The Adcocks are putting their efforts into keeping their herd of Fullblood black Spanish goats going strong for generations to come. Salt blocks or loose salt powder are also provided free choice. It is amazing to see the affection the new mothers give to their young. We cull any goat that fails our criteria, some years it will be 1% and some years, more. The other ranches are in Texas and these producers are working to. Temperatures often reach 105 or 110 degrees in the summertime, which the goats seem to enjoy. The Kensings?goats have small sideways ears. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. Nanny kids are carefully scrutinized and the best replacements are place don feed to encourage good growth and to teach them to come when called, be around stock dogs, and handle close quarters and working chutes.After two months these nanny kids are turned out into their own pasture to await breeding. Super genetics have two of her daughters in my herd and am keeping her 2022 bull calf. Bloodlines, de-worming, vaccines, diseases, feeding, breeding style, kidding style, pasture management, and shelters. The above description of the Koy Ranch Bloodline was written by Koy Adcock in 2009. Top Quality registered stock, pricing based on quality. The bucklings receive the supplemental feed, as do the does at kidding time. Both parents are registered with AGA and A2/A2. The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd.Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in regional soil. Please contact us if you are interested in the fiber. *Please note we are currently experiencing technical issues with the Marketplace. Only productive nannies are retained for breeding.The Herd is selected for black coloring due to the advantages of fewer cases of pink eye and less fly issues. The family began to breed the goats to bring out their vigor and strength, developing a line that both breeders of Spanish goats and non-Spanish goats want to breed into their herds. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year-round. Farmers were used to wandering livestock, and if someone elses livestock was grazing on your land it was fine. It also reinforces the decision to keep raising Fullblood Spanish goats, as they are such a valuable component of the enterprise which has been successful for over 17 years.Story by Yvonne Zweede-Tucker, Fall 2008, Named after Tom and Meta Syfan, Mountain Home, Texas. We decided to take a giant step and create an interactive Breeder Website and Database that combines All Things Pure Spanish Goats into SPANISH GOATS, LLC. He wants numbers, and has participated in goat performance tests since 1995. And the Spanish goats could just take care of themselves. Call 432-296-1555 or drwassy@gmail.comPosted April 1, 2022, Grandbury, TX:SGR GOLD Certified Breeders John & Garry Boozer have three month old KENSING billy kids available. The population of goats began to dwindle.The Lowcountry goats originate in the Southeast. ?Once bred, the does are back to the brush, and resume their roles.Every year, each goat is reassessed, and bred again using the same formula. Make sure to specify that you want Verified/SGR DNA Registerable Spanish Goats and request a Required Bill of Sale. Mesquite and Prickly Pear also grow in abundance. Pictured here are brother and sister of kiko dam and Spanish (Baylis Bloodline) sire. Heritage breeds have a wealth of genetic resources that are important for our future and the future of our agricultural food system. Wormers and vaccines are not used on the goats, and are not necessary in the climate.Nannies kid in pastures once a year in a 60-75 day window. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). The goats avoid eating the latter, but they will sometimes tiptoe in to eat the Prickly Pear fruit. Both needed to support and build muscle mass. Some of them are 1/4 Conway or less. Hidden Hollow Valera We also breed livestock guardian dogs. The goats would each eat about 5 lbs per day of this feed, and even Christmas Day would bring Gene Bode to his goats, lugging 40 sacks of feed. Even though this herd was divided into three distinct managers, one thing rang true throughoutthe bloodline and that was Preston Faris. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. Additional pictures/videos available. Most births are twins, and the ranch usually has three kid crops every two years.Weinheimer keeps about 1033% of his bucks as breeders, and keeps however many nannies he needs to keep the herd numbers up, and sells the rest for meat.The biggest toll on the herd is coyotes. Shurley had raised Spanish goats for many years, running up to 2,000 head at one time, but got interested in Boers in the early 1990s and crossed his Spanish goats with Boers. Bode can taste the difference between Boer meat and Spanish meat. If a Low Country/Baylis Dam is bred to a Low Country Sire the offspring is Low Country/ Fullblood Spanish Goat it is not 3/4 Low Country. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). Stallworth Ranch. La Flche are a dual purpose breed, they lay nice sized whitish eggs of good quality. Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears and really big horns! Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. The hope of Spanish Goats, LLC is thatthe Bloodline continues to be an option for meat producers and the Certified Breeders continue intheir commitment to stay true to the genetics while putting their personal stamp on them. The majority of Muddy Run tends to kid together within a two-week period. C4 Livestock is, raising their Sawyers in one of the most challenging environmental conditions for any breed of goat, and they are adapting well. After looking around at all the different goat varieties, we decided to get Spanish goats. That initial selection has served us well, as its plain to see the variety, hardiness, and survival sense in our goat herd. ensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. Legitimizing the Spanish goat as a distinct breed requires up-front and honest input from breeders as well as a commitment to the transparency, blind justice and integrity required to establish a DNA Registry. It is a constant task to keep the Mesquite and cacti in check. Michael worked as the Ranch Manager for Mr. Stallworth. 31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. We kid in February to April and we wean late June to early July. This adaptability is reflected in the differences in the physical appearance of the Spanish goat bloodlines. heavier bone structure. Deworming is done by the Famacha method.The Morefield herd is trained to respect electric net fencing. We have 100% pure Spanish goats. Syfan has successfully kept predators under control.The herd is bred for springtime kidding. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waver, from our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anything, that we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive for, improvement. Triplets are not unusual, but if the weather is tricky during the year and forage is poor, the goats mostly have twins. When Wesley Sawyer passed away, hisnieces and nephew inherited the herd and the land. Please contact Jim Carroll ~ 2549339349, Haymont Freehold Farm, LLC ~ Fayetteville, NC ~ Verified Baylis Breeder ~ Anne Williams ~ has Two 1 year old proven sires and one 1 year old doe. (I am keeping one of her lambs, and the other is already sold). Bode began to take breeding very seriously in 1987, and added more top bucks to his herd from a few different sources, including some from the Kensing strain.Bode would cull the smaller goats, and preferred greater length and height. They have well-water and salt blocks available, but apart from that they are on straight forage year-round. Price $400, DOB 7.11.2018, Very healthy pure Spanish Buck for sale. Edwin Sawyer credits Juan L Bonilla, Jr., and Preston Faris for the success of his group ofSawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. We aspire to Promote, Protect & Preserve the Spanish Goat. Mature size varies widely depending on bloodline, as well as management and region. improve the Sawyer genetics with their styles. They have no hoof problems, and require little maintenance in their environment. Foundation bloodlines are the original herds that make up the foundation of the Spanish Goat Breed genetics as well as any discovered herds that have been in isolation and show a distinct phenotypical and genetic contribution to the breed. Uno was just a kid, and was scheduled to be eaten for dinner by his owner. Bloodline Descriptions:We rely upon the breeders to provide the bloodline descriptions. We currently have around 15 bucklings available for sale. In the bunch we have Pure Spanish and Spanish-Kiko crosses. Had wavy, beautiful super white fleece at birth. Like many Texas ranchers, Eugene Bradshaw was born into goat ranching. Out of the two he has the best fleece, but just doesn't have the size or shoulder depthof twin. Use this link to download a Blank Bill of Sale: BILL OF SALE. We are able to provide breeding pairs, trios, and more. The Kensings breed for kidding in January and wean the bucklings in April. His first goats were purchased from Mr. Parker at Black Bull Ranch in Mountain Home, Texas (no longer in business). The 82-acre farm is located . Contact Karen or 319-389-9647. by Diane Kull Crunch a triplet male from Sky Upon deciding to get the goats, we opted for a . Too request more information / pictures / or place a deposit, call 540-829-5683 or email April/May 2022 kids ~ CDT, Rabies, trained with LDG & Hotwire. They were of various colors. Our next 2 doelings came from Diane Kull. Join our email list to receive farm news and promotional offers. Our breeds can be found on the Conservation Priority List (CPL), and are being monitored to ensure their survival. Prior to 2007 ranchers thought nothing of mixing in angora, dairy or meat breeds for production purposes. Because of this, the herd uses a mixture of inbreeding and linebreeding, which has worked well