The first-ever sundial known to humankind was built around 1500 BCE in Egypt. We now recognize only the full moon as the new moon. As of 2009, this is realized with the UT1 time scale, constructed mathematically from very-long-baseline interferometry observations of the diurnal motions . Unseen truth would not be clearly translated into the English Bible. 360 degree circle (on the sundial), divided by 12 hours of sunlight (average day) = 30 degrees per hour ; 1/3 of an hour = 20 minutes ; 10 degrees would = 20 minutes. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. IT ISA POINT OF TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION. It is the Hebrew prefixes and suffixes that determine so much of the text, and these two words are not even present, as illustrated in the table above. . sundial, the earliest type of timekeeping device, which indicates the time of day by the position of the shadow of some object exposed to the sun's rays. As a result, all full New Moons and lunar Sabbaths upon earth perpetually continue to be synchronized with those of the very seat of Yahuahs authority in the New Yarushalom. Let it not be lost or unrecognized that each and every work of the Messiah was time-centric to the set-apart days of the Temple/Sanctuary service. They are not mutually exclusive; the sign of the sundial miraculously turned back ten degrees can be a sign for those two actions of God: God healing Hezekiah's boil and God defending the city from the attacks of the Assyrians. . They cannot miss their intended targets or deadlines, as this would signal a false prophecy. Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Next, you need to make a gnomon, or a fin-like piece of wood that will be placed on top of the sundial. Were Christians ever the Faithful Expositors of Truth? The opposite effect is seen on the Durban sundial, as Durban is east of 30 degrees longitude, and local time is then ahead of South African Standard Time. The calculator will then give you a table telling your how to adjust your sundial time throughout the year. From that lunar New Moon marker, all the months were to be ordered, and from each New Moon Day, the seventh-day Sabbaths were numbered, and the Feast Days were to be celebrated. Would it be feasible to increase the time resolution to 10 or 5 minutes? Between the time the ark of Noah safely came to rest (circa 2349 BC) in the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4) and the Abrahamic Covenant (circa 1925 BC) was established several hundred years later, a major time-altering event occurred in the Shinar valley, in the city of Babylon. Getting Rosh Hashanah (New Years Day) correct was the precursor and first step required to slaying the Passover Lamb on the correct 14th day. For the shamayim (heavens), continue to declare accurate time in sync with our Creators throne room. For a horizontal sundial at a particular latitude L, the angle A of a shadow line from the line to due north (noon line) is given by These details alone testify that timekeeping remained accurate according to the sun, moon, and star model showed to Moses on the mount. As the day progresses, the sun moves across the sky, causing the shadow of the object to move and indicating the passage of time. It is these first five books that contained all the Creators time-centric worship criteria for His obedient and trusting followers from the time of Adam through to the time of the promised Messiah. 22 Hezekiah also had said, What is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord? But, like I keep telling my atheist friends, knowledge about astronomy and time measuring in the ancient Near-East contribute an accurate understanding of 2 Kings 20:8-11. When Yahuah Alahim made and ordained the sun, moon, and stars during the creation week, all things were perfect and flawlessly synchronized to the worship rhythms of His very throne room. Welcome to the Creator's Calendar - The Creators Calendar The hour angle is 0 at noon, -15 degrees (15 degrees counterclockwise from the noon line) for 11:00 a.m., +15 degrees (15 degrees clockwise from the noon line), for 1:00 p.m., and so on. With horizontal sundials, adjustment for various latitudes is requiredyou can't use the same dial in two different zones. Note that the time for "Solar Noon" is given as 12:25:12 pm. The terms, To punctuate that no time was lost between Abraham (circa 1925 BC) and Moses (circa 1495 BC), Scripture records the number of years to the very day. Church Covered-Up the Lunar Sabbath, 05-28-2016 Sabbath Message He Walked in Our Shoes, He Ordained the Full Moon for His Appointed Times, THREE Unanswerable Objections to the Flat Earth Theory, 04-29-2016 Sabbath Message The Purpose of Hyssop, 04-20-2016 Sabbath Message Yahuahs Path of Purpose, 