Lizzie equips the pukwudgie with an enchanted collar. The human brain doesn't heal so easily. Physical appearance She needs to get better, because they have a way of staying with her. Lizzie denies this, nearly slipping that it was actually because of all the monsters plaguing the school. Ethan gasps awake. It feeds off of disrespect. She explains that she had a half-brother, Ben, who was treated worse than she was. Rejoining the party, Hope stands in front of Alaric and the students, including her, MG, Finch, and Jed preparing a speech. Andi weighs her options and decides to sacrifice herself as she's dead regardless of what she does and that she'll know peace as the three of them will have to deal with what her death will raise. When she's not working, you can find her on Twitter chirping about movies & TV, books, politics, ADHD, history, and sharing pictures of her cats @alishagrauso. All these memories, the school, his whole life after this day became about one thingprotecting the both of them and making sure they remain protected, even after he was gone. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. Is Lizzie Saltzman a doppelganger? Most of all, they are friends and she is a part of her messed up family. In the end, she asked the question. Lizzie apologizes to Hope for the ordeal, citing that she did not know the origin of the dress. With Malivore distracted, MG and Hope perform their own head dive to search his subconscious for Cleo. Hope reminds her about no extra complications, and this is just that. In This is What It Takes, Lizzie struggles with the idea of Josie leaving her to transfer to Mystic Falls High. That gave Legacies fans the unsettling jolt that Lizzie hadn't consented to the sex she and Sebastian had all over. Although she can use some inspiration for the how part. The circumstances that. Startled, she drops the vial, breaking it on the floor. Hope explains that she's not talking to Tristan and turns her around to show her Lizzie who apologizes. As Hope and Lizzie continue to argue, Professor Vardemus reminds them that they cannot let an immensely powerful artifact that may have ties to the gods loose into the world. Lizzie bites into her wrist and feeds him some of her blood, completely healing him. Also, both twins are descended from a dark history involving their magical lineage, which is partly due to their siphoner-heritage. In Alaric's office, he believes he's averted the crisis. Unfortunately for her, it was Hope's blood, meaning she's sire bound to Hope. Tensions arise between Lizzie and MG when Lizzie tries to tell MG how she feels about him. Josie Saltzman (1st time)Hope Mikaelson (2nd time) It can't wait. She's not alone and the five of them face off against Ken. He admits that he underestimated her and she's more like him than he realized. Cracks of thunder ring out as Ken, though badly wounded, emerges from the smoke. They have to keep the ascendant out of Hope's hands long enough for the celestial event to pass. With this, she knocks Hope out with a log and goes to see the Keeper. Josie believes she's already been rescued and intends to do the same to Lizzie. Lizzie trades in facts and not tall tales. They are children and cannot kill a god. In A New Hope, Lizzie continues to suffer from the effects of Triad's psychotropic drug that Andi threw on her, Josie, and Hope. After he was enthralled by Malivore in We All Knew This Day Was Coming, he was uniquely transformed into a part-dragon, vampire hybrid . Even in his weakened state, she won't be able to kill him. It's the creature. Kaleb overhears this and sees it as an opportunity to get MG and Lizzie together. Grabbing his throat, he thanks Lizzie, but assumes there's a reason for her saving his life. It looks bad, but he encourages Lizzie to go. She needs to learn a lesson before she takes a big leap, and Jade was a huge lesson to her. However, she's there to help her win her heart. Pre-Teen Lizzie 1 episode, 2020 Olivia Devlin . He points out that she didn't and understands because she was grieving. They worked together in a mutually beneficial relationship, as Lizzie asked Hope not to take away the sire bond after their goals were completed. There's no reason to think of any other outcome. Josie finally accepts there could be another outcome. She's a monster with not an ounce of humanity. She's scared him, but notes that the school is still standing, so that's something. Unfortunately for Lizzie, she is interrupted by Josie's news that she wishes to transfer to Mystic Falls High School and live her life as a human for a while. In Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right, the school continues to suffer from the mass student exodus. Dorian is out of the country visiting Emma and their mom is in the Congo. Lizzie and Hope remain unharmed from Aurora's escape. Will Hope finally become a vampire in 'Legacies' Season 4? In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Kai