Adjectives are words that give you more information about the noun. by Jlowenstein. It doesnt matter if the nouns are masculine or feminine. However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. Before you start pulling out your hair, I will teach you a simple rule. In French all nouns areeither masculine or feminine there is no neutral. Required fields are marked *. However, when you're learning French, these are important questions. We do not say either le Monaco or la Monaco, this name of country has no article, as Cuba, Israel, Taiwan, Haiti, Chypre (Cyprus), Madagascar and some others. The only exceptions apply when talking about cities with articles. Plural is more important! Or is this just for the passe compose or direct object pronoums ? It is also the official language of Monaco. Just like when you use the right verb endings. 3 You (singular familiar form) can drink a glass of milk. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright FFL2018-2023. For a comprehensive list of countries with their French translations, genders, and preceding articles (when applicable), I recommend you check out this link. MORE HERE Yay, Im back with another challenge for you: being polite in France. As a general rule, the countries ending in -e are feminine. Some would argue its masculine, but others would say its feminine because it refers to une ville (a city), which is a feminine noun. Most places ending in -e are feminine. Thank you for using the Jiskha. You also learned that several words are always or generally masculine/feminine depending on specific circumstances. You will receive an email asking to confirm your subscription. Spanish is my native language, and even though we have grammatical genders, we still get confused when studying genders in French. NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. As a total novice this is the first time I have been able to make sense out of this language, that doesnt mean it will be easy for me but Im getting closer to understanding. very nice this helped me a lot in my exams thank you soo much! Old English used to have grammatical genders, but they fell out of use. They may not make any sense in our native languages, but thats exactly the bauty of learning foreign languages. Feminine and Masculine country names : Feminine country names Feminine country names The feminine country names that start with a consonant Feminine country names : La Belgique Feminine country names : La France When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article in front of this name La Belgiqu e Having that said, the word tea in French is generally a feminine word. There you are! On top of that, there are many exceptions. In some cases, an article is part of the city name, and we have to keep it. Generally, words ending in -e are feminine and words ending in a consonant are masculine, though there are many exceptions to this rule. Dont forget to do the exercice to anchor these things in your memory. You can find me on Youtube, or here, on this blog. 11 months ago. For cars, it highly depends. Masculine nouns use the pronouns le and un while feminine nouns use la and une. Is Monaco feminine or masculine in French? Speaking informally, you can simply ask Comment t'appelles-tu?. Well thats homonymes for you. All of these words end in e, but (spoiler alert) they are all masculine! Your email address will not be published. Unfortunately (or should I say, fortunately? hambre? The French translation for Moroccan (singular, masculine) is marocain . Some words also have a feminine version. They give information about the quantity or which object, concept or animal it is. Required fields are marked *. We do not say either le Monaco or la Monaco, this name of country has no article, as Cuba, Israel, Taiwan, Haiti, Chypre (Cyprus), Madagascar and some others. 10 books and card games to study French at home, The best mobile app to study French in the car, Download PDF The Accelerated Learning French System, Download a French language learning pack + Intermediate phrases to be better at speaking French, Download Free Ebooks PDF Several ways to learning French. a. Singapore b. Palestine c. Monaco*** d. Hong Kong, le stade (masculine noun) le muse (masculine noun) le cinema (masculine noun) le restaurant (masculine noun) le conert (masculine noun) la plage (feminine noun) la bibliothque (feminine noun) la piscine. Some rules that you can rely on - Masculine and feminine in French isn't as hard as you think! Anna says that they(masculine) have dinner at seven oclock. They do have genders, although its trickier to figure them out. Do my native language (Latvian) also has that as Ive never thought of it way? We use it for plural nouns, whether theyre masculine or feminine. In short, it has an impact on other words in a sentence. To me, it sounds masculine, and the Wiktionary agrees with me. les (plural) The partitive articles or "some" in English: du (masculine) de la (feminine) des (plural) In addition, you'll need to know the gender in order to determine which pronoun to use. I hope to be posting the new blog article this weekend. But we do it anyway. How do we know what is masculine and what is feminine? So if one is feminine, then the other need to be too. Is sandals in French masculine or feminine? The best app to be able to speak in French conversations with a good pronunciation, The best app for iOS to learn French offline Memrise, A French learning app with games : Fun French, Best computer software (and app) to learn French for downloading for PC and Mac, Download PDF Learning French grammar, make it easy, Download PDF A list of French adjectives and how to position them in a sentence, Download PDF 4 grammar and conjugation points, The French accents : aigu-grave-circonflexe Podcasts, Do you want to know the basics of French grammar ? In the dictionary, you'll often see the abbreviations m (masculine) and f (feminine). Of course, there are a few exceptions. Well, in most cases, we can know the gender