Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). "The friendship of the world is enmity with God. (Ro 8:23-note). #2 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If your mind changes, you will change. This is the transforming of the mind. Wonder. Click to play and on looking back we see the presence of an amazing design. We can resist the temptations of our culture by meditating on Gods truth and letting the Holy Spirit guide and shape our thoughts and behaviors. And that is the reward. What I love about The Passion Translation,, "Having studied New Testament in Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship, I grew to marvel at the pithiness of Martin Luthers translation (1534) of the Bible into German. 13Take a constant interest in the needs of Gods beloved people and respond by helping them. 11 Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward him boiling hot! That is right. (Romans: Verse by Verse), William Barclay - The word he uses for being transformed from the world is metamorphousthai. Don't be fashioned according to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. There is an increasing appreciation of the grace of God and of the provision He has made for us in Christ, with a corresponding longing to be done with this body of death and conformed fully to the lovely image of the Lord; which longings will be completely realized at our glorification. He is able to function because he takes his environment with him. In his first letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul urged Gods people to pray for our leadership: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiv If the passion and flame we once had for Christ has lessened, one of the reasons may be that we have become too enamored with this present evil age. We are to do all the good we can, one to another, and for the common benefit. Be devoted to tenderly loving your fellow believers. That song got to Jerome Hines. The first questions cannot be "How do I feel?" with them that weep--What a beautiful spirit of sympathy with the joys and sorrows of others is here inculcated! Then you go back to your routine and determine that your life will be in line with the Word of God. to let us stay as we are. what is that--"the" good and acceptable--"well-pleasing" and perfect, will of God--We prefer this rendering (with CALVIN) to that which many able critics [THOLUCK, MEYER, DE WETTE, FRITZSCHE, PHILIPPI, ALFORD, HODGE] adopt--"that ye may prove," or "discern the will of God, [even] what is good, and acceptable, and perfect." This is what we need so much today. Labour earnestly in prayer to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Romans 12 The Passion Translation (TPT) The Transforming Power of the Gospel Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God's marvelous. You can't go on thinking the way the world around you thinks and still not give in and be conformed to what it does. It is not the heart we are called to judge. serving the Lord--that is, the Lord Jesus (see Ephesians 6:5-8 ). with all men--The impossibility of this in some cases is hinted at, to keep up the hearts of those who, having done their best unsuccessfully to live in peace, might be tempted to think the failure was necessarily owing to themselves. As citizens of heaven (see Philippians 3:20-note) we are to set [our] mind on things above, not on the things that are on the earth" (see Colossians 3:1-note; Col 3:2 note). Romans 12:2 (GW) As we seek to know Gods will for the future, we must also act on what we already know now. What does God's Word say? As we walk in loving obedience, we prove the blessedness of the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Thoughts of revenge, jealousy, lingering anger, and envy can have unchecked freedom. Heres what I mean. But he didn't quit the opera. Romans 12:2 (NRSA) A submarine on the ground (out of the water) is useless and is not accomplishing its mission. This 12-lesson study guide on the book of Romans provides a unique and welcoming opportunity to immerse yourself in God's precious Word as expressed in The Passion Translation. In addition "be transformed" is in the imperative mood (command), which indicates that believers have some responsibility in this transformation. It is a lifelong task till the lump be leavened. Indeed, our daily actions should be an extension of our act of consecration. How do I feel about my job? THE WILL OF GOD Don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God's will iswhat is good and pleasing and mature. We cannot stem the tide of information that bombards us, but we can ask God each day to help us focus on Him and to shape our thinking through His presence in our lives. Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Wuest's Word Studies from the Greek New Testament, SO THAT YOU MAY PROVE: eis to dokimazein (PAN) humas, Wuest, K. S. Wuest's Translation of the New Testament: Eerdman, expulsive power of a new affection (read classic sermon by Thomas Chalmers), Gaebelein, F, Editor: Expositor's Bible Commentary 6-Volume New Testament. (Discovering the Will of God) (Bolding added), Pastor Claude Stauffer has some thoughts on how not to renew your mind - "Dont go to the world for help with your mind. It is the character of those who are dead in trespasses and sins, that they walk according to the course of this world, acting conformably to those maxims which regard only the present life; and they who mind earthly things are described as the enemies of the cross of Christ; but the conversation of believers, as being pilgrims and strangers, is in heaven. If you have the gift of leadership, be passionate about your leadership. Not really because reading the Bible without meditating on it is like eating without chewing. (Excerpt from The Habit of Keeping a Clear Conscience - My Utmost For His Highest) (Bolding added). Moody had put into practice passages from God's Word, proving that they work. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem. And first, the all-comprehensive duty. This truth is illustrated by a submarine which is fully functional in water but is ruined if water comes within. Let's make it today. David C. McCasland, O Lord, You see what's in my heart Romans 12:1 / The Passion Translation. Sanctification extends to the whole man ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 1 Thessalonians 5:24 ). Hebrews Jonah It cost him, over the period of ten years, something like a hundred thousand dollars. Romans 12:2 (NLT) If you do not have an appetite for God's Word, do a personal inventory with 1Pe 2:1. If a Christian can by possibility be saved while he conforms to this world, at any rate it must be so as by fire (cp Jude 1:23). Romans 12:2. For instance, we often hear sermons from the verse ". Anyone speaking with divine authority--whether with reference to the past, the present, or the future--was termed a prophet ( Exodus 7:1 ). This is a hard lesson to corrupt nature, therefore a remedy against it is added. Ray Stedman adds that a genuinely committed heart will begin to discover the will of God and to experience the conscious guidance of the Spirit of God (Ro 8:5-note, Ro 8:9-note, Ro 8:14-note, Ps 143:10-note, Gal 4:6, Gal 5:16-note, Gal 5:18-note). Do not mind it; be not in love with it. 16Live happily together in a spirit of harmony, and be as mindful of anothers worth as you are your own. BUT Fame is the longing to be known, to be somebody in someone else's eyes. Romans 12:2 (NRS) Pray against the sin of covetousness, that canker-worm that feeds at the root of so many souls; pray against the love of dress, that sin that diverts the mind of so many professors from the simplicity of Christ, and takes the eye off from the true adornment; pray against a thirst for light and trifling reading, that strange and sinful inconsistency of so many, the certain tendency of which is to starve the life of God in the soul, to engender a distaste for spiritual aliment, for the word of God, for holy meditation, and for Divine communion and fellowshipyes, pray against the spirit of worldly, sinful conformity in everything, that the Holy Spirit do not be grieved, and that Christ do not be dishonored and crucified afresh in and through you. Conformity to the world is the bane of many professors in this day. ", If your mind is to be renewed "this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate (meditation is the same Hebrew word used in Psalm 1:2-note) on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to ALL that is written in it (When you study the Bible "hit or miss," you miss more than you hit) , for then you will make your way prosperous (referring to spiritual wealth not necessarily fiscal prosperity) and then you will have success" (because your mind is renewed) (Joshua 1:8-note). Harry Ironside (Romans 12 Commentary) introduces his comments on this verse noting that Romans 12:2 makes clearer the meaning of the Ro 12:1. Many of you know the story of his life -- how, as a boy growing up in California, he became convinced that he had a good voice. I want to be transformed. But if you have a verse of Scripture propped up on the window sill before you or a passage that you are trying to think through to an understanding of it, your kitchen sink can become the greatest altar you have ever experienced. And not only do, but study and take care to do, that which is amiable and creditable, and recommends religion to all with whom you converse. What is the significance of this event?" shall not our hearts be more where our most precious treasure is, where our holiest and dearest hopes center, and where we ourselves shall shortly be? In order, then, that our spiritual experience of the truth of God should maintain its ground, it must not be dulled and deadened by conformity to the world. Disobedience dulls the conscience, darkens the soul, deadens our spiritual energies--therefore keep the commandments of Christ with implicit obedience. but be ye transformed--or, "transfigured" (as in Matthew 17:2 ; and 2Corinthians 3:18 , Greek). On the other hand, if God controls your thinking, you are a transformer. June 2018 When it looks at the world it says that the basis for living, the reason for life, is to serve God and to advance his will. Is there anything or anyone that you are