Hmm, now why does this description seem so familiar? The Lord Jesus Christ picked up our tab and paid it all. at least not as the first recourse. The kingship was weak and the provinces maintained a large degree of independence. and a cause of grief to others around him. It is true, however,that not everyone is willing or able to be corrected. Some things must ultimately be left to God. The reason: God destroyed his army. Stop with your self-justifying slogans and look at whats really going on! This would mean the metroplex was about 60 miles in diameter (comparable to modern Dallas-Ft. Worth). Kerry Malakosky, Weatherford, OK I also pastor Liberty Heights Chapel, Lawton, OK. LHC is listed as a Grace Church, How Big Was Nineveh? Such objections impress only the weak minded. IX. and suffer great losses (by throwing their cargo overboard) on account of Jonahs sinfulness. Gods will and plan operates within and accommodates human volition. He did not want the city to be spared, because he knew that the Assyrians would eventually conquer Israel. Like Jonah, though, many line up to pay the price and take the long, painful journey deeper into defiance and sin. Ask Saul of Tarsus. What are your thoughts on this? The kings proclamation indicated that like Jonahs sailors he had abandoned his gods and recognized Jonahs God (). In effect, God says to Jonah, Now, where were we?. The Ninevites werepagan, idolatrous Gentiles. So easily they remain locked in self-deception and rationalizations, ignoring the damage they are inflicting upon others. This number is reasonable. Jonahs problem was he could not see beyond his hatred of the Assyrians and his patriotism. Thank God for second chances! The Lord knows. All things are His. Rather than trusting God, he brazenly disobeys, foolishly thinking that he can outrun God. Thanks again for sharing your study and research with us. If he was really dead, he had to be resurrected, as I understand the terminology. The sailors repented from following false gods to trusting the one true God. Rather than trusting God, he brazenly disobeys, foolishly thinking that he can outrun God. Jesus raised Lazarus (John 11) from the dead but Lazarus died later. The city of Nineveh is represented in Cuneiform by a symbol of a fish within a house. Rob, Thanks as always for your helpful suggestions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its a pretty bad day for a prophet when those whom he is supposed to address, must turn and call him to conversion. Then, God prepared() a worm to eat the gourd which killed it (Jonah 4.7). AEschylus, 'Electr.,' 1354; 'Theb.,' 598; Horat., 'Carm.,' 3:2, 26, etc.) His remembering is not that He forgets but that he gives heed to something. Great work Sir Samdahl! Reading: Jonah 14. God heard his prayer and delivered him. Each man had cried to his own god (Jonah 1.5). What a change! Can you help me out here? Even the fallen deserve our love and respect as fellow human beings. I do not see Jonah as having fear, or being scared or afraid. Luke 16:19- reveals Abrahams bosom. Therefore in order to forestall this I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. God caused the dice reveal Jonah as the problem.3The mariners demanded an accounting. 8Sennacherib boasted hemade Hezekiah a prisoner in Jerusalem, his royal residence, like a bird in a cage (Magnus Magnusson,Archaeology and the Bible, 1977, p.186). Or whither shall I flee from thy face? Jonah was a typical Jew who wished to have no dealings with Gentiles. Somewhat like Judas, Jonah and many other sinners do not repent to the Lord but rather are merely ashamed of themselves. When all the paycheck so were handed out the men hired earliest were unhappy because those who worked only an hour received the same pay as those who worked all day. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Prophets: Jonah 1:7 They all said to each other Come (Jon. "Pol minume miror, navis si fracta est tibi,Scelus te et sceleste parta quae vexit bona.". In the story we see a portrait of sin and of God's love for sinners. Whats also interesting is that many skeptics doubted the existence of Nineveh until its ruins were discovered in 1845. In the final lines of the book, God speaks once again to Jonah: Are you so deeply grieved about the plant? - Jonah is a book about a man that was facing the exact same issue we are raising this morning. Same God. When Alex talks about his plant, Jonah intuits all the problems that the plant has, even without Alex mentioning them. For the most part, Gentile salvation is rare. All Rights Reserved, Full Text (in English) of the Book of Jonah. but Jonah is the only book of the Bible that begins with it. Charles Reade, the English novelist, wrote, Jonah is the most beautiful story ever written in so small a compass.2The story has a clearly defined structure and is replete with figures of speech: puns, hendiadys, merism, chiasm, parallelism, etc. At the opening of his story, God calls Jonah to go to