Think about thismany apologists are claiming the disciples and early followers were killed for their belief, and the Bishop of Rome, in either 65 or 95 CE, could only come up with Peter, Paul, Danaids and Dircae. The simple argument of this essay, deliberately framed as a provocative hypothesis, is that this event never happened and that there are compelling reasons to doubt that it should have any place either in the history of Christian martyrdom or in the history of the early Church. Paul says that he went throughout the world preaching that the Gentiles should repent and turn to God, doing works suitable for repentance" (Acts 26:20). I also have a rough draft of what will be the Rebuilding the Foundations book. They were to marry the 50 sons of Danaus' twin brother Aegyptus, a mythical king of Egypt. The absence is doubly striking since it was precisely a fire at Nicomedia (two of them, in fact) that caused Galerius and Diocletian to turn on the Christians in the Great Persecution of 303 C.E. 8:3). Nor does Acts 18:1-3 help the cause, for its reference to Jews expelled from Rome who joined Paul in Corinth does not suggest that they were Christians when they left Rome. In fact, Godfrey is extremely well read and his librarian skills have brought many important academic works to my attention. The other 49 daughters buried the heads of their bridegrooms in Lerna and paid funeral honors to their bodies in front of the city. Claud. If the weight of evidence forces us to conclude that the passage in Tacitus about a whole Christian community suffering at the hands of Nero for setting the fire is entirely spurious, a later invention, the accompanying reference to a man executed by Pontius Pilate cannot be salvaged as authentic to Tacitus. Several minor female characters, mentioned in various accounts unrelated to the main myth of Danaus and the Danades, are also referred to as daughters of Danaus. 6:7-9). Through envy, those women, the Danaids 32 and Dirc, being persecuted . cf. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Callimachus Hymn to Delos, Nonnus Dionysiaca 44.10). The historians qualities of veracity and accuracy, within the tolerable limits of the sources available to him, are not generally open to serious question. This is ingenious but highly speculative, as Slingerland himself concedes. You may copy, but not sell this information. Excavations revealed that the medieval Church, built in the 12th century, actually was built on top of a 4th century Church which was in turn built over a house church going back to the first century. Christians were known by the label Christian. Even in the New Testament, we are told that at the judgment those who patiently to do good will be rewarded in eternal life (Rom. These things, beloved, we write unto you, not merely to admonish you of your duty, but also to remind ourselves. 1) Acts 11:26 gives a historical kernel and is not anachronistic. [26] It can be observed that the names Armoaste and Danaes (Danais), was an addition to complete the list while Scea (Scaea) and Autonomes (Automate) which was obviously borrowed from Apollodorus' accounts were also added. The first part of the article explores the context in which these designations appear. Neros new building code changes after the fire]. There is thus no good evidence, Shaw concludes, that Nero was the first persecutor of the Christians, or that he had Christians rounded up for punishment in connection with the fire of Rome. The result is a few phrases in a single passage testifying to the Neronian persecution of Christians because of the fire of Rome and it is constructed fromanachronisms. ", "I want to say here that this site is so resourceful and highly on top of the most modern scholarship in the areas discussed here. These include: The Daughters of Danaus is also the title of an 1894 novel by Mona Caird, also dealing with imposed marriage although, in this case, it is a single marriage instead of 50, and in 19th-century Great Britain. Belus was believed to be a descendant of Io, a princess of Argos who lived most of her life in Egypt. As a member of a higher social class, he received an excellent education and was trained as a lawyer. When Belus died, he ordered Danaus king of Libya and Aegyptus, king of Arabia. Good job. Let us attend to what is good, pleasing, and acceptable in the sight of Him who formed us. Let us set before our eyes the illustrious apostles. Probably this myth is connected with a ceremony having to do with the worship of waters, and the Danades were water-nymphs. 5 (trans. 24.4: Iudaeos impulsore Chresto assidue tumultuantis Roma [Claudius] expulit. Again, there is no connection with Nero or with the Fire. of an individual, and merge them with the art or ideas that belong to the childhood of a people. Even later Roman historians do not reflect the myth, such as Suetonius and Cassius Dio, and Shaws suggested reasons for this are hardly adequate. 1 Clem. Afterwards, they remarried by choosing their mates in footraces (or their father bestowed them to the victors of the athletic contest[2]). Paul's warning to the Ephesian elders that evil men would rise up and draw men to themselves was a warning every church must heed (Acts. The spring called Dirke (Dirce), running parallel to the Ismenos (Ismenus) and the walls themselves, which had always previously had clear and pure water, was suddenly and unexpectedly filled with blood. 