Ka ki atu ano te tane Kei te pouri tonu. Kua mohio te wahine ra, kei te hiahia tona tane, kia kite i tona ahua, a kua maminga ki a ia. Na Ruarangi, tupuna o te Ruarangi hapu o te iwi Ngatihaua, te iwi o Wiremu Temehana Tarapipi te Waharoa, kua mate ra. Kei te wharangi 29 o taua pukapuka ano etahi korero a Hoani Nahe mo te Patupaiarehe. Kihei i wehi mai. It marked the spot where the entrance was to the subterranean burial place of the honoured dead of the Kawhia people of former times. 4. Pahoe was drowned in a flood and his body was cast ashore at the mouth of the Waiapu River. 3. Hoatu, kia kawea nga pito kauika This line suggests that Te Houhou showed no fear. Whakarongo mai ra, e koro i Tongariro, Houhora.He kainga kei waenganui o Mangonui o Muriwhenua. He is identical with the person of that name given in the song by Hineiturama:. Oho ake i te ata tu tonu, kua mea te wahine ra ki te haere: ka ki atu tona tane Kei te pouri tonu. Ka takoto ano te wahine ra, a ka roa ka takatu ano ki te haere. Kore ku mihi e This was a bitter defeat for Ngati Tuwharetoa at the hands of the Tuhoe people. 3. 1. He immediately returned. 13. Tera te kotuhi.Ki te kaupapa i Nga Moteatea, e penei ana Ra te auahi, kokiri ana ia i te pae.. 21. Taitaierangi.At Taitaierangi there was a large fortified pa where the Ngati-Porou rallied together when alarmed by Ngapuhi raids. Whakangaro ana ki nga tai rutu i. Flaming tussock.In the Maori text the term pua re-wi are explained as being the bloom (pua) of the tussock (wi), which is the principal vegetation growing on the pumice lands of Taupo. He whakapapa tenei no Matahira. [Intro] D Dmaj7 D A Em7 A7 [Verse 1] F#m F#7 Kaore te aroha e G F#m Ka kikini nei taku tinana He po ka moea G7 G A7 Em7 He ao ka tirohia kei hea koe [Chorus] A7 Em7 Aue te aroha A E kai kino nei ahau Dm D Te mamae roa G Em7 A7 A D E haehae nei taku tinana [Verse 2] F#m A7 G7 A7 Dmaj7 Haere ra te ao murangi e F#m7 Em7 A7 I . I te tainga tuatahi kaore i mohiotia na wai tenei waiata. Ko Maketu te kainga o Te Ngahuru; a ko Ngati-Pukenga o Tauranga te hapu i noho tahi ai ratau i Maketu. 13. Kaore ano i marama na wai tenei waiata; koia i tukua atu ai i roto i Te Toa Takitini, he kimi atu i ona whakamarama. He kaiwhakatairanga a Leonardo DiCaprio ina he kawe i etahi atu ahua pahau. She sang this song at Owairaka, a village in the Maungatautari district, between Parawera and Aotearoa. No Mere Whakaoi ka pouaru ka moea e Karauria Kauri. 6. Te Kou.Ki Nga Moteatea ko Te Kohu. Ko te ingoa tuturu ko Te Kou-a-Rehua, he rangatira nui no Ngati-Pukenga, no Tauranga. Kei ko mai o Taporaroa a Whakaipo, he kainga kei te taha tonu o Taupo moana. Te hiki te waewae, te hoki whakamuri. Kei reira te tomokanga ma raro i te moana ki te rua koiwi o nga tupapaku rongo nui o Kawhia i nga wa ki muri. Plantation of Tangaroa.The ocean. 10 Koi haohao nui. 46. Te Atiawa is a Taranaki tribe. E kawea au e te tere, 3. Some of these were recorded by Elsdon Best and it is his version which is recorded here now. Te Rakahurumai died at sea in 1852, whilst on a fishing expedition to the warehou (Seriolella maculata) reef at Otuauri. 