Nineveh, one of the largest cities in ancient Mesopotamia, and the capital of Israels most dangerous enemy, the Assyrian empire. He did not plant, water, or fertilize it. One night, when Hill was 15 years old, he and a friend snuck out in an SUV. - with those thoughts in mind, let me invite you to turn to the closing verses in the book of Jonah. He pouted and expressed anger. Jonahs great fear was God would show mercy to Nineveh. The sailors, captain, king, nobles, etc. 2. Our first instinct should always be to respect the dignity of every personeven great sinnersand strive to bring them to the Lord with loving correction. But both Elijah and Elisha raised a person from the dead. Literal vs. Figurative Interpretation of City Size. While all these storms (which he caused) are raging, Jonah is asleep. 2016 Don Samdahl. If the plan of God was NOT to go to the Gentiles even as in the Gospels, Jesus said NOT to go to the Gentiles but only to the lost sheep of Israel, WHY did Jonah go to the Gentiles Nineveh? Jonah had a choice. Of all the prophets, Jonah is perhaps the most reluctant; his struggle with sin is not hidden. Under the intolerably beating sun, Jonah cries out to God in anger, and this time simply begs for death. Tell us, they said, what is your business? Nevertheless I will look again toward Your holy temple (Jonah 2.4). It will begin after God completes His Church, the body of Christ. He could have told the crew to turn the ship back to Joppa. In fact, he is furiously angryand directs his outburst at God. This will be the Day of the Lord, first revealed in Psalm 2 and expanded upon in detail by the prophets. I knew You would find a way to spare and bless these pagans. Despite brevity, it is a powerful story of Gods grace to Gentiles and a reflective study into Gods character and mercy. The sailors repented from following false gods to trusting the one true God. If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there also shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. But Jonah received more than a mere mention. Throughout the telling, Jonahs disobedience and iniquity is highlighted by repeated use of the verb down. Rather than follow Gods instruction, Jonah goes down to the port city of Jaffa, then down onto the ship on the way to Tarshish, then down to a lower deck. His prophecy has been believed, the city has responded magnificently to his words, and the people are turning their lives around. To lighten it, they began to toss cargo into the sea (Jonah 1.4-5). The lot falls to Jonah, and he is finally forced to go public. III. Jonah thought he would drown when thrown into the sea. Thanks again for providing greater understanding to this book With appreciation, John. Jonah was angry over Gods destruction of the gourdhe lost his shade. Surprisingly, the men are not willing to kill him,at least not as the first recourse. Because He remembered Hannah, He remembered the Israelites. What they feared is unimportant. recognized Gods mercy. VII. So I am trying to gain understanding here. The Lord was the first to be resurrected. Finally, at 5 p.m. he hired the last group. . But God would not leave him alone. Terrified, His disciples woke Him to save them from sinking. God does not save us merely for our own sake, but alsofor the sake of others with whom our life is intertwined. You cared about the plant, which you did not work for and which you did not grow. There is abortion, disease, teenage pregnancy, children with no fathers, and all the grief and pain that come from broken or malformed families. Jonah 3 God gave His commission to Jonah a second timeand this time, Jonah was ready to obey. When I read the Biblical account, I see that Jonah actually dies and is resurrected. That was Jonah. Their change of heart is immediate and totalfrom the king on all the way down to the animals who fast and don sackcloth and ashes (signs of mourning and repentance) right alongside their human masters. They needed to be destroyed! It reveals Gods greatness and mans pettiness. But you can't run from the God who controls storms and big fish. One of the great cities of the ancient world, it was finally destroyed by a coalition of Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Chaldeans, Scythians and Cimmerians in 612 B.C. Jonah is to warn the Ninevites that because of their sinfulness they now face divine destruction. Similarly, in our own culture today a good deal of pain and loss results from the defiant, selfish, and bad behavior of many. Jonah provides instructive lessons. Jonahs prayer was bitter: I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. I knew it. Jonah is the great story of Gentile salvation in the Old Testament. I cried for help from the depth of Sheol; All Your breakers and billows passed over me. God not only plays dice, His dice are loadedand invisible. They refused Jonahs solution and rowed with greater intensity. He said, While I was fainting away,I remembered the LORD, and my prayer