2016-03-30 Sabbath Message Brians Testimony, How to Break Down the Strongholds of the Devil, Feature Article Scriptures Weight of Evidence, 2016-02-21 Sabbath Message Pray with Confident Expectation, The Real Noahs Ark Found in Turkey Video, Feature Article Restoring the Creators Calendar. [1] 2 Make sure your sundial will be in direct sunlight all day. ALL PROPHECY IS TIME-CENTRIC both anciently and to this day. If they had stubbornly remained affixed to the Egyptian dark conjunction lunar phase as their New Moon, they would have been 15 days late celebrating Passover. All those who continue to embrace and advocate that the astro-luni-solar time of the shamayim has shifted by a day or more since creation, causing the full New Moons and Sabbaths to be out of sync, are in effect undermining the prophetic foundations of the entire plan of salvation. Isaiah 38:4-8. SecondSince the Jews for more than sixteen centuries have been observing a Saturday Sabbath, and since Christians have been for more than eighteen centuries having a fixed Sunday Sabbath, it is only reasonable to expect most Sabbath writers to try and interpret all Bible Sabbath teachings on the theory of fixed septenary cycles [unbroken cycles of seven days]. It depends on the angle of the gnomonif the gnomon is set at 55 degrees, these types of sundials are designed for use at a latitude of 55 degrees. As the Sun rises, passes the highest point in its path (at noon and to the south, in the northern hemisphere) and sets, the shadow rotates around the stick in a clockwise direction, and its position can be used to mark time. In other words, 20.668 minutes/day x 365.2422 days = 7548.768 minutes total which is the same as 125.8128 hours or 5.2422 days. The very fact that so much effort by the prince of darkness has been given to reversing the Creators Calendar by 180 degrees, and hiding the original full New Moon beneath a heap of erroneous Scripture translation rubble, is in itself a stunning testimony. From creation (circa 4000 BC) to the flood (circa 2349 BC), the astro-luni-solar time mechanism would have no reason to be out of sync with the throne room of the New Yarushalom, unless the Creator no longer cared if earthlings worshiped Him in one accord or not. One thirty-sixth of. This is the Babylonian sun-worship model, which was adopted by the modern Yahudim (Jews) in A.D. 358. Of key importance is the evidence that the crucifixion of the Messiah occurred at the prophetic APPOINTED TIME, and specifically Lunar Appointed Time, at the very moment of a solar eclipse and dark conjunction lunar phase on Passover, the 14th of Abib. 4 Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah, saying. To mark out a large garden Sundial: Make a paper popup sundial first, to test alignment and see how the full scale sundial will look and fit. This is because the Sabbath the Messiah kept in His death, He obediently kept in His life, and will continue to keep throughout the completion of His ministry in the courts above. Who Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot? This is further supported when Israel received manna from above on a predetermined feeding schedule that disallowed gathering it on the lunar Sabbath, and the day held sacred by Yahuah. What would be Yahuahs purpose in leaving the sun in an altered position by 10 degrees, since it is one of the heavenly LIGHTS that synchronize earthlings with His very seat of power? The original intent of this verse was to identify that King Hezekiah was to be healed of an illness caused by moral perverseness or sin on the third day. Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. This is the word choice many translations have used that clarifies King Hezekiah was to rise up (#5927 alah) on the third day. A sundial will only work correctly when it's on a perfectly flat surface, like the ground, a stand, or a table. Use a protractor to adjust the angle by tilting the sundial plane 5 degrees, and wedge it solidly in place. For example, the sundial of Ahaz (2 Kings 20:8-11) is particularly used. This occurred in the spring month of Abib, the synchronization point when Israel was to commence their years, lunar months, Sabbaths, and sacred appointed Feast Days. Additional words were added that are not present in the Hebrew prefixes or suffixes. Hillel II published details informing all Jews of the methods of the [new] calculated calendar developed in Babylon. But over the millennia, some have gone so far as to suggest that Yahuah Alahim/Elohim cursed the movements of the moon at the time that the earth was cursed for mans sake. (Click to enlarge images.). These two claims are not in contradiction to one another. This correction for your sundial is determined by the relationship between the longitude of your sundial