of a word by its ending. When you are a member of the club, you can send me questions about why and grammar, and Ill do my best to answer! Take Paris as an example. There are exceptions to the rule and you just have to memorize the gender. The following countries are masculine even though they end in -e: le Mexique (Mexico) le Blize (Belize) Plural,les,des Below is a list of countries with no articles: What does all of this mean? The gender of some nouns makes sense ( homme [man] is masculine, femme [woman] is feminine . The following countries are masculine even though they end in -e: For cities, gender is no big deal since there are still some controversies among scholars. In most you will eiter automatically deduce whether you should or shoulnt use the artilce, or try to express the thing in such a way thatyou are certain is correct. And Im pretty sure English doesnt have that as well. Your email address will not be published. Is the following correct ? I think it is D, but I do not understand the significance of an S on the end of tiene. Unlike English, French nouns have a gender: they can be masculine or feminine. Good. The French translation for "architect (feminine)" is architecte. Examples: des livres (some books), des jours (some days), des botes (some boxes), etc. Elles viennent du Prou. Countries are no exception to the rule. Other job titles only have feminine forms. What gender is Australia? Thats why we put together this guide to help you better understand this subject. Read our privacy policy for more info. The following nouns are generally feminine. Before you start pulling out your hair, I will teach you a simple rule. By the way, is Latvian similar to Russian? And sure enough, it turns out our months are also all masculine or days are all feminine. In French, nouns are either masculine or feminine, which determines the spelling and interaction with words around them as well. Of course, there are a few exceptions. How do you memorize gender of nouns then? Nouns in English are not generally assigned genders. When visiting with those who speaking English well it is always a bit intimidating for me as I realize I could do some improving. To help you with this, keep in mind that words that are often thought of as 'gender neutral' take on the masculine form. if the country name is feminine, use en. Thats why many English speakers struggle with this aspect of French. answered by Frenchy May 16, 2010 Il est all en Australie. The whole adjective is, a. Well there are actually quite a few words you can use. You can also subscribe without commenting. There are a lot of exceptions. Every French noun is either masculine or feminine. Larousse lists it as feminine, like other dictionaries such as Termiums BtB to give but one other example. Most nouns that refer to people have a logical gender. In this sentence situe is in the feminine form. MASCULINE: nominative - DER Vater ist gro the father is big genitive - der Hut DES Vaters ist neu the, FRENCH: GEOGRAPHICAL EXPRESSIONS The definite article is used with names of countries, continents, provinces, mountains, and bodies, When a verb has two object pronouns, (one direct and one indirect), the indirect object (usually the object pronoun referring to the person) precedes the direct object pronoun (usually the object pronoun. For masculine words, we would say mon (my). However, if we need to use an adjective to describe Madagascar, because French adjectives must agree with the noun, we need to put the feminine form of the adjective. See how the ending changes? This applies to both masculine and feminine nouns. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, for states and countries, its important to understand gender because this will tell us what prepositions to use with them. Masculine Feminine Definite Articles with the Names of Countries in French. S. C'est le Monaco. Not only do countries have genders in French, but they also can be singular or plural. Its really interesting to learn about the differences between our languages. Ive confused myself, now. 4. Fascinating, indeed. Note that in French, countries, continents, regions and states are either feminine, masculine or plural. We think that we can eat lunch at twelve oclock. You will have to memorize them. eXionnaire disagrees with me (though I have never heard of this website before and dont know how trustworthy it is). Cours de FLE pour les dirigeants et salaris en France, Download Our 2021/2022 Online Courses Programs, But, if you are an intermediate, then you might be familiar with compound tenses. The latter is derived from the masculine form in the usual/typical way (like many adjectives, or names of occupation for instance), i.e simply by adding an "_e" for the feminine (and sometimes doubling the last consonant) Ex: In French, when talking about means of transport, you have the choice between two prepositions: and en. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "feminine masculine" . A table is not a woman, a horse is not a man. Whereas for seasons, its 50/50. Note that in French , countries , continents, regions and states are either feminine , masculine or plural. They apply everywhere. That would be ludricrous. We use de l for both masculine and feminine singular nouns. On the other hand, French has three: un, une, and des. : Du masculin au fminin, le flacon Miss Dior bouleverse les codes de l'esthtisme et inspire toutes les fantaisies les plus cratrices. c. cuntos aos tiene? articles), pronouns, and adjectives. The definite article "THE" has four forms: le = before a masculine singular noun beginning with a consonant. Here's a list of translations. In French, the article you choose depends on the gender of the noun. We will talk about this in further detail in a later post. by Mgomezhernandez. Common animal names have both a masculine and a feminine form. We use l for both masculine singular and feminine singular nouns. Gender matters in French. Lets break this down. What French Prepositions Go With Countries and Continents? 