breaks free from the Armory's holding cell and hunts his nieces. There's always a loophole. Lizzie explains that she is finding it difficult to accept the decision, but will support Josie and love her nonetheless. In This Feels A Little Cult-y, a week or so later, Josie and Hope arrive at the wellness retreat. However, she and Josie were the first to be born via C-section. He realizes that she is a witch, and again warns her to stay away as he is dangerous, however she seems infatuated with him. Ben grabs up Alaric and the two stumble out of the meadow as Lizzie struggles to hold on to Ken who's resisting her. 2. MG arrives late, but considering his actions, Hope neglected to inform him of the meeting. Despite what Hope said, she returns to the cells and admits that she was right. The spell, however, would require a human sacrifice. Lizzie still believes that Josie could win her back but she is content with letting Finch be happy. Lizzie explains that she's tired of fighting and she's leaving to go visit her sister. She even supported Josie in her magical endeavors instead of feeling threatened by her sisters' progress. They might be able to find and bring him back. She and Josie get into conflict with Hope, which eventually ruins the mood of the road trip. The Vampire Diaries spinoff series Legacies is scheduled to conclude on June 17, 2021. Ethan appears before them with beers stashed in his locker room. Hope is now ready. MG enters with Sebastian, and Lizzie thinks that she is having another episode, however Josie reveals that she too can see Sebastian, who is revealed to be real. Lizzie, however, doesn't go to Alaric. She is Princess Elizabeth Saltzstar, and her sister is J-O 513, a service android. Josie wants to know where she is, that she'll come to her, but Lizzie refuses. Lizzie was right about one thing. Lizzie's held captive by the dybbuk who threatens to burn her alive. They all thought she was a freak, because she didn't fit in. Lizzie, desperately not wanting to do it, broke the sire bond, betrayed Hope by snapping her neck, then freed Aurora. When inside, she hears laughing come from the closet and proceeds though before she is able to approach is knocked out by Caroline. Lizzie wanted to see if she could reach her goal in less than a . As MG defends himself against Malivore controlled Ethan Lizzie appears behind Ethan and grabs his head, siphoning. She would have done anything to help him, but it's now too late. In this twisted reality, Alaric was jailed for killing Josie, who later turned up very much alive well, undead. Lizzie and Jen return from the Monster Truck rally. Lizzie is distraught and heartbroken by this and tells MG that the two of them are no longer friends, she further tells him that he no longer exists to her. "It's okay to feel some regrets, think about better days or days that never came to be. Since Lizzie's already a witch, and is now a vampire, she's . MG doesn't think now is the right time, but Lizzie points out there's never a right time around here. Kaleb and Cleo arrive in time for Wade to light them a candle. After the game, Dana insults Josie and Lizzie punches her in the face, this starts a riot between the two schools. Lizzie dismisses the question, believing that she's a wimp all of a sudden. All those things are gone now except for Ethan. Hope pushes for them to continue the spell despite the possibility of dying. Until one day, out of nowhere, Ken came to see her, calling her daughter. When Sebastian finishes changing her car tire, he takes off his shirt. Keeping up the ruse, she inquires if it has something to do with the gods. She continues to berate them but abruptly stops, citing that it's fine, they will adjust to the changes. She wasn't ready to face the world alone. That's one of the best things about him. They then sleep together in the gym, only for Rafael to backtrack and tell Lizzie the next evening, during their dance at her sixteenth birthday party in Mombie Dearest, that they weren't going to be more than friends. Kaleb brings news that the monster has molted and Landon realizes that it's a gremlin. The pukwudgie phases from one couple to the next before stopping in front of Lizzie and MG. They've been at this for hours and Aurora hasn't revealed anything to them. Lizzie realizes that Hope would never miss with a spell that easy and believes what Aurora is telling her. All are welcomed and Lizzie decides to take them to meet Andi. There's a burning hole in the balcony doors, the room is partially destroyed and Hope is gone. The reason for the sarcophaguses. In her defense, the latter part turned out okay as they've returned Landon from the prison world. She's everything to him and he's been waiting for years to tell her, but there's always been something in the way. She didn't think she deserved someone like him. Later, Landon and Lizzie are faced directly by the croatoan, who they believe is coming for