If you are an educator, incorporate lessons about invasive species such as lionfish in your curriculum. In their natural range the species is considered rare and in some regions it has likely been depleted. Its files also makes pretty nice fried, boiled fish, and soup Problem with Lion Fish always has been that you need to be specifically prepared to cut up Lion Fish, and y. Lionfish carry a deadly poison in their spines. Moreover, these derbies promote research, education of the safe handling of lionfish, as well as offer the opportunity for the public to try free tastings of lionfish. Every fish you've ever cared for has had a backbone, a skull, and jaws, though their bones aren't like those of creatures who live on land. Breeding red lionfish is not possible without a large aquarium containing live rock with plenty of caves for spawning and shelter during early development stages. Our organization is dedicated to providing public education and awareness of lionfish, while supporting research efforts focusing on the biology, ecology, impact and control of the species. It belongs to the scorpionfish family (Scorpaenidae) and this fish isnt considered a true scorpionfish. Businesses such as hotels, dive centers, fishing charters, restaurants and their employees rely on this tourism. Here they have been targeted by groupers and eels. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 March 2022]. Another is that the fish are descended from those released by home aquarists when they became too big for their tanks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 March 2022]. The stomach of a lionfish can expand up to 30 times its size. Consider starting your own fundraiser to help us and other organizations fight against invasive lionfish that pose a significant threat to ocean-life. Furthermore, research and voice your concerns about any hurdles that stand in the way of control efforts. They live on a wide range of habitats, such as reefs and areas of rocks at depths from very shallow water to 100 feet (30 meters). Continue with Recommended Cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 13 of the 18 spines are situated on the spine and dorsal fins, with a short spine on each edge of their pelvic fins, and 3 short A good variety of meaty foods are best offered including squid, shrimp, scallop, herring, pieces of fish fillet and krill. It extends North to Japan and south to Lord Howe Island off the Australian coast. It has been said that they taste like a Sea Urchin but a bit more bitter and creamier. Given the incredible numbers of their reproductions and appetite mixed with few or no predators that can keep them at bay the reality is that they are here to stay and yes thats a problem. In the pelvic fins, the lionfish has 1 short spine in each fin. These same coral reefs also provide protection and shelter to entire schools of marine creatures. Local restaurants could benefit from promoting the ecological benefits of eating lionfish with their patrons. 1 2. Do the math of their reproduction over their lifespan and the reproduction of their offspring over their lifetime and so on. Red lionfish are generally difficult to breed in an aquarium. start a fundraiser and help us or other organizations keep up the good fight. Best Fish to Eat During Pregnancy Popular types like catfish, clams, cod, crab, pollock, salmon, scallops, shrimp, This species is known by a number of alternative names including the butterfly cod, firefish, lionfish, Wood, M. 2001. How does the Red Lionfish survive in its habitat? Over the past ten years, the lionfish derbies hosted by the Reef Environmental Education Foundation was responsible for the removal of 24,522 lionfish. Research studies show that lionfish derbies are highly effective in lowering the lionfish populations of certain areas. 1 1 What Do Lionfish Eat? Red lionfish have been introduced into the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. 2022. The larval duration of microscopic size larvae is approximately 25 to 30 days. "We have not heard of any cases where a lionfish sting has proven to be fatal," she adds. This is one of the reasons why they are such a . Teams begin competing at sunrise and bring their catch to the scoring station by 5:00 p.m. Each fish is measured and prizes are awarded to teams for catching the most, biggest, and smallest lionfish. Lionfish have sharp spines that deliver the venom. Yes, all fish have a vertebral column. This could result in an economic collapse of these areas who rely on the tourism-related revenue that sport fishing and scuba diving generates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 March 2022]. Just as little is known about what keeps lionfish in check in their native area, it is unknown precisely how lionfish found their way to the Atlantic Ocean. An increase in pollution within their range presents the potential that their food sources could decline leading to flow on effects for this species. Do lionfish have predators in Atlantic Natural predators in the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea that are known to eat lionfish include sharks, cornetfish, grouper, large eels, frogfish and other scorpionfish. [5] Because this fish is a predator, the other fish in your aquarium must be larger than your lionfish when it is fully grown. They have long, needle-like spines on its dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins which can be used to inflict painful stings. Ask to be involved in developing and implementing programs to prevent the spread of invasive lionfish. The vast majority of them are light colored, with red stripes. We offer support to organizations and individuals developing tools for control, monitoring and management of lionfish. However, all other fish have a backbone (spine) that supports all their other bones and body parts. Reef