The largest of these i According to reports and leaks from a former member of the project, Dr. Anton Padalka, a discovery of a 14-armed octopus would prove a breakthrough. He says that it is very probable that the samples are heavily contaminated with tissue and microbes from the outside world.[59]. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. If we are wise, the Lake will be allowed to reveal its secrets in due course. Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. The project to probe the Great. Water blast requires water be available for the Organisms siphon to squirt. It is also able to paralyze prey from a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water. Later, Dr. Padalka and other team members were on an observation dive, when they noticed one of their colleagues swimming towards them in SCUBA gear. [12][13][14] A new borehole was drilled and an allegedly pristine water sample was obtained in January 2015. Largely because it appears to emulate the potential conditions of somewhere much further afield. Organism 46-B is a terror out of a sailor's Lovecraft influenced kraken filled nightmares. The lake itself remains liquid due to the pressure of the ice, and possible geothermal heat from below. Using their most agile crew member, Dr. Marta Kalashnik, as bait, the unit would eventually capture the creature. Dubbed Lake Carter, the Americans have leaped upon this discovery, sending out an expedition to drill through the ice sheet and probe the mysteries of the maddeningly deep abyss Organism 46b A few extra resources If you're going to run this scenario, go ahead and listen to the "Organism 46b" episode of The Cryptid Keeper. What should we make of such claims? After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. 1760 Sq Ft. Price Per Sq Ft $90. The station after which the lake is named commemorates the Vostok (), the 900-ton sloop-of-war ship sailed by one of the discoverers of Antarctica, Russian explorer Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen. These can be used to smell and taste in addition to grasping, aiding in the tracking of prey. [70][71], The drilling project has been opposed by some environmental groups and scientists who have argued that hot-water drilling would have a more limited environmental impact. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. Antarctica is a place of mystery and conspiracy. By the time the closest scientist had realised what it was it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. Sealed Systems is the Free Diving package, but represents an octopus (and in this case the tentacles) ability to climb out of the water. According to official accounts, the Russians did reach the water level with a core sample hole drilled into Lake Vostok in 2012, however it was not big enough to accommodate a person. Considering the ancient Elder Things retreated to the oceans, perhaps Organism 46-B is one of their creations. This mystery is cultivated, in part, by international powers that insist on secrecy and place the vast majority of the icy region off-limits. "It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. The sheer weight and pressure around 345 bars (5,000psi) of the continental ice cap on top of Lake Vostok is estimated to contribute to the high gas concentration. This ability can be further developed by organism 46B. Split is mental tasks only and contingent on Extra Limb. Then Scott Rogers published in July 2013 that his team performed nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) sequencing and the results allowed deduction of the metabolic pathways represented in the accretion ice and, by extension, in the lake. A joint Russian, French, and United States team drilled and analyzed the core, which is 3,623m (11,886ft) long. Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group was attacked, the creature releasing its venom which took hold of one of them. The fish is known to produce antifreeze proteins. As well as this, there are hundreds and hundreds of lakes flowing below the icy surface. The environment is similar to what might potentially be found on Europa if water exists deep below its thick sheets of ice. Lake Vostok shows us how few environments we really can discount in our search . In his own words, it was a strange and terrifying monster known as Organism 46-B. This is the first report of a fish species possibly residing in Lake Vostok. [41], Living Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus micro-organisms have been found in Lake Vostok's deep ice core drillings; they are an extant surface-dwelling species. Roughly the size of Lake Ontario, Vostok is twice as deep (500 meters), and lies roughly 500 meters below sea level. Its also possible that Luthor knew what was hidden below the ice the entire time. Organism 46-B is said to be an enormous 33ft-long, 14-tentacled squid-like aquatic creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. She had a skull fracture and some experts believe she may have been murdered and thrown into the tar pits. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. [72] However, the water samples obtained by the Russian team were heavily contaminated with drilling fluid, so they reported in May 2017 that it was impossible at this time to obtain reliable data on the real chemical and biological composition of the lake water. The ancients believed in monsters of the deep, serpents hiding under the waves, threatening to capsize the heavy crawling ships of men. The story seems to combine the abilities of all the different octopuses and squids (some octopuses do actually release paralytic toxins along with mucus from their ink sac). It resembles its closest known relative, the glass octopus "vitreledonella richardi." But 46b has one advantage over its little sibling. [3] The existence of a subglacial lake in the Vostok region was first suggested by Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa based on seismic soundings made during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. The coldest naturally occurring temperature ever observed on Earth, 89C (128F), was recorded at Vostok Station on 21 July 1983. It was shortly after they set up camp and began their initial dives that they discovered the creature they dubbed Organism 46-B. I agree with you that it seems to be a hefty cover up. Each of its arms is covered with equally powerful suckers. Chameleon can be used to mimic marine life and flora. [1] According to the head of Russian Antarctic Expeditions, Valery Lukin, new equipment was developed by researchers at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute that would ensure the lake remains uncontaminated upon intrusion. For the most part these stats have been based on the octopus and giant squid stats in the Animals article. Still, most biologists believe the samples to be consistent with what they would expect to find in such an extreme environment. It is also believed that Organism 46-B can regrow its tentacles after having them severed. [7] Lukin has repeatedly reassured other signatory nations to the Antarctic Treaty System that the drilling will not affect the lake, arguing that on breakthrough, water will rush up the borehole, freeze, and seal the other fluids out. [7] Initially, it was thought that the same water had made up the lake since the time of its formation, giving a residence time in the order of one million years. It released paralytic venom through the water using an organ similar to its ink sacs. Researchers hypothesize that the anomaly may be caused by a thinning of the Earth's crust in that location. [25], Africa separated from Antarctica around 160million years ago, followed by the Indian subcontinent, in the early Cretaceous (about 125 million years ago). Organisim 46 B Killer Squid from Lake Vostok the Subglacial lake.Ok guys so just like most conspiracy theories this is going to get a little complicated so just bear with me.Lake Vostok was only discovered in 1974 after the Russian Soviet had established a research station above it in 1967.once the Russians had discovered there was a fresh water subglacial Lake some 4000 meters (2 miles) below them, they began a 30 year long drilling operation to drill to the fresh water Lake that was aptly named after the Russian research station Lake Vostok.In 2015 news articles started to circulate about a team of Russian Reasrchers who had gone missing on an expedition down to the subglacial Lake. Number of parts equals APs of power. This was why the drilling team realized that there was an underground lake in the first place. Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. They continued their work and excitedly began documenting their discoveries. Removal of the drill would lower the pressure beneath it, drawing water into the hole to be left to freeze, creating a plug of ice in the bottom of the hole. What makes this lake so special is that . The Lake Erie sample exhibited many signals of human habitation, while the Lake Vostok ice samples exhibited no signals of human habitation. [7][50] The Russians resumed drilling into the lake in January 2012 and reached the upper surface of the water on 6 February 2012. These structures form at the high-pressure depths of Lake Vostok and would become unstable if brought to the surface. Other Possibilities For The UFO Phenomena. Theres no indication in the story the creature had any such difficulty changing depths (even going so far as describing a severed tentacle still operating after it had left the water). [54][55] According to him, this indicates that the lake below the ice is not sterile but contains a unique ecosystem. [36][42] This suggests the presence of a deep biosphere utilizing a geothermal system of the bedrock encircling the subglacial lake. Here was an almost identical place where not only could their theories be tested, but so could a certain amount of logistics in actually penetrating the ice in the first place. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. The waters of Vostok have been isolated for at least 15 million years. Russian geographer, Andrey Kapitsa is arguably the first person to suggest that such an environment [2] may exist under the thick sheets of ice during visits to Vostok Station (which the lake is named after) in the early-1960s. Dr. Padalka fled the country after allegedly discovering that Russian president Vladimir Putin had plans to weaponise Organism 46-B. After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. If so, it may be a pet of ancient gods who penned it in the lake for safekeeping. [3] Because the word Vostok means "East" in Russian, the names of the station and lake also reflect the fact that they are located in East Antarctica. This was to prevent contamination of the lake with the 60-ton column of Freon and kerosene used to prevent the borehole from collapsing and freezing over. [20][37] There is a 1 microtesla magnetic anomaly on the east coast of the lake, spanning 105 by 75km (65 by 47mi). [7] The average water temperature is calculated to be around 3C (27F); it remains liquid below the normal freezing point because of high pressure from the weight of the ice above it. Once there, he began to divulge what he knew of the secret activities taking place at Lake Vostok. Again, quoting Quayle in his aforementioned book, Someone, or something, has summoned the worlds leaders. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition has argued that this manner of drilling is a profoundly misguided step which endangers Lake Vostok and other subglacial lakes in Antarctica (which some scientists are convinced are inter-linked with Lake Vostok). One of those critical of the activity was researcher and author, Steve Quayle. Elements of this report suggest that this may have been something of a hoax. This tactic allowed it to observe and approach the scientists as they observed it. In this light, it would make sense that Organism 46-B could be the result of similar experimentation with cephalopods. 2. Lake Vostok (Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica's almost 400 known subglacial lakes. Lake Vostok is located at the southern Pole of Cold, beneath Russia's Vostok Station under the surface of the central East Antarctic Ice Sheet, which is at 3,488m (11,444ft) above mean sea level. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. The animal could release a toxin into the water to immobilise its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, it's limbs were animate and aggressive even after amputation, and it showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. They returned to camp with their prize. [14] Also Sergey Bulat, a Lake Vostok expert at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina, Russia, doubts that any of the cells or DNA fragments in the samples would belong to organisms that might actually exist in the lake. In general, the taxa were similar to organisms previously described from lakes, brackish water, marine environments, soil, glaciers, ice, lake sediments, deep-sea sediments, deep-sea thermal vents, animals and plants. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake . Unlike its distant cousin, it is roughly the size of a colossal squid, with 14 arms and abilities similar to several other species in the Cephalopoda class. Specimen 46b as the Russian scientists have labeled it, is a very different form of Cephalopod. And while it is the fifth largest continent on the planet and largely inhospitable in the long-term sense, visitation to the region is at an absolute need to be there basis. This seems unlikely given the pressure caused by the ice. By the time the crew member had resumed the form of the octopus (46B) that it actually was, the biologist had been ripped to pieces by this deadly creature. The old ice cores were drilled in the 1990s to look for evidence of past climates buried in the ice, rather than for life, so the drilling equipment was not sterilized. A more outlandish theory is the possibility a severed tentacle could grow back into a full creature. You may not republish the article in its entirety. Its possible the lakes under Antarctican ice are considered hidden seas by them and hiding places of powerful artifacts. Regeneration is usable for physical damage only. Using it as a guardian to some other McGuffin would force the characters to venture to Lake Vostok and to encounter it on its home turf, and other potential alien lifeforms in the lake and beyond. Neutralize is Contingent On and Combined with Fog (-1FC total). And ones far from beneficial for humanity in the long run. "It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. [31] Geothermal heat from the Earth's interior may warm the bottom of the lake,[32][33][34] while the ice sheet itself insulates the lake from cold temperatures on the surface. After all, it wouldnt be the first time that shadowy governments of the world have stated one set of intentions and then discreetly carried out another. The Organism 46B Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok - UFO Insight | 3 days ago . Perhaps Organism 46-B is familiar to the Atlanteans, either directly or through their own legends. Growth is always on and already figured into the stats. Some of the theories were bordering on outlandish. Your email address will not be published. [62], Critics from the scientific community state that no valuable information can be obtained until they can test clean samples of lake water, uncontaminated by drilling fluid. "Later that night it slid across the ice bank and strangled her," stated Padalka. This resulted in an estimate that the entire volume of the lake is replaced every 13,300years its effective mean residence time.[30].