Landon. In some respect, Lizzie was right, but MG explains it's not what she's thinking. The first thing Lizzie wants to do is to head back to Mystic Falls to have Hope save her dad. She won't rat him out and asks her for advice. Does Lizzie become a vampire? She tells Lizzie that she can't trust Hope. Andi explains that since Hope is so powerful, she doesn't need to recruit more witches. Lizzie astral projects to the Salvatore School, to MG and Cleo. With Kaleb's help, she sends the patrons away. It also ensures that she won't be alone in this endeavor and they both get what they want. If you watch Legacies online, you know Hope murdered the witch in one of the most shocking scenes on the show to date. Lizzie faces Hope's body, though unaware it's actually Aurora, claiming she's making a mistake. She doesn't want to believe it, but Cleo was right. When the Malivore monsters arrived, they were forced to put their issues aside to work together, something they both struggled to do. She eventually attempts to reveal herself to the school but is stopped when MG begins to deliver her eulogy. She doesn't know what will happen next, but she thinks he's amazing. He's one of the few Vampire Diaries characters to appear on The Vampire Diaries' spin-off Legacies along with Matt Donovan, Jo McLaughlin, Alaric Saltzman, Lizzie, and Josette Saltzman, Dorian Williams, and Kai Parker. Caroline further explains that there was no defining moment in her life, and that Life happens when you least expect it; this lightens Lizzie's mood. Alaric wants to flee back east, never wanting this life for her. Josie loves her too, no matter what. Their father is alive, all they have to do is find him. Confronting Josie, Lizzie prepares to Merge and when MG tells her to siphon him for extra power, she kisses him much to his surprise. Ben offers that perhaps Ethan could use his powers, but Lizzie only tells them that he can't. She wonders if he's mad because she tried to kill Hope. 11. Lizzie was originally born as a siphoner, a witch with no power of her won, meaning that she could only practice magic by siphoning it from another source. Hope is surprised that she missed, removes the stake and turns to finish it herself, though Lizzie meant to do that, which means she broke the sire bond. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. She believes Lizzie has failed the most important test. He's brought her Belgian waffles, explaining that she's going to have to face the world at some point. Ethan wanted to be supernatural before, even trying to get MG to turn him but he wouldn't do it. They watch as Josie and Landon leave the 80s Decade Dance to have sex, however Hope tells Lizzie to let them leave, as the two are good together. Lizzie has come up with a solution; the first, and hopefully last, fundraiser month. She needs to get out of the tunnels and defeat Ken. Hope's plan was dangerous and vows that it is the last time she does anything for her. He tells her he has some bad news concerning her father. He expects them to work together while he's gone, as he'll be meeting with another supernatural scholar about another lead. It's their eleventh birthday and it was utter chaos. The therapy box has helped her discover a new side of herself. "White fire and brimstone," otherwise, phosphorus and sulfur. Later that night, Lizzie sits on her bed as Hope checks in on her. In Follow the Sound of My Voice, Lizzie and Hope come upon a carnival. While on a picnic date with Sebastian, MG interrupts them, and inadvertently convinces Lizzie that Sebastian isn't real and that she's having a psychotic break. She calls out to Ben to get her father out of there and to get him help. Hope, however, already knows what she must do. They replay his last memory of his confrontation against Hope, learning she's the one who's attacked him and left him in a coma. Hope hands her some money, telling her to go get her some cotton candy. The two talk, and it becomes clear that MG has actually been sent by Hope to convince Lizzie to return to the Salvatore School; Lizzie eventually agrees despite initial reluctance. When Alaric calls again to find out what's going on, she refuses to answer the phone first but finally she answers, Alaric tells her to do nothing and wait for him to arrive, he also asks where Hope is, she retorts that for once he had to trust her. To find out the truth, they decide to perform a vampire head dive. Lizzie sees this as an opportunity and makes her first wish for Hope to not be a pupil, allowing Alaric to focus more on his daughters; however, because of this wish, the school is struggling financially. Lizzie devised her own plan to save both the school and them. She walks forward, kisses him and tells him not to think about it. They need to be ready for Hope and MG departs to train with Ethan. He fears he's out of time and apologizes to her. In fact, it's worth speculating that it will be Lizzie, and not