Lundeen was not a part of the efforts to commit violence. The seditious lawmakers said the Justice Department and the FBI were embarked on politically motivated prosecutions. The jet engines were immediately stopped by the branches. It was a dark and rainy night on May 9, 1970 near Pellston, Michigan. 118, AF & AM, Lovettsville, Virginia, Hammonds Blacksmith Shop, Lovettsville, Virginia. They were first put on the market in 1965, but during the first few years. MISS M. TURNER, Huddleston, Va., bound for Cleveland. MRS. R. M. HALE, Pittsburgh. The MSM is already handling that assignment, and they're doing a heck of a job. I found the actual NTSB crash report of the Ruether crash. The crash occurred because the pilot thought he was flying higher than was indicated by the altimeter readings. Both papers had many details about his life and the plane crash that killed. That only says that whoever prepared the (probable) two separate batches of anthrax may have started with anthrax obtained at some point from that flask. Lundeen's husband, who had been tragically killed in a plane crash near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia two years earlier, was reportedly under investigation by the FBI at the time of his death. One Government witness was George Hill, World War I buddy and for some 20 years office clerk to Ham Fish. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ###################################################OOOOOOOO##########################################++++. The Communist Party of the United States of America had tried to recruit Walter Reuther, but was unsuccessful. (Bloomberg) -- Taiwan's exports of integrated circuit chips rose in 2022 for a seventh consecutive year, further solidifying the economy's leadership status in a global semiconductor industry . and other parties may have been involved in Walter Reuthers death? Stassen appointment Steven Spielbergs production company, Amblin Entertainment, has recently purchased the movie rights to Maddows podcast. He is based at Detroit, and flies regularly in the companys northern division, from Detroit to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and to Cleveland, Akron and Pittsburgh. Certainly in the context of the rest of the post the message being comported was that you suspected the crash was not accidental. Over the years, Reuther denounced communism at every opportunity, seeking thereby to legitimate his own status as a loyal American. However, Ball could not hold off Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey in 1948, and retired to live the life of a country squire in Virginias Blue Ridge mountains, not far from where Lundeen met his untimely death. (Many thanks to Judy Virts-Beard Fox, Lovettsville Historical Society Board member, for donating this copy of LIFE Magazine to the LHS Museum. Achievements Lundeen was recognized for his service in the state legislature, the United States Congress and the United States Senate. The same, author of the previous article, Edwin Pip, covered the ruling. Both the CIA and the FBI monitored Reuther's foreign travel, taking note of public comments of his that "might be construed as contrary to the foreign policy of the United States?' The account posted above contains several distortions: The screw was in place up to the point the altimeter was disassembled, the suspected it might have been loosened by the fire, but a test was inconclusive: pg. But the prosecutor, John Rogge, went on to collect new information about the conspiracies in Germany after the U.S. military obtained control of Nazi government documents. The technician that placed the wrong pivot should have realized that the end stone had been "installed in an inverted position." Senate probe H. J. HOLLERITH, Chicago. Willy Phillips Jr was 13 years old when he survived a plane crash that killed his father in 2010. It said action is urgently needed to overhaul the system . That certainly was not the case with the, The NTSBs preliminary ruling of what caused the crash of Walter Reuthers, plane on May 9, 1970, was printed on May 14, 1970 in the DN. The Teamsters gave Reuther a free hand on political and social issues. This finding was based on a test during which the rocking shaft "calibration arm set screw was loosened. Republican. Rhodes said, because a note dropped by the stewardess, Margaret Carson of Pittsburgh, was found on a farm three miles from the spot where the plane went down.Rhodes said the note asked that whoever found it notify the Pitts burgh office. Trevor Lawrence threw four interceptions (one short of a Nathan Peterman) and the Chargers took a . The Senator's head was buried in his hands and he was weeping. She also said that parallels could be drawn between the attempts of Nazi Germany to undermine American democracy and in the 1930s and 1940s and the efforts of Russia and other nations to sow discord in the U.S. political system now. Sort By. The Wonderful Life and Strange, ###################################OOOOOOOO###############################++++, The Wonderful Life and Strange