She spoke highly of Jim and Dwight's storyline, writing that "I wish their final ruse had been a bit more original, but it served the purpose of getting rid of Packer". Dwight gives Michael a huge hug. The episode is going to start with Todd Packer being back in Scranton. Angela [00:17:50] And when I watched it, it had this moment where I was like, Wait, Todd Packer. I take my backpack everywhere. I don't know if it was Amelie's idea or if this was part of the outline that the writers came up with. Angela [00:30:32] Holly has sort of tucked it under her arm, right? Red ants from California. Angela [00:28:35] He's cracking up. Jenna [00:06:59] Kate Flannery was on the stage with him. Angela [00:46:17] No, I don't know it. And I just want to point out they're calling from a phone in the annex. [7] Jim mentions Justin Bieber, and Dwight says "Who is Justice Beaver?" describe whats going on in the political cartoon answers. Packer-Angela- ah! Have a great week, you guys. If you think about it, Todd Packer is like you're invited to someone's very nice house, they've drawn you a nice bath, and you get in that bathtub and you splash out all the water, you dirty all their towels and walk out naked where they're having a children's party in the house. Jenna [00:46:05] Eat a frog, eat a dog, eat a brog. Well, I wish you wouldn't. Jenna [00:29:29] If you can believe it, it has since been surpassed by other videos. This is the scene that would have been set up by that Michael Holly scene earlier where Michael's going to talk to Todd. Angela [00:41:57] I'm pretty sure. Nicole is a Senior Editor at Mashable. Angela [00:26:26] Well, Pam is going to put her foot down. By - November 29, 2020. Jenna [00:07:09] We shot for a couple days with him in the first season, and it just was not clicking. Examples of those this season would be Threat Level Midnight, Andy's Play and The Search. The name of this is called bottle show. I just thought we should hear it. I never ask anything of you. Angela [00:33:48] Okay. Meanwhile, Andy begs Pam for a new computer after she treats Erin to a new machine, and Dwight and Jim work together to prank Packer. Kind of a jerk. Jenna [00:57:15] That's what I'm saying. If you just listen to the cold open, it'll make you gag. Jenna [00:40:29] There are two boxes of tasty cakes on top of the fridge in this scene, and this is one of the ones that was featured. You are skinny and a genius. Jenna [00:22:50] None of her old stuff is there. Angela [00:47:12] This book sounds adorable. Who got clemency? In addition to the metabolic features of obesity, there are also physical impacts such as intermittent hypoxia during sleep when increased fat and soft tissue in the throat obstructs the airway when the patient is recumbent. Angela [00:12:01] You daydream about your bunker. They are an East Coast thing and are near impossible to find outside of the region. So its time to enjoy this episode and ask ourselves, Who is Justice Beaver? Jenna [00:18:36] I didn't get that one. Grease 2 cast [00:58:58] Let's bowl, let's bowl, lets rock n roll. Oh, listen. Well, there's a reason, a million reasons why not. And it's a shipping lane for passengers, freight and military vessels. He liked Pam and Andy and all of that. I- ever since I saw that movie in my youth, I wanted one. I lived in Pennsylvania for a few years as a kid, and these were my favorite snacks. Angela [00:19:46] It's too much. We got it in the UK when we lived in London. Jenna [00:09:13] All of it. Did pam sleep with packer? Pam-pam and her . And they recast him with Dave Koechner. Michael, in this scene, finally starts to see Todd Packer through Holly's eyes. Jenna [00:45:08] Yeah. Angela [00:19:17] That is such a good catch. Erin gave it to him, and Pam is not happy. Angela [00:16:27] He's so happy. "Todd Packer" was viewed by 6.121 million viewers and received a 3.2 rating among adults between the age of 18 and 49, making it the season's lowest-rated episode. They met in Season 2 and slept together in Season 3. He has signed them up for three five-minute mods in the conference room on the sign up board that he created. Jenna [00:26:34] Yeah. But she holds firm and kind of says, I cannot replace your computer unless it breaks all the way. "It all came down to the word 'boner,'" she said. [2] She was a writer for The A.V. Going from temporary paper salesman to a manager of multiple locations, Howard's fall from grace involved him defrauding the company. Club. In the shooting draft it started with this: Packer and Michael are drinking at the bar. Gabe is being written more and more ridiculous as these episodes go. un petit fait divers amusant au maroc; did pam sleep with todd packer. He's been planning for