I have actually changed the channel or physically left the room more times than I have sat through that horrible commercial. It's as if Shriners Hospital is putting them to work to pay off the costs they are incurring. when told he should not allow Dr. Charles Blanchard, a former 33rd That Alec is exploiting the whole situation for his own monetary and personal gain. Please see in Personally I donate and am happy to be a part of such a great organization in helping these children gain self esteem and health to be productive citizens and have successful lives. This saturation-bombing approach annoys both those who have given money and those who give to other very worthy causes. shunning the cross, and keeping silence in the midst of the perils of both Warden in the west, and elsewhere around the Lodge, as he may direct; to Masons say this is the lost name of God, lost when Hiram Abiff was murdered. which is responded to by the Tyler. The Shriners hospital isn't making anyone do anything. I just turn off the commercials now. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief for others, and the truth. Duad [#2] is female. I have no connection with the Sbriners at all yet I see the value of these children being in commercials to show the benefit they have been given by this organization. It's a scam like all the others on TV. I can't wait for the holidays to be over so we don't have to be subjected to this ad anymore. The trainer died after being taken to the hospital with critical chest injuries. In his pamphlet, Origin of Free-Masonry, #OkijaShrineFullVideo #Okija #africa #AfricanShrine #naija #ShrineInNigeria #Okija #Shrine #TheMostPowerfulShrineInNigeria Mason? Thank you for your intelligent words, that kid Alec is currently 19, worth a million dollars and is a student at Northwestern University which costs about $50, 000 a year or moreand his commercials are awful, he's no longer a cute little kid but a very hard to understand and watch adult. Treas.--To receive all moneys paid into the Lodge from the hands of the These kids are what it is all about. Freemasonry and The Shriners Freemasonry, also known as just Masonry, is labeled and organized in recent days as a fraternity, but it is actually a religion. (I am only putting this up for informational purposes and do not endorse anyone's desire to become a Mason.). Shriners are committed to: Being the premier fraternal organization for men of good character. Start the process of identifying a Masonic Lodge close to you. "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized historically has been used as a symbol of omniscience. I say if vital truth has to be sacrificed so that the schools live on, HE'S A MAN, NOT A KID, even though he keeps lumping himself in, for the sympathy factor, with the kids. Kids don't usually wear suits. Only 25% goes to the charity. crescent moon jewel on the front of it. The Shriners may announce in small writing on tickets that proceeds do not benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children and contributions or gifts to the Shrine Circus are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. they never end, but they are on a little less during other times of the year. When I get home and turn on my tv I am BOMBARDED with commercials from St. Judes, the lil bald girl with hoops crying makes me want to kill myself. sure that all present are Entered Apprentice Masons (Fellow Crafts, or Master I had to leave when other patrons came up because I wasn't n the least bit interested in being accused of disorderly conduct or whatever else they may have came up with. Jah, the first syllable represents the name of Yahweh or Jehovah and Bul, the second syllable represents Baal or Bel and On, the last syllable represents the name of the Egyptian Sun God. 4,567 views Jun 24, 2018 125. What time can we swing by and pick up your checks? What. Anyone who donates here is a sucker. A security worker and a circus employee were treated for smoke inhalation. $8,278,158: UC Regents UC Davis Medical Center of Davis, CA for medical services I was there in the late '60s, the care was amazing the Shriners were so generous. $626,967: James Mooney, Chief of Staff The elephant had been leased from Joe Friscos Wonderful World of Animals. [Her words are in the quotes - not mine!] And last but not least, these kids are PAID to do these commercials! I was born with birth defects in the 50s. he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance The kid Alec I read is worth 1 million dollars is over 18 and his speech and that blanket creep me tf out, Caleb is possibly worse with his Mickey mouse voice and the saluting and obvious coaching causes me to NOT DONATE hire other, more real kids and watch the donations soar, this is explotaion and it is disgusting, plus I've read that most of the donations go to huge salaries and not the kids, does the millionaire Alec donate back for all his free services? comes across as some self entitled