and the longitude of your time zone meridian. Therefore, 1 hour on a sundial is represented by 15 degrees of rotation. Find your Longitude Within Your Time Zone An easy way to figure out this calculation is to familiarize yourself with the time difference of your location as it relates to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This was a private sign of Yahuahs promise and power to heal King Hezekiah. Several customs which prevailed during the age between the Exodus of the Israelites and the resurrection of Christ had so completely changed by the seventeenth Christian century that the translators of the Authorized Version of the English Bible were not able to perceive some important truths taught in the Greek version of the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. We can have confidence that the full New Moons of the throne of Yahuah Alahim and those of earth continue to be synchronized and unchanged beacons of His marvelous LIGHT. The arrangement of the Jewish calendar as used in the time of Christ is no longer operative. When Hezekiah heard this, he asked for a sign to confirm God's promise. This is because of the little-known fact that the position of the moon identifies its lunar phase. Just as the white sun moved back on the Sagittarius sun-dial bow 10, so also the white boil was removed from his head. Psalms 136:7-9. But as stated it was nevertheless returned to its original and natural progressive starting point by the same ten degrees. The paradox is that the constellations are not visible by day. And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. It is shocking to me that so soon after the ark had landed and humankind began to multiply, they seemed wholly bent on evil. It is no longer a secret that the Jews pursued a new calendar model in the fourth century A.D. Its purpose was to help remove them farther from all historical ties to the time-centric facts of that fateful day when they rejected their promised Messiah and had Him killed. I will bring Joshua 10:12-14; 2 Kings 20:11; 2 Chronicles 32:24,31; Matthew 16:1 the sun dial Refer to the article, Three Months in a Row.. This may have been the first classic case of rounding up numbers that it may fit a five-month prophetic year block of time that totals 360 prophetic days. This was done by crafting artificial paper wall calendars, mythical datelines, and clocks that keep time according to the witty inventions of their own hearts. Hit 'Find Latitude + Longitude' to display world map. The answer is because simply everything of prophetic nature depended upon perfect and perpetual continuity of TIME synchronization between the Creators seat of authority and earth. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. . The earth is depicted in its orbit around the sun. Just as our Messiahs death on the cross was synchronized to the exact lunar appointed time of Passover as counted from the full New Moon Day, time itself must continue by this SAME METHOD UNTIL ALL PROPHECY IS COMPLETED. 1 brass tube - 1/4 inch diameter. How might a real or even fictional alteration of the original time-measuring model impact the Kadosh (sacred) Lunar Appointed Times given to Moses and Aaron (New Moon Days, Sabbath Days, and annual Feast Days)? Refer to the article, The Sun Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour. For it was He who declared each of the following as signs of our obedience via synchronization to His worship rhythms: Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations . Some believe that the lunar orbit changed at the time of the flood and that the earth may have become larger as it was filled with the waters from above. The Sundial of Ahaz 2Ki_20:11 : '93Isaiah, the prophet, cried unto the Lord; and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.'94 Here is the first clock or watch or chronometer or timepiece of which the world has any knowledge. BSS Horizontal Sundial Location Address or postcode: Latitude: Longitude: UK Grid ref: Latitude (dms): Longitude (dms): Northing: Easting: Map zoom: Altitude: An acceptable input has d, h, m, and s following each value, where d means days, h means hours, m means minutes, and s means seconds. Thayers Greek Lexicon clarifies that there is a New Moon in the sacred city regulating the fruit on the tree of life; see Revelation 22:2 below. In the Eastern Standard Time zone, it is at longitude 75 degrees west, just to the east of the Delmarva Peninsula (a peninsula on the East Coast shared by Delaware, Maryland and Virginia).. Ultimately, Yahuah brought the tower to an end by confounding the language and dispersing the people. Try to make it about a foot in diameter so that it will be easy to read. It is here that our Creator dwells, who receives our worship and that