years. Angela [00:19:56] Cassi are you smiling? Jenna [00:07:18] And now he's got a whole episode. Michael finds Jim and Dwight making this phone call. Here are the ones I can think of: Did Merideth and Todd Packer sleep together? Angela [00:54:43] No, no. All Rights Reserved. Where is pam beesly from? Hello. Jenna [00:58:47] That's right. In addition to "Diversity Day" and "Scott's Tots," of course, the second episode of Season 2, which is literally titled, "Sexual Harassment," is one of the most uncomfortable episodes of the series. Then provides that she is Angela [00:28:27] And he goes, Charlie. Angela [00:37:25] And some of them are perfectly nice. That's delightful. Angela [00:33:30] She can't take it anymore. Here's what it says: In case you haven't heard, big ups are due to the lovely and talented Ms. Amelie Gillette, who will be joining the writing staff of The Office. Jenna [00:46:18] Oh, my gosh. The scene opens with Todd trying to charm Holly about his love of music and who his favorite musician is. January 17, 2023, This week were breaking down Todd Packer. Dunder Mifflin employees are upset when traveling salesman Todd Packer gets a permanent job at the office. This guy! I remember the crazy legs part. Jenna [00:41:45] Philip's father had been in the bakery business, so he had a little bakery knowledge, but he teamed up with an egg salesman. You know, in her final talking head, Pam says she's full on corrupt. Fischer went on to say that the episode was so concerning that it originally aired with a warning about adult content and subject matter. So I get back to town. Angela [00:29:20] Oh my gosh. Angela Martin [00:49:55] No don't! Resides in Hawkins, TX. Angela [00:45:32] Right, Right. They were on episode three of the first season. But when we turned in our rough cut of this episode to the network, we got a very strongly worded note from advertising and sales. Office Ladies Website Submit a fan question: He currently resides on Long Island with his 2 girls, where he's been practicing . It's the hook up hub of the whole peninsula. Jenna [00:17:45] I'm speechless over that. Erin and her "foster brother?" And it's this really honest moment, right? I guess they hold lots of races there. What makes you guys cringe? You have to hear it. It goes from me to you. So I didn't get it, obviously. All the big film releases from the streaming service this year. Here Are the 2023 Golden Globes Winners (Updating) Among a sea of superstars in film and television, some of music's biggest names are nominated at Tuesday night's (Jan. 10) 2023 Golden Globe Awards. This marked the lowest number of viewers for the series since the second season episode "Boys and Girls", which was viewed by 5.42 million viewers, as well as the lowest Nielsen rating for the series since the first season. Angela [00:54:20] But it said, Holly says, You ahh, with emotion. Angela [00:54:27] I know. Gorillas sit on pillars. Jenna [00:25:46] It's so true. Jenna [00:43:57] Well, Andy really lays into Pam in the conference room for humiliating him in front of everybody, and she sort of quickly says, Oh, wow. I googled mods. But it's going to need the approval of Holly. Michael and Packer have coffee in the lobby, where Packer says he wants to be a better person. Novak's TV Guide blog! He did originally audition for the role of Michael Scott. The thing is like burned into the back of the monitor, you know what I'm saying? Jenna [00:13:14] I mean, that would really be (BLEEP). Merideth slept with a vendor to get discounts (including steak house). Maybe. Angela [00:22:46] But also, what happened to Fluffy? Angela [00:51:30] Oh, yeah. It had turned. But then it'll say, like gorillas sit on pillars. .Pam and Packer heavily implied. Follow Us on Instagram:OfficeLadiesPod Angela [00:37:23] I know! I love it. Packer is going to be here until the day he dies, just like the rest of us. Todd Finch Packer is a recurring antagonist from the American version of The Office. What is that? Angela [00:24:17] Yeah. Angela [00:41:22] Mm hmm. Jenna [00:59:15] Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. So Miles McNutt did write a review of Todd Packer. Also, Andy Bernard ( Ed Helms) has everyone stay late to cover for their co-workers in Florida. Is this a college term? Here are some tips and tricks to help you out. Jenna [00:12:14] What? Dwight enters. He also said that he likes to believe that the writers intentionally made this joke and that they knew it would go way above the heads of 99% of the audience. Angela [00:45:52] Yeah. Jenna [00:45:29] It's sort of like a union for musicians. So I just wanted to say that I love the attention to detail. He was 97 years old. So I do admire Dwight for keeping