Every country has different advantages and disadvantages of workforce diversity., Hirokawa, Robert, Larry, & Linda (2003) suggested that effective groups achieve tasks and maintain good relationships among members, but this achievement or effectiveness has difference in role playing when sex and gender are being introduced (p. 221). This would allow me to better understand each person. After each employee completed their own assessment, I would then carefully evaluate each assessment to get a general idea of each persons preferred workplace attitude. In human resource management we learn that diversity is a strength to any organization. I work in the banking industry and diversity is important because on a daily basis I deal with not only other employees, but a large client base of diverse people., 1. The same society taught them to be ignorant and unawareness of these privileges. I lived in a small town, which acted as a shelter from the harsh realities faced by many ethnicities, but also prevented me from experiencing cultural diversity. He believes, as I do, as all should, that white privilege is real, and my experience in life has proven it so, that I benefit in way I don't even realize. Now, as a society, we have managed a great amount of diversity through implementing laws and allowing global experiences that has created corporate culture a thing for the future and limitation of opportunities based on your dimensions a thing of the past. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. The paper is a reflection of how I feel after reading Peggy McIntoshs handout., Michelle Alexander depicts the grim reality for many young African American men in todays society in her book the New Jim Crow. Ethics is how employees act in their work environment accordingly to the guidelines of the company you're working for. 5 advantages of cultural diversity in workplace are pointed out in this page. (2009). 5. Effective leaders must learn to embrace conflict because it is an inexorable part of human interactions and without intervention, it seldom finds its own productive solutions (Myatt, 2012). Workplace Bomb Threat Staff work at a community centre that runs. Though I am not in a minority, racially, I am in what . 4. Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. As a result of this experiment, I was able to have better understanding of what it is like to see the world from another persons point of view. As I read this article Sarah Fister Gale explains that there are many reasons why diversity is not always the best thing that a company could have. Even though there are individual differences exist among people, still they should be treated fairly in the workplace. I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. This is possible by first increasing the diversity in the workplace and allowing for employees to learn about each others differences and, Discrimination are more common in workplaces, because some people only think of discrimination as making a distinction and judgment of a person based on color of skin. For example, he said Latinos were the hardest working, Personification And The Oedipus Complex In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Analysis Of Hi I Am A Slut By Savannah Brown, The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, And The Things They Carried, Julius Caesar Political Structure Analysis. For most new immigrants, the jobs are hardly luxurious. It allows for many cultures to come together to make an organization be available to a wider base of customers. interpretations and responses during the open discussion forums about the textbook themes brought a variety of unique viewpoints to the specific leadership topics. The United States is made up of different religions, gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicities. He also added that men worked harder but that women worked smarter in the workplace. This is an opinion/reflection paper; therefore the mind of the author is most definitely significant. They are dealing with the problems that arise when people in the workplace communicate. The bolded advantages points could be found by readers quickly, so that it is easier for readers to know the main points and structure of this page. As we enter the new phase of modern labor, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. It is a moral imperative and in addition it should be an intelligent, insightful and practical business policy. Reflection: The Benefits of Workplace Diversity Taylor Reynolds English Department, Southern New Hampshire University English Composition II: Q Professor Jacquelyn Leonardi February 27, 2022 2 Some peer-review feedback I choose to incorporate in my argument included adding quotes from the research I used, getting to the point in my body . I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed. Schultz v. Capital International Security, Inc. 460 F.3d 595 (4th Cir. Diversity also involves economic, educational, and generational differences. It's about being different, so in a workplace, it's about the acceptance of all races. Second, multicultural individuals are not quite understood in the context of organizations [2](Bell, 1990; Brennan & Thomas, 2010; Hong, 2010; Lee, 2010). I conducted an experiment where I was unable to fully use my dominant hand for a morning. The textbook Upper Saddle River, NJ:, This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. Women and the labyrinth of leadership. opportunities are in Washington D.C when it comes to jobs in the public relation career side. Workplace diversity: 5 legal challenges of work/life programs. Workplace Diversity-An all Inclusive Workforce Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. Their female socialization can make them feel like a gender outsider in groups of men., Waldingers and Lichters hiring queues were based on a racial and ethnic hierarchy. While learning of cultural competence I became aware of all I still needed to learn and experience if I were to become an ethical social worker. After the military, my attitude quickly changed. still a line that inhibits complete acceptance? White privilege gives these individuals the opportunity to receive vital educational, political, and social resources that may possibly be inaccessible for people of color. 