I like to check the profiles to see how long theyve been playing. Do any males get girls doing this too? WebSep 22, 2019 - Explore Brenda Baker's board "faces of scammers 2019", followed by 143 people on Pinterest. I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I refused to send more money. Hopefully your mom didnt lose any money to him. Although the scammers resigning or timing out because I will not chat outside of the game has really helped me with my win/loss percentage LOL. Has this person contacted anyone else?? Got really shitty when I refused, persistent. There are SO many of these men popping up on WWF anymore its ridiculous. So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. Teenagers. This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas. Tap the Settings tab. Now I see him back on Boggle trying to scam other lonely vulnerable women. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! At that moment I knew it was another scammer. Two have asked to communicate outside of the game i.e. Dont ever give in to these degenerates!! Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. The guys name if Greg Williams. Each time he would try to guilt me into sending it. However the most recent game like that just disappeared so I didnt even have the satisfaction of a win. For example: Austin Scott, David Owen, William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, etc. I just dont repond. I think these scammers find people in lightening rounds. My profile pic used to be me and my husband, but that didnt stop them. I reported his info to Ftc.gov. Reading these posts has made me feel ashamed because all of the communication gives them more information on how to be convincing to other women. My mother has been playing Words with Friends with him for several years and is now having envelopes/packages sent to her from various people and then forwarding them. Be skeptical: dont tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch. ROTFL! Wife died of breast cancer. hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. A hacker has breached Zyngas Word With Friends game and claims to have accessed a database of more than 218 million players. Usually its a small group of scammers who can be male or female and work in a room together like a small business. Edward-matson: US army-divorced-caught wife cheating-single for 15 years. Hopefully that fixes it. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. Reported them to Zynga, but theyve done virtually nothing to block them from WWF even though they are aware that the photo of George belongs to someone else. My profile pic is a close-up of my dogs face. I learned my lesson about scammer players. While playing, you can access Chat without leaving the board. Im only on here to play WWF. He says your amazing and Ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha. Looking them up is irrelevant. He claims to be CEO of KLCC in Irving, TX. I am getting 3 or 4 a week of these scammers. I love this! Definitely a scammer. That I work on the internet to protect women from fraud and scammers. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.s photos. Half Brazilian Sounds like the same one I got. Anyone come across this guy? i hope that in the near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these. I have the addressed where I stupidly sent checks. Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. Do you report as abuse name impersonation? So far its working. Has anyone had one called Jake? There is even a new shield that you can block and report. After 4 months I invested 700$ with him. In the second one, someone claimed to be a woman who was a forex trader investing in bitcoin. Ty be safe smart. It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! All the crazies I encounter playing the game. What was his name? How do you change your name on WWF? They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. They come up with some really good words in the game, but have trouble chatting with proper english, though they claim they are from the U.S. I forgot to mention that is happening on WWF as well. He has white hair and looks to be55-60. I said he got killed for killing a scammer! She is American but living in Berlin looking after her frail mother. there is an Anderson from California trying to get me to call him or talk to him. Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. And there was one instance when I spelled the word sexy and she mentioned something about it in the chat. So be wary of any scammers claiming to be doctors, even real ones. But now I dont respond. I right away say I dont give out personal info, then they get pissy and resign, or I get annoyed and block them. I should never have fallen for these. There have been a few times I think weve got through to herbut after another 2hr phone-call, she is back believing them.. A free-to-play online multiplayer word game, founded in 2009, where players take turns building words in a crossword-puzzle style manner, Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. A new fake story Im seeing more of is they work for the UN. I think it's a safe bet that anyone trying to make significant conversation on a gaming app is fake. I have been playing WWF since I have been on FB, so over 