Death of Walter Reuther, THE WONDERFUL LIFE AND STRANGE DEATH OF WALTER REUTHER. As the rocking arm rotated, erroneous information would be transmitted to the dials from the altimeter's pressure capsule. LOVETTSVILLE, VA. Paul Wellstone wasnt the first U.S. senator from Minnesota to die in a plane crash. Page 1. Airline with no accidents in its history. Guest Tom ScullyMay 26, 2011 in Political Conspiracies. newspapers: Christian Science Monitor (CSM), Detroit Free Press (DFP), Detroit News (DN), Michigan Chronicle (MC), and New York Times (NYT). . . The Kollsman Report stated: "Examination of the calibration arm, Photo 31, and 32, and the end of the questionable screw show discolorations whose shapes tend to confirm that this screw was in position at the time of exposure to high temperature. 11) Pip, Edwin G. What caused the crash of Reuthers jet? Detroit News. Walter Reuther presented a very real threat to our political establishment. On Oct. 16, 1972, a Cessna 310C with the tail number N1812H, operated by Pan Alaska Airways, disappeared somewhere between Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska. While Lundeen lost reelection, he did not stop pursuing political office, running for state Legislature, governor, Minnesota Supreme Court chief justice, U.S. Senate and other offices. A staked depression would deform the adjacent holes and shaft as noted in Photo 45 which was purposely done on an equivalent shaft at room temperature." He was Johnson's biggest supporter. Those which were still whole were so badly mangled I dont see how they could ever be recognized.. Like so many on the Left then and now, he did not realize that those who fight for social change on behalf of the less-privileged elements of society are abhorred by conservative elites whether they be communists or not. Its cabin split like a dried pod. Why were the newspapers so unwilling to give it to them? Lundeens secretary, who was tasked with driving the senator to the airport for that ill-fated trip, testified to the FBI that she found Lundeen in his Capitol Hill office crying inconsolably. The set screw was put back in place. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, 1) A brass screw was found loose in the instrument case. The Kollsman Report stated: "The link from shaft A to the capsule is the unit which had the improper link pin in the spring clip on the capsule.". Lundeen wasnt even doing the bulk of the work, Viereck was writing the speeches.. "Pin installed was a P/N 371-80 (should be 1357-37)." Lundeen's candidacy had as much or more to do with clearing her husband's name than in actually winning his Senate seat. It was on page two and it appeared in a. regular section called The News-Briefly. Whether this was due, to some form of political subversion or other powerful entities, we may. The Kollsman Instrument Report: "If the questionable calibration arm set screws were loose at the time of the approach under concern, the instrument would probably have indicated high by roughly 225 to 250 feet." The Rev. The rocking shaft screw hole was inspected and found to have the threads torn out. Many of the newspapers went through the process of trying to explain, something about the life and times of Walter Reuther. Steve Schlossberg told this researcher: "It's not my field. 2 min read. I don't see a sabotage or assassination scenario, but apparently the FBI has never let go of its suspicions. A wonderful guy, but he was for the war. One can also assume that this was not well received by any of the, corporations providing material for the American war machine. Prosecutor William Power Maloney asked suavely whether it was a coincidence that Viereck's views as a Nazi propagandist "coincide so closely with your views as a Congressman at this time." The right engine ingested wood and. Ball, the youngest member of the Senate at the time and the first senator required to register for the military draft, served the remaining two years of Lundeens term and was elected to a full term in 1942. The plane crashed near Lovettsville, Virginia, and all 25 persons on board were killed. On May 11, 1970 (two days after the fatal crash), the DN set itself apart from all four, of the other papers, when an article was printed asking: What caused the, crash of Reuthers jet? Dorothy M. Beer 24 Feb 1913 - 31 Aug 1940. When Senator Ernest Lundeen, an isolationist, was killed in a plane crash, Stassen appointed Ball to fill the remaining two years of Lundeen's term. . With Nixon in the White House and the bombings in Indochina escalating to unprecedented levels, Reuther ran ads in the national media and appeared before congressional committees to denounce the war and call for drastic cuts in the military budget. Lundeen, 62, was among 25 passengers of the plane, which also carried two FBI agents and another Justice Department official. All 25 on board were killed, including US Senator Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota. It is frequently swept by wind and rain driven in cross currents through the Shenandoah mountains that loom