fish, turtles and other marine life go to these stations to have parasites and other detritus removed to keep themselves healthy. The Lionfish is a unique and dominant addition to any saltwater aquarium. No matter the size, all lionfish sport spines along their back, pelvis and underside, and they use these protrusions for defense. This makes it difficult to control their numbers because of how easy it can be for people to buy them at pet stores or online. They can, however, be spotted swimming during the day, especially in their invasive range in the Atlantic. Where no intervention was made, native species continued to decline and disappear. If left unchecked, lionfish will ultimately cause the destruction of the reefs, native fish stocks, and the livelihood of those dependent upon them. It is also known as Pterois volitans, the red firefish, red zebrafish, red weaver, weaver's delight, and banded sea krait. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The red lionfish is a carnivore. Lionfish larvae have a large head, a large triangular snout, long serrated head spines, and a large pelvic spine. The scary part is that the eggs do not go into the food chain because of their toxic coating around the eggs. These fish are exceptionally beautiful looking, with decorative pectoral fins and long tentacles. Eggs hatch within 36 hours of being produced. Once becoming capable of reproduction, a lionfish breeds throughout the year. Yes, all fish are classified as vertebrates, and therefore, they do have backbones! Lionfish have since been sighted along the coast of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Bermuda, etc. Lionfish affect the health of other marine species because they are diminishing populations of cleaner fish such as shrimp, wrasse and gobies. Oceana. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The two then rise slowly from the seafloor and hover for up to an hour. Red lionfish are not the best pets as they can be difficult to care for. Teams collect lionfish by netting or spearing lionfish while SCUBA diving, free diving, or snorkeling. While lionfish undoubtedly affect the commercial fishing industry, lionfish can also negatively impact tourism. Extremely delicate fish (such as marine animals) should have as many as six to nine 15-minute mixes. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. As lionfish populations continue to grow, many communities are beginning to change laws to make exceptions for divers to hunt lionfish. Lionfish are also found throughout Micronesia. Lionfish are generally nocturnal, meaning they prefer to hunt at night. Educate your friends and family about the dangers of invasive lionfish. Lionfish have no natural predators in their . Aid and treatment of lionfish stings include inspecting the puncture wound and removing any pieces of the spine that may have broken off and remain in the wound. There are so many ways to help everyone and every organization out there trying to control the lionfish population. Regular partial water changes are a must to keep nitrates at bay and maintain stability for this sensitive species. Saltwater aquariums require significantly more maintenance than freshwater aquariums. It has been known to swim into shallow waters, which can pose a threat to humans and makes them dangerous fish for aquariums. Manage Settings Adults in this species can grow as large as 47 cm (18.5 in) [3] in length, making it one of the largest species of lionfish in the ocean, while juveniles are typically shorter than 1 inch (2.5 cm). there is alway a chance that they could kill you. However, these same predators living in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea have not recognized the lionfish as food. The typical adult lionfish is a little longer than a foot (usually 35-40cm) and weighs about half a kilogram (450-500g). Wiki User. The Lionfish is an Indo-Pacific fish with venomous spikes that grow all over it. It is also recommended to keep them in an aquarium 120 gallons or larger, with numerous hiding places. The best companion species are those that can stand up to their bullying behavior like triggerfish, larger angels, and eels. We can help you organize it. Prolific Interloper. Once the venomous spines of the lionfish are removed, they can be prepared like any other fish. Nevertheless, scientists predict that lionfish will continue to increase in abundance if not controlled. If you are stung by your lionfish, immediately immerse the wound in hot, nonscalding water (from 110 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 or 40 minutes or until pain has diminished), or heat it with a hair dryer. Studies in the Pacific show that male lionfish start off the act of courtship. Male lionfish use their spines and fins in a visual display to both intimidate predators but also attract a mate. They Have Venomous Spines Along Their Bodies The venom glands are located within two grooves on the spines, which would need to pierce the skin to transfer the venom to a person, says Lawlor. Wood, M. 2001. Individuals should take precaution to protect themselves against a lionfish sting. Their diet includes a range of crustaceans and fish. There are plenty out there and they could all use support. Do your part by cooking and eating this flaky, white, delicious fish! Start calling around to see if restaurans in your area serve lionfish. As a countermeasure to the damage these predators are causing in the Atlantic Ocean, invasive species initiatives have been set by various organizations to encourage the hunting of these fish. However, lionfish are extremely adaptable and capable of living at depths down to 1,000 feet! Surprisingly enough though, not all red lionfish are toxic; only about half of them contain this deadly toxin!