Mike grinned, breaking the silence with a, "well, you're a dad now," while smacking Vincent . Technoblade huffed out a laugh, maybe having a kid around wouldn't be so bad after all. They are softer than one would have imagined, He enjoys cuddling with you, wrapping his wings around yours. Prologue Wilbur Soot & Technoblade (6663) No Romantic Relationship(s) (6272) TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF) (5649) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo (4915) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (4681) Include Additional Tags Angst (16006) Hurt/Comfort (13466) Fluff (10862) Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings (8777) Its at peaceful moments like this, that he can hear you letting out tiny rumbles from your throat. Y/N was a very charismatic person with a passion for theatre. A technoblade x reader. It could be an orphan. when he meets a girl and makes a promise, will he remember it? "What the FUCK do you mean you have a child! well, you heard what I said to Phil, but I just wanted to make one point clear. The voices are soft whenever he's around you. He wont treat you any differently, other than his smaller actions, At first, he will pester you constantly to figure out what type of gemstone you are. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my pants and underwear and slowly pulled it down. He only ended up getting a few pearls and some soul sand, Technoblade moved to find his wife only to see you surrounded by a horde of his brethren. Sleeping in a basket, you landed gently in front of the door step at someone's house. 'Apologize to her right now. He sighs before putting an arm around your lower back to draw you in closer. He has a great laugh about that until you get him a purse, He likes to learn about your abilities as a shulker hybrid but he wont force you to show him, He enjoys counting all the shulker-spots you have, thinking theyre adorable. Philza blinks owlishly, looking down at you curiously. 2. He honestly has much more important things to be worrying about rather some neat trick you learned or can do on the norm, If you really want to show off your abilities, he wont stop you. Just so you know." You purr louder at the gesture, mouth parting slightly to show off your fangs. You stop after a second, looking flustered by the sound you made. He let the water cascade down his face, it stung his fresh wound but it felt good to finally feel clean and fresh. He continued to examine and twirl Technoblade's rings around until he glanced up and caught sight of his golden crown on top of his head. "What cha looking for?" Youre exiled as far as youre concerned. Aether was still asleep on the bed when he came down, the bag across his shoulder felt heavy as nervousness seeped into his skin. Aether nodded. also imagine them being in a tight situation and throwin up their arms and their back release the shulker shell. He let out a deep purr and buried his head in your chest. He noticed his mailbox had footprints in front of the box, his brows furrowed, who was in his domain. The smile on your face was almost worth discussing this child with Phil, but only almost, you gently placed Aether on a spare bed by Bob. Youll teleport from any incoming danger, whether you see it or not. But due to her lacking grades her beloved place at drama club is in danger. Thank you !! He wants the best for you, especially since you havent left him, and will seek out remedies himself not trusting the others. You headed back up the ladder Technoblade followed behind you wearily, Phil was going to make fun of him for this, the old man was going to call him soft. It could be the smallest of cracks in your skin and he will still be over protective, Perhaps, he will set up a beacon outside your house mainly for resistance and regeneration. What did BadBoyHalo need to talk to you about? Monsters never really got along with the ender dragon and the dragon wasnt known for being kind to them. Also: Fanart for this chapter made by the wonderful theoneandonlyyeti on Tumblr here is the link: https://lonely-lost-soul.tumblr.com/post/650490822952927232/under-the-floorboards-part-x. The crow that carrie Everyone knew Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, and Phil were family, a family that fell apart. Technoblade picked up his trusty bathroom sword and held it in his hands, he turned the sharp blade over in his hands a few times in contemplation. "I'm being lied to." Your ears flick, snow falling off of your form, You lean against the door struggling to take off your boots, tugging harshly at coats, scarfs and pieces of fabric roughly. I asked, copying his words from earlier. Or rather, make a noise similar to purr although its has more of a warble, Feeling comfortable, you start purring again, ears flicking with your emotions. Sorry I should've asked you.". But, he doesnt mind changing his sleeping schedule a bit for you, Philza admires your wings, thinking they are really cool. Chapter 9 Before you could even gather your thoughts, the door slung open revealing the same masked-man and blond one walking through the door. Idk, Its been a year. Kinda like Ranboo. hell grumble and tease you but will try to give out more affection even if its just linking pinkies, he is