came to You, into Your holy temple (Jonah 2.7). When Paul made his defense before the Jews in Jerusalem they listened to him until he uttered the words,And He said to me, Go! Ultimately, a king forgives because he chooses to forgive, not because of the actions of a subject. God pursues each of us to restore our broken relationship with Him (Genesis 3.8-10). Nineveh was probably the greatest city in the world in Jonahs day. Thus, he said: 9Who knows, God may turn and relent and withdraw His burning anger so that we will not perish (Jonah 3.9)? That fear had been realized. The sailors wanted to return to land butJonah didnt.5. A story about prophecy and repentancebut not in the way you think. It appeared overnight and perished overnight. It represented Gods throne, where the Almighty sat, as the Tabernacle represented Gods throne complex. The Book of Jonah is read in synagogue on the afternoon of Yom Kippur. Alex, Jonah's former student, reconnects with Jonah randomly in an airport. God does not save us merely for our own sake, but also, for the sake of others with whom our life is intertwined. Nineveh was located on the eastern bank of the Tigris river, opposite the modern city of Mosul in Iraq. That attitude, rather than Jonah's outward disobedience, was what upset God the most. His case is never resolved. He said to them, Pick me up and throw me into the sea. 4So I said, I have been expelled from Your sight. He falls asleep, and then is thrown down into the sea. Jonah obeyed this time but he still had an attitude. After having dealt with the entire human race for 2,000 years, God established a new program with Abraham, known as the Abrahamic Covenant. we are also members of the Body, members of the community, whether we want to admit it or not. 6I descended to the roots of the mountains. Every crew member was praying to his god for deliverance. It may be that he is trying to die again (first time by drowning, now by dehydration). In the end, they DID finally turn to God in repentance. Jesus, declared, for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12.40). Jonah said to them, Pick me up and throw me into the sea, that it may quiet down for you; since I know it is because of me that this violent storm has come upon you.. Then the LORD commanded the fish to spew Jonah upon the shore. God asked Jonah if he should really be angry about the plant, and Jonah said he should be angry, even to death. The owner replied he had done no wrong. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Indeed, many people spend lots of money and go miles out of their way in order to be able to stay in sin. Stop with your self-justifying slogans and look at whats really going on! Later, about 9 a.m. he hired more workers. Many have questioned that Jesus was crucified on Friday. Suggestions for Teaching Be attentive to students' behavior and respond appropriately jonah has had lots of dti will attend to directions well jonah has had lots of dti will attend to directions well harry hill - man alive best waterpark at wilderness resort deirdre name spelling brandon webb stats kinematic viscosity equation jonah has had lots of dti will attend to directions well emirates a350 order boyfriend loophole bill Ant. God demonstrated His ultimate mercy and grace in sending His Son to die for our sins and rising from the dead so we might have life and enjoy His fellowship forever. Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of them. Determination-Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you. Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh (Jonah 3:1-3). The book of Jonah opens like other prophetic books of the Bible, with the formulaic The word of the Lord came to Jonah. Just as once upon a time signals a fairy tale, this biblical formula signals a book of prophecy. On whose account has this calamitystruck us? God bless you. They were enemies! The story has four parties: the sailors, the Ninevites, Jonah, and God.11 How God dealt with each demonstrated His nature and character. Often the last one to know or admit the damage he does is the sinner himself. 1 Samuel 10:20, etc. Distance-He went down to Joppa, found a ship going to Tarshish, paid the fare, and went aboard to journey with them to Tarshish, away from the LORD. The book of Nahum prophesied and described its doom. VIII. When you quote Jonah 3:9, 4:4, & 4:11 (they are all questions, one by the king, and two are God speaking to Jonah), I would add a question mark inside your quotation marks. We are currently reading Jonahs story in daily Mass. Jonah became angry. Jonah did his best to escape one great fish, only to be swallowed by another. But if only resuscitated, I would think Jonah was not really dead; he was just unconscious or had stopped breathing. Jonah is a dangerand a cause of grief to others around him. Oct 7, 2019. This word is used for Gods hurling the storm, sailors tossing ballast from the ship, and Jonah being cast into the sea (Jonah 1.4, 5, 12, 