8. any foot covering, as a shoe or boot; footwear. Good luck for your exam! Genders are common in Romance languages like Spanish and French, and they can be hard to grasp for English speakers. All French nouns are either masculine or feminine and, just as in English, they can be either singular or plural. All other countries are masculine: le Nigria, le Brsil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan , le Prou. Today, you learned you can guide yourself by the ending of a word. Translation of "salad" in German. Some words are either masculine or feminine regardless of their ending. Ils vont au Japon chaque anne. Is this accurate: Es una problema para hoy a competir en este mundo de hombres, pero hay mujeres, 1. If you come upon a word you don't know, if you are lucky the article will be right there next to it to help you along. With masculine words, use le (the) or un (a . B.) 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. When a French noun describes a live being, its gender (masculine or feminine) often reflects the gender of the being in question.For example: The word cheval (horse) is masculine, whereas jument (mare) is feminine, because they both reflect the gender of the animal.Makes sense? French, What other people think is often surprising. Whats the logic behind gender in French? And the ending also depends on the verb group. But when it needs to be feminine, does it become aportee? Feel free to come back anytime for more French resources. What would be the proper genders for the nouns? We dont spam! Below is a list of virtually all of the countries in the world, organized alphabetically from English to French. There are some exceptions in French, but theyre not too many. I have a hard time learning any language. Here are some examples of other, Bahren, Chypre, Cuba, Hati, Isral, Malte, Monaco, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Marin, Singapour, Sri Lanka, These are named after the common noun tat (state), pays (country), le (island, isle) and the. When talking about a womans nationality, all you have to do is add -e to the masculine form. Also, Do French say mon ami? Jhabite Madagascar. NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. Masculine or feminine nouns. Q: Is tomato masculine . And Proto-Italic also had genders, and Proto-Indo-European also did. Feminine and masculine in French simple explanation. Wow! It torments you, you dont understand why, or how, or anything to be honest. Our French teacher will be along sometime this evening. However, French has four definite articles which are: le, la, l, and les. Rules are build for a situation that already exist. Thank you for your question Stephanie. In French, all nouns have a gender - they are either masculine or feminine nouns, and they have a number - they are either singular or plural. We live in the Seychelles. How do you know if an adjective is masculine or feminine in French? For example, most metric weights are masculine no matter their ending. la carotte. Remember that you need to use a definite article (the "the," such asle orla)for countries. On habite aux Seychelles. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. There is no reason, no order. Je suis des Pays-Bas Well, both are correct! If you are a native speaker of the many languages that do have grammatical gender (like Spanish, Portuguese, hell even Romanian), then good! Do countries have genders in your native language? Thank you for sharing the list of all the suffixes. I think the hardest part of language learning is that there are those distinctions in masculine and feminine. Elle is the feminine pronoun. Look at the table below for some of the most common noun endings in French. I found your site very informative. To stimulate the growth and maturation of body organs C. To provide a pathway for nerve messages D. To determine masculine or, A. Note that when a nationality ends in -en, we double the n before adding -e. Unlike English, nationalities are not capitalized in French. Many masculine French nouns can be made feminine simply by changing the ending. "When I look at human beings as moral beings, all distinction in sex sinks to insig- nificance and nothingness; for I believe it regulates rights and responsibilities no more than the color of the skin or the eyes. Ma l'ensemble favorite est un aeropostale t-shirt rose, un short bleu, et des sandales rose. Which are. "Injuste!" vous criez. masculine See Also in English masculine gender genre masculin 14. I know that in the passe compose, apporter becomes apporte (with an accent). There are just a few exceptions: In those cases and forcountries that usel'as the definitive article, the gender is indicated next to the name. Thats the $64,000 question, right? No matter the gender, we always use the article les with them when talking about general statements. for both masculine singular and feminine singular nouns. It's a feminine noun, so "the colour" is la couleur and "a colour" is une couleur. French Translation masculin More French words for masculine le masculin noun male, mannish mle adjective male, manly viril adjective virile, manly, potent, red-blooded hommasse adjective mannish, butch Find more words! Here are the main rules: - Most places ending in 'e' are feminine. Rules can be learned, but the exceptions drive me crazy. Are countries masculine or feminine in French? Just keep learning and practicing. Lets start with definite articles. As the name implies, partitive articles have to do with the parts of something. This is because it is an island, une le, so we keep the same gender to talk about it as the gender used for le, i.e. Now that you know if the name of a country is masculine or feminine, make sure you know what preposition to use in front of it. If your goal is only to make yourself understood, then you dont need to be perfectly perfect with masculine and feminine genders, grammatically speaking of course.
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