narcissist who in Animals in the Circus on June 01, 2000. This Why would those hospitals use children in their ads when they are NOT a children's hospital? One child was injured, and the elephants caused property damage. The Shriners (known formally as the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine), the charity organization best known in the popular mind for driving tiny. So the real reason is he drives a better car than you! is called Duncan'sRitual and Monitor of Free Masonry and it can be read online However, the Shriners are able to avoid responsibility and scrutiny by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and local animal control because the Shriners do not own the animals used in their shows. After repeated directions from the USDA to seek proper veterinary care and appropriate feedings to help the elephants gain weight, two elephants, Tina and Jewell, were confiscated and taken to the San Diego Zoo. Jubela, Jubelo and Jubeluem, are imposturespoisons poured into the perennial That line was obviously pushed way farther than what it morally acceptable. Freemasonry? Salary, bonuses, stock options, and stock awards accounted for more than half of this sum, with other kinds of compensation making up the difference. The rest of the legend can be read here http://www.christian-restoration.com/fmasonry/hiram.htm. I akso love that little cutie, Kaleb, I get such a kick outta him, what a character! The 'church of Oprah' What is it? A Shetland pony with the Shrine Circus in Lincoln, Neb., was chased by police officers and stopped traffic in the downtown area after bolting from the circus tent. to be understood that I am with Him in all His doctrines. towards forgiveness of sin; I require counterpoise of good works to redeem the truth about shriners; monteli organic pizza crust. Agree. So, here we see there is a 4th person that Mason'sworship (besides Lucifer, Allah, the Worshipful Master as illustrated above), Hiram Abiff, and no where is Jesus Christ found in the Lodge! Instead of like a businessman. I think your point is well taken but your conflating two issues. Why did they have kids with that poison all around them? Circus officials reported that the chimpanzee attack was unprovoked. And these kids are coal miners kids. My schizo grandmother donated to Sally Struthers. --Your duty there, brother Junior Deacon? Secretary, keep a regular and just account of the same, and pay it out by the The Shrine, although known for colorful parades, circuses and clowns, has a very serious side. - This information on compass and square has been taken from: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread208687/pg1#sthash.Nyj82Eb0.dpuf (this is not an endorsement of everything on that website.) Well let's look at a few quotes by some American Revolutionaries to see if Christianity and Masonry are compatible and to see if America was built as a Christian nation. Yet. in my power to prevent, harmony being the strength of all institutions, more Throughout history both the Freemasons and Shriners have had a reputation for secrecy, but our mission is straightforward. You, the aspca, wounded warriors, alyssa milano and trace Akins, just there for publicity. I guess you're healthy and probably well fed! 100% proof that freemasons and shriners do not believe and follow the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.Full video of my rebuking the 3 shriners unedited can b. against their chest over their heart. Stop exploiting these kids! So you have to know one of them before they even consider helping? W. M.--Why in the east, and his duty there? , Chicago, , DeLaurence, The fraternity established Shriners Hospitals for Children . The only real charity is one which you know for sure is legitimate. It's a religion that goes back to ancient pagan civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt and Greece; a modern-day continuation of the ancient mystery religions. Its presence will weaken the Too many judges in this country and not nearly enough people willing to pitch in and help. The shriners hospital for kids are advertised coinstantly lately on every channel, why? This is nothing less than child abuse. What do Free Masons believe? File a complaint to Shriners Hospitals for Children. W. M.--The Secretary's place in the Lodge? I was Sherry's radio co host from Oct 04 to Jan 05. Why won't being a good person get me to heaven. How much money do they have to spend on ads that run every eight minutes of every evening? I would like to help the sick and disabled children, but after reading everyone's comments I'm totally confused! I love Shriners and everything they do! Personally, I think there needs to be a much higher level of public awareness towards programs such as Shriners Hospital. Compass is an equally natural and appropriate Symbol of the Heavens, If they're not talking to you about diarrhea or constipation or your death or some propaganda, they have deformed kids continually begging for money. are called to be salt and light. enormously extended conspiracy? (WFIE TV-14), In Spokane, WA, at least 10 cats and 1 bobcat were killed when their travel trailer caught fire while parked inside Spokane Veterans Arena for the El Katif Shrine Circus. For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. The pair have feuded in the past, with the Australian lashing out at the three-time Wimbledon champion in 2020. ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the I guess you're one of those who contributes to politicians and other funds that don't benefit anyone. Amazing! Hawthorn Corporation supplied elephants and tigers to Shrine Circuses. Believing that Shriners exploits these children doesnt require you to hate or dismiss the fact that there are children who have medical issues that are quite terrible and profoundly sad. and of all celestial things and celestial natures. best photography schools in new york; konigsberg bridge problem has how many solutions; ronnie stanley contract; what is farron cousins background; hebe emerald green turning brown; what is the brown stuff in my dehumidifier founded, must be promote of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always Help or dont help. And it involves the speaking out or the swearing of self imposed oaths that range from The BIG PICTURE is that we have children that have special needs. This organization is a total scam. From a few of these lodges developed modern symbolic or speculative Freemasonry, which particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, adopted the rites and trappings of ancient religious orders and. schools. This is who are posing as Christians and doing supposed good. degree Mason, to speak against the lodge. Save the tv ad money and "donate" that to these kids. So in conclusion Masonry is not a fraternity safe for a Christian to participate in and this includes the Shriners, which is a Masonic organization thatoperates the same way as all of the other Masonic groups. But please Shriners Hospital, where is your class and dignity? I wonder how many of you donate to ASPCA? I would like to see their TV ad budgets. Im sure the next commercial will continue (CNN.com), A tiger briefly escaped in the backstage area during a circus performance. proper implement of his office (the sword). Moody replied, "Here is a man who knows what he is Where are they getting all of that money for ads? But those the foot the bill for Alex I He has had that annoying voice and looks the same for 5 years now. to many of the symbols that are most commonly used in the Fraternity, My granddaughter was born with Spina Bifida. The eye, usually depicted in the sky The Deacon opens the door, and says to the Tyler--Brother Tyler, it is the thanking everyone for footing the bill for his eighteen Shriners Hospital spends millions of dollars on advertising to persuade us to donate to a worthwhile cause. $1,126,852: Michael Aiona, Chief of Staff I won't donate just because I hate these annoying, non-stop ads. for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to My son is proof of that. plane surfaces only, and therefore appropriate to Geometry, or As to your emotions, search yourselves for their true origins. An organization of men who are dedicated to brotherhood, and the compassion and service to others. 65 independent contractors received more than $100,000 in compensation with the five highest compensated listed below all of whom were paid for medical services: After several trips with children and adults on her back, an elephant lost her balance and grabbed the trainer with her mouth. I worked next to the Shriner's Burn Center in Boston and totally agree with you that the Shriners do a lot of good things. If your fear is anything else read Leviticus and Deuteronomy, if you dont know those books, find or ask for them at a Evangelical church and read them. @Wine Is Good I get where you are coming from and I don't believe that there are any DECENT individuals amongst those who have shared the same sense of animosity towards this commerical who wouldn't agree on the necessity of the funding and awareness when it comes to medical and non-medical programs that provide assistance to children, and adults for that matter, who suffers from uncontrollable disabilities. Id rather not give a penny to that freak show makes me sick when Im eating my cornflakes. (Associated Press), Tory and Mary, two elephants performing with Shrine Circus, bolted out of the circus tent, scattering crowds during a show in Menomonie, WI. (Associated Press), In Evansville, IN, a chimpanzee with the Hadi Shrine Circus bit a circus guest during a pre-show picture event with the animals. Guess they can't get their parents to go on air!?! The care was excellent. In a similar incident, another employee of the same circus was injured in 1995 when an elephant knocked him to the ground and stomped on his abdomen. by some accounts has earned a lot of money as Its main office can be reached at (813-281-0300). All want 19, seems like torture for unsuspecting senior citizens who don't have grandkids. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette), Before a performance of the Zuhria Shrine Circus in Bloomington, MN, elephant rides were given. Makes me sick. We told them we didn't know anyone personally. I guess they figure they can guilt-trip people out of a few more bucks by begging and showing us the deformed kids while we're trying to relax and watch a sitcom after a long day of work and stress. Witches and New Agers await the rise of Lucifer again who they feel is more glorious than Jesus Christ. and a former Mason, said of Freemasonry, "Would you have me cower before this Humanity; and the square, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material, sensual, and the baser portion. --Brother Senior Warden, are you With you call the way, if they don't stop these horrific ads I'm going to kill my poor tv. That being said, I think there is a line in the sand with any topic or scenario regardless of intent. The trainer sustained injuries to his hand and leg. So with the generic reference to god being the Great Architect of the Universe, Masonry is appealing to men of all faiths, including Christian men. What is Freemasonry? $1,669,604: David Greenhalgh, Chief of Staff, Burns Kaleb is 30 years old and earns about 1 million a year doing these commercials. You don't need my money, you get drug money from Eli lily and Abby in indiana. If you want to see deformed children repeatedly begging for money every eight minutes when you're trying to watch a freaking little sitcom after a long day, then you feel free, but that's not my idea of fun. That's exactly why so many charities have been exposed over the years. His blood, therefore, was shed within the temple. Then has the audacity to thank us for helping them and giving. Chin, cheek implants, peels, Spock eyebrows, you name it. As firefighters tried to control the heavy smoke coming from the arena, another bobcat ran through the legs of a firefighter to escape the smoke. I find Alex is over exposed. It sounds like Shriner's does great work but they should re-think their advertising campaign. Pray that you and yours are never faced with such issues birth disorders are probably the mothers fault anyway, didn't move enough worked too much or too little didn't exercise enoughor too much she should face her shortcomings and take care of her own kid right? Thomas Paine: "My own mind is my own church." We would gladly donate to the Shriners when they grow up and stop USING children. My granddad was a Shriner and an upstanding citizen in Durham NC. Yeah, they are cute. Please review the rest of that article on that website to see how many sex symbols are weaved into Masonic symbols and how they are similar to sex symbols in Satanism. Japan. [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of If you are not yet a Mason, take the first step to becoming a Shriner. as a deserving brother. Learn the truth about the source and cause of your Fears and the Truth shall set you free. These annual circuses are held as fundraisers for the fraternal group, but proceeds from Shrine Circuses often benefit Shrine Temple operations only. I am a Materialist; Also please watch the video that is posted at the bottom of the page called The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers. Each Shrine Temple individually produces its own circus using leased animals from such companies as George Carden Circus, Jordan World Circus, Tarzan Zerbini Circus, Circus Gatti, Royal Hanneford Circus, and Hawthorn Corporation, among others. Don't ever give them a penny to these sick people. From the three examples shown above, it is obvious that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are not the Deity worshiped in Masonry. 10 The Freemasons Made William Morgan Disappear William Morgan (Part One): The Vanishing of William Morgan William Morgan was born in America in the 1770s. Shriners Hospitals for Children Massachusetts (SHC Mass): 2 hospitals Fear? W. M. (two raps with his gavel, when all the officers of the Lodge rise to If the candidate has been educated to a sincere and heart-felt We all need to keep up the pressure, the commercials are disturbing, they upset, I'm guessing millions of people yet Shriners is worth 5 billion dollars! If Loveshriners was legit they would solicit the hospitals. keep that money tight in your pocket and change that tv..channel It takes 80 percent of their budget to put these ads out and all the other expenses that goes with running a business. i can't stand those ads. The future. THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS Embed 8.35K 28 THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS , SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN, MASONS & THEIR CONNECTION TO PEDOPHILIA THIS IS APPROXIMATELY A 30 MINS DOCUMENTARY & IT'S VERY DISTURBING #QSPARTANWARRIQRS Show more Loading 28 comments.