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fishkeepingfolks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingfolks_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The red lionfish is a venomous fish that lives in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Small numbers are collected for food. Over-the-counter pain medications are also helpful for reducing and managing the pain associated with a lionfish sting. In case you notice white spots on its body, use a saltwater dip with quinine hydrochloride to cure white spot disease caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. There is evidence that spawning occurs throughout the year, though it peaks between April and October when water temperatures are around 82-86F (28 30C). The eggs are small, so it is difficult to feed them once they hatch. Diet: Herbivore. Most native fish in these waters have no evolutionary experience with lionfish, and potentially predatory fish do not recognize them as food or know how to approach them. What do red lionfish look like? And other study tools and more with flashcards, games, and muscle a structure and markets they can.. These cookies do not store any personal information. Unfortunately, with no natural enemies in the tropical western Atlantic lionfish have invited themselves to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet in these areas. The lionfish is a carnivorous fish native to the Indo-Pacific that is now an invasive species in the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean coastal waters and other locations in the Atlantic. In fact, diving alone accounts for a $2.1 billion economy in the Caribbean. With their long spines and dramatic patterns, these fish are truly a sight to behold. The red lionfish is a saltwater fish that can be found in the Indo-Pacific and East Africa. Immersing the area in hot water is advisable. Lionfish are native to the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. There is speculation that large snapper and some species of trigger fish eat lionfish in their native ranges as well. Oceanservice.noaa.gov. Lionfish are noted for their venomous fin spines, which are capable of producing painful, though rarely fatal, puncture wounds. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Many larger predators cowered away from the more aggressive lionfish and avoided them almost to the point of starvation until the researchers intervened. These have a large head with a pointed snout and coloration is only present in the pelvic fin.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theanimalfacts_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theanimalfacts_com-leader-3-0'); Only about a month of their life is spent as a larvae. However, if this is not possible, apply a clean cloth soaked in hot water. The red lionfish has almost always been considered venomous or poisonous it contains tetrodotoxin which makes them dangerous to eat. Any fish smaller than the them will be eaten. Divers, researchers and ocean advocates have teamed together in an effort to stop the lionfish invasion and save reefs and native marine life. Red Lionfish. They were first described for modern science in 1758. These fish are considered ambush predators and will sit and wait for prey to pass them by before lunging forward to capture it. They can be brown or greenish-grey above grading to white below; the body is decorated by vertical dark bars which may join to form horizontal lines. Science suggests that lionfish are not capable of surviving water temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There are a lot of questions about lionfish out there and we would like to bring them all here in one place. Lionfish have a flaky white flesh that is mild and buttery in taste. Red Lionfish are a delicacy in some cultures and are even a base ingredient in bouillabaisse. All vertebrate species of animals, not . Red lionfish are clad in white stripes alternated with red, maroon or brown stripes. Considering their life expectancy and capability of breeding fast and young, it is no surprise that lionfish populations are reaching alarming numbers. In their natural habitat, they typically eat small reef fish. In their native habitat, lionfish have a number of natural predators that have caught and eaten them for millenia. A lionfish derby is a single day competition to collect and remove as many lionfish as possible. They need good-quality saltwater with specific gravity of at least .98 and a pH between eight and 12. Learn more about the dangers of invasive lionfish and spread the word tell your family and friends, get involved and educate! Additionally, there are many myths and misinformation regarding the biology and ecology of lionfish. In the dorsal fin, lionfish have 13 long spines. In certain cases, it may take several days for the symptoms to complete subside. to expand in to new territories with relative ease. Some believe that lionfish were introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1980s both by local aquariums and private owners. Due to the fact that lionfish are an invasive species, they have no natural predators. As a result, small fish do not flee from a hungry lionfish. Lionfish when it is a non-athropod bones called vertebrae cat genus Panthera 6 and doesn & does a red lionfish have a backbone yes or no! Two likely theories are proposed for their spread here. Basically, they toss the fish in the ocean when it starts eating their other fish. The soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins have dark . There have been no known fatalities documented from a lionfish sting. Studies have demonstrated that a single lionfish can reduce native marine creatures in its range by 80 to 90 percent within a 5 week span! They grow to about 12-15 inches in length; however they have been noted to be larger in areas where they . When threatened by a predator the red lionfish will typically stop and point its venomous fins towards the threat.