6. As I make the move into management I plan on applying what I have learned about diversity management and how as stated in (Canas & Sondak, 2014)creates not only a competitive, For this particular study, the researcher is instrumental to the measurement of the impact of diversity training. I was amazed of all the workplace politics within the civilian world. Todays most business primary concern is retaining workforce diversity. Please do not consider any experiences or accomplishments that would normally appear on a resume. Although some differences might have been overlooked in the past, understanding roles they play in an organizations success has successfully put diversity on the spotlight. I had never been exposed to any ethnicities, other than my own, until moving to college. Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Little lady, it's best you get out of here, it's not safe for you here., it's a phrase I heard more often than not while living in Baltimore, between the ages of nine and eleven. It will also give current statistics and recent trends of the demographics in the United States as well as the forecasted trends. Firstly, the report will identify programs that currently target gender diversity and what they are implementing to combat such an issue. - Ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships - But if business took the time to understand the importance of differences in people so many doors could open for the employers and employees. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). However, this article only concentrates on the advantages of cultural diversity in workplace instead of mentioning other information about negative effects of cultural diversity or cultural in other places like school. The manager used a three hundred dollars as a bonus to the employee and the money was taken by. Workers that can embrace the differences of their coworkers, have a better ability to relate to others, and work better together. Perhaps the question can easily be answered by a no. Also I have learned that Inclusion drives the business case for diversity. For instance, women are more rational in maintaining task in small groups than men, while men are more into the task itself in small, This will help the company be different from the other companies out there and have a lot more to offer for the success. Management of cultural diversity has been suggested as the human resource strategy enabling the effective management of the workforce diversity created by demographical changes generally in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission indicates that it is illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the persons race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability ()., Weldon Latham; John M. Bryson II. I visualize myself in a university where I can evolve and stimulate my brain with knowledge and innovation, while doing research, creating and inventing. DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE 2 Reflection Paper # 1 Diversity in the Workplace For this reflection paper, Public Relations is one of the careers which got my attention while doing the Focus 2 assessment. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. Diversity. Develop a script for your employee debriefing. A diversified company or organization is likely to be more prosperous because, creating diversity in the working place or school can attract new customers and ideas. Workplace Diversity & Culture The corporate leaders are faced by global challenges on how to handle diversity. Business owners should be able to adapt to various consumers and expand globally. Another problem with multiculturalism facing the Canadian workforces is that some immigrants credentials are getting overlooked and not being accepted because they dont have the mandatory communication classes or skills to apply for the desired job. There was a lot of diverse representation when it came to employees, supervisors, and management. Her findings show that existence of the Jim Crow laws have yet to fully disappear from society like many believe they have, when it fact, the restrictions of the Jim Crow era have merely been reinvented in the form of the United States federal justice system. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Diversity I truly believe this would allow me to be a successful manager and would allow me to capitalize on my political skills within the. Each assessment measured different parts of my attitudes, and behaviors, within the workplace. As far as I can tell, my African American coworkers, friends, and acquaintances with whom I come into daily or frequent contact in this particular time, place and time of work cannot count on most of these conditions. Green, Mayra Lpez, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2 Retrieved from Oya Aytemiz Seymen (2006), according to Fleury (1999) explains cultural diversity management as an . My attitude of workplace diversity is straight forward. According to Malvin and Girling (2000), workplace diversity potentially contributes to competitive advantage for the organization as roles within the organizations remain distributed on the basis of professional competence and specialization where important aspects of problem solving and enhanced creativity emerges. While diversity is most notably tied to race and religion, the idea of diversity goes much further including age, experience, time with a company, gender, and many more factors (Greenburg, 2004). Discrimination goes far beyond color of skin. It would provide me the opportunity to converse and share experiences with other students that may have similar interests, such as robotics and engineering, and are seeking their place in the world. Thirdly, the report will discuss cognitive bias and how this influences the workplace environment. Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what race, ethnicity and sex. Are we welcoming diversity or is there. I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another persons voice in a group, This paper is about my reflection of White Privilege in the United States. Additionally, according to How Diversity Makes Us Smarter, Diversity enhances creativity (PhillipsKatherine). One of the objectives that the team discussed was diversity in the workplace. I visualize myself in a university where I can evolve and stimulate my brain with knowledge and innovation, doing research, creating and inventing. The first assessment that we took was about my attitude toward workplace diversity. Diversity at workplace is one of the prominent issues in todays world. Introduction Because I have high expectations that all my children can be successful, adjustments may be necessary because everyone is not the same (Burden, 2017, p. 115). Many organizations have recognized that the workforce is changing and they are working to create a work environment in which diversity and difference are valued and in which employees can work to their fullest. Even though there are individual differences exist among people, still they should be treated fairly in the workplace. Acceptance and respect, In this paper I am going to talk about the importance of diversity in my workplace. In management, the conflict management involves a models, communication skills, and create a structure for management of conflict. By providing awareness on how white privilege works and how it can be detrimental in the attempt to gain racial equity for individuals of color, this concept can work to improve racial equity by establishing educational programs that inform individuals on white privilege and ending political policies that serve as a measure to oppress individuals of color., I decided to try to work on myself at least by identifying some of the daily effects of white privilege in my life. What is Diversity? I never looked at myself as privileged because of how I grew up, with a single mom, on the WIC program, and with no money to spare. Many organizations have recognized that the workforce is changing and they are working to create a work environment in which diversity and difference are valued and in which employees can work to their fullest. In this era, I, thought it is expected that people have become more accepting when it comes to different races, and ethnicities. For differences that stem from culture, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, the adjustments will involve bridging the cultural gap between the students diversity and the curriculum. Celebrate innovation in social content while also moving away from cliches. Respect for another human being should never be a far away desire; rather, an unyielding expectation., Peddy McIntosh highlighted various unearned white privileges in her autobiographical article White Privilege, Color and Crime: A Personal Account. She illustrated the white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that one white person could count on cashing in each day. People might disagree, but in my, opinion, we lack diversity in the workplace because we are not completely accepting our, differences with each other. Since the founding of the United States, African Americans have been denied citizenship that was deemed essential to the foundation (Alexander 2010: 1). Diversity could best describe as an egg with different color but once you open it, it shows similarities from the inside. Having a group of divergent employees, better prepares a business for interacting with the many different types of customers they will serve. Ostensibly, the modern American workplace is a simmering pool of diversity. Diversity entails the way employees perceive themselves and others affecting the way they interact with others in a working environment. I can honestly say, I learned a lot about myself while taking a few of these assessments. The harsh reality for many of them is that they will never be able to fully participate in mainstream society and receive the benefits and basic rights that are taken for granted by the rest of the nation. The facility deals with a lot of people in all ages and races. White privilege is an unearned advantage given to Caucasian individuals, as it confers dominance by establishing that the is white race is superior (McIntosh, 1990). The diversity in the workplace is essential for meeting needs of clients of health care organizations but, in actuality, Diversity in workplace encompasses respect and acceptance of the differences in the work place creating a positive and safe environment. With my lack of background knowledge concerning diversity, I would say that my level of cultural competence was nearly non-existent. Diversity is a about the person or organization differ from age, race, sex or ethnicity to another (Strachan, 1951). Harvard Business Review, 62-71., Despite a vast array of societys attempts to make the workplace equal for all people, discrimination still continues to this day. People have to acknowledge that not everyone is alike in the world. Allowing diversity in the workplace could increase work morale, attendance, customers, and efficiency and create a less stressful environment for employees. The matter of race is what is most often thought of when diversity in the workplace is the topic. Moreover, a few managerial concepts must be considered, including selection methods, training and development, performance appraisal, and diversity management. Diversity around the workplace makes the environment interesting that creates an opportunities to discover different ideas and perceptions. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society - yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. still prevalent especially in the healthcare sector. After that, I will use different examples to show that I experienced in some topics and also I will critically discussion my point of views in different these seven topics. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. Although Americas ideals have radically changed over the decades, white privilege still runs rampant. 148). Strategies that support diversity: Throughout the progression of this class, I took various assessments that measured my preferred workplace attitudes. The first day, I met my fellow campers, and I've spent my whole life in diversity. I began to make my way over to him (he was about 500 feet away in the same parking lot to the west of my 20), when he quickly finished whatever he was typing and stuffed it. Reflection On Workplace Diversity 1196 Words5 Pages Throughout the progression of this class, I took various assessments that measured my preferred workplace attitudes. Diversity in the workplace: benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools. White people have these privileges given to them by the society in which they live in. Focused in its early years on racial equality, the movement widened its scope to include equality based on gender, age, sexual orientation and disabilities. Some of us have had experiences where we have made a connection with someone who was "other". Furthermore, these issues are discussed because they are constantly the debatable topics in the workplace. In an attempt to truly understand each employees attitudes, I would have each employee complete a small survey that is similar to the assessment that I took within this course. Negative impacts can include miscommunication, creation of barriers, and dysfunctional adaptation behaviors. 2. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The second resource was the website, www.jstor.com. Moving to the United States made me learned much more about diversity. An employer can benefit by having a diverse group of employees, who each bring different strengths with them. In organizations, its common for. Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. More importantly, handling differences and diversity is the current situations in the workplace. Thus, making our nation one of the most diverse on this planet. The dimensions of diversity include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, regions, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status. Diversity is a part of what makes America great. Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools1 and that you should respect one another, even if you are from a different race. Introduction Hiring diverse employees enables solve some problems. When conflict is managed well, it can lead to improved creativity, innovation, higher-quality decision making, therefore creating a more productive workplace. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation 's work force is undeniable. If I want to, I can be pretty sure of nding a publisher for this piece on white privilege. Describe two (2) types of assessment that could be used in community services and specify their, A facilitator would conduct a critical incident debriefing for this scenario. Although most of time they do it unintentional, they can develop tendencies toward acting in some ways that suggest their subculture is a superior to all others. As I move forward in my studies and life I plan to expand my awareness of recognize my own ethnocentricities and respect the benefits of other cultures diverse values and behaviors. This reflection paper was an extension of this learning, and provided a deep introspection about leadership concepts; how did I, how am I, and how can I apply this knowledge in my workplace. Diversity In The Workplace Essay Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. I never looked at myself as privileged because of how I grew up, with a single mom, on the WIC program, and with no money to spare. This writing exercise uncovered new meaning and insights while both challenging and supporting certain personal views and ideas about leadership. DIVERSITY-REFLECTION PAPER.docx from PHYS 1114 at University of Science & Technology, Bannu. was photographing a particularly heavy spraying session going on over the skies of Raynham, Massachusetts (in America) the other day, as I have become wont to do. The name given to this denial was Jim Crow and today even with Barack Obama, a black man, as the President of the this great nation, African Americans are still not treated as equals to whites by continually recreating Jim Crow through the federal justice system. I chose to observe a supervisor at the local chicken plant. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me. Management. When I am told about our national heritage or about civilization, I am shown that people of my color made it what it is. The composition of people from different backgrounds constitutes diversity. For instance, as a young woman and entry level employee, I will feel more comfortable working in an environment where diversity is promoting. Diversity is how many options you have, such as having different varieties to choose from. Some may think that living in South Florida provides quite a bit of diversity, but in such a large city as Miami, our day to day activities do not actually expose us to a numerous variety of cultures as one might think. Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel & Brown, 2005). This led to the hiring process favring white and Asian candidates and discriminating against Black candidates which then created segmentation in the workforce that can be seen to this, The book provides information on how to ensure there is inclusiveness in workplace. Coming from different cultural backgrounds gives a person a different perspective and problem-solving skills. Every person in his crew brings a unique set of skills to the table, something that would not be possible if everyone was from the same cultural background. It begins by examining the concept of diversity and the drivers for it, and then, drawing on examples from the current literature, reviews the different benefits and challenges of managing diversity in the workplace. Furthermore, I understand, Before I started my career within the county, I knew little about workplace politics.