15). I tend to think that the heart of the earth may have a broader meaning. Where do you come from? Exceptions are Rahab, the harlot, Naaman, the Syrian general, Ruth, the Moabitess, and Nebuchadnezzar. How much of our trouble comes from our sin? It is of course the children who suffer the most pain and injustice as a result of so much bad adult behavior. The Lord upbraided their lack of faith (Mark 4.40; Luke 8.25) but Jonahs sailors became believers. Jesus used the word to refer to the sea creature which swallowed Jonah (Matthew 12.40). Comp. Site by Glass Canvas, Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Jonah had gone down () to Joppa (Jonah 1.3), down to the ship (Jonah 1.3), down to the hold (Jonah 1.5). I just re-read this article Monday. His eye was evil but God was good. Yes, what are you doing? When Jesus told the Twelve not to go to Gentiles it was because Israel had to repent first to comply with the kingdom blessings which were part of the Abrahamic Covenant. And if swallowed, revive him? A raging Jonah leaves the city that is actively turning to God (thanks to his prophecy) and wanders into the wilderness. Extra-biblical sources such asDiodorus Siculus (1st century B.C. Note that he also puts down good money in order to flee. L. C. Allen wrote it was a model of literary artistry, marked by symmetry and balance (Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah) and H. C. Brichto described it, from beginning to end, in form and content, in diction, phraseology, and style, a masterpiece of rhetoric (Toward a Grammar of Biblical Poetics). God repeated his command to Jonah. Am I correct in my understanding that Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh because he was a good law keeping Jew because Jews had no dealings with gentiles? Phantom, Thank you. When they heard these words they began to scream, Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he should not be allowed to live (Acts 22.22)! He would not have to go to Nineveh. Students of rhetoric can find no better example of the art than this literary gem. By the way, Do u pastor any congregation? Jonah left the city and sat east of it. They seem to fear God more than he does! They question Jonah more closely and though Jonahs responses are minimal and cagey, eventually the sailors are able to pull from him the whole story of how he has run away from a divine directive. Or whither shall I flee from thy face? Could it mean something other than burial? When God called Jonah to go to Nineveh, Jonah fled as far as he could from God. God sends a giant fish to swallow Jonah. Chapter 2 recounts Jonah in the belly of the sea monster where he prayed and gave thanks to God. From the belly of Sheol I called for help, and You heard my voice. Wake up from your delusions. But God is tricky. The text doesnt say. And this is not to mention all of the Biblical prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and more than a dozen others who immediately act on Gods command. Some have doubted Jonah is history. God revealed His mercy not only by His words and actions but in the architecture of the Tabernacle. On account of selfishness and sexual misbehavior, many families have been torn apart. After the great fish vomited up Jonah on dry ground, God appeared to Jonah a second time (3:1). that grows ever deeper. They recognized Gods sovereignty: You, O Lord, have done as You have pleased. When Jonah hit the water, the storm ceased. Theres an irony here that cant be seen in the English. These and many other sins unleash storms that affect not only us but others around us as well. One problem with analyses of the size of Nineveh is to assume the city was only within the city walls. Did he fear that their redemption would make a mockery of his prophecy (that the city would be destroyed)? Every living thing was clothed in sackcloth () and every living creature fasted ( ). Online and in the booth, he has done voice work with studios in Tokyo and across LA. Deor.,' 3:37). Now, with a quick divine reminder, the reluctant prophet heads straight for Nineveh and delivers the intended prophecy: Nineveh is wicked and will be destroyed in 40 days. He said, , nto Your holy temple (Jonah 2.7). Thanks. - I had toyed with the idea of concluding this series last week but there are some nagging words at the end of the book that I believe we need to study. Except Jonah. Yom Kippur in the Community. In the end, the men must hand Jonah over to the Lord. Jonah slept. After God delivered him, Jonah traveled to Nineveh and prophesied that the Lord would destroy the city because of its wickedness. The mariners, fearing for their lives, also lose wealthand suffer great losses (by throwing their cargo overboard) on account of Jonahs sinfulness. From what people are you? 9He said to them, I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land (Jonah 1.7-9). While all these storms (which he caused) are raging, Jonah is asleep. This familiar expression is found in many books of the Bible, occurring 92x (e.g., Genesis 15.1; 2 Samuel 7.4; 1 Kings 6.11, 16.1, etc.) No, I am not a pastor. Jonah is now on his way to Nineveh, and the word of the Lord has come to him a second time. Instead, he told them to throw him into the sea. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. 6When the word reached the king of Nineveh, he arose from his throne, laid aside his robe from him, covered himself with sackcloth and sat on the ashes (Jonah 3.5-6). ; 1 Samuel 14:41; Acts 1:26). And should not I care about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons?!. and less costly as well. In order to avoid going 500 miles into Gods will, Jonah runs some 1500 miles away. Somehow, they sense His just verdict yet they fear their own judgment and ask for His mercy. God's Lesson in Compassion. The sailors were noble. God is aware of all man does. Hence Jonah is not just insubordinate; he is unbelieving and untrusting. Finding him asleep, the flummoxed captain said: How is it that you are sleeping? K. M. Craig, Jr. stated it was enormously varied, rich, and complex (A Poetics of Jonah: Art in the Service of Ideology). God is sovereign. He asked them if they were evil because he was good. John, God set aside the Gentiles in terms of His direct contact and blessing. 3 But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. So much suffering, so much expense, so much extra mileage could be avoided if we just obeyed God. Godwould not let him die. 1 Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,2Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. As for escape by sea, God owns the sea and its lanes. We are currently reading Jonah's story in daily Mass. The other has Jonah alone with God. Such conditions may explain the phrase king of Nineveh rather than king of Assyria and the fact the kings decree was issued in concert with his nobles. It is too easy for us to wish to destroy those who have harmed us, returning crime for crime, sin for sin. At the end of the day, 6 p.m., his foreman paid each man a denarius. Something was not right. Do those who doubt Jonah think the God who created the universe and raised Jesus from the dead cannot cause a sea creature to swallow Jonah? Then the sea will become calm for you, for I know that on account of me this great storm. Scripture indicates that these people were really dead, and came back to life, though, unlike Christ, all of them faced physical death again in the future. The belief that temporal calamities are often connected with the . Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy. Those who are morally alert do not say such things; those who are in the darkness of delirium, in a moral slumber, say them. From one end of the Mediterranean to the other, God pursued Jonah, and Jonah ended up right back where he started, with the call of God, in Israel. He is good and acts accordingly. The bottom line (if youll pardon the financial pun) is that sinful choices are usually very costly. caused by our greed, addiction, lack of forgiveness, pride, impatience, and lack of charity. Julie Rogo. In that event, Jesus had slept through the storm. Jonah reacted by going to Joppa and fleeing west to Tarshish (Jonah 1.3, 10). Worldly sorrow brings death (2 Cor 7:10). Romans 9.15-16). 270, 271.) I am not sure if I've ever heard the prophet Jonah held up as a model of faith, but that might warrant a second look. He slept in the ships hold. Disturbance-The LORD, however, hurled a violent wind upon the sea, and in the furious tempest that arose the ship was on the point of breaking up. Salvation is from the Lord (Jonah 2.9). What is your occupation? He has declared the first shall be last, and the last first (Matthew 20.16). The point of Jesus parable and the point of Jonah is that grace is greater than law. Perhaps because he cannot see a way out of this hole of wrongdoing, and perhaps because he would probably die anyway, Jonah tells the crew that their only option is to throw him overboard an act that will supposedly appease God and save the ship from the storm. In a remarkable turn in the story, those who are not believers in the God of Israel dress down Jonah, who is to be Gods prophet, unto repentance! 2The book of Jonah has received numerous accolades for it literary artistry. The simplicity of holiness is often far less onerous. Such objections fall outside the realm of serious scholarship for the Lord Himself attested to itshistoricity (Matthew 12.39-41; Luke 11.29-32) and removed all doubt of the record. Maybe, just maybe, God would change His mind and destroy the city. The book of Jonah is short, compassing four brief chapters of 48 verses. His scoffing and defiance likely result from hatred or excessive nationalism. Jonah Scott is a Voice Actor, Singer and Twitch Streamer from Los Angeles. Jonah's story reveals God's missionary heart to us as well as Jonah's prejudice toward foreigners.
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