withholding from God? Feed it with truth from the word. We want it to be accomplished. It is clear enough that if a new likeness is being stamped upon a man, the process may be looked at from the other side; and that in proportion as we become liker Jesus Christ, we shall become more unlike the old type to which we were previously conformed. As clearly stated in Joshua 1:8 (note) a key element in this process is meditation which is so crucial to mind renewal but unfortunately is a vital spiritual discipline which is seldom practiced by Christians today. implying that they were already allowing themselves to be poured into the mold of the godless world (Gal 1:4, 1Jn 2:15-note, 1Jn 2:16-note, 1Jn 2:17-note, Jas 4:4-note). #1 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you (1 Pt 4:4). (Romans 12 - Hodge's Commentary on Romans). For I say--authoritatively through the grace given unto me--as an apostle of Jesus Christ; thus exemplifying his own precept by modestly falling back on that office which both warranted and required such plainness towards all classes. I gave the world for it.". Third: Power. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. As you make God's Word your insatiable delight ( Psalm 1:2-see note) and as you read and memorize it, you in turn make possible the delightful discipline of meditating on His Word day and night (you cannot muse, mutter over, ponder or rehearse what is not already in your heart and mind) and the result is that your very innermost being becomes "Bibline" (Spurgeon's description of the great writer John Bunyan -- Spurgeon said if you were to prick Bunyan he would bleed "Bibline"), as God Spirit takes the word you are eating and gradually renews "the spirit of your mind" (2Cor 3:18; see Ephesians 4:23-note). They're much easier to store in a refrigerator! His presence will sanctify wholly Stop allowing yourself to be conformed to the Olam Hazeh, but be transformed by your hitkhadshut (regeneration, renewal) of your mind, so that you may ascertain what is the ratzon Hashem (the will of G-d), what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of G-d. Romans 12:2 (RHE) 4:17, 23; Phil. He calls us to think His thoughts after Him and to conform our thoughts to His will and His ways. them which persecute you, &c.--This is taken from the Sermon on the Mount ( Matthew 5:44 ), which, from the allusions made to it, seems to have been the storehouse of Christian morality among the churches. I have not departed (withdrawn, ceased, removed myself) from the command of His lips; I have treasured (laid up, concealed or hidden = the same Hebrew verb used by the psalmist in Ps 119:11 - See Spurgeon's note) the words of His (God's) mouth more than my necessary food"! Romans 12:2 (BBE) Would that Christians were guiltless in this respect! gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue (to pluck out, tear out; take out from a number and so deliver, set free from danger) us from this present evil (pernicious) age (aion), according to the will of our God and Father (Gal 1:4-note). But as soon as he chooses to disobey, an inherent inner conflict is produced. The world has its own politics, art, music, religion, amusements, thought-patterns, and lifestyles, and it seeks to get everyone to conform to its culture and customs. Good (18) (agathos [word study] 19/102 uses in Romans -- Ro 2:7, 10; 3:8; 5:7; 7:12, 13, 18, 19; 8:28; 9:11; 10:15; 12:2, 9, 21; 13:3, 4; 14:16; 15:2; 16:19) describes that which is "good" in its character or constitution or beneficial in its effect. God takes us as we are but never leaves us that way. we'll be out of step with the world. Albert Lee (Our Daily Bread), The Savior can satisfy fully . The doctrinal teaching of this Epistle is now followed up by a series of exhortations to practical duty. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (cp Col 3:16-note). The heart that the world cannot fill; He is honoured by our hope and trust in him, especially when we rejoice in that hope. Don't give up in a time of trouble, [ e] but commune with God at all times. #4 his good, pleasing, and perfect will. New Christians sometimes admit that some parts of Gods will are not pleasing to them. Used to designate what God Himself does of His own good pleasure. David C. McCasland (Our Daily Bread), Less of self and more of Jesus, Those who are fundamentally committed to doing Gods will will be guided by Him in the affirmation of His truth. Jas 4:4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Nothing is below us, but sin. It comes to be a solemn question for each of us whether we can say, To-day I am liker Jesus Christ than I was yesterday; to-day the truth which renews the mind has a deeper hold upon me than it ever had before. But this positive commandment is only one side of the transfiguration that is to be effected. Are you going to wrap it up in a napkin of affluence and bury it in forty years of self-indulgence? 