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'theanimalfacts_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theanimalfacts_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'theanimalfacts_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theanimalfacts_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-114{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. As a result, lionfish are capable of hoovering up about 80% of the marine creatures in its area in just 5 short weeks! We can assist you! The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a venomous coral reef fish in the family Scorpaenidae, order Scorpaeniformes.It is mainly native to the Indo-Pacific region, but has become an invasive species in the Caribbean Sea, as well as along the East Coast of the United States and East Mediterranean and also found in Brazil at Fernando de Noronha.. They can produce larger clutches of eggs the larger they grow. In the past, they have been captured alive, in large numbers, for display in public and private aquaria. The lionfish then corners its prey with its large fins before swallowing it whole. The easy answer is Yes. Big names such as Guy Harvey and FWC have become lionfish awareness advocates, hosting contests and events such as Lionfish Removal Day where people compete to catch the most lionfish. Invasive species are capable of causing extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats. Lionfish are predators, and they eat a variety of different fish. Although invasive lionfish is a serious problem in areas of the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico, a large portion of the population does not know! It is not likely that we can train other fish to eat lionfish. EIN 83-4304418. 2013-01-04 13:52:49. However, scientists do believe that we can control the spread of lionfish in certain areas. Entire economies, such as those in the Bahamas, Caymans, Cozumel, and the Bay Islands of Honduras depend on tourism related revenue that sport fishing and scuba diving generates. The water should be kept between 72-82F (22-28C) and the salinity around 30 ppm. Support the nonprofits trying to help control the lionfish. These predators have been intentionally released as well. So if you enjoy fishing on your favorite reef you might not be as lucky as time goes on. yes all fish have backbones, except for the fish that don't have backbones Do salmon fish have backbones? However, they have also been known to eat octopus, crabs, and even shrimp. This means that in good conditions 2,000,000 new lionfish will be added to our reefs each year from a single lionfish. They were so named because of their appearance The fan-like arrangement of their long dorsal fins and spindly pectoral fins resembles that of a lion's mane. Snake is essentially nothing but backbone, rib, and more with flashcards games. In addition to the marine life listed above, lionfish eat a number of important cleaner fish and shrimp responsible for keeping other reef fish clean and healthy. A more sensitive individual may be more impacted by the shock, the intensity of the shock, or complications caused by the sting. Even though they are hardy, red lionfish do not have an unlimited tolerance for variations in water chemistry. Lionfish have 18 venomous spines. The lionfish is a beautiful predatory fish popular in saltwater aquariums. These reef fish help keep our reefs healthy and if they get eaten in large numbers then the reefs are in danger of getting overgrown in algae. Many different reef fish eat algae and prevent the corals from getting overgrown and dying. Lionfish can reproduce frequently, producing about 25,000 eggs per female every four days. Local dive shops throughout Florida host lionfish derbies and lionfish removal days, where they show you how to catch, clean and cook your own lionfish. In fact, small fish will often congregate around a lionfish believing they are seeking shelter in the lionfishs long spines, fin rays, and feathery pectoral fins from other predators. Raise money for a specific cause. It is easy to identify by its white, brown, red, or maroon stripes. The eggs can travel with the currents and land throughout the many reefs in the Atlantic ocean. Their name is taken from the fins which span out on either side of the body and resemble the mane of a lion. Lionfish can cause serious damage to our coral reefs, mangroves, sea grasses and other important ecosystems. Another species naturally occurs in the Indian Ocean. Lionfish Central, Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, . They begin life as a larvae. With continued hunting, the native fish and other sea creatures will . Red lionfish generally live between 12 and 15 years. They are known for their ornate, long venomous spines, which can seriously injure an unknowing owner. Lionfish feed on important species including grazers and cleaners that maintain the health of coral reefs and other fish. In waters where there are no natural predators, lionfish can probably survive much longer than 10 years. Moreover, lionfish are a healthy fish containing a higher concentration of heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids and lower concentrations of Omega 6 fatty acids. Soak the affected limb in water hot enough to tolerate but not to burn, or take a hot shower for 10-20 minutes. Study guides. It hunts by sitting motionless on a rock or coral head with its fins erect to blend into surroundings, then darts out quickly at nearby prey. Donations are tax-deductible. They are an invasive species in the Caribbean and the Atlantic ocean. There are several ways you can adopt a dive team or a reef both online and through local organizations. Although rare, some unsuspecting swimmers and bathers in shallow waters have accidentally kicked or stepped on a lionfish