very surprised when he first met you, if you have more enderman features, like their lilac eyes or height hell think it is cool, but if you gained the ability to teleport?? itll be spent polishing each others horns, trying to lay together or hug without the horns getting in the way is difficult, occasional head bumps followed by laughter, if you really want to cuddle itll have to be spooning to avoid hitting horns, complain about him not showing affection? "I'll head there in a few minutes, I wanna try and clean up on my own first, I feel gross." Though when a girl shows up nearly dead in the snow after a harsh blizzard, w. Eternal Blood (Technoblade x gn!Reader) More likely than youd think. "I love them too. I said. Technoblade grumbled under his breath, voice still deep with the hint of sleep. Technoblade raised a hard eyebrow and clicked his tongue, "It was nothing, just a flesh wound." He can understand enderman and move blocks, so he wonders if you can do something that phantoms can do. He likes to touch them, his fingers running over the bat-like surface. In which a hideaway royal falls for the strange visiting king But will you be strong enough to be able to do the same or will you fail? You're my wife now you don't need to repay me for anything." A pair of overalls was next, they were covered in colorful patches and Aether's eyes lit up excitedly. His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, you both were sitting on a small cot by the fire. So, levitating is really the only way he can experience the breeze in his face again, He also likes the floating aspect of it, being able to relax while midair. A little bit of violence, but I will try not to make it too graphic. He'd never truly get used to your domesticity. Sensing your overwhelmed state, Techno stands up to help you. "Don't say anything," his face turned red, "you know what I meant." "Let go of me or I will take a pair of scissors to your hair." Although it isnt necessary, you find yourself enjoying it immensely. Chapter 8 Get in here!" after a few moments he will relax into the hug, will 100% leave you with phil when he leaves the house, he trusts phil to take care of you and might even greet you with a hug when he returns, your wings look similar to his own even if they are larger/smaller, even if he did meet phil, another winged-folk, it wasnt on the best of terms, for a bit he will actually avoid you, not wanting you to see his wings, while working under jschlatt he lost a few feathers and doesnt find as much pride in his wings as he used to, youll have to explain that his wings are great no matter what they look like, hell be blushing instantly, his feathers puffing up with happiness, he too, will give many hugs with his wings, if your friendship progresses far enough he will totally introduce you to sapnap and karl, like a songbird he is always singing around you whether seriously or as a joke, forehead kisses are very common, giving or receiving, the smallest gestures make his wings flutter, if you give him a hug with your wings wrapped around him, he will absolutely melt into your arms, The red, orange feathers of your wings stand out brilliantly against the green foliage, burning bright like a fire, You seem startled by his sudden appearance, pushing your wings out to scare off the intruder, That is, until you see the large black wings on his back, fluffing up in return, You two decide to chat for a bit, not having seen a creature like each other before, Although he believes that angel is a much more fitting name for you, You are a phoenix hybrid, a bird reborn from flames after each death, the ability striking deep into his heart, As an immortal he has seen friends and family fall, often losing memories of them as centuries continue, He has learned to guard his heart, knowing how much it hurts to see loved ones die, He doesnt need to say what is on his mind, as you feel the same, He is a bit flirty while you two travel together, brushing his wings against your own often, He mindlessly admires your beauty, enamored by your wings and personality, When you first meet Techno, he cant stop his instincts even though he trusts his friend so much, He drags you back to his chest, puffing up his wings to make himself appear larger as they envelop you both, Needless to say, Techno learned not to mess with you, His tail is already wagging when he sees you from afar, The ears atop your head look exactly like fox ears, so you must be a hybrid, It is when you turn around and he see the, Tubbo, who was showing you around Lmanburg, sees that Fundy is watching from afar and decides to introduce you two, With a rushed excuse, Tubbo leaves you both, giving Fundy the goal of showing you around, He is flustered but gladly shows you around, When one of your tails accidentally brush against his own he lets out a high-pitched yelp, He hasnt been so red in years, the blush increasing as you laugh, Catching his glance at your tails, you explain that youre a kitsune, A rather young one, only having two tails, Either way he is delighted to meet you, and is curious of your abilities, While he wont be around long enough to see you gain another tail, he thinks the occurrence is so interesting, He will try to find more information about kitsunes to see what you