for decades. . Being that they are aggressive grazers and browsers, they are a welcomed benefit to our pastures. The goats drink well water due to an absence of natural streams in that area. Dual registered with the American Milking Shorthorn Society and American Shorthorn Association. Sire is Samuel out of Dempsey Perkins line. He sought to breed goats with good coats, and more hair. Breed Identifiers and Descriptors:The Spanish goat is a local landrace breed and has variations between sources/ranches/bloodlines. The conservation effort to conserve the Spanish breed genetics began in 2007. Unfortunately those old Spanish genetics of his goats were lost due to out-crossing with Boers.Shurley has seen the population of Spanish goats drop from well over half a million to todays hard-to-find goats numbering perhaps 7,000 nationwide. Calm disposition, rapid growth, and early maturation describe the Black turkey. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. However, as the President for the American Meat Goat Association, Shurley is able to stay well-informed on the studies and trends of meat goats in the United States. They are only fed enough to keep them following a feed sack when its time to gather. They do not breed for meat, and prefer a brown coat to black.Morefield nannies grow to be about 90-110 lbs., the billies have grown up to 200 lbs but are usually around 175 lbs. They began efforts to coordinate with the plantation owners and local residents to capture some representatives of the herd before predators wiped out the population. The goats love the grain cubes, and the rustle of a feed bag will bring them running to their owners, showing them to be a pretty tame bunch. Become a Member of The Livestock Conservancy. Bode formulated a feed that included hay, grain, and minerals, and had it mixed at the store. At Redrange Farm we believe in regenerative, sustainable farming, leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint. Call or email for more details: 917-407-0472 / February 26, 2022, New Market, Virginia: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder ~ Diane Kull has VALERA Kids available. Predation is fought through Wildlife Services employees, private aerial services, observations in sign and livestock behavior, and diligence on the part of the rancher. Either way, they are still pure spanish goats but with noticable different attributes. On Weinheimers 2,200 acres, some areas are safer than others, and goats are moved or separated in response to how coyotes are working the different pastures. Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. Anatolians, Maremmas, and crosses thereof, guard the goats at home or off property at weed projects, at approximately one dog per 100 goats.Nearly one third of the doe herd is Fullblood Spanish, and every few years those does are bred to a Fullblood Spanish buck to make a new batch of mother goats. The entire Smoke Ridge doeherd is sorted into groups of approximately 75 animals, and a single buck is put with each group for three and a half weeks. Although there are Golden and Bald eagles, Grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes, foxes and badgers, Smoke Ridge has no losses to predation thanks to their guardian dogs. He made very few acquisitions. Peter and Rosa have endeavored to keep the more Spanish does to be bred to the bucks, maintaining the Spanish characteristics in the herd. They keep accurate records to monitor the performance of each individual goat. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. Smoke Ridge deworms their goats twice per year, one month before kidding and one month before breeding.The original goats were trained to electric fences, subsequent generations were raised with them from birth. For Shirley Pape, who has loved goats since childhood, the losses are heartbreaking.The Papes use government trapping and control programs, including aerial shooting, to help with predators, but these methods are not completely effective. Along the way he also began breeding for their coat quality. The majority of Muddy Run does tend to kid together within a two-week period. The Kensings do not interfere at kidding time, and if a weak kid cannot make it through with normal care, it is left to its fate. Now taking reservations. They were like snowflakes, no two patterns were exactly repeated. Available in September when their calves are weaned. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. The majority of Muddy Run does tend to kid together within a two-week period. $250. However, we do find fault with the following as it relates to SGR DNA Registration even though these factors may not hinder commercial production: More than two teats and teat tags, a split scrotum of more than 1 inch, over/under bites, roll over hooves, and too much cow-hock in the hind end (however, the cow-hock is what facilitates the speed and the ability to climb trees in the Spanish Goat Breed), Roman nose, dropping large wide ears, horns that do not curl and/or twist.