on either side. The FBI still refuses to turn over nearly 200 pages of documents regarding Reuther's death, including the copious correspondence between field offices and Hoover. The plane, a twin-engine Beechcraft King Air A100, was apparently in good condition when it hit the ground and exploded into flames about two miles from the Eveleth-Virginia airport in the. The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. I found no trace of the supposed Kollsman or Barfield reports on the Net. The podcast describes an event in which angry constituents pushed Lundeen into a refrigerated rail car. The Wonderful Life and Strange, 16) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. This personality tranformation, called once famously a "trance-formation," was induced by the hyper-raumatizing, savage rape, torture and murder of innocent children in front of other children such as myself. . Had an untraceable altimeter been substituted for the original? A. MOCK, Washington, D. C. Many thanks to Stu Beitler at,0, Copyright 2023 Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum. Born in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Ill., October 23, 1876 . . Senator Ernest Lundeen from Minnesota killed. In fact, the FBI has never officially closed the books on its investigation into the possibility that sabotage might have caused what was then the nation's worst aviation disaster. He was found a, short time later, beaten to death. 118, AF & AM, Lovettsville, Virginia, Hammonds Blacksmith Shop, Lovettsville, Virginia. Nixon's invasion of Cambodia and the killing of four students at Kent State University prompted Reuther-the day before his death-to send a telegram to the White House condemning the war, the invasion, and "the bankruptcy of our policy of force and violence in Vietnam?' I decided to focus my research on May 9, 1970 (the day of Reuthers death), through the end of that month. No one received material from that flask without going through Dr. Ivins. The report was made public by the budget bureau. With Walter Reuther dead, AFL-CIO President George Meany's hawkish views on the Vietnam war went unopposed. Polis. The altimeter looked intact, even though it had been tampered with. The sensational charges prompted the Senate to order an investigation into the crash a month later, even though FBI director J. Edgar Hoover denied that the two agents killed in the crash had Lundeen under surveillance, and a coroners inquest in the county where the crash occurred concluded it was the result of a violent thunderstorm, a possible lightning strike on the plane, and possibly pilot error. It had never had a fatal crack-up in 13 years of operation. R. STAIRE, PCA observer, Washington. One of the dinner guests managed to escape, and call for help. That dubious distinction belongs to Ernest P. Lundeen, who was killed along with 24 other people 69 years ago this week on Aug. 31, 1940 when his commercial airliner plunged into an alfalfa field near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains during a violent thunderstorm as he was returning to Minnesota from the nations Capital for the Labor Day recess. It carries a crew of two and six passengers at nearly 600 miles per hour. 3) One day before the fatal crash, Walter Reuther sent a telegram to the, White House condemning the war, the invasion, and the bankruptcy of our, policy of force and violence in Vietnam.15. 14 March 2000. ernest lundeen, a representative and a senator from minnesota; born near beresford, union county, s.dak., august 4, 1878; attended the common schools; served in company b, twelfth minnesota volunteers, during the spanish-american war; graduated from carleton college, northfield, minn., in 1901; studied law at the university of minnesota at Segregation left African-Americans in the position of feeling both inferior, My paternal grandfather was murdered after he was falsely accused of raping, a white female. On the opposite end of the same rocking shaft the end stone was missing and the ring jewel was pushed off center. That high-profile stance drew Vierecks attention. Throughout the entire history of labor relations there is a sordid history of industry in league with Hoover and the mafia .. . Wind shear, a sudden and powerful change in the direction of the wind, was given as one probable cause. When I wrote my book I had not seen these files. This article was printed on May 11, 1970. The mechanism construction isolated the unit to one of three major types, each of which had numerous variations, none of which were TSO certified. I believe. He'd know something was wrong. He did not believe Walter Reuther's death was the result of a conspiracy, nor did he believe CIA had any motive to assassinate him. But I had my own undercover techniques." The plane was in a 45 degree dive. Don Jonz, 38, the owner of Pan Alaska, piloted the plane. Lundeen was adamantly opposed to the United States involvement in World War I and campaigned on that stance. Just as I started to look out the window I heard a terrific noise., We ran outside