the children to the grandparents with no contact is custodial interference, but you dont say if there are any custody orders or not. This was so untrue. one has nothing to do with the other. Now the child is 18 almost 19 and we still dont see her. Finally the best solution to all of this non-sense is to issue marriage licenses that have an expiration date. Principles of the law of family dissolution, analysis and recommendations. I called the police many times. My kids are 16 and 10. I was wondering that since all the erroneous emails not only put my daughter in a stressful state but seemed an obvious attempt to have my child removed from my care; if he can be charged with custodial interference (where hes not related) or something else? The dcf worker has to wait on the doctor to release there opinion on if ahe was medically neglected. I also moved to improve the quality of life for my son and to get him specialized treatment for his disabilities. If a TDo has been filed and the other parent is not abiding by that Order, for instance I have not seen my son in 10 days. I dont text back unless its directly about our son. Contempt of court charges can be a WONDERFUL thing for the non placement parent, against the one who has physical placement. If a custodial parent denies the non-custodial parent his rightful, court-ordered visitation, what recourse does the non-c parent have? I truly believe the bigger picture is they pulled this stunt knowing to go right back over there to snag my daughter now that they messed with file swapping and knew the drug use. However, they helped me filed a complain. That would devastate any child. With that being said you must step back and assess the situation. If so how do I get a petition I have full legal custody of my child but I dont want to drive 1000 miles for them not to give me my child back Im trying to do things the right way I know I have to contact the sheriffs office any help would help, My daughters mother is keeping me from seeing my daughter even on tjis upcoming father day. Your best offense is a great defense. If it is supervised visitation why are you concerned about him delivering the child? From ages 14-17 I was not allowed to have friends, because This will eliminate all the scumbag lawyers who want this type of conflict so they can extract tens of thousands of dollars from a family divorce. We have joint custody, he is the residential custodian and I get summers and visitation. Issues 3 & 4 are huge. My son is a senior in high school. The child is now refusing Spring Break visitation and would like to reduce Summer visitation to 3 wks. The Courts are becoming aware of the monsters theyve created by giving the court-ordered mothers all the power their first assumption that they would do what is right has failed. My ex boyfriend has sole custody of both our boys ages 11 & 17 I only see them every other weekend . she is Ignoring all of our communications about the upcoming scheduled Thanksgiving visitation. For about 5 visits in Total I have not had transportation to go pick him up. Its a tactic these piece of garbage, dorrito moms use to further alienate and control the father of the children. If she would have brought him in network there would have been no out of pocket cost. This is an abuse of the law and law enforcement agencies who interfere with custodial parents rights and put children in imminent danger should be allowed to be sued to hold them accountable for such interference. I gave him separation and custody papers first but he ignored them and went and filed suit for holiday visitation and temp legal custody. I am mad and furious. Shame on 31 up-votes.. Shame.. And so then the father must be lazy, and ridiculous to have an issue with the woman violating a court order to drive the boy to drop off to his father? I have allowed bio mother to have visitation at my home on my condition that communication would be a necessity to plan this. the biological fathers mom took my son for the day so my baby daddy and I could go out until we moved at three but we packed all our stuff along with our sons into her truck before she dropped us off. you name it she is calling.Anything??? Thank you for any kind words of guidance! This can be especially important if you have concerns about your safety or your childs safety. Also, will the judge agree to revoke the signed consent letter that I gave her to travel out of the country with my daughter for her not honoring her verbal agreement after I had made reservations at a restaurant and had 20 guests attending? Now no papers have been filed in the terms of a parenting plan. CAN NOT HAPPEN! IF a judge will hear this case you need to understand that there ate many reprocussions both of your parents WILL have to deal with. They need to re-evaluate the court systems and really look out for whats in the chils best interest.They also need to hold the parent responsible for interfering with the relationship of the non custodial parent. Understand something when you have a disagreement and you have to go to court. So, I took his phone, computer, and video games away as I saw them as a main problem in him succeeding. Can he legally sign papers to allow his mother to have his daughter without the permission of the custodial parent (the daughters mother)? Keep it for your child/children for college. My ex didnt let my younger daughter see how mean he was to me, so she probably believes I lied. You should call DCF as well asking for them to do a well visit where they would be the best judge of the situation and a police officer will only agitate the situation rather than resolve it. She had him picked up on the CS warrant the day after Thanksgiving. I did some research over the internet and I am aware this could be a good ground to modify the custody. There is NO custody order between me and my ex-wife or any court appointed visitation If my ex has primary physical custody through the week and one of my kids is sick and cant go to school who watchs him? Thanks for your help. Im in Ny. Can i still be held in