30 Ko te kiri rauwhero. Kotahi te kupu i whakawhitia e Te Rauparaha, kei te rarangi tuatahi ko te ingoa o, Kei te pukapuka a Samuel Locke e kiia ana mo Tukorehu tenei tangi. One day Heiraura blocked up all the chinks in their house, and that night the woman came again. Ki te pukapuka a Kelly Tainui (1946, p. 202) e whakaatu ana no mua atu i a Te Rauparaha tenei waiata, ara na Wharetiki o Ngati Mahanga. Kei tua Renata, e aroha nei au, Ka karakiatia, a ka whiua nga rakau ki runga: no te takanga iho ki te whenua, ka kitea ko Poroa i runga, ka ki atu te tohunga, Ko koe ka mate i a Poroa apopo. Ka whakatauki atu a Te Houhou E kite koe apopo, e toia ana e ahau a Poroa i runga i te takapau koripo. Ka kitea atu e haere ana mai te ope a Poroa, he tini te ope, ka whakatauki a Te Houhou E pai ana. 6. It is said that the disease was communicated to her by a man of Ngati-Whatua, Te Whetu, who touched her. Rokohanga atu e hui ana te iwi o te turehu ra, a e waiata ana te turehu ra i tona waiata. Noku te wareware, kihei rawa i puritia; 9. Kawariki.He otaota e tipu ana i nga tahataha wai, repo. Ka whanau ta Te Titaha ko Tuterangiwhaitiriao; kaore ano i whai tamariki a Turiwhewhe i tena wa. 10. Ka haramai tenei, ka wakahaumitia, He whanaunga a Te Momo ki a Rewi o tona taha Raukawa, Maniapoto. Iri mai, e pa, i runga te turuturu! Kore te aroha Kore te aroha ki te kororia tapu E wawae ake ana i te ara kuiti Nau mai e hine ka haere taua Kia Ihaia ki a monitatia Kia huihui tatou he korero hanganui Kia hopu kia iho te kupu a te Atua Kia awhi taua ki a Ihu Karaiti Kia muru a te hara i taku tinana nei . Ka hoki ia ki Ohiwa; tae rawa atu, ka hori mai ia te waka i waho, hoki tonu mai ia. Tirohia i te Waiata 55.). Because it shone it was thought to be gold. Te Pourewa.Kei waho o Uawa; he parekura i mate ai te Aitanga-a-Hauiti i a Ngati-Porou. Tahuri mai o mata te tihi.Ki etahi tuhituhi e pene ana, Tahuri mai o mata te tikitiki rau mokimoki! Engari he he tera, ahakoa e aronga ana ano i runga i te tatai tangi o te waiata nei. I whea koia koe i te tuatitanga, The author laments the dire fate in store for his sons. Ko te rarangi tuatahi o te whiti tuarua kua whakatikaina ki ta T. Turi kaupapa. E kiia ana ko te tangata tuatahi i mate i te ngerengere i maka ki roto i taua ana. Kiharoa.A chief and Ngati Raukawa warrior. Potaea ra ki te kupenga na Titiwha, Whole line.In some cases this line has been recorded as, Tahuri mai o mata te tikitiki rau mokimoki. But that rendering is obviously wrong and not applicable to the theme or context of this song. Ki te to ote tangata, No te tau 1910 i whakahokia mai ai a Te Heuheu ki Waihi, Taupo Moana, e tana mokopuna e Wi Tamaiwhana. 6, p. 63. Koa noa mai ra te wahine 'Ati-Puhi! Ki te korero a etehi na Te Urupiwa, tuahine o Te Momo, tenei waiata. Hone Rongomaitu is also the composer of the lament for Te Whetukamokamo, recorded as Song No. Taku tinana.Ki Nga Moteatea e penei ana taku moenga.. Ka kawa nga ware, ka waikoherikitia, This song was also recorded in Nga Moteatea (Grey), p. 82, but there were many discrepancies in the text. He did this so that he might see the likeness of his wife; he had not yet seen what she was like, because she only came at night. Ripiroaiti.This is given as Ripiroaitu by Hoani Nahe. Tauramatua.Another name for Te Rakahurumai. Whakaurupa taku aroha, nai. The Reclining-mat-of-the-War-God.An ancient expression. 2. Best states in B. Tukua kia haere, kia tae te koronga 3. Ko au ki raro nei riringi ai te ua i aku kamo. E koro.Ki etahi e penei ana, Ko koe ra Paraire. He ingoa a Paraire no te Rakahurumai. Kia Wharekawakawa, e. Kaore i tuhia e Pihopa Wiremu te ingoa o te tangata, nana nga kupu o te waiata nei i tohotohu ki a ia. (The translator has decided that in the context fear and doubt or apprehension was intended. Maru tata.Kua tino tata ia te tae ki tona kainga. Ki roto i Nga Moteatea ko Ngamotu. I pera ai na te korero na nga tupuna o Te Wharepouri te waiata nei. 5 O nga raro ra e ko taua anake. I te Ra-torua. Comentando con Vanity Fair, el directivo Joseph Kosinski descubri que el romance entre Maverick y Penny padeci mltiples cambios en todo el avance de Top G Wairaka.In full, Owairaka, already explained earlier. Te tira o Karika.Kei te ngaro tenei, engari kei te whakataukitia, a he ingoa tipuna ki etahi iwi. Hei whakaoho po i ahau ki te whare ra. It may be seen there adhering to a rock, named Ihutoto. 