will like, Plenty of gifts that he just casually had on him, Cuddles are always a delight, tails curling around each other peacefully, Little kisses to the top of each others ears, He laughs when you do it to him, or when he gets to see you blushing instead, Seeing you smile sends butterflies to his stomach, and something else when he notices the fangs in your mouth, Schlatt cant stop that thought running through his mind when he first sees you, You have a small pair of horns and fluffy ears that turn back shyly at his grin, Originally, he thought you were just a normal goat hybrid until his eyes trail down, In place of normal legs are the legs of a goat, He tried not to show his curiosity, tugging on his tie as a reminder to not say anything rude, Youre a faun hybrid, the blood of a timid nature spirit running through your veins, With time, you get used to Schlatt and even begin to crave his presence, He kinda adores having you around, you help ground him, Once you get used to him, you show more of your true personality, explaining that the shyness is a part of being a faun, He doesnt mind, enjoying having you around, To be honest, it would boost his ego having you be shy around others but normal around him, The others dont like you hanging around Schlatt, thinking he will corrupt you, But you dont mind the comments, glad to find someone with similar features to your own, He will fight anyone who makes fun of your appearance, abusing his power as president for something good, Lazy nights together are the best, he loves seeing you wearing his clothes when you decide to sleepover, When he sees your fluffy tail slipping out from under his shirt, he doesnt know how to react, Probably one of the few times youll see him speechless, He knows that he looks a little strange compared to other hybrids, especially since hes a mix, With large bat-like wings, and random scales on your skin it is easy to tell that you are some sort of hybrid, Its only when he sees you hiccup and a small flick of fire escapes your mouth, that he realizes you are a dragon hybrid, It would explain the strange connection he felt to you, As half endermen, he feels comfortable around your dragon-like self, He actually thinks your features are pretty interesting, If anyone causes you trouble, he will try his best to defend you, His height + your wings make for the perfect hugs, He enjoys being your friend, excitingly introducing you to Philza, Techno and Tubbo, Philza and Techno will be more cautious around you, knowing of the Ender Dragons power, but seeing how kind you are to Ranboo, they drop it, He may call himself The Blood God, but your features are truly godly, Your fluffy ears and antlers make you appear like a deer hybrid, but it is at night when your origins are shown, Your antlers turn an ocean blue in the moonlight, and strange markings appear under your eyes, He draws his sword, prepared to attack, but feels guilty doing so when you look over at him, He can see the kindness in your eyes as you wave to the piglin hybrid, Tucking it away, he approaches trying to be kind, Surprisingly, you two get along quickly bonding over the simplest of things, He loves how you listen to him ramble for so long, not looking bored once, He also adores how you dont judge him for what he has done, or his appearance, As your friendship blooms, he will realize how others might attempt to hurt you, Not only because of your relations to him, but also your rarity as a hybrid, Techno will get Philza to help keep you safe when he is gone, Far enough into a relationship, he will entrust you with a totem and even a few pieces of emerald, He loves to give you jewelry, especially ones that he has crafted, reasoning that someone like you deserves the best, Jewelry around your antlers, similar to the ones on his tusks, sends him to cloud nine, If you decide to try on his cape and crown? The bed shifted, stirring Technoblade out of his racing thoughts, he swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath. Techno isnt too use to affection, but he still returns the hug, although rather awkwardly with the knowing look Philza gives him, Technos body normally runs warm, especially as a hybrid from The Nether. You flicked some potato at him which he scoffed at with an eye roll. ! He will make sure you dont get hurt or get into any dangerous situations without him by your side. When choosing to move to a land of snow and ice, Techno thought his life would finally be quiet. "Thank your grandpa Phil," Technoblade grunted before coughing, "No not grandpa-". Youre a relatively new recruit, having known Quackity for a while before the countrys creation. When you first meet Techno, he can't stop his instincts even though he trusts his friend so much. Youre too good of a person for Las Nevadas, for him. Its more comfortable than standing in the middle of the living room. You comin'?" The smile reappeared and he let out a sigh of relief he didn't realize he was holding in, "You do care," you cooed fondly and his heart squeezed in his chest. (Rest of warnings will be before the chapter) You assured Aether grunted in your hold almost like he was in agreement with that plan. (Art used in this book isn't mine, credits to the OG artists!) I nodded and he let out a pleased noise and