4In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function. Wuest translates this verse: And stop assuming an outward expression that does not come from within you and is not representative of what you are in your inner being, but is patterned after this age; but change your outward expression to one that comes from within and is representative of your inner being, by the renewing of your mind, resulting in your putting to the test what is the will of God, the good and well-pleasing, and complete will, and having found that it meets specification, placing your approval upon it (Wuest, K. S. Wuest's Translation of the New Testament: Eerdmans), In sum in Ro 12:2, Paul gives us first a negative command and then a positive one: negatively, stop being continually conformed to this world's way of thinking and positively, be continually transformed. B. Phillipss paraphrase of Pauls message to the Christians in Rome: Dont let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity (Rom. (9-16) And to peaceable conduct towards all men, with forbearance and benevolence. Hosea Colossians 8If you have the grace-gift of encouragement,[. Romans 12:2. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. When a man's passion is up, and the stream is strong, let it pass off; lest it be made to rage the more against us. Paul is saying once we become living sacrifices something beautiful happens-someone else transforms us! OR Salem Media Group. It is through the Word that He reveals Himself. [ b] 2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by . God's "perfect" will is all that we need to lead a life that is holy and wholly satisfying (and wholly enabled by the Holy Spirit to Who we daily surrender and obey) and by which we become mature and complete in Christ (Col 1:28-note), Haldane - The will of God as exhibited in His word is perfect. (seerelated devotional). Be reconciled to the place God in his providence puts you in, whatever it be. Matthew 17:2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. The price of spiritual power is a purity of heart. Give me Jesus Don't be legalistic but also don't think lightly of the power of His Word, His Spirit and the grace in which you stand to change your mind, heart and actions (cf Ps 107:19, 20 - See Spurgeon's comments on Verse 19; Verse 20). You'll see life more clearly How relevant this is today as we find our thoughts and the way our minds process material affected by the world around us. Some years ago, musicians noted that errand boys in a certain part of London all whistled out of tune as they went about their work. (Charles Swindoll, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, p.219), Addressing a national seminar of Southern Baptist leaders, George Gallup said, "We find there is very little difference in ethical behavior between churchgoers and those who are not active religiouslyThe levels of lying, cheating, and stealing are remarkable similar in both groups. From the Greek word meaning metamorphosis. Refers to the process that leads to an outward, permanent change. They are the commandments of Him who loves you (1Jn 5:3). #3 Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is Just as the spirit of a man knows the man, the Spirit of God is the only one to truly know God (1 Cor 2:11). Another reading--"serving the time," or "the occasion"--which differs in form but very slightly from the received reading, has been adopted by good critics [LUTHER, OLSHAUSEN, FRITZSCHE, MEYER]. The Aramaic can be translated "Those who are in the flesh see him only in the flesh, but those who are in the Spirit see him in the . The Lord hasten it in its time! 2 Corinthians And do not ye be conformed to this world, but be ye reformed in newness of your wit, that ye prove which is the will of God, good, and well pleasing, and perfect. Instead, fix your attention on God. Lamentations Alexander Maclaren expressed it like this: To know beyond doubt what I ought to do, and knowing to do it, seems to me to be heaven on earth, and the man that has it needs but little more. Here is where many people go wrong. What are you going to do with your life?" Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of Godwhat is good and acceptable and perfect. Ray Stedman adds these comments on the meditation in his sermon on (Psalm 77:12 - See Spurgeon's Note) - "I will meditate on all Thy work, And muse on Thy deeds": He writes: "Meditate, muse, what does that mean? Is your marriage and family yielded to Him? Sometimes with a heavy mallet, and a hard blow, and a broad chisel, we have to take away huge masses; sometimes, with fine tools and delicate touches, to remove a grain or two of powdered dust from the sparkling block, but always to seek more and more, by slow, patient toil, to conform ourselves to that serene type of all perfectness that we have learned to love in Jesus Christ. for the very word dependence only means hanging.". The Phillips translation reads: Dont let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold. The contours of the worlds mold flow along the lines of: We must not be shaped by these influences. The nous can be fleshly (see Colossians 2:18 - note) where flesh denotes the principle of evil which dominates fallen man. 1 John Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward him boiling hot! Despise evil and embrace everything that is good and virtuous. His character should not only be free from blemish, but even from suspicionas untarnished as the modesty of a woman, or the honor and bravery of a man. To know beyond doubt what I ought to do, and knowing, to have no hesitation or reluctance in doing it, seems to me to be heaven upon earth, and the man that has it needs but little more. Let them be a living and holy sacrificethe kind he will find acceptable. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God. On the spiritual level, inner conflict is the warning of the Spirit of God. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. and. Verses 9-16 The professed love of Christians to each other should be sincere, free from deceit, and unmeaning and deceitful compliments. Practically this means we must be careful what we read and watch (see discussion of to this world below). quick of scent) in the fear of the Lord," knows to recognise the meaning and the application of the Lord's commands to daily life in a way that remains hidden to the ordinary Christian. Romans 12:2 (KJVA) Make Paul's prayer for the Colossians yours for yourself and all believers, "that you might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" (Col 1:9-note); and that of wrestling Epaphras, "that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God." The change from glory to glory that is the lot of believers under the New Covenant is such a wonderful contrast to the diminishing glory that Moses experienced under the Old Covenant (see Paul's explanation in 2 Corinthians 3). The believer tests everything in life, trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord (Ep 5:10-note). If the person be metamorphosed, as the word originally implies, from a state of nature to a conformity with Christ, it will certainly appear, and the state of the heart will be evident from the life. If This Friendship Is Preventing You from Mo . Believers are not of the world any more than Christ is of the world. Speak blessing, not cursing, over those who reject and persecute you. Suschematizo is used only here and in 1Peter 1:14 (see notes) where it describes those who conform themselves to their former lusts (strong desires in this context that emanate from the fallen nature, the flesh, that evil disposition inherited from Adam) which were theirs in their ignorance (before God in His kindness opened the eyes of their heart to see the liberating truth of the Gospel and the new life in Christ Jesus their Lord). He urged them to give themselves fully to God (v.1). For though we are many, weve all been mingled into one body in Christ. Be a transformer. In the East, where such houses are still rare, this duty is regarded as of the most sacred character [HODGE]. And if even for a moment the commandments appear grievous, just remember whose they are. Many Romish expositors and some Protestant (as CALVIN and BENGEL, and, though, hesitatingly, BEZA and HODGE), render this "the analogy of faith," understanding by it "the general tenor" or "rule of faith," divinely delivered to men for their guidance. J. Then follows, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." We give way in this and in that thing. Now think with me for a moment. Then be worldly; be mixed up with Mammonites (those devoted to the pursuit of wealth), and refuse to go without (outside) the camp bearing Christ's reproach (see Heb13:13-note). 12:2nlt). Its the word metamorphosis. When a tadpole is changed into a frog or when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, we speak of it as a metamorphosis. Heavenly-mindedness can only be maintained by the strictest vigilance. Recompense to no man evil for evil. In the secular Greek culture dokimazo described the testing of metals by fire to see whether they were pure (especially used to test authenticity of metal coins). Jon Courson asks "Are you a thermometeradjusting to the temperature of the culture, or are you a thermostatchanging the climate of the culture? NKJV And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 calls it being transformed "by the renewing of your mind"becoming a new and different person with a fresh newness in all we do and think. (Job 23:12-note). 8 1 So now the case is closed. For less than $5/mo. All our duty towards one another is summed up in one word, love. How opposite is this to the reigning morality of the heathen world! If we let them fall upon the world, it is like a soldier trailing his saber upon the pavement; every step he takes dulls both edge and point. I want nothing but Gods best! 17Never hold a grudge or try to get even, but plan your life around the noblest way to benefit others. At its basic level, pleasure has to do with fulfilling one's sensual desires. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. He asked, "What is this?" Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head--As the heaping of "coals of fire" is in the Old Testament the figurative expression of divine vengeance ( Psalms 140:10 , 11:6 , &c.), the true sense of these words seems to be, "That will be the most effectual vengeance--a vengeance under which he will be fain to bend" (So ALFORD, HODGE, &c.).