his eye on the expiration dates. Angela [00:41:13] Hmm. Obviously the people listed above has kissed, but here are a few others I can think of. Maybe get yourself some Tastykakes. " Todd Packer " is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 144th episode overall. It's really funny. Four dongs up. major league field coordinator salary. And I thought, well, I'll never get the answer to that. Sam [00:42:56] It feels good to bite into. Jenna [00:11:27] Right? Jenna [00:24:28] So you. Angela [00:33:05] I know. Jenna [00:28:20] The other one's maybe three and a half. Jenna [00:37:23] Who says all these things. It's working! Angela [00:22:06] Pam is so tickled. Angela [00:23:49] Yeah. Jenna [00:37:22] Yeah. That was my thought process! Angela [00:56:51] Five. And here's one of your bottle shows. Angela [00:37:22] Lois. Angela [00:25:16] He calls his daughter a bitch. Michael Scott [00:49:55] I was going to say dogs! He was portrayed by David Koechner. This scene would have continued with Michael and Holly in the annex at Holly's desk. This is clearly Todd doesn't care. Angela [00:15:59] He's doing a shimmy because he's laughing so hard. Uh, where to begin. I loved that. Angela [00:12:11] I don't even know if I've ever seen Grease 2. And that is how they got their name. Jenna [00:53:28] So in Michael's office, Todd and Michael are having a little heart to heart. Todd Packer is the extremely boorish, alcoholic, and sexually promiscuous Outside Sales Representative of Dunder Mifflin, whose obscene, . Regarding multiple discoveries of improperly stored classified documents from Joe Biden's time as vice president, President Biden's lawyers assert that they "quickly turned all the classified documents over to authorities and have cooperated fully with the appropriate government agencies." As has already been noted, that level of cooperation distinguishes the . So they went on and they started shooting the fourth episode, thinking, We'll go back to this. He doesn't like Todd Packer. Jenna [00:12:20] The bowling alley dance? Charlie keeps giggling. Todd Packer - the incredibly inappropriate traveling salesman . Jenna [00:15:39] So many times. He's a father of five. Our sound engineer is Sam Kieffer. Angela [00:14:48] Yeah. Angela [00:56:33] He's going to call bull (BLEEP) on that. Angela [00:59:10] Well public service announcement: don't laxative someone. You'll also notice he's not anymore. Even I would have nodded. I feel like, though, this was something Andy used when he was the R.A.. Well, when Erin arrives, she is very excited to see a brand new computer on her desk. Angela [00:41:28] Go Tastykakes. And we got a fan question about it from Gwen in North Carolina, who said, The last thing I expected from a scene involving Dwight, Kevin and Todd Packer was a heartfelt moment. So they did sleep together. So then I went on to work on something else. At 3 minutes, 22 seconds, I wrote down "double sneer". I guess that's the problem when you take what was originally a two-minute scene and stretch it out over the course of a half-hour episode. Even though Kevin's like, No, no, no, I don't need this. Angela [00:00:45] Yeah, it is. Let's hear it. Angela [00:21:33] There was more to the scene. Dave is such a sweet, sweet, sweetheart. Angela [00:37:37] Well, the scene continues after this Lois moment, and Holly tells Michael the truth: what everyone thinks of Todd Packer. Well, in the shooting draft, the scene would have ended with one more beat. I have been the person holding the leash in this exact situation so many times, and I thought the writing and execution was delightful on all sides. Jenna [00:56:52] Yeah. Angela [00:28:51] In case you needed to know what our accents were. Jenna [00:24:57] Who made these decisions before she was office administrator? B-minus. Blech. Transcripts The Office Merry Christmas! I'm positive I am. Todd: Actually, they have a specific way I need to do this. Jenna [00:40:39] It is a cake with chocolate flavored coating and a peanut butter filling. So you have to say gorillas sit on pillas, because then it rhymes. And then he's like, You know what? The HomePod 2 is available for pre-order, too. 