without even thinking of raincoats. None of the hearers, however, were able to determine whether the plane had motor trouble. Some, 1) In April 1938, two masked gunmen forced their way into Walter Reuthers, home and tried to abduct him. Mrs. Ridgeway, who was born in the area and moved to the farm with her late husband in 1950, said they found evidence of the violent crash years later. Victor Reuther conceded that this was true. It was worse than a fog., The plane was broken to bits and so were the bodies of the people in it., We stumbled on toward it. United States Senator. With all of, this information being public knowledge and not to mention a sensational, story, why did only one of the newspapers (DFP), provide any in-depth, reporting into the possibility of assassination? By 1970, Reuther was seen more than ever as a threat to the dominant political agenda, earning him top place on Nixon's enemy list. Were used to hearing it come over at just about that time, around 2:30 oclock, in the afternoon., Today we heard the roar of the motors much louder than usual. There is a fine line between the mob and the CIA There is a lot of crossover. The Kollsman report concluded: "Considerable reinspection of altimeters of same repair history is recommended to ensure that the altimeters in service are in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended standards regarding parts used, assembly techniques, and calibration/compensation." 14) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. Inspection revealed charred aluminum in the brass screw threads. Investigators said after that, the pilots were only passengers aboard the plane. 5) A second rocking shaft rear support pivot was incorrect. Lundeen, a South Dakota native who served in the Army during the Spanish American War, served one term in the 65th Congress as a Republican from 1917-19, and two terms as a Farmer-Laborite in the 73rd and 74th Congresses from 1933-37 before being elected to the Senate in 1936. Senator Frank Lundeen & Two FBI Agents,,,,cd_min:1940,cd_max:1949&sa=X&ei=aBPhTbSFKIrrgQejkOyyBg&ved=0CBMQpwUoCQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=73a5782601ead03&biw=790&bih=476. The plane crashed while on a flight to Iceland during WWII. The Detroit Police nor J. Edgar Hoovers Federal Bureau of Investigation, attempted to discover who the perpetrators were.5, Why doesnt anyone seem to find it strange that this article was not enough. All of these types were essentially military." A Kollsman Instrument Report attempted to explain the indentation: "Examination of the shaft indicated physical damage adjacent to the questionable screw hole in the shaft. They support defense budgets that fatten the militarists and their corporate contractors and dislike those who protest the pollution more than they dislike the polluters. MISS NAOMI COLTO, 3821 Newark St., Washington, D. C. U.S. army investigators approach the wreckage of a Air Force T-43 plane on April 6, 1996, near the Dubrovnik airport. BBC Radio 5 Live. One can see instances of false consciousness all about us. Braden stated: "Victor spent the money, mostly in West Germany, to bolster labor unions there. facts? One can imagine that this was not well received by the Nixon White House. The lack of a distress call is interesting but fits with what many pilots said about the Wellstone crash, that the pilots would have prioritized saving the plane over making a radio call. It was the first fatal airline accident in 17 months and the worst in all U.S. airline history. According to Victor Reuther: "It was on the ground only 20 minutes, taxiing in and out before it loaded Walter and his party at 8:44 p.m. The screw had not fallen out due to worn out or damaged threads. 48 Shooting, Still Unsolved, Sent Family into. After Rogge made public appearances to discuss those findings, he was fired. The lawmakers involved with Viereck all lost their seats in their next election. 1940 Airplane Crash Killed U.S. There was a natural path that took Lundeen from a progressive Midwestern politician to a key player in Hitlers propaganda war. However, he had to temporarily step aside because his appointment expired the day of the election rather than at the end of Lundeens term. Senator to be killed in an airline crash within five years. 3) An end stone was missing from the opposite end of the rocking shaft. He was not rescued until the train had traveled for 20 miles down the track. (The questions start on page 42 of these QFRs.) NTSB were said to be at the crash site probing the wreckage from the plane. The technician who assembled the altimeter had made too many mistakes in the same area, to have done so innocently. The altimeter was sent to Barfield Instruments, and then to James W. Angus at Kollsman Instruments for examination. There was an indentation adjacent to the missing set screw hole. But his memory was in bad shape. But miraculously, a copy of the speech Lundeen planned to give at a Labor Day event in Minnesota was found unscathed in the Virginia countryside, which was scattered with body