They dont need my help! I will be their God, and they will be my people. God destroyed the temple because He does not dwell in a temple made with hands and the prefect sacrifice sits on His right hand and in recognition we are to offer ourselves a living sacrifice . **THE BOOK OF HEBREWS needs to be read very carefully along with a few different concordances. ALSO the PROPHECY of the New Covenant was made for Israel and Judah (no gentiles mentioned) according to the Jeremiah. If they are not intentionally doing so, then they need to take a step back and reevaluate what they are promoting, because it is demonstrably UNscriptural. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. I pray for the author and the confusion created here. Do you want logical, scriptural truth? As in the rest of the entire New Testament, there is NO direct teaching of old covenant keeping here. That is not fair but neither is grace . 3 explains the timing of how Gentiles are brought in. Lev 24:22, and now For ever/owlam suddenly changed in definition and God doesnt really mean it any more? The passion for truth comes across as anger and hostility. It is impossible to translate from one language to another language 100% identically? ( Luke 22:20) May 24, 2022. He was never against what was written in the Torah or the Prophets or the Writings, especially since he is the living Tanakh. I just believe there is so much MORE to learn about our Creator and Messiah well before the Apostolic Scriptures, and that nobody is denying Messiahs work at the cross by trying to trust Gods wisdom in dietary and holy days. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. Peter summarizes Paul with his last recorded words: . I have never heard them say you must follow the Law to be saved. Do you defend 119 Ministries teaching entitled Dont be Under the Law to be truth? Each one of you needs to begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount and trying to live according to what Jesus commanded there. They were killed for teaching the truth of yah who sent them! Loving your neighbor: Also done by keeping the Torah. Our teachings are simply the result of our passion for the Word and our Creator. I am sure my words were inflammatory but again they were true.. Sean there is nothing new under the sun . Lastly, the book of Acts (written most likely by Luke, of the Gospel of Luke) declares from Jesus lips: A cult tends to not let followers have their own opinions where 119 tells you to test everything. 119 Ministries is continuously working on trying to minimize our costs and maximize our output to deliver teachings efficiently and as quickly as possible. You may reject Him, but what kind of danger does that put you under? House of Jacob, Israel, David, Joseph, Judah, etc? Isaiah 26:4? The point Paul made here was to the person binding themselves to God and doing so by the heart follows the laws of God even when not having the laws of God. In those videos, I even subtly referred to 119 because Wilber contributes to their research and production. Keep the Word. He mentioned two dad man rising how did he know thats in Revelation The Startling lack of self awareness there mate. The chief purpose of God's law is to point out our sinfulness and show our need for a Savior. In other cases we see where God personally instructed individuals with His own voice. Third, any competent false teacher will lead one down the road of false logic or present a limited set of inaccurate options. Please pray for my husband that Holy Spirit will reveal His truth as he has been watching 119 ministries and I am concerned ! These are things of God I will not chastise you for not partaking. This is the point at which I must raise my hand to object and seek clarification. As for claiming that the use of sophisticated stuff like Greek & Hebrew definitions & implying its wrong is astounding if we do not know what the original definitions are we see an increase in how many people are taken in by false teachers & false prophets because they change the definitions. You can laugh, make snide remarks, dismiss with stupid little slams, but it is evident your millennial, woke, pandering self has sold the farm for a few fawning voices that will OWN you. When I left protestantism to join The Church, I found that my protestant friends could not understand where I was coming from. Also, Id be very interested in collaborating with you on some other debasings of 119 ministries. Cant get much more Hebrew Roots than that. Its NOT JESUS H. CHRIST. 