'Todd Packer' is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office , and the show's 144th episode overall. Angela [00:02:01] This is going to be sleepy Todd Packer. Holly Flax (Amy Ryan) gives him a job as a salesman, forcing Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) to leave his desk and move to the annex. But they ignored all of those and hired me anyway. Meanwhile, after dealing with computer problems, Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) confronts Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) about getting a new computer. Jenna [00:11:19] And all we had left was some expired pasta sauce. Like, I can't think of anything else. People are a little indifferent toward him. Angela [00:07:41] I love it. Sam [00:43:04] And it made me very happy. And John, whose shoulders- it's just his shoulders, it's Creed's face over John's shoulder, but you can see John's shoulders. For ad free versions of Office Ladies, go to Stitcher Premium dot com. Angela [00:27:59] Because we're old? Sam, what year do you think this was? Jenna [00:01:33] Is it too warm? Who else in the office has slept together? Meanwhile, Pam uses her power as Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer. Angela [00:28:19] Yeah. What can I do? Everybody in the office wants him gone. Herbert's wife, Willavine, tried one and said, quote, What a tasty cake. Do you think I should call Marcus? Jenna [00:49:09] Yeah. And his company, the Uncle Milton Industries, was sold to Transom Capital Group for more than $20 million. Jenna [00:29:20] Yes, it was. Well, guess what, guys? Jim, Pam, Kelly, Ryan, and Meredith ask Holly why she hired Tom Packer, to which she says that he seemed nice to her. I have to think this is from Andy's R.A. days. Angela [00:01:15] Before we jump into fast facts, I just have to share something with everyone. S2E14, Michael Scott: "Once as a joke, Packer bangedbevery chick in the office.". Jenna [00:51:07] I guess Jim and Dwight have settled on their prank and also on how they're going to get Todd Packer out of here. Well, you're just sitting down. Dwight [00:15:34] Your skull will be a soup bowl. Jenna [00:01:48] Should we turn it down? Pam quackenbush Pam mcclean? Darryl remembers five. Angela [00:55:47] Dwight kisses his desk. Angela [00:51:45] Yeah, he says that, You know what? Jenna [00:34:00] I first saw the deleted scene about Holly's friend Lois in 2015. Angela [00:20:52] Hmm. It was 2007. Today's top deals: The Sony HT-A3000 soundbar, Calm subscriptions, the Roborock S7, and more, Wordle today: Here's the answer, hints for January 18, Miley Cyrus's 'Flowers' video contains juicy Easter eggs, The biscuits in 'The Last of Us' are more important than you think, Don't be fooled: Crypto is going up because of market manipulation. Angela [00:10:17] With the most disgusting sounds. Fox. And I guess this horse and buggy was very popular on the streets of Philadelphia. I loved your speech, though, where you're like, I'm sorry, but I don't buy in to the crap where every year there's a new upgrade and you got to pay for it and you got to change your toggle. Jenna [00:25:17] I know. Angela [00:30:12] So they would have made so much money. Jenna [00:28:32] And Charlie thinks it's hilarious. When it all goes down, I'm going to be like, You know what? But then they have to kind of scuff up the new one so that she can convince everyone that she found it on a shelf in the warehouse somewhere. The disgruntled former employee returned ostensibly to apologize as part of a 12-step process. Apparently, as soon as corporate found out I wanted to come in off the road, Jo offered me a cushy new job in Tallahassee, which got a four dongs up rating on the hit that dot com. 1. jersey city municipal court pay ticket. Angela [00:57:27] I think she did a lot of Michael's job and so she knew how to manipulate the system. Jenna [00:19:32] We're looking at you. Angela [00:30:39] Yeah. This scene is always so AWKWARD. I thought that was kind of interesting. Angela [00:19:51] Flow. This video quickly became the most viewed YouTube video of all time with 897 million views. Angela [00:30:25] Yeah. Angela [00:49:04] No one buys this. Angela [00:45:53] I know. Jenna [00:53:35] But you know what? One of the reasons why I kept breaking when we shot this is because in the shooting draft, it was written like this: right after the line where Michael says, And, you know, Andy, Todd never lived up to his parents' expectations, there was a beat where Michael scanned the room. For a free one month trial of Stitcher Premium, use code: office. Kevin: Mmmmilf. Some filler material is inevitable. Anyway, let's get into some fast facts. Grease 2 cast [00:58:52] Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock n roll. Pam mccabe Pamela's near me? Dwight [00:15:02] Your skull will be ha ha ha. However, he enjoyed the later part of Pam and Andy's storyline, as well as Jim and Dwight teaming up to beat Packer. Angela [00:58:27] Oh, my goodness. And we all know and can aknowledge that it's Packer's tactic to act exactly like that. Share on Facebook (opens in a new window), Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window). Because when we come back, I want to share with you guys that the scene would have