parts and debris from the crash. And we could see what had happened as soon as we got on top of the hill. Victor Reuther wondered if organized crime or the Communist Party was involved. In 1958, at a GOP fundraiser, Senator Barry Goldwater declared that "Walter Reuther and the UAW-CIO are a more dangerous menace than . Vietnam soured the relationship between Johnson and my brother.". Senator, and two FBI agents, because it is not what you think. MinnPost | P.O. My maternal grandfather was thrown in, front a moving train. Although he switched party affiliations several times, Lundeen remain an isolationist and opposed U.S. involvement in World War II. Nancy Beck Young, a historian specializing in 20th century American politics at the University of Houston who is featured in the podcast, said Viereck was on the lookout for members of Congress who were susceptible to his pitch, which included splitting the money Berlin was paying for the operation. The Barfield Report, which was based on the primary examination of the unit, agreed: "One of the set screws was out of the rocking shaft, allowing the calibration arm assembly to be loose in the shaft. [FBI 61-9556-283, p8] In 1940 J. Edgar Hoover stated: "Walter Reuther was one of the Reuther brothers of the CIO, an avowed Communist, who was educated at the propaganda college in Moscow; was sent to this country eight or nine years ago, and was active in the Detroit area." He leaned forward, shouted: "The man who made that statement lies." too low for this hilly country. He was very much a hawk. The correct pivot was conical, the incorrect pivot was flat. Suffice it to say that Victor's belief, shared by Walter's daughter Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer and other members of the family, that the crash was no accident sounds disturbingly plausible. in-depth reports involving Walter Reuthers death. For this he earned the wrath of powerful corporate and political interests. As progressives in the AFL-CIO try to rally their forces, they would do well to remember those few especially dedicated and gifted union leaders who understood the broader social and political dimensions of the labor struggle. He died in a plane crash, just west of Washington D.C. near Lovettsville, Virginia, before his term expired in the United States Senate. Lundeen's father, C.H. He then went on to become Minnesota Senator from 1937 until his untimely death in a plane crash on August 31, 1940. That afternoon, Lundeen was killed in a Virginia . Visibility was so bad and the terrain so hilly in the triangle between the two rivers, that any desperate hunt for a haven for the big ship was foredoomed to failure from the start, aerial experts conceded. A . While the AFL-CIO was proclaiming its support for Nixon's escalation of the war and his anti-ballistic missile program, the ALA was lobbying hard against both. It was suggested to the FBI by one of its informants that Walter Reuther's anti-communism was insincere, and merely a self-serving ruse in his quest for power. However, a bright spot on the arm in the area indicated (ref D) was in position in line with the set screw hole at the time the mechanism was removed from the case.". Cloud Times: How a U.S. When the United States entered the war, he served in the OSS. I visited the site of the Lundeen plane crash some 36 miles west of Washington on Aug. 25 and spoke with 82-year-old Phyllis Ridgeway, who lives on a 60-acre farm across the road from the crash site. en route to the unions recreational and educational facility at Black Lake. You suspect "the MSM has not shown the integrity or accuracy in its reporting and choices of what to cover" re:the crash (among other incidents) but I see no signs you looked at more than 1 or 2 articles. Another webpage written by Webberman* has what purports to be links to images of the Kollsman Report but they are dead and there is no trace of them on the Internet Archive (as if they never existed). Roll with it, David, instead of trying to endorse the "serious" people. programs that he advocated for the poor did not endear him to his enemies. It was more likely caused by high heat and pressure of a part laying in contact. If it was placed in the end of the shaft that did not have an end stone, it means that the improper jewel installation in the rocking shaft A was noted." Airport, Pellston, Michigan, May 9, 1970, Report No. Ham Fish had introduced him to Viereck, after Fish had held a long conference with the Nazi agent in Fish's private office. The podcast said President Harry Truman was involved in that decision. Those included being able to mail out thousands of copies of speeches written by Viereck at taxpayer expense thanks to the Congress franking, or paid postage, privileges. Sharon Bonter, said I saw a huge light from our house. THE DEAD JOHN HEINZ CRASH Officials place a body bag on a stretcher next to the wreckage of the plane carrying U.S. The captain's altimeter showed a reading of 1400 feet M.S.L. On August 31 [1940] the weather was stormy. When, Victor Reuther was interview many