Hope, who takes down Aurora de Martel (Rebecca Breeds) in Legacies. In Postcards from the Edge, it was revealed that she and her sister had siphoned bits of magic from Caroline's body for a long time, but as they grew in her womb, they siphoned out more and more magic, until Caroline began to desiccate. (We learned in Legacies season 1 that this is actually a curse placed upon the coven.) As a result, Alaric dying and then coming back to life a few hours later became a running joke and plotline in the show. Sebastian confesses he is drawn to her and they share their first kiss together. After dying and completing her transition, she has the typical weakness of a siphoner-witch non-Original vampire hybrid. He doesn't know how Ethan will take things but knows that Lizzie was a hero today. The first trailer for Legacies Season 4 Episode 10 is here, and it shows Lizzie revealing she will be a Heretic. Lizzie continues to pretend to be Tristan, questioning if the gods could kill Hope. Lizzie finds Cleo jogging and welcomes her to their squad as her mentor. Witches frockle and dance around; they're euphoric and free. Josie disagrees. Josie blows up at her, telling her to stop telling her how she should feel, admitting that she can be dismissive about her relationships. Josie believes that Hope only became the tribrid in their shared hallucination because she did it alone. In her grimoire, she has some old, Salem-era spells for dispersing angry mobs. They follow them to Andi's cabin. Aurora pleads with her, explaining that hearing about her family is a matter of great importance. Lizzie worked out many of her powers in the 21 various locations she had traveled to kill vampires and occasionally witches. He employs her, because she's a good person, to consider his thoughts. Siphoners are the only witches able to do this, so these vampire-witch hybrids were first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as Heretics. Updated Oct 6, 2022 Lizzie becoming a Heretic in Legacies theoretically stops the Merge from happening but as Vampire Diaries showed, it will bring brand-new problems. She has a large abdominal injury, and is losing blood fast. After more than three seasons, Legacies finally solved the problem of Lizzie and Josie's Merge with a loophole first introduced in The Vampire Diaries. Later that night, Lizzie searches the woods looking for the Malivore portal. If one were to believe the legends, it's some sort of prisoner jail, said to be capable of containing a god. Hope and Josie then defeat the gargoyle and Lizzie is healed. Lauren Piester Nov. 4, 2021 at 8:14 p.m. PT. While many of the characters are new and delving into their own narratives, there's one in particular from Legacies who got everyone talking. Finch wakes up hearing this and denies such an act, not knowing her heritage. He no longer feels that the Salvatore School is his home. They were into war and destruction, and she was more into construction. It was crafted by the very hands of a god, along with several like it, to protect them. Lizzie believes to have a handle on her powers just as well as Hope does; her mother is even a vampire, she reminds her. Josie, laying on her bed, reminds her that she's a volunteer, but Lizzie wants to look cute for Ethan so they can enjoy the movie after setting up. Out on the field, they toss the football back and forth at one another. Lizzie finds MG, wondering if he's ready to have their conversation. A wolf breaks the tree line, snarling. At the hospital, Lizzie cloaked as a nurse finds a patient in critical condition. She wants Lizzie's help in taking down Aurora. She pleads to Lizzie, believing it to be her brother, to release her before Hope returns. In Screw Endgame, Lizzie confronts Hope after remembering who she is, questioning why she didn't tell anyone. Ultimately, he's sorry for leaving them in a world more dangerous than before, when all he wanted to do was make it safer. Lizzie admits that's a good idea, but doesn't trust Kaleb enough to do it since he sold them out to Malivore. However, the ultimate death sentence for a god came along. His punishment is Hope and she vamps behind him. He believes the better plan is to take the key out of him and destroy it. Though Hope is happy the sarcophagus is destroyed, Aurora and the gods are still present. He gladly accepted, but not before hesitantly looking at Josie, who was also in the room when Lizzie asked this of Rafael. Hope is too concerned with the possibility of someone else finding them and all she wants is to be left alone. Due to Josette's death, she was carried via surrogacy by Caroline Forbes. Lizzie comforts MG, embracing him in a hug. Her dark side attempts to taunt her, telling her that the gods are coming and when they're dead, she'll be coming back to her. At night during the full moon, the girls begin a spell to siphon the magic out of Hope and to insert it into Klaus, who will proceed to kill himself. Luna