resulting in injury. A lionfish can become capable of reproducing in their first year of life. According to National Geographic Young Explorer Erin Spencer,. An encounter with a lionfish can have painful consequences for people and potential predators. Thai National Parks. Be notified when an answer is posted. If you live in a coastal area, research whether lionfish derbies are held nearby. Actually yes. Chefs throughout the country are finding ways to incorporate the invasive species into their seafood recipes. All rights reserved. The red lionfish has a patterned head and body in reddish or golden brown color bands overlapping the yellow background. This species is highly adaptable in regards to their diet and this has allowed them to expand in to new territories with relative ease. In fact, the FWC has even gone so far as to raise the lobster bag limit during season for every 50 lionfish caught. That causes a problem because they can destroy more than 50% of the reef fish in a short period of time less than a couple of years. Lionfish have such a high rate of reproduction and can grow really fast if there is an abundance of small reef fish available. Lionfish can also share a reef aquarium with other docile species including gobies, blennies and dartfishes. In comparison, most fish native to the western Atlantic and Bermuda areas take 3 to 5 years before becoming capable of reproduction. In approximately 3 more months, the larvae turns into a lionfish resembling its parents. The female fish produce 15,000 eggs each time they mate. These fish are considered ambush predators and will sit and wait for prey to pass them by before lunging forward to capture it. During the day when they are less active this species will retreat to rocky ledges along the reef. Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone or spinal column, also called vertebrae. Lionfish is a group of fascinating yet scary fishes thanks to their erect end elongated tentacles projecting out of their body with a reddish hue making them somewhat zombies. An adult should test the water to make sure it is not scalding hot for children. However, lionfish are not aggressive and there is no documented evidence of a lionfish offensively attacking a human. Lionfish have distinctive red, white, creamy or black bands covering both their head and body as well as fan-like pectoral fins and venomous spiky fin rays. Add an answer. The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) or zebrafish is a venomous coral reef fish in the family Scorpaenidae, order Scorpaeniformes. Lion fish are vertebrate. Grazer species of marine life eat the algae that grows over the reef and include species such as parrotfish, goatfish, wrasses, surgeonfish, and many others. There are two types of backbone structures: the trunk vertebrae . most lionfish species have a total of 18 potentially deadly spines attached to their bodies, more than capable of penetrating human skin and delivering an incredibly painful sting, fortunately, they are not fatal. bay area rappers 2020 / buffalo's cafe nutrition menu / POST. Eggs are released as a mass following mating and float to the surface where a coating of mucus will help to attach them to nearby rocks and corals. Typically, lionfish thrive in coastal waters around rocky crevices and coral reefs where there are lots of smaller fish to eat and places to hide. Adults often have white spots along the lateral line. Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone. The best way to prevent these fish from being attacked by predators is to put them in a well-established aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and shelters. Accordingly, eating habits may shift to other protein sources and force fisherman and other fishing communities out of business. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animals_net-box-4','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animals_net-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'animals_net-box-4','ezslot_7',115,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animals_net-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-115{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}These beautiful fish feed primarily on small fish, mollusks, and invertebrates. What animal has no . If the fish has a loss of appetite or shows any abnormal behavior such as darting back and forth or resting at odd angles, these may be symptoms that it is suffering from parasitic infection.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fishkeepingfolks_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',654,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingfolks_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fishkeepingfolks_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',654,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingfolks_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-654{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. In some situations, lionfish can be dangerous to humans. The red lionfish is a pale white color across its body which is banded with black or red vertical stripes. It is believed that a mature lionfish can reproduce every 3 to 4 day! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Use RO or RODI filtered seawater to prepare the aquarium water if you live in an area with tap water that is soft, acidic or very low in minerals. Speak up about why invasive lionfish are a problem in your area! These have a large head with a pointed snout and coloration is only present in the pelvic fin. In addition to the added difficulty of maintaining a saltwater aquarium, these fish must also be fed a complex diet, and oftentimes require live food. You need to be careful when handling the lionfish. In fact, some lionfish have been found with as many as 40 to 60 prey in their expanded stomachs.