7. Ki tetahi whakahua Tera Tawhiti., 14. Te Whare po rutu.Ki nga tuhinga o mua atu i tenei e penei ana: Te Whareporutu. Ko tona tikanga ia e hara i te ingoa tangata, engari he pera ano i enei whakahua, he whare mate, he whare taua ranei. 9/166, kei te Wars p. 314, e ki ana a Percy Smith he tohunga a Te Toroa no Waikato, ko tona atua ko Wheawheau, he mahi hauhau. 9. Tenei taku toto te whakapunia nei, e; Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ana, He Pakinga ra tahi., 14. Pua re-wi.Ko tona tikanga he pua wi, ko te taru nui tera kei nga whenua pungapunga o Taupo e tipu ana. The annotation was done by Apirana Ngata (Sir A. T Ngata). He mokopuna a Henare na Ritihia Te Riunui. Kopainga.Against wall of the house on the left-hand side when entering an assembly house. 1. p. 64). Na raua i waiata ki roto i te. Totara.He pa kei runga ake o te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); ko tera ano e whakahuatia ra i te tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, waiata nama 21. E ki ana a Te Taite Te Tomo, ko tenei waiata he tangi na Ranginawenawe mo tona papa mo Kiore, i mate i a Te Urewera i te parekura i Orona. Koi ra te taha e noho ai te tangata whenua. Taiawhio.No Tuhourangi ano, i mate ki Mokoia. Tukorehu was a son of Hore, who was a brother of Parekaihewa, the mother of Te Momo. Te Hakiu = Te Kauwhiwhiri, Whakahana, Hinekaukia, Hipora Koroua, Rapata Wahawaha, Ritihia Te Riunui, Tamati Tautuhi, Tuhaka Tautuhi. Ko ta Pihopa Wiremu o Tawhai parara.. Whakatau rangi ake te here ki tku ate He wahine turehu ano ta te turehu nei i mua atu i tona tahaetanga i a Ripiroaiti, ko Tapu-te-uru-roa te ingoa. 20 Ka tete mai o niho, i whakataua Gold plate.Actually it was the copper of the European. I waiatatia tenei waiata e Heni Turei, e Te Matenga Kahu, e Hare Maruata i Whareponga i te 19 o Maehe, 1923. 6. Te puke o Te Karaka, ki te p 4. He motu kei Rotokakahi.Ki etahi kaupapa e penei ana Whakarewaia ra ki runga o Rotorua.. Pawa returned to Ohiwa, but the canoe had passed by out at sea. I whai a Taranaki maunga kia riro i a ia nga wahine a Tongariro. Tau rawa ki te whare E roto i ahau e whanawhana noa ra; House of Mourning.In previous records this is given as Te Whareporutu. However, it is not the name of a person but is a similar expression to house of death, or house of mourning, and is now correctly written as Te Whare-po-rutu. Koheri rawa koe i ahau, Where my people gather.In the Maori text. Ka takoto. Orona.The place and name of battle where Ngati Tuwharetoa were defeated by Tuhoe. Tahuna iho ki te ahi. 10 No 'Mania i te uru, ka pea taua. 3/168; T. Turi p. At that place the mountain of Kakepuku may be seen standing on the edge of the Kawa swamp near Te Awamutu; and beyond it is Pirongia. The version given here has been re-arranged to agree with the lament as sung by Te Rauparaha. Kaore te aroha, e awhea mai nei, na roto ana mai : 404. Rangi.Matenga. Tireni.This is given as Tirangi by Hoani Nahe. Their child was Te Heuheu-rangi (The Sky Clearer). Unceasing is the sorrow for my mother, Kohurepuku. 34. It may have been Eruera Kawhia, or Mohi Turei. Rua.Abbreviation for Ruanuian ancestor; Te Houhou was of his line. Ma te Whare Atiawa In the book by Kelly, Tainui (1946, p. 302) it is recorded that it was originally composed before the time of Te Rauparaha, and the composer was Wharetiki of Ngati Mahanga.