will always feel her sister beside her, no matter what, like she's a part of her. Lizzie tells him to put it back on, but ends up kissing him nonetheless. Seemingly with her humanity back on, Lizzie can't believe that she was tricked with the trident. The carnie is confused at what he's just witnessed, as they move to their next test. When it came time to kill Hope, Lizzie couldn't bring herself to do it. He explains that he doesn't remember getting there, but again loses control to the dybbuk possessing him. Aurora pushes down a support beam and some of the floor collapses as she makes her escape. He explains that he's been doing some thinking in Limbo, something that Lizzie's not aware of due to the lack of communication. She is later seen with Josie and MG gives her a plate of brownies because he knows they are her favorite. Opening the sarcophagus, she stabs Aurora with the trident and regains her body. Rhetorically, Alaric asks him if he really thinks that he wants to do this because he and Caroline built this school for their daughters. She's convinced by Jen to return to the Salvatore School to see her father. Sparing the twins, Arcadius accepts Sybil's counteroffer of Damon and Stefan, to which Stefan agrees to. One of these days, she's going to have the most obnoxious, beautiful, and expensive weddings, ever. The deal was that he would vote for her and take her as her date to a party. She is eventually approached by MG who tells her that he is willing to run away with her. Vampire 1 1 episode, 2020 Skyler Semien . She plans out "Operation: Rescue Hope from Herself" after Landon seemingly dies. MG denies this, but follows her into the woods anyways. As Lizzie conducts her tests, MG returns with grave news. With tension coming to ahead, Hope opts to have it out. After a failed attempt to escape from the basement of Fangtasia, Lafayette is shot. She teaches the twins the Incendia spell and with that can show him what they've done as a tribute. Ethan falls over onto the floor. Hope can push her buttons too easily, and her emotional stability has never been at the top of her rsum. In the Garden, she and Ethan spy on MG and Cleo's conversation, learning about the Red Oak and its capabilities to kill Hope. Josie interrupts the conversation and tells the two that her and Lizzie will Merge later that night. Though she's promised her dad that she would help her and be her supernatural fact-checker. MG disagrees with the plan, believing it's too soon as they're unprepared. He also tells her that Finch was wrong. Josie rushes towards her, but Lizzie has the wooden stake and plunges it into her chest, killing her. Since then, she has been raised by both Alaric and Caroline. Jen loves horses and tells her that she used to have one as a kid before her father smote it. The look on his face and betrayal. She also tells her that the stake embedded in her hand is her weakness, Nature's loophole, and she gets to decide whether she lives or dies. Alaric leaves and wants them to reconvene in the library, though she and Josie remain behind to support Hope. In order to save her, Alaric trusts Jade an experienced EMT to talk him through the steps to stop the bleeding. Penelope raises her hands to attack with a spell, but Hope is quicker. Alaric is fighting for his life. Lizzie stays and works along side of Aurora, finding Ben at the Old Mill. Lizzie explains that she and Aurora had a bit of a falling out and asks if she'd like to join her. By: . At the Town Square, Lizzie and Ethan continue with Movie in the Square preparations. She explains that everytime the pukwudgie phases, the collar will track the distance and frequency of its jumps so that way they can learn how far and how often he uses his powers before he runs out of juice, like Ethan. Lizzie embraces her sister, who apologies for what she had said and done. . She warns her, however, to manage her expectations, because she knows she'll keep looking whether they find proof or not. Did Lizzie become a vampire in legacies? Pulling out her notebook, Lizzie has another idea. Lizzie knows this as Aurora forced her to cast the binding spell. She doesn't believe she's ready to face the world alone. With Malivore dead, wherever Ben is, she believes he's there for eternity. She died however during Alaric and Jo's wedding. It was intermittently handled on Legacies, sometimes a major focus and sometimes being all but forgotten, leaving the quandary lingering as an unresolved plot line. This affects Lizzie and she begins a quest of showing the students who she truly is by writing and delivering her own eulogy, something MG was meant to deliver. They explain that it's a promise of new life and a life full of promise. Together they set off. Lizzie's disgusted with another torture device, meaning that Hope's not listening to her. The side that's willing to do whatever it takes. Jen explains that gods are only as powerful as people's belief in