232-241). In Greek mythology, the Danades (/dne.diz/; Greek: ), also Danaides or Danaids, were the fifty daughters of Danaus. The infants were exposed, but a neatherd found and reared them, and he called the one Zethos (Zethus) and the other Amphion . He lamented the lack of any known precedents for how this group ought to be treated. Hence the work was almost unknown throughout the Middle Ages, and no one was aware of the reference in it to a Roman persecution of the Christians. On the way she gave birth to two sons at Eleutherai (Eleutherae) in Boiotia (Boeotia). Greeka? happen to be some of the most astute and well-read amateurs you can read on the internet on the subject of biblical historicity. It is, however, very doubtful, in view of the silence of the other Christian authors who used Tacitus, if the manuscript of Tacitus which Sulpicius used contained the passage in question. The first part of the article explores the context in which these designations appear. to remind ourselves.". Through envy, those women, the Danaids and Dircae, being persecuted, after they had suffered terrible and unspeakable torments, finished the course of their faith with stedfastness, and though weak in body, received a noble reward. Signup* for a weekly dose of spiritual inspiration from Dr. Italy and receive as a special bonus a download that will make this Lenten season your most meaningful yet, and guide you to a new and deeper intimacy with Christ. 57 (trans. Ill try to offer something more substantial than 'Thank you' in response at some point, but I didnt want to wait . Perhaps I might write thatlater. The Death of Peter and Paul. There now began a more destructive and savage fire than Rome had ever experienced At the time a rumour had been running about that while the city was burning Nero had mounted his household stage and, in likening the present evils to disasters experienced in distant antiquity, he had sung about the destruction of Troy Of Romes fourteen districts only four remained untouched. 25. Danaus built a ship with fifty oars and fled to Greece with his fifty daughters. hero concept in European and Jewish mythology, and his (apocalyptic?) DIRKE (Dirce) was the Naiad-nymph of the spring of Dirke near Thebes in Boiotia (central Greece). The Neronian persecution first appears full-blown in Sulpicius Severus, a Christian historian writing around 400 CE. Scholars Press. suffered cruel and unholy insults as Danaids and Dircae, safely reached the goal in the race of faith, and received a noble reward, feeble though they were in body. What seems to make the idea so compelling and impossible to dismiss is that it is based on a high quality historical source of apparently unimpeachable fidelity, the Annales of the historian Tacitus. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This second group were singled out because others believed they had a general hatred for humankind. Three were burned to the ground. Abstract of a recently published article by Princeton University Professor of Classics, Brent D. Shaw: Brent D. Shaw (2015). This oversight has been corrected. Christians and Jews by the Fourth Century. They were the first executions of Christians performed at the behest of the Roman state. Irving, TX 75062 Further, Tacituss friend Pliny also described Christians in the same terms (the same words), seeing them as a plague spreading throughout the countryside of his province. It was a crime that both people and gods would punish. Your email address will not be published. One of the plainest examples is the Acts of Peter (probably from the 180s) which tells of Neros persecution of Peter in Rome, but states that he was forced to keep his hands off Peters Christian followers due to a threatening vision from heaven. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Modern historians have tended to defend Tacitus reliability in general, superior to so many others in his ancient field, and Prof. Shaws desire to lean toward that direction produces the one notable flaw in his case. The DANAIDS are the 50 daughters of Danaus 1who married the sons of Aegyptus 1, and murdered their husbands (except one) on their wedding night. So much for the late legend of Peter being crucified, let alone crucified upside down. I will gloss over the details of Shawsarguments for the above and move on to the account by the Roman historian Tacitus of Neros persecution of the Christians in the wake of the Great Fire ofRome in 64 C.E. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience and to analyze site traffic. Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science. ", "Fantastic. But the following passage speaks of Paul: Let us set before our eyes the illustrious apostles. Greeka team and its community members will be delighted to help you! Magda Szab's 1964 novel, A Danaida (The Danaid), is about a woman who lives selfishly for two-thirds of her life without realizing that even she can change the course of history. Both these chapters make it clear that God wants everyone to partake of repentance, but in this sentence, Clement only includes God's beloved. And then the women who had husbands celebrated ritual banquets and nightly vigils. (Later still Jewish mythology concocted scenarios where Nero converted to Judaism and kept divine vengeance at bay.) Tacitus and Suetonius speak elsewhere of the Jews as representinga pernicious religion, of expulsions of Jews from Rome, of corrupt practices coming from the east, including Judea. Deliberately to overlook and to ignore such a parallel with an earlier known tyrant whom Lactantius himself accepts persecuted Christians, and thereby to miss the opportunity to tie together the first and the last of the persecutors, is almost inexplicable unless he was unaware of the connection or had discounted it for some reason. The absence is doubly striking since it was precisely a fire at Nicomedia (two of them, in fact) that caused Galerius and Diocletian to turn on the Christians in the Great Persecution of 303 C.E. It is used in the Roman Office of Readings for the liturgical memorial of the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome on June 30. The forty-nine brides who killed their husband were punished for their crime. Recall Plinys second century letter to the emperor Trajan confessing that he had little idea on how to judge the Christians who were being brought before him. The DANAIDS are the 50 daughters of Danaus 1 who married the sons of Aegyptus 1, and murdered their husbands (except one) on their wedding night. The entirety of his focus in condemning Nero concentrates on the preaching of Peter and Paul at Rome and the effects of their ideas in the city. "Neil, for what it is worth it is obvious to me that if you had earlier in life tracked into a graduate program at one of the worlds leading research universities you would be one of the worlds formidable ones. Lynceus killed Danaus as revenge for the death of his brothers and he and Hypermnestra started the Danaid Dynasty of rulers in Argos. You are doing essentially the same quality now (apart from the philology and languages) except mostly sticking to commenting on others work as informed comment/discussion. Then, Danaus and his daughters reached Argos, the birthplace of his great-grand-mother, the Argian princess Io. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. In other versions of the myth, Danaus himself united Hypermnestra and Lynceus instead.[2]. 5. Slingerland, Howard Dixon (1997). The names of the Danades was complete but with new entries and some alteration in the spellings. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : who had already confessed) a very large number were convicted, less on the charge of having set the fire than because of their hatred of humankind. Instead, the apostles and the early fathers understood that Jesus came to really take away sin. Finally a clever forger (Poggio?) And this evidence, focusing its special emphasis on the Christians and the execution of their leader under Pontius Pilatus in the reign of Tiberius, appears to have come to his attention after he wrote the Histories. "These things, beloved, we write unto you, not merely to admonish you of your duty, but also ", "For an excellent example of generally high-quality scholarship by someone who isnt a biblical studies professor, see Neil Godfreys work posted on the website Wilsons TLS (11 December) review of J.D. He is expressing the knowledge and judgments of his own time. This cannot be true because of the many warnings of judgment for Christians (e.g., Gal. Clement cites examples drawn both from the Bible and from his own time to illustrate the danger of desintegration facing Corinths Christian community. The gaps are striking lacunae in the knowledge of a senator from Italy, frequently resident in or near the imperial capital, who was well informed on these matters, if in fact Christians had been found guilty of a monstrous crime against the Roman state in the mid-60s. Abstract The purpose of the current article is to address a question to which scholars devoted considerable thought: the identity of the Christian women whom Clement of Rome called Danads and Dircae in his First Epistle to the Corinthians. At first (only) those persons who confessed were arrested, but then because they were pointed out (denounced) by those (i.e. To get rid of the rumour, Nero found and provided the defendants, and he afflicted with the most refined punishments those persons whom, hated for their shameful acts, Christians were afflicted with punishments, a type of men of a new and evil, What seems to have happened under Claudius and then again under Nero is the temporary banishment of some Jewish sectarians from the city of Rome, but not, in any event, persons who would logically have been labelled at the time as a new and evil, At the time, and indeed up to the decades after 100 C.E., among Roman writers, including Tacitus, it was the Jews rather than the Christians whose beliefs and practices were being labelled a. "Antiopa, daughter of Nycteus . The connections were such that Tacitus had at his disposal, in either written or oral sources, what he believed to be credible and compelling grounds to accept the stories that linked the Christians, Nero, and the fire at Rome as elements of a true narrative.