continued and we learn a little bit about Holly's friend, Lois. "It's true, everyone. Pam gleefully tells the interviewers that she is now "full-on corrupt". Strong and relatable characters? (LAUGHTER) I'm sorry. Jenna [00:17:48] That was really brilliant writing. Angela [00:13:17] Just saying. I don't even know. Jenna [00:56:46] And you know what? And when Amelie joined The Office, The A.V. Michael's like, ughhh. Oh, my gosh. Dwight says, My desk! Of course. Like, I would have loved an episode called Angela Martin. Jim makes a plea to Michael. Jenna [00:12:57] I'm coming out to see what it is. It cost about $23. Angela [00:53:45] And he stops himself. Jenna [00:19:47] Cassi's our wild card. Jenna [00:10:37] Mmhmm. I looked. They are the least expensive episodes to produce in a season. After Erin gives Pam a big hug, they would have gone over to her new computer and Erin would have said the following: Oh my God, I can have two boxes open at one time. Lois is a- No. Well, listen, in this scene at 12 minutes and 34 seconds, we had a fan question from Hannah C in Indiana. Jenna [00:29:09] Ange, what do you think it was? todd finch packer, referred to by his surname packer, is a fictional character on nbc's television series the office.packer is portrayed by david koechner and is based upon the character chris finch from the original british version of the series.the exception to this is in the pilot episode, where todd packer (voice only) is portrayed by toby I want to deliver the line like that, though. Jenna [00:38:11] Ohhh. Dave was that a fan expo in Boston and he spoke about auditioning for Michael Scott and also about the fact that he was not even the original Todd Packer. It originally aired on NBC on February 24, 2011. Angela [00:00:12] Each week, we will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scenes stories that only two people who were there can tell you. He sings about the importance of hometowns. He basically liked the episode. He's 18. Here, drink it. No. Sam [00:29:12] Is it 2007? Jenna [00:15:49] And we did finally get through one. I told you not to let yourself believe it could happen. Do you think people don't know what Charlie bit my finger is? Jenna [00:10:54] You know, I hoarded a bunch of food down in my basement. That conversation motivates Michael to have a one on one conversation with Packer. Absolutely. Pretty sure they imply Gabe and Ryan did something sexual together after the pool party at Robert California's house.. 2600:1700:BCB0:5A30:6C6B:653:A0:83DB wrote: Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. And I thought, I'm just going to go to the basement, see what we got. Angela [00:29:29] Whoa! Best part, he's a huge alligator nerd. Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart. Jenna [00:11:24] But I was like. Todd Packer [00:17:19] I just want to add one last thing. Meredith responds with: "That's how he gets you to take off your pants." Angela [00:30:03] I think that's great because I sort of remember that it went viral before people knew that you could monetize a YouTube video. Here's one I thought I would share. Michael, you look great. Angela [00:27:10] Okay. Jenna [00:45:33] But he said that because we never hear the musicians play any instruments, he was able to just hire standard background performers, provided we did not ask them to play or even pretend to play the instruments. "Todd Packer" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 144th episode overall. Angela [00:28:41] Yeah. But during this episode, I did think some people might not know what Charlie bit my finger is. Jenna [00:28:46] So they're two little boys in the U.K. Their dad uploaded the video because they just want-. Todd Packer/Pam Beesly. Sam [00:29:05] I feel like I want to say a couple of years ago, but in reality, 15 years ago. Jenna [00:37:32] Exactly. Angela [00:38:47] Well, public service announcement: don't laxative someone. Jenna [00:27:13] Charlie Bit my finger. I felt like he was Was Michael in the wrong for dating Pam's mom? why did kamikaze pilots have samurai swords. You're right. On the Against All Odds with Cousin Sal podcast, he makes up 90% of the brains and 20% of the weight of the "Degenerate Trifecta.". You can laugh at me. Angela [00:04:44] Okay. Who handled all this? Though viewers witness a phone call between Michael and Todd Packer in Season 1, "Sexual Harassment" marks the first time we see the character on-screen. On the latest episode of the Office Ladies podcast, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey revisited the episode through a 2019 lens, and boy did it age poorly. Packer never lived up to his parents' expectations, Andy. No! Angela [00:44:21] Andy says, Pretty