them, which had diminished over the years. Aurora now realizes that she was in a state and remembers that Tristan died in a box at the bottom of the ocean in agony the moment the Hollow killed Elijah. She questions what he is, and he reveals that he is a vampire, much to her relief. Eventually her plan works and Josie snaps out of it. She compares their dynamic to the mind controlled witches. Despite their common interests, she doesn't feel that that spark of romance. Arachne (with Hope and Josie)Josette Laughlin (3rd time, with Josie; with Jo's consent)Mummy (2nd time; with Josie)Landon Kirby (5th time) After leaving him by the roadside, Sebastian catches back up with her after she pleads with Landon to return to the school. She needs to find a way to make it up to him and everyone else. Lizzie still wants to try given her now weakened state, though Hope would rather continue with torture and gives Lizzie a choice. They could take them back. Lizzie explains that the box isn't important, but the spell is. She is approached by the members of the school who previously resented her, but are now happy to see she is not dead. Well, in order to become a vampire, all Lizzie had to do was die. Emma doesn't like that phrase, more pointedly, him changing her words. Hope Mikaelson is her father's daughter. Lizzie explains that she is turning over a new leaf, that she spelled a bracelet to zap her with increasing voltage whenever she said anything mean. She really hopes that she finds Peace. Lizzie is determined to find Josette. Luckily, producers kept fans happy by creating a couple of spin-off shows from the OG Vampire Diaries, bringing us The Originals and Legacies. She believes it's a suicide mission against Aurora and there is nothing in this for her. MG explains that Professor Vardemus has explained that since Alaric is in a coma, their blood can't heal him enough to wake him. She transfers Rafael and the other two along with Hope's help to the Prison World. Using the might of her physical powers, she kicks Ken through the air as Cleo raises the spear. However, before Lizzie can even finish her statement or react, Hope vamps towards her and breaks her neck. She wants her to actually like her without interference from Lizzie. With Hope down, he turns his attention to Lizzie. Hope knows they need to talk and that she owes her an apology, but it needs to wait. Lizzie buries her sister and uncle as Hope finds her. She is one of the twin daughters of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin, the others being Josie Saltzman. Now in astral form in the prison world, they begin their search. Finch wants to know who she is, but Lizzie offers to help her with her chains. He's looking for someone in charge. They are winning until Josie insists that they purposely lose the game so the townspeople do not suspect that they have supernatural abilities. Lizzie thinks it a trick and Aurora, at one time, would have tricked her, but she reiterates Lizzie words. Hope didn't push Lizzie into the pool and Lizzie didn't spread the rumor over the intercom. Alaric later tells the twins about the Merge after Hope pressures him. She's already taken care of Josette. Aurora doesn't trust him, though Ben tells them that they're trying to trick a god. Hope wants everyone to raise a glass, to make a toast to the families that they've made.To the people that their families help them become. Lizzie questions how they're supposed to find the Malivore portal. Hope confronts her, but she doesn't have any idea what she's talking about. In You're A Long Way From Home, in Alaric's office, Lizzie skips Ms. Featherwood's class and Josie berates her for it. Is Josie a hybrid? Convinced that Hope's humanity is returned, Lizzie tells her about the tree they created and how it can kill her. In I Couldn't Have Done This Without You, Lizzie struggles with Sebastian's introduction to the Salvatore School. Then Penelope comes and wishes a happy birthday and informs that their mother doesn't come back for the birthday, which makes her furious, so with a gesture of the hand she closes the door. 5'9" (Feet)1.75 (Meters) They retire to the library and continue to research the monster. As they make their way to the Grand Hall, they're greeted by the other students and Alaric with a pre-victory party. She might always be this unpredictable and prone to saying the wrong things, but she never allowed herself to want something that was good for her because she didn't think she deserved it. Lizzie thinks that MG's screwed up, though Alaric bursts through the doors. Last seen She hands him a tennis ball and asks him to chuck it as far as he can. Lizzie and Hope talk after their confrontation with Jen. Lizzie misses her mother, but she visits Caroline whenever she can, which Lizzie did so at least once, on Legacies. Lizzie arrives in the parking lot just as Jen picks up a piece of the destroyed sarcophagus, planning to kill Hope.