of His messengers above, and other potential unfallen worlds. Furthermore, "Isaiah had said, Let them (Gemini) take a lump of figs (brown lunar full moon), and lay it for a plaister upon the (white solar) boil, and he shall recover" (38:21). We can have confidence that the full New Moons of the throne of Yahuah Alahim and those of earth continue to be synchronized and unchanged beacons of His marvelous LIGHT. Q 1101: As you place an 80 pound bag in the baggage compartment, you see a placard stating that the maximum weight limit for the compartment is 60 pounds. So, in 24 hour earth rotates 360 degree or in 1 hour earth rotates 15 degree. Tomorrow is the New Moon, NEVER Shall the SUN and Lunar Month Cycles NOT Gather Assemblies, The Shocking Truth about the Christmas Tradition, The Forbidden Chapter in the Hebrew Torah (Bible), Rosh Hashanah Yahuahs New Years Day in Spring, Video: The Lunar Sabbath and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, The THREE Unanswerable Objections to the Theory of the Flat Earth, Twelve Whole Pearl Gates are Twelve Full New Moons, Our New Moon was Changed by a Formal Decree, The MENORAH the Gold Standard of our Creators Eternal Timepiece, Sabbath Message The Shalom of the Lion and the Lamb, Ex-Nun Confesses Dark Secrets of the Roman Catholic Church. Contradictions about . The term Ahaz (#271 achaz) can either be translated as a proper noun, referring to King Ahaz, the father of King Hezekiah, or it can be translated as a verb (#270 achaz seize). Guinness, D.D., page 276. A sundial is a device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky. a - the angle between Sun and horizon. Thus, a self-focused lifestyle was created aimed at becoming wholly independent from Yahuah, their Creator. But it was a watch that did not tick and a clock that did not strike. It is as a covenant promise between the Maker and His children that His celestial timepiece is immutable. NASA has proven the Bible! Method 1 Using Sticks and Stones 1 Gather your tools. 20 The Lord was ready to save me: therefore we (Gemini) will sing my songs to the (Gemini) stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the Lord. From 723 feet above, The View on Level 72 features a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of the Atlanta skyline. A 360-degree circle on the sundial, divided by 12 hours of sunlight (average day) = 30 degrees per hour. Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. . Gives a vertical object shadow length for given coordinates and time. 14 Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove: mine (solar and lunar) eyes fail with looking upward: O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me. Mean solar time is the hour angle of the mean Sun plus 12 hours. Isaiah 38:4-8 The result will appear in the result window (10:30:00) Sundial time = 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Sundial time = 9:45 am and 2:15 pm Sundial time = 9:30 am and 2:30 pm . And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. Scriptural Evidence for the Astro-lunar Timepiece, Scriptural Evidence for the Lunar Sabbath, Set-Apart Feast Days and Counterfeit Holidays, Scriptural evidence for the Full New Moon, Sacred Names of the Eternal Father and Son, End-time Events and Fulfilling Prophecies, Guidelines for Literary and Graphic Usage. = 180 Hence, from the above equation, we can say, 180 degrees is equal to radian. Instead, the shadow on the sundial was moved to and fro, backward, and then ultimately returned to its original starting point. . Part 2. This is further supported when Israel received manna from above on a predetermined feeding schedule that disallowed gathering it on the lunar Sabbath, and the day held sacred by Yahuah. During the Messiahs ministry on earth, He perpetually worshiped and communed with His Father on the sacred seventh-day Sabbath day. Add Tip. How could a changing worship rhythm as some declare, affect mankinds trust in their Creator? As a result, each lunar month is a visible and measurable event without the need for instruments to reorient and calculate what is not visible. The sundial itself doesn't really change day to day, or even year to year. Because both Father and Son, are indivisible, singular, and a sovereign unit, the time they honored jointly as the sacred Sabbath was without question, the same precise 12-hour day counted from the same New Moon Day. Use this calculator to add or subtract two or more time values in the form of an expression. People make themselves old by always talking about being old and wishing for the good old days, which were never as good as these days. So let us begin! Nor can our Sabbath be a sign that we are in sync with the worship rhythms He laid out for His true followers. It is a precious gift, from The Precious Gift Giver. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. For a sundial, the gnomon must be parallel to the Earth's axis and it should be at an angle equal to the Latitude of the place and the height of the gnomon = 5/12th of the outer radius of the dial. This is a simple calculation: the earth turns 360 degrees in about 24 hours, therefore the sun's apparent position moves 360/24 = 15 degrees each hour. Luke 4:16. How many degrees does the earth rotate in 3 hour? His request was that the shadow should go backward ten degrees. NIV - 10 "It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps," said Hezekiah. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so the hour hand will move 30/60 degrees in a minute. Sundials based on this principle are called equatorial sundials. (Genesis 1:16.) Also, not present is the word or, which is also utilized in many translations to give King Hezekiah the option of the sun moving forward or backward by ten degrees. The sundial is actually folded up. The formula for calculating the hour lines (theta) on a horizontal sundial is: tan (theta) = tan (HA) x sin (lat) where: theta = the resulting dial hour angle measured from the noon line (- is left of the noon line, + is right of the noon line) HA = the hour angle of the sun from the noon meridian, expressed in (+/-) degrees. Although, it may have been challenging to identify the New Moon day of each month and keep track of the number of days aboard Noahs ark, the record of numbered months does not come from Noah. Is Anything too Hard for YAHUAH AND YAHUSHA? My Dream and Journey Testimony of Kerrie French, The Sabbath and the Island Dwellers Bible in a Bottle, Video: The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus, Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial for a Sign, Scriptures Prescribed Test of a True Prophet, The New Moon and the Sabbath ~ and the Consequences for Changing Yahuahs Original Set-Time Laws, David said . The temple mechanism coupled with the full New Moon of the shamayim served to protect and accurately illustrate that the Creator had not, nor would ever conceive of allowing the earth to fall off the original and accurate TIME platform. (Luke 23:44-45) A solar eclipse on the day of the Messiahs death had been prophesied 800 years earlier by the prophet Amos. Here, however, the concern is with a chronological problem, albeit minor, dealing with the reign of Hezekiah and the order of the events of that time. how much time is 10 degrees on a sundial. Website by K. Powers, Ten Degrees To and Fro on the Sundial 2 Kings 20. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. . Because of the failure to note the above mentioned difficulties it has become quite difficult so to write or teach as to be clearly understood about the Bible Sabbaths. Sunday the Worlds Rest Day, The SabbathThe Lords Day, by Rev. If the orbit of the earth is speeded up to 18.78 miles/second we would end up with a year that is 360 days long. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Every action of His ministry was hung upon earths full New Moons and Sabbaths. Following His first coming, the Messiah was to continue perpetually as our High Priest in the courts above until the time of His return, according to the layout of the prophetic appointed Feast Days. Hillel II is thus given the credit for the present fixed Rabbinical calendar, but in reality it originated in Babylon and was just the starting point of the development of the Rabbinical calendar in use today. Encyclopedia Judaica, s.v. The student who of necessity was limited in his studies to the English version would not be able to see more truth than was expressed in the English version. This is another of those Old Testament incidents which seem to set at defiance the known laws of Nature and hence receive more than the usual . But ultimately how might such a time alteration affect the Lunar Appointed Times and their prophetic fulfillments provided by our Messiahs death and resurrection and His continuing work of Salvation on behalf of sinners? Of particular notice is that, unlike most modern translations, In this verse, many liberties have been taken by the modern translators who radically change the order and meaning of the text. Evidence for Lunar Appointed Time can be found in the article, Appointing our Days Part 1. The gnomon will then be angled at 38 degrees. It was the Creators proactive and divine plan that TIME was to be CHANGELESS in how it was administered and synchronized to the heavenly courts. The calculator uses Sun position algorithm to calculate sun altitude. According to the Widener University study, 2010 college graduates are carrying an average of $25,250 worth of debt, and student loan debt has increased 511 