sneaky, sis. Oh, yeah. I love that shirt. My one, non-Packer based complaint? "He said, 'Oh Angela, Michael is just so innocent and naive, he's almost childlike. Following the episode's air date, the term "Justice Beaver" became a popular trend on Twitter, and led to a website in honor of the quote. Less distractions, more walking space, A little stage for you to perform in. [7], In its original American broadcast, "Todd Packer" was viewed by an estimated 6.121 million viewers and received a 3.2 rating/9% share. I guess Gabe fell in the shower. Ever since I started working in an office myself, it has bothered me that Pam bought an iMac for Erin when the rest of the office has PCs. Who else can I connect Todd Packer to? This is his moment. Office Ladies #152 Twitter. This is Todd Packer. In addition to continue pushing for a new computer, Andy confronts Pam about "humiliating" him in front of the office. Even with the warning, however, one station in Kentucky still refused to air "Sexual Harassment," and clips from the episode were later used in NBC's own HR training videos to highlight how not to behave in the workplace. Jenna [00:20:53] I mean, we'd already shot the episode. If you guys out there know more about it, let me know. So in the episode that aired, Erin grabs the ant farm, right? "[7] Packer calls Kevin, Holly, and Dwight, the "three muske-queers", a homophobic slur referencing the 1844 novel The Three Musketeers. The cut scenes include a sequence of Erin being excited after receiving her new computer, Michael expressing his desire for Holly and Packer to become friends, Packer telling Holly that Scranton is his hometown, Kevin hinting that he would like some of Dwight's leftover pizza, Andy telling Pam about his high school "backseat" adventures, Michael and Holly arguing about Packer, and Jim trying to not let Dwight move back into his old desk. Teaches emotional awareness? Dwight angrily throws out Holly's miniature zen gardens and remarks, "What do you grow in this, bullcrap? We have a scene down at Caffeine Corner. Well, Nerissa, this scene had so many candy bag alts. And I found it very calming. Angela [00:24:31] It's just a really picturesque area. Jenna [00:29:16] Sam. Truth is, I got a couple of love bumps on my dingdong, so game over. Michael and Carol had a short-lived relationship. Jenna [00:04:47] Oh, yes. Angela [00:36:02] They all start with Michael's talking head, where he says, Lois is disgusting. Pam quickly sees that he is just insulting his former co-workers "in the form . David Koechner [00:05:24] I had auditioned for The Office, but they were using the same pilot episode from the British Office and just changed some American references. Angela [00:53:34] He's so excited. I mean. It's from Nerissa C from Cedar City, Utah, who said, This is probably a question for Angela since she is the queen of the deleted scenes. Well, he's working, and he has a job to do. I thought I was meeting Holly, not Jennifer Aniston. Sam [00:58:32] And I have something for you guys as we go. But to last 35 years is unheard of. Best Match Powered by Whitepages Premium AGE 60s Pam Marie Packer Jackson, LA (Northwest Baton Rouge) Aliases Pamela Marie Packer View Full Report Addresses Bickham Rd, Jackson, LA Ryan says, Hey, cats, we have a jam session in mod six, nine and 12. Only Michael Scott (Steve Carell), Packer's longtime friend, is not offended by Todd. Angela [00:16:17] It's because to quote Todd Packer, All right. (LAUGHTER) What's going on? The Office Sexual Harassment extras Read more about Sexual Harassment in B.J. What'd you two do last night? Jenna [00:49:17] Mm. Angela [00:39:00] Well, there's my favorite favorite couplet of dialogue. The Steve Carell Farewell Tour is . What did Todd Packer put in the cupcakes? Angela [00:51:15] Yeah, they're going to pretend to be calling from Sabre. For the character from the show, see, 18th episode of the 7th season of The Office, "Current Twitter trends: Swag Fail, Bosh Spice Gadgets & Tech, Life & Style", "Thursday Final Ratings: 'Grey's Anatomy' Adjusted Up; 'The Office,' 'Outsourced,' and 'Private Practice' Down", "Infographic: The Lifespan of The Office", "TV Ratings Broadcast Top 25: Oscars, 'American Idol,' 'NCIS,' 'Glee,' 'Modern Family' Top Week 23 Viewing", "Review: 'The Office' 'Todd Packer': Riding a Desk",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Television episode articles with short description for single episodes, Television episode articles with short description and disambiguated page names, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 August 2022, at 23:55. Angela [00:22:49] I know. Jenna [00:33:04] It's true. Did pam sleep with michael? Angela [00:04:07] Why the B-minus?