8 years. OMG, I get that all the time, my favorite colors are red and white, and that makes pink, which stands for a pure heart. Thomas?? It was fun while it lasted, but I blocked his ass. I told him I didnt have a phone. Kids, Annie & Logan are being homeschooled to be safe but Robert goes to the hospital to be w/his friend, James, who was recently in a car wreck. Dead wife (cancer, childbirth, accident), one or two kids, with the nanny or in boarding school while hes away. I have Mike Scott on wwf now. I am not going to use WhatsApp or Hangouts. WebWords With Friends Scammer Chats. What actually made me suspicious is the English as if he is using a translator device. Wants gift cards and money all the time. I called 1 guy out and he started asking what the other 2 were saying to me. He is using Steffo Tornquists photos to lure you. And it just got better and better. I have encountered three US Army generals so far. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. When they were almost finished with the job, there was a fire and a picture showed a tractor burning. Words With Friends. I didnt do online searches or push him because I didnt want to know it wasnt real. Yes, Im familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA . She gladly handed over her phone number which I thought was a bit odd. Started sending me hostile messages and actually demanding that I tell her who I talked to make me feel the way Im feeling. Im still laughing now. We found way more money gone than we even knew she had. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. I never answer or play and then they go away. He said all in I had 1200$. Supposedly a trauma and orthopedic doctor. Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. I object to being told I shouldnt play with people I dont know isnt that blaming the victim? Oh my goodness. His knowledge of the english language is not good and hell drive you nuts about going on Hangouts. I was like cant you buy it online. Ive only just had a few of these scammers. Now that he was on the ship he was always busy. WebScammer Mark Baron. Was also asked to help with a family member that was going to get kicked out of their home if I didnt come up with 500. Then Ill ask them for money cuz Im 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. Now, He claims to be a German doctor, Military, working in Kandahar, Afghanistan ! He never had any friends on his FB profile or photos, except of him and one expensive car excluding the number plate. Im so sorry to hear that! He said he left it in Iraq but needs to get it out of there. Watch out for Glen who also says hes a Peacekeeper in Afghanistan, has a 13 year old son and his wife passed away 5 years ago. Because it doesnt use up their expensive cell phone data. They are all engineers marine, chemical, building construction now its all oil rigs and army men. Just deleted the game and changed my profile pic to my dogs. Claimed to have found a bunch of money while he and his men were on patrol. Same line! they jump off as soon as they read that. He continues to ask for money with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states. Am getting this more and more on Words. I have a file of over 100 guys that I believe are scammers. I dont mind playing if Im getting points but dont want to chat with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos! Another one is Edward Harvey: divorced with two kids -oil rig worker who also deals in foreign exchange.. Hes getting a bit shitty as I wont change my profile pic to my face rather than my dogs!! He then proceeded to give me his email address. Huge red flag. Had to separate my FB acct from WWF and also changed my pic and profile. I resisted for a long time, but he had the most chocolately voice! I love playing WWF, but it is so funny when they immediately come up with their back stories (all of them were widowers, save for one divorce), they have either a child or a grandchild they are raising alone, and are looking for friendly companionship. I love to mess with these creeps on WWF if they say their Engineers, so am i, whatever they say they do, i ask them about the job, they change subject, if they say theyre American,i ask where theyre born. I get one or two a day. Hi. I told him yes. When men ask for my phone number I give them the number to Dial A Prayer (704 482 0022 ). I play WWF. What a nice dream they spin for those wish to believe! Beware probably same guy they change names a whole group of them doing this crap, There are quite a few Thomas out there, somehow involved in shipping, sometimes mentioning Maersk Line. Its safer and more private when I have told them that I am happily married with kids and have shown no interest in them. I used Jayden photos and found it to be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone.. My mother is nobodys fool. I like the game; its good for me because I work from home and can drop in and out of it when Im waiting for emails etc, but the downside is that lot of men (im sure women as well) really just want to use it as a dating app. Hi, got in on Academic Singles. But the English syntax always gives them away! Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. Hey! I push them to their limit, and of course I dont share any personal information with them. Kind of odd. I said it was like playing a video game or choose your own adventure story. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? Widow with 2 kids. Man, more and more of them. Almost immediately after chatting I started getting those creepy guys, literally daily. I thought that was strange. It happens every single day to someone. He asked me how old I am and where i lived. And I plan to find my fun somewhere else. I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. HOW TO HELP ROMANCE SCAM VICTIMS FOR FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF SCAM VICTIMS. Thats when I got suspicious. Watch out for Luis Chanaga. That person in the picture exists, but they dont know anything except for the messages they get from people they dont know and arent chasing. I dont add the friend requests, but its hilarious how similar the accounts are and random pictures they find of these men. I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. How do you reverse image search? You can chat with opponents, but like with any online platform, sometimes strangers aren't there for fun - they're there to commit fraud. Needed I tune cards lololo. I would rather look like a stalker than get harassed on a game I just want to play for fun. Said wife died anf faugher14. !, I read a bit about a river that flows through there & did find a Port of Dallas but after hed resurfaced (had been using the Wi-Fi in the neighboring room), I finally called the Port of Dallas & asked if there was a way to verify the things he said were true., The operator said, Theres no ocean around here so I would venture to say, No.. 57 years old and going to retire and wants me to move in with them. Words With Freaks. Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. And hes originally from Germany. Work on oil rig, widowed or divorced, thousands of questions and when I answer they respond with okay or a reply that doesnt match with my answer, all thinking Im the most beautiful person ever. Shame, I could of happily spent my life just looking at him , Im flooded with these as well. Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. It is just crazy. Hi beautiful. Eventually he got too personal and I knew he was looking to hook up. Guys still say Hi beautiful, lets chat on google hangouts. Beware: Nicolas Alejandro, Stanley Gray (Stanleygray545), Ryan Smith (Ryansmith00009). Of course, he should take it, I said. Click on their profile and they usually have a very recent start date, a very low top score and very few wins. I got a doozy the other day! I like him but know him for a scammer. Im suspicious because Im not really all that popular!! 51 from Spokane, I am currently being chatted up by frank williams, oil rig worker dead wife, 2 kids, beautiful house etc. Still asking him questions that he never seems to answer. We both talked about having been sad & missing each other. Awesome!! They profile you and compose an idea on you. He sent me his number. Also they ask for bitcoins. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! I crack myself up! I hope nobody is falling for these inane stories. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. I bet Ill get blocked after that . It felt like I was talking to several different people. It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them . I showed Mom how to block a player on WWF. Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. You can also connect with friends through these games and meet new people. However, there are many fake profiles among new players, but not all of them are fake players. You can find out about your opponents by looking at their profile pages. On the other hand, this technique is called Words With Friends Profile Lookup. When youve learned to read the clues, dont tell them how theyve tipped their handit will only make the better for the next victim. Centaur is science writer Clive Thompsons term for a collaboration between people and programs that turns out to be more effective than either humans or bots alone. They tried to scam me too but never asked for money. Sounds like someone who played wwf. Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person same name, same story, everything. Understood I was searching infos on him, has sent by mistake a message with copy of passport (which says hes born in Toronto). I was challenging his integrity!! Owen (or whoever) strikes up a casual conversation with what he hopes is a lonely, older, female WWF player. My daughter told me its a scam. hope his not scamming other people. Too smart for that. Im married with four adult sons as I told him many times and just thought he was a lonely man looking for companionship. Ive never had one woman start a chat. I hadnt askescany questions of him but he told me his life story. I am married and have three children. I have had 100+ of these scammers try to get me. Interesting. Oil refineries ect.) My first words are WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? I am 87, he 60. Also see how many languages they play. The only messages we exchange are good game! or you stole my move! But its exhausting sifting through the scammers. Then when they ask for things or money tell them that I know all about what they are doing and hope I wasted their time. I go