percent from 1999 to 2011. It is from this ancient pagan foundation that U.S.N.O., N.A.S.A., and many other time-keeping institutions pay homage for their acquired New Moon conjunction lunar phase. . The larger number of Jews follow the Rabbinical Calendar, the product of Rabbi Hillel II and others about 353 A.D. New King James Version Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward." So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down. how much time is 10 degrees on a sundial. If our perceived Sabbath is different in any way from our Creator, then it is not sacred or set apart. For something a little more advanced, you can build a permanent sundial in your garden or backyard. To punctuate that no time was lost between Abraham (circa 1925 BC) and Moses (circa 1495 BC), Scripture records the number of years to the very day. No Debate ~ Saturday is the Seventh-day of the Roman Calendar, Why Must Rome Fix Easter Sunday to the Full Moon? Verse 9 is the declaration of Isaiah as to what Yahuahs sign to King Hezekiah would be. Psalm 19 As the sun appears to move across the sky, the shadow aligns with different hour-lines which are marked on the dial to indicate the time of day. Published for the New York Sabbath Committee, Doubleday, Page and Company, New York, 1916. On a side note, if one follows a week that cycles without end, and doesnt believe the New Moon days are also sacred, there will be no perceived discrepancy ever. Discover how this same info applies to the Book of Enoch and its proposed calendar model. . Thus 365.2422 days -20.668 minutes per day = 360 days. The arrangement was made, and the promise given that the shadow on the sundial would depart from its natural progression by going backward in the direction it had just come from. Would modern-day seekers of truth be able to prepare for the Second Coming and synchronize their soul temples to that of the Messiah, if the Creators Calendar has been altered over the years? Figure 1: The parts of a sundial - Northern & Southern Hemispheres. This 12 hour offset comes from the decision to make each day start at midnight for civil purposes, whereas the hour angle or the mean sun is measured from the local meridian. Exodus 20:10, For in six days Yahuah made the shamayim and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Click HERE to read more. 18 For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. Also, had the celestial time system been out of sync with earth when our Messiah tread His lonely pathway, He would have proactively made corrective statements in that regard, but the fact that He did not. Refer to the article, Amos Prophesied a Solar Eclipse. Evidence #1 Time from Creation to the Flood, Evidence #3 The Sabbath as a Sign of Synchronization, . For the shamayim (heavens), continue to declare accurate time in sync with our Creators throne room. 17 Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins (180) behind thy (Sagittarius) back. Roman pressure to conform Jewish TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. STUNNINGLY, SACRED TIME REMAINS STEADFAST upon the sure and accurate principles that Mount Zion was established, and specifically Yahuahs full New Moon, His chief cornerstone marker. For only one TIME-MEASURING MODEL bears His astro-luni-solar signature. But the definition chosen does not match the word spelling perfectly. Under the leadership of the Father of Lights, the Creator's Calendar team have made a 180 degree paradigm shift from one new moon to another. This is likely the mindset of many famous astronomers who may have considered these Scriptural time alterations throughout history. 20 Minutes Of Time to Degrees = 5. Mount the sundial on top of a post , use a level to make sure the face of the sundial is level. 1/4 sheet of 3/4 inch furniture grade plywood. Scripture has identified that the seventh-day Sabbath was determined to be counted from the New Moon Day and that the New Moon Days are also sacred and set-apart (Ezekiel 46:1-3, Isaiah 66:23). The Karaite Jews, whose numbers are small, reject tradition and the Talmud, observe their feasts and festivals more nearly with those of Christs time as regards the true season. During the Messiahs ministry on earth, He perpetually worshiped and communed with His Father on the sacred seventh-day Sabbath day. The difference in speed between 365.2422 days per year and 360 days per year is equal to 20.668 minutes per day. And I shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to this chief corner [marker stone], declares Yahuah. In AD 351-352 Roman persecution flared and the Jews revolted. Verse 8 is rather straightforward, except for the second word highlighted in red. 45 degrees is 1/8th of a circle so it takes 24/8 = 3 hours for the Earth to rotate 45 degrees.