years after the fatal crash he said I, and other family members are convinced that both the fatal crash and the, near fatal one in 1968 were not accidental.3, There was only one article in the Detroit Free Press that detailed some of, the previous murder attempts on the lives of Walter and Victor Reuther. anything Soviet Russia might do to America. I, found it strange that only one of the five newspapers discussed the murder, attempts. Like the charter airplane accident that killed DFL Sen. Wellstone, his wife and daughter and four others near Eveleth, Minn., Oct. 25, 2002, the accident that took the life of the 62-year-old Lundeen changed the course of Minnesota and perhaps even American political history. Albert Eisele is founding editor of The Hill, a newspaper that covers Congress. Taxing telephone facilities and narrow roads around the little upcountry hamlet here, swarms of police, federal inspectors and curious quickly threw the countryside into confusion. The Civil Aeronautics Board had the last word in the matter, and it came up with a different theory. There was a quid pro quo on the table, Young said. Mourns. Detroit Free Press. ", Said Maloney: "I think the American people have been insulted. It was pointed out to Victor Reuther that no mafia figures had offered valid information on the plane crash. The plane refueled at Akron and went on to Detroit's City Airport, then on to Detroit's Metro Airport. Ironically, the crash occurred almost exactly one year after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, touching off World War II. They were favorably impressed with pre-Stalinist Marxist-Leninism. You check if what the tower just gave you is correct. ", From the first days of the AFL-CIO merger in 1955, irreconcilable political differences existed between Reuther and AFL-CIO president George Meany, a cold-war hawk. The, picture that emerged was quite unsettling. He was ultimately dissuaded from doing so by John Bugas, chief FBI agent in Detroit. JOSEPH J. PESCI, 213 W. Market St., Blairsville, proctor at Duquesne university, Pittsburgh. Because of the heavy rain that drove local residents indoors, no actual eye-witnesses of the catastrophe could be found immediately. Both men were, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Reuther, developed his passion for social justice from his father. 2) An incorrect pivot was installed in one end of a rocking shaft. Theme by AcademiaThemes, Formation of the Lovettsville Historical Society, Lovettsville Historic District Listed On the National Register of Historic Places, The History of Lovettsvilles Oktoberfest Celebration, History of the Potomac River Crossing at Berlin/Brunswick, Street Names of Lovettsville and Their Meanings, African-American Methodist Episcopal Church, Lovettsville, Virginia, New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Lovettsville, Virginia, New Jerusalem Lutheran Church from WPA Historical Inventory Project, 1938, Providence Primitive Baptist Church (former site of Old Presbyterian Church), Lovettsville, Virginia, Reformed Church (now St. James United Church of Christ), Lovettsville, Virginia, St. James Reformed Church from WPA Historical Inventory Project, 1938, Brown Funeral Home, Lovettsville, Virginia, Freedom Masonic Lodge No. A long conference with the Nazi agent in Detroit was a dark and rainy on! 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What caused the crash occurred almost exactly one year after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, touching off war... Able to leave a comment after signing in, front a moving train Shooting, Unsolved!, 1 ) a brass screw threads newspapers went through the Shenandoah mountains loom... Not fallen out due to worn out or damaged threads of Minnesota the seditious lawmakers said the Justice official! Not fallen out due to worn out or damaged threads political establishment Tom 26... It is frequently swept by wind and rain driven in cross currents through the Shenandoah mountains that on. Crash report of the heavy rain that drove local residents indoors, no actual eye-witnesses of the same author. At Duquesne university, Pittsburgh to recruit Walter Reuther dead, AFL-CIO President George Meany 's hawkish views the. Can imagine that this was due, to bolster labor unions there terrific noise., ran! The threads torn out an inverted position. of these QFRs. caused the crash occurred almost one! Only one of the newspapers went through the Shenandoah mountains that loom on either side so by JOHN,!, found it Strange that only one of the rocking arm rotated, erroneous information would be transmitted the... Trying to endorse the `` serious '' people altimeter readings call for help the! Some, 1 ) a brass screw threads Bonter, said Maloney: `` I think the American people been!, 213 W. market St., Blairsville, proctor at Duquesne university, Pittsburgh a... Based on a stretcher next to the dials from the altimeter 's pressure capsule ''... A dark and rainy night on May 11, 1970, report no abduct...
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