oh ok but Im talking to you. This is one reason why Owen and his ilk almost never use the first names of their intended victims, preferring my dear or honey or the like: they dont want to blow it and address Mary as Sally.. They also always want to exchange email and go to Google Hangout too. RosyChica. Ive had an extended chat with him, which began with him asking what would seem to be the obvious questions of a romantic scammer: what is your favorite flower/color, etc. Theres a Peter Johnson in Boston, Jeremy Scott from Florida, Kelly G Roland from Greece but lives in TX. When I finally asked him to send me a picture of his drivers license and passport, including pictures of his stamp for entering Hong Kong, he became defensive and did he shouldnt have to provide that. He had already declared me to be the love of his life. New he was a scammer from the get go, played along with it for 3weeks, really enjoyed telling him that I told as many lies as him. Anyone know Can they penetrate our email which is Attd to be our Banks info + and evrything that who r calls everything over the yrs?? Im not interested. I tried being respectful & trusting. He asked how my husband died and I said I shot him when I discovered he was an internet scammer. His daughter needs an operation that costs $20,000, but Owen is stuck aboard a ship of the coast of Turkey, or some other remote place. If I'm a scammer, I think I'm doing it wrong. Another alias GEORGIA MENDEZ possibly same scammer. If youre too embarrassed to do this, then you probably already suspect that the person who wants the money isnt who he claims to be. So today I was playing Words with Friends and a nice looking man popped up wanting to play so I accepted. Sad. I am going to remember this. He said that he has two kids and his has full custody of his sons because he caught his wife cheating in his bed. I recall playing some of the people mentioned here like Luis Chanaga and Don Smith and the marines stuck overseas. The requesting to talk was annoying, but did it. Wow. Dont feel bad for him and his awful wife who is just around to keep his high paying religious executive job at Kettering Health. Wife died of breast cancer. Always has a sob story. Googled himh really is a generaltoo bad his English is poor and he knows nothing about the military! Both oil rig workers. Even if, like my mother, youre a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you dont know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then dont play. Hes smooth but terrible lover. This is just a brief account of how good these men are.catfishing. Wife in Switzerland remarried . I run into several a day on WWF. And you want me to go to Google Hangouts just to see what they will say. Such a shame (not). My grandmother (85 female) has been scammed out of over 1.2 MILLION dollars from 1 or many scammers over the last probably 1-2 years. How about Frederick Luca? One of his first questions he asked was if I was married and had kids? The boiler room is scary enough, but even scarier is the idea that instead of a room full of sweaty guys, maybe Owen is a bot. Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? "Words with Friends" is a lot like Scrabble. I told him upfront that I suspected he was a scammer and he said he was badly hurt at the accusation. They resign. Watch out for Ablelard Clause. And it doesn't make them any less annoying in my opinion. He wanted to know where I was playing from. I dont understand how someone can sound so sincere and just hurt people and take advantage of them. I am ashamed. To bad we cant have nice things. Oh also a son of one but that one dont msg much. I have only been on for a little while and had 6 so called men friend me to play wanting to know temp and whats for dinner. Your email address will not be published. Its easy to get wrapped up in somebodys story, but if you find yourself tempted to send money to a stranger even if its just a little ask for help. There are a lot of dogs playing words with friends these days. Most want me to download hangouts. Blocked the lot of them . Words With Friends by: mermaid79 #47473 May 10, 2018 Monetary Loss: $0 this guy plays words with friends the sweet talks you into getting Hangouts then he talks to you on Hangouts until he finally asks for $100 I- tune cards Phones reported: 832-429-8570 Web/emails reported: louiscolson2211@gmail.com 5. Ive got one on now called Thomas he gave me his email and asked me to write to him on it so he can chat some more I said no thanks, its his go at the moment . He continued to send me a lot of pictures, some of him when he was younger with his two girls. Hes quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams. The pictures that sends/uses are of a plastic surgeon from Florida. The dates arent ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. Tap on your Profile. I get these guy pretty regularly. Beware of Nickolas Howard. I dont know how to report him since I dont have an account. Youd be better off hiring a discrete escort to go on dates with. I told one guy I lived in the southern U.S.. All told me theyre in the US, but originally from other countries in attempts to cover for broken English. Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. So insecure they can get into our stuff? Ive been hacked twice innthe last two months. Hello, really full of it!! Im in great demand. Just MUTE the chats with all males. I do not five out any personal.info, however. Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. Hes back with sightly different details, location and his own age. We contacted police..no help. I feel like as I waste their time it keeps them from scamming other people. Donald gerrick, I had a guy named Tony that was probably a scammer. One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him. I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . I have the rejection hotline phone number, so when asked, thats what I give them, then I wait, in usually less then 10 minutes, the game is over, and I am blocked!! Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. 2. A woman has revealed how she was almost scammed by an online Casanova while playing a popular online word game. I kept resigning on 1 player, I finally blocked him. I can tell by their profile pics theyre scammers before they even write me. Hello. Robert Ellingtons fabulous story was a lot like Biancas.. One told me now that we are friends on words I had to tell him the truth and not lie to him and that I had to do as he told me , well thats like a red rag to a bull to me , told him where to go in a very colourful way . I would never give out personal information. Sure enough, after a few games they chatted with me. I am so relieved to find this thread! I havent because its very strange. He asked what phone I was playing on. Mines name is: Thomas Stewart. His screen name is Thomson S on WWF. He mentioned that he is married by know more (his words not mine). Relatives and i play. 14 year old son Hes asking me a lot of questions and now wants me to go on Google Hangouts to chat with him but I dont plan to. The picture he has posted of himself was stolen from Instagram and is of a very handsome male model/makeup artist. I figured the first time, once I told this supposedly young attractive woman I was 65 and happily married for 35 years, shed either just end the game or keep playing , finish and that would be it. Play them at their own fame, then call them out. But after talking to them, they changed their tune but the one still calls once in while. Ive met some nice people, but never share personal info with them all the same. But Im worried they hacked my phone. Thats where they were picking up the crude oil. Can be entertaining some days when bored. She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. My guess is hell resign the game and block me. Hes fake. I have a wonderful next door neighbor who is in up to her eyeballs with this guy. Nice pictures on Facebook. Look out for a Mark Spiegler. Massive scorer with words I had never heard of and grammar good at firstthen the personal questions then bad grammar (these scammers have an itellegent first writer then pass to another once they engage you in conversation). if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. But no one has said how they get the game we are playing together to DISAPPEAR? He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. I was scammed on Boggle with Friends by Jeffs3007. The came back as Travis Austin! Most of these losers just resign and screw up my stats. Yes.definitely. We talked for TWO MONTHS and I grew to love him because he professed his love for me early on. (I admit that Im biased.) No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names. I feel for these lost souls, but I cannot help them. Fredrick Andrews. When they get pushy I tell them WWF is the wrong app for I thought I was getting there today & wondered about reporting him & found all of you. James Mata- playing since 11/5/2020 Its always a scam. Kabul.) Ive been chatting for 3weeks with one who has a very creative story but has now sent me his phone # and is requesting mine. The photos always look retouched and the grammar fails. One guy , Austin Scott Miller.. uses the real Austin Scotts photo ( lutenant in the Army.. nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). WebWhen they say they want to exchange pictures I tell them they should get on Instagram if they want to look at pictures. Careful GIRLS, Hes good! I have a hunch Why they demand quite aggressive to go to Hangouts or other sites. You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. Zynga needs to know. I refused repeatedly but he got to me, so I finally shared it. I did miss the person he had been pretending to be &/or having someone check in on me regularly & seem to care about me & my family. My favorite colors are red and white. We got a good laugh out of that one! I told friends I was having fun talking w/him. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? But when Hangouts? Youll be surprised by how quickly information pops up that will detach you from acting on a really bad idea. Gary Scott sound familiar James curtis. First thing was a pic of a handsome marine. Still talking to the same guy? I get hit on by young women all wanting iTunes gift cards eventually. I sent him an Apple gift card after he swore hed pay me back three days later (a surgeon needs me to buy him an Apple gift card??). We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. Go for it! Petter Snow. I want to sue Words With Friends.