started dragging his fingers in and out of me. Your soft lips traveled across his cheek and onto his lips, "Let me repay you." But after a while, he started to realize how special you are. You purr louder into his chest, leaning more into his touch and onto your toes. Sure, its kinda embarrassing for him but really he just wants to keep up an appearance with his group. Why did that make Technoblade feel a million times worse? Scolding him afterwards, His favorite feature is probably when you sneeze. What will happen ? Descriptions are really hard to write yk. Baby, you have to let go of me." He isnt the strongest person so he isnt too confident about protecting you either. It caught him by surprise when it first happened, as some grey smoke left your body. If you need anything just call me okay? You basically become a backpack, carrying all the supplies and redstone in your extra inventory, If you ever feel bad about the shulker like freckles, Sam will try to make you feel better. Technoblade moved and placed it on the edge of the sink, he moved his hair to the front of his chest, taking the sword in another hand and slicing through his pink locks. (Rest of warnings will be before the chapter) Techno gets in a big fight with his father, Phil, and storms off into the nether. Its definitely overkill at this point but its almost impossible to stop him, For being such a cold figure at the prison, he is an absolutely softie and worrywart for his close friends, He wont want to test anything for your gem abilities, not wanting to hurt one of his friends. "I'm going to send a letter to Phil, so he can grab clothes for the orphan on his way back." He decided to stick a little braid in his hair just so he could add a little flair, a knock sounded on the door and he met his own eyes in the mirror. They were pleading with him to kiss her, mark her up and go feral on his wife. It's not essential to the plot so you can skip it, it's just an extra chapter for 's birthday! Steam exited his nose in frustration, and you gave him a gentle pat on the cheek, "I'll talk to Phil about getting him some warmer clothes, but that doesn't mean I like him." Aether flopped back on the bed next to Technoblade and leaned against the pillows, an awkward silence stretched between the both of them. Despite his tough exterior, Technoblade was oddly curious as he walked a bit closer to look inside the bag. Chapter 6 He likes to see you do that and, if youll let him, just carry you around. But, he might decline if it makes him nauseous, Ranboo wouldnt mind tagging along with you, when you have to get more clothes. 5. Im not a god, Im a Queen (Technoblade x sister/reader) 35 pages Completed May 26, 2021 Lila To really fluster you, hell place quick kisses to each spot, Even if you teleport away, hell chase after you jokingly. "Didn't mean to disturb you, hot stuff." "I'll head out, go spend time with your family." He believed that with the help of his old friend, Philza, he could escape the dark parts of his past and finally start a new. Meanwhile, underneath L'manburg the egg began to breathe and pulsate with life, it yearned to have the couple once again in the palm of its hand just like it did decades prior. Or will Y/N be forced to fight until her death? "Techno. Aether smiled shyly before going back to examining his jewelry, Technoblade shifted to get a little more comfortable as Aether settled in his lap. "I'm leaving you here if you don't come out in five minutes." Before you can place the kiss, he will dodge it playfully; laughing at your bewildered expression. Warning: Blood, Violence, Manipulation. After a while Techno pulled his hand away and grabbed at his own waistband, tugging it down revealing how hard he was. can you do the hybrids with a friend that's made out of gems? He doesnt mind, actually enjoying the attention, He likes to give you his crown, seeing your ears peek out from under the material. You got up and quickly wrapped your arms around him, feeling him tense up but slowly relax under your touch. sorry if this is too specific! a techno x child reader for all of his fans, R.I.P, technoblade, this is in your memory. You lean against him, thinking about stealing his fur-lined cape later. You can really turn it into anything you like with any person. "No." ", "Shut the fuck up! You chased after him once you came to that realization, "Technoblade!". Aether nodded excitedly and snuggled against the soft covers of the bed, you kissed the top of his eye socket. He might yell dramatic proclamations of love just to tease you more, Hell be the protective type of friend. Technoblade kissed his teeth, he supposed this meeting would be alright so long as he was with you and could protect you and your mind from whatever the demon man was planning. I was originally going to make y/n pegging him but then I realized I didn't know how to write that \_()_/ Anyways hope you had a great birthdaySulfurKinniehope you enjoy your present! He watched your eyebrow twitch, "I will go with or without you. You giggled fondly brushing the tufts of fur on his head, you plucked the poppy from his hands and placed it behind his ear. "Birth control." No amount of convincing could encourage him to spar with you. Do you want to stop or is this too-" I cut him off by flipping him onto the couch and settling above him all in one quick motion. He held him up higher to show off the poppy in his fur behind his ear, "Look what you did now it's attached to you! Anything for her.'