119 ministries teaching tell of Jesus (Yeshua) and the love he has for us This Hebrew roots movement is to assure that we as Christians do not lead astray the Jew in our teaching for they are bound by a different rule than usthey are teaching us that there are certain things meant for the Jewish people that is not for gentiles !!! And 119 Ministries is presenting false choices which limit ones path to the truth. That defines a false teacher. The Law has nothing whatsoever to do with us now. (4 vowels IEUE that is modern hebrew Transliterates into YHWH or YHVH. Timline, context and intent are key to understanding scriptures. He is a jew who is one inwardly , Whos praise is of God and not of man ..whos circumcision is of the heart and not of the flesh . I do believe all believers in Yeshua to be my brothers and sisters in the body. And before you say that the Torah or the Prophets have no value in your life read this: Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul to the non-Jewish converts of his day and modern-day Christians) even told Timothy in his second letter (2 Tim 3:16-17) All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work. Please note that at the time Rav Shaul wrote this statement, the Tanakh (Old Testament) were the only written Scriptures available, either in Hebrew or Koine Greek. Christians really need to read how HE reacted to the very same thing in the book of 1 Kings. Some of us do read our Bibles & clearly hear God. The Word says he that turns his ear away from HEARING THE LAW, his prayer will be an abomination. Why is it when people start observing the original Sabbath and the Feasts of God that are so intricately tied to prophecy about Jesuss first and second coming (nowhere is it stated in the Bible theyre just for Jews) those people get labelled as being in a cult? Thus, YHWH did not dismiss the standard of Torah because Israel chose disobedience; rather, He installed a Renewed Covenant to write HIS Torah upon the heart of each of us through the work of the Holy Spirit according to Jesus. It is very unwise too denigrate the New Covenant blood of Christ. I am so blessed that you can lay it out in such a simple and understandable way.I was a very strong supporter of 119 ministry and only pray they have their eyes opened to this error soon and make it public as many are being led by these men. In fact, the authors point in this text is not to contrast the covenants, but to compare priesthoods: The earthly priests and their service with Jesus as a priest after the order of Melchizedek. THEIR. My answer to Wilber, in the videos below, exactly apply to 119 Ministries error. Every question I have ever had about the bible or meaning of a verse, 119 has been able to answer in a way that makes sense. Notice also that in the Apostolic Scriptures the relationship between Jesus and His followers is a bridegroom : bride-to-be metaphor as well? We are yoked to forgiveness ( even of our enemies maybe especially to our enemies) for where sin abounds , grace abounds that much more . The stuff in the Torah just lays out examples of what to do in different situations. Hope it helps! 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God! 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. That includes ALL Jews as well as anyone else! If you think Paul did, then you are highly mistaken and misinterpreting his letters! Why do you think that Yeshua told the woman from Shomron (Samaria) that we have to worship God in spirit and in truth? Respectfully, I ask you to think on this. In fact, it is their second of five Core Values (Foundational) as taken directly off their website: We believe that we are to teach all nations to obey the Torah (Law of God). In other teaching, 119 Ministries states the law of God = the law of Moses. Yes, Amen, Jesus Christ IS our New Covenant Torah who took me out of living on the streets and shelters for 8 months; ( I was kicked out of the shelter) and now own property and live in the same town as Mitt Romney. From their video "What is the Gospel, part 1 "The message in the instructions of Christ is also taught in the week of unleavened bread. We only wish more believers would join the ride; its lonely but if thats the way it is for now, so be it. Torah was passed on orally. In His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3 7:27), Jesus taught the people that 1) being angry with ones brother was subject to judgment just like murder, 2) anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has committed adultery in his heart, and 3) divorce, except in cases of marital unfaithfulness, causes adultery. 2. to render full, i.e. We bow to Him and kneel in His presence. This new covenant has a torah as instructed by Messiah himself. cuz he wasnt a single or married woman, or a farmer, etc. to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot I hope what I wrote was coherent as there was much to address and Im running on little sleep. 3:6 God has made US servants of the new covenant. I believe this to be literal and not just figurative in every way he lived. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And Im also referring to a large percentage of church and ministry leaders? That teaching method is not that far from the rabbis who taught in the name of an older rabbi. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Read the early church fathers, read the didache. 28 With respect to the Good News they are hated for your sake. Now this has been taught for many decades but does scripture actually teach this or is this a doctrine of men? But 119 Ministries doesnt directly say that WHY? Over the years I have spent huge amounts of time talking with the Lord and studying the scriptures!