contempt. Our legal aid does not help in divorce or child custody cases. The police report clearly states the facts, but I was never contacted by state attorneys office after numerous calls until I recieved a letter that no action was goiing to be taken because child was returned after getting clerk of court and sheriffs department envolved. Can I legally keep him? The 13 yo now is trying to follow in her footsteps, refusing to answer his calls and will not come out of the house when my husband comes to get him. I wasnt aware enforcing court orders was a nuisance to the police and I an pretty pissed that 3 officers have threatened ME with jail when i havent committed a crime, why not threaten the POS who causes these reports in the first place?? If this is import to you tell the other parent and if they deny you that opportunity then respect it. My husband said that even if we are married and I take the child out of the house (even just for coffee around the corner) without his consent or without him knowing where we are he can charge me with kidnapping and abandonment. Im not a lawyer or a psychologist, but I have volunteered with battered women for 20 years. Father is just doing this to not have to pay child support anymore, get me upset, and to try to get me in trouble. The school is almost a hour away from my house and he has been late a few times because of traffic. This weekend when I went to pick them up he made me stand out in the cold and rain with him for 2 hrs before he would let me take the kids home. My son is incarcerated for a year and wants to write to his son and call an talk with him, he has visitation rights already in place. The CPS worker who came out told me that if she thought I was hurting my kids that she would take them, and that she didnt believe the alligations and was going to do nothing. I refused and he has tortured and harraised me ever since.. please someone help me!!!! He was in the Military. Once you have established a game plan put it on paper and present it to court. We also have documented times she has skipped visitation (every other weekend) and when she ask for extra day and we agree but she nevers comes to pick him up. If she has done this because she cant handle it and sequestered you, it wont fair well for her in court if you have a fair judge. This evening we received a text message saying that their son will not be coming tomorrow for his scheduled visitation because she took him out of state for the funeral anyways Mind you, this is not the first time she has done this and she is constantly trying to change visitations around to suit her needs. My ex and i have joint legal custody and I have physical custody. thank you! He violated the restraining order and went to jail for 4 days. She has flagged our case so anything filed goes right to her. Which I tried. I almost feel your heart beating in mine Reasonable is more like Monday and Wednesdays 7-8 pm. The mother has kept minimal contact with my step son. Also the child also was suppose to spend 2 weeks with the noncustodial parent in the summer but didnt due to the fact the child got in trouble with the law under the supervision of the custodial parent and was on probation. As of this week she has gone behind my back and told the chool where my children attend tht under no circumstance are any teachers or staff to contact me about anything nor respond to anything regarding my children and tht she is to be contacted immediately and given the right to know our private converstions and intervine. How can this be changed. I truly think there is much more to this story so all I can say is put aside control and show your son some love and respect on his decisions as it will go a lot further in your relationship. Im a dad as well, and your comment made me emoitional while reading it!! I dont think its appropriate to share the details with the kids, so I didnt talk to either of my daughters about what was in the restraining order. She continues to talk to this man that lives in WV, there is no custody agreement. I have received and email from the principle telling me under no circumstance are they giving me ANY information about my children unless it is approved by her as they interperate what they where told about the court order. We have not lived in the state long enough to file for divorce or cuatody. Not to mention this house is in Ohio and she didnt tell us she moved. Long story short , Now in 2014 he called cps on me. Your child CAN emancipate themselves from the other parent, but as I stated you must not encourage things like this as you can be accused of Parental Alienation. So I was granted full sole legal and physical custody and father gets no visitations until he goes to court and pleads with judge. he would have to go into court in PA to obtain contempt of court unless he has filed the custody order in WV and asked the court to domesticate it (in other words, make it an order of the WV court). I refused to take my son back to the step Mom and now his father is calling me saying that he is getting an attorney. He has supervised visitation 2 times a week his mom or grandma is court ordered to supervise, but how do we know they are complying? We met with a court mediator to try and resolve custody/visitation in November. Keep Tryin! ***, MARA since no one has answered you I guess I can give you an opinion and option. This will get before a judge much quicker than waiting for a custody trial as it is required to be heard in lesst han 30 days in there is a threat posed (which sounds like it in your case). The State Police admitted she was committing a felony, but there was nothing they could do about it. From O. Jr.s own lips we have heard that Ms. R.S. Hi I have a question. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. Hello! He in the last has called social services on me and have had the kids looked at many times. She also says she cant get him visitation. It turns out that the parental interference otherwise truly called Parental Allienation has gotten so bad the kids want nothing to do with me and the GAL and court costs are rising by the day. The Senior Probation Officer approved the TRO, but the Judge denied it and wanted to use the child for the mother to get treatment, but it put my family and I at risk, abuse still continued with my son. He did this in the past with his current wife. We are still married but had problems in our marriage. Put your moving plans on hold if you can and bear down and fight this battle if you love your child, which I imagine you do. No body would do anything for me. My ex refuses to let us talk and has even kept her from coming on my specified days in court order. My daughter began spending the night at my aging dads house because thats where my older sister lives. And have been there from day one. yes.. my child loves him, he loves her! How do i get that form. Now hes telling me I cant have my vacation time Because it wasnt given to him by may 1st. Now that I filed for custody/visitation in 2007 she refused to let me see or talk to him and when we went to court she refused to do the transportation with the bus. We have a meeting point in the middle of where we both live. Okay I have a question I got a phone call from my sister and my mother today saying that Wednesday night my ex-wife was rushed to the hospital and she is pregnant and they ran some blood tests and the hospital called DHR because she had methamphetamines in her system DHR took my son and my step daughter to her house and handed my son over to his sisters dad now his sisters dad is not his blood dad or biological dad but I am and I live in another state what can I do about DHR not contacting me even knowing Im paying child support. That was 2 years ago. There was never a warrant for her. Thats my suggestion. And if anything can at this point which state holds jurisdiction over enforcing that rule Oregon or North Carolina? I canceled our plane tickets this morning. She has manipulated the court system w/ lies and at the present time my friend is in custody, but on work release, until he catches up on his child support. 2) The mother typically will have an advantage over a father as long as she is found fit and does not screw up by thwarting a court order or creating a crime. What are my rights? Does anyone on this site agree with me that there needs to be a MAJOR overhaul of the laws with respects to visitation. That he is not to leave.the.state. If you are have you told a counselor or teacher or someone about what is going on and has it been witnessed by someone else other than your mom? I hope this helps as I have had to blaze the way with my experience and still fighting on. We meet half way at an agreed upon meeting place. I advised him at first as long as he let let out child do her sports i would agree to the arangement so for a little while he did than he decided to tell me no he doesnt have to let our child do her sports and i still had to go pick her up on the sundays if i didnt he would tell the police im abondoning our child which is deff not true so i still went to pick her up now i just founf out im losing my job I can no longer do it and i advised him of this and yesterday i texted him to remind him i couldnt because hes supposed to take her today of course he went off on me turned everything around and like i said our papers say the noncustodial parent shall return the child to the custodial parent not he picks her up here and i go there I cant afford it anymore and told him that he wont take any responsibility. The officers can assist you in the details on how to go about doing everything to make sure this doesnt happen again but make sure you file for contempt! MOST IMPORTANTLY PRAY!!! If not, you need to concentrate on giving those babies all of the love and affection you can, and not speaking poorly of him or his mother, and not making your babies upset and worried or trying to get them to say bad things about the other parent. My son had been staying up unil 3 in the morning texting, on facebook, on twitter, skype, etc. This cousin has been in jail 2 times for the same charges. I have done everything I can to keep things civil between my ex wife and I, Ive helped her w buying clothes for our daughter when she couldnt afford to buy them..I am doing everything I ca n to stay civil w her but her boyfriend or fiance or whatever he may be to her complicated things Easter Sunday upon meeting me at a local truck stop topick our daughter up! If you dont say interference with custody they will say its a civil matter. In order to establish jurisdiction though both persons (guardians/parents) must be served by law as a motion has been filed at which time a court case is scheduled for hearing and a decision is made. I made sure and advised our child sorta what was going on obviosuly not everything but she knows mommy cant pick her up and daddys is supposed to bring her back and if he doesnt right away dont worry she will be coming home. He pays child support regularly, but she is upset he has, what she calls the other family I dont know who we are suppose to talk to first, do we call cops to file a report and get a case number? http://www.cordellcordell.com/?device=desktop, I am in the process of divorce. As a father myself there are still options you have and need to do as soon as possible to cover the best interests of both yourself and your kids. We had discussed him living with him and I was not comfortable with our kids being there with him living there. So I was granted full sole legal and SOLE physical custody and father gets no visitations until he goes to court and pleads with judge. is it grounds to lose custody..hawaii..kids in maryland. You need to start taking steps to assert your parental rights now, because the longer you wait the harder its going to be. State of PA- 23PA Const. please help. My husband and his ex-wife have Shared Legal custody in the state of Florida. You set a reasonable schedule for him. Hes shown no real interest in parenting. If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass.gov, join our user panel to test new features for the site.