. They made their way over to you, clearly eyeing you and assessing that you werent a threat. "No, I will not be cuddling with a cringy man." Chapter 13. I miss you guys <3 /p, you two met before he returned to lmanburg, he was just flying around and spotted you on the ground. You looked at your lap and smiled shyly, "I love you. "A human blanket might be nice." It's the child!" He swallowed thickly glancing over at your bright smile, you turned towards him and figured the letter in his pocket could wait a few more days. The entire room was dead silent, not a word was uttered. If youll let him, he wants to take notes about your skills, Maybe Philza will bring back gemstones he finds while mining, leaving them for you, He might be very tempted to experiment with your qualities. You simply scold the smaller creatures, laughing when they sink back, He introduces you to Micheal after a while, enjoying the fact that you both get along. He let out a moan and tried to pull his hands out of my grasp again. The kid didn't like that as he glared up at the taller hybrid, "You have a family in the Nether?". I bent down to his neck and started kissing and sucking there as I slowly moved all the way down his cock. Spinning around, he pulls you closer, briefly kissing the top of your head, Humming, you lean into him to embrace his body heat. He actually looked rather comical, eyes widened, mouth hanging open. "Don't apologize for that, I'm a big girl." He needed a makeover desperately, the voices were very much in agreement when he caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. (Rest of warnings will be before the chapter) Although your reasons are quite harmless, all together it was enough to overwhelm anyone. You allowed him to get out of bed sometimes okay, you weren't a monster; so long as he wasn't out fighting monsters and blowing up nations. "I can be," Phil added raising his finger in the air, Technoblade gaped at him, "Don't encourage her!" "Thank you, for all you do for me." yes, Ill stay here if you guys are sure thats what you want, I cant thank you enough, you said. He huffed as you moved away from the wall, a teasing grin on your lips, he watched you walk away with a swing of your hips and he groaned in distress. From across the room Technoblade's eyes cracked open, Phil nudged you forward. Work Search: Last time I rely on them to relay a message!" But due to her lacking grades her beloved place at drama club is in danger. Your Blade. He will think your abilities are absolutely amazing and will want to learn so much more, However, the methods of learning more together are quite questionable. What will happen when what was once forgotten was now found? When youre done rambling, he pulls you into a side hug. The shower went much faster than usual now that he didn't have all that hair to wash. After the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist, it hung low on his hips as he shook out his wet hair much like a dog. A long kiss will end his antics quickly, if youre annoyed by them, He is really excited that you can join him on flights, except for the fact that they have to be a night. "I promise I won't bother you with him either, he'll be my responsibility." Aether slid off the bed, sweater, and clothes in hand and stumbled into a nearby bathroom. Technoblade kissed your cheek softly, you gave a little nod. You can really turn it into anything you like with any person. Hed pretend that he doesnt care but actually does, Not only do you trust him enough to purr but you also sound so sweet. Steve nuzzled Aether's hand and he gently rubbed the top of the polar bear's head, Steve seemed to dub the Piglin acceptable and rested his face on the edge of his bed. The thought shook him to the very core no matter how much his body liked the thought. "Hmph, so needy." So does Technoblade.'. He couldn't stop glancing at the gold wedding band on your hand as you entered the portal, the piglin's heads already were paying attention to the newcomers. Its something that gets rid off his stress from working at the prison all day, If you really dont want to build, he wont make you tag along. You never thought you would want kids of your own, adopting already children was completely fine but when it came to having your own you weren't too sure. However, your frame is already pressed against his own. "It looks amazing, I love it, and I love you," You spoke tenderly hands running down his chest. (Art used in this book isn't mine, credits to the OG artists!) "Thank you, my love," You kissed his forehead and he relaxed just slightly. The two lie there in comfortable silence, until you start purring, He is probably very confused at first. Technoblade watched you look up at him through big sad eyes, "you don't have to be a parental figure if you don't want to, I won't force that role on you. He moved his fingers down and pushed slightly at my entrance, causing me to let out another small noise. He takes the bags and tools from your figure and puts things away, Once hes done, he turns back to you, asking about the trip.