Byers? The fact that you use the term nons leads me to believe that youre just as judgmental and zealous as you claim their detractors to be. Just answer the question. Anywhere. Starring: Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, Drew Pinsky. He was raped in jail. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. Unfortunately, their memories are usually lost in the rhetoric. Malkuth $5 / month Join His vids are super interesting and very compelling! Blue Wax from a candle holds some power IMO but still would of liked more concrete certain links. Moreover, he rarely attended school. why were they not compared to any tools or anyones teeth patterns during the case? Putting the 3 at the crime sceneother than confessions. Do you know him personally? That barely made sense. Interesting that even family members believe theyre guilty kinda makes you think. All the while relishing the attention good or bad he was getting by making stupid jokes about wanting to be famous or infamous as the West Memphis boogeyman!? They have DNA evidence that proves it could not have been him. Plus hes a master manipulator. The boys were boyscouts. It shows there true colors or allegiance tot there cause and Lucifer. Because Echols was a bit of an outcast? Im not one of those parents that drops her kids off and leaves. And as for Micheal Blatty, a man whom you applaud for his intolerant behavior, hes nothing more than a wanna be minor celebrity with a famous father whos only claim to fame is starting another witch hunt in Salem. No, to my knowledge we are not related. Im not a lawyer but from what I understand an Alford plea is the same as pleading no contest. They manipulated him. People like you and your family need good weapons and defenses for long and prosperous lives with others like you. Scratch that, hes better than Manson because not only is he basically getting away with killing three children he got thousands of more people to follow him than Manson did. Dont you find it at least intriguing that the SAME judge upheld their convictions? These guys grew up in jail. Hi, everyone, I have a question. I do think Mr. Echols death sentence should have been overturned to life without parole one because of their age, two because I do believe the police did not investigate other suspects and three because of the confession of Miskelley not matching facts of case, but I do believe in my heart these three are guilty of this murder. Thanks Trench. Damien Echols is a great fan of Aleister Crowley, who literally wrote the book on doing Satanic sex magick child sacrifices to gain power. Echols is a Satanic Witch, there is no doubt about it. Why become a member of a known luciferian sect known as the OTO and be seen/or associate with known Hollywood occultists like Manson, Vedder, Rollins, Depp that continue to perpetuate the big lie that these kids were railroaded etc and the icing on the shitstorm cake Echols also has close ties to hardcore devil worshippers-process church members such as Genesis P. Orridge from Throbbing Gristle Psychic TV(to name a few of his bands)and who was run out of England on suspicion of producing snuff films. Im still waiting for the others. Neither 3 had any alibis somehow. The site where the victims were found some say that was a dumping site others say that was where all of it took place. Again, the movie onlyportraysone side. Its a trend as of late in Hellywood to portray the villains as heroes and the good guys as bad (dead pool, batman- dark knight) its a form of predictive programming. It is not!!!! Hell the one who confessed was borderline mentally challenged. doubt against the 0 actual evidence brought against Echols and Baldwin. they did thier time. It overwhelmingly points to Damien and company. Very well said, Mia Sorrow. And the whole school (including the teachers) knew, and just laughed and said oh, them old hick boys! And do you know how many kids in any given high school in America like to shock people by talking about murder and mayhem, and wear black all the time? A fiber that might of came from a robe or a shirt is not that strong. So the case is still open but also closed. Like I keep saying this isnt about the occult. Iassume he was medicated in prison(? I also find it hard to believe that the state of Arkansas would allow the WM3 a Alford Plea if they were still so convinced they were guilty. That is why many highly trained individuals willingly worked alongside these celebrities without PHDs in order to highlight the misinformation. After all the crap I have had to read this last week from people that cannot think for themselves (much less spell their opinion correctly), it does my heart good to read your stance. Damien Echols Survived 18 Years On Death Row With The Help Of Magick Damien Echols was sentenced to death in 1994 for the infamous West Memphis murders of three young boys, but was freed in 2011. physical evidence behind. any reasonable doubt. defendants. Are you saying school shootings didnt occur until 5 or 10 years later? they were never going to get any money, because they are guilty. I hope she remains safe. Its actually scary and infuriating how *relatively* often that police coerce confessions through intimidation tactics, from people who are actually not guilty. If you dont, youre not only nutty, but youd be considered a negligent parent. But this case was PATHETIC!!!!! DNA testing should be the number one issue always. Really? This seemed really odd to me, right up until I read about Tim Cotten whom law enforcement gave little credence to. According to him, all documentaries do this. Where did he hone his top investigative skills? If the parents were never questioned, thats a problem. Thanks for listening Jules, and everyone else. The boys were victims but so are the Memphis three. With their clothes staked into the bottom of the water with a large stick. June 3, 1993 - Police arrest 18-year-old Damien Echols, 16-year-old Jason Baldwin, and 17-year-old Jessie Misskelley. Im not buying that he genuinely believes they are innocent. For one thing, there wouldnt have been anything particularly weird or unusual about a fan of heavy metal in the early 90s in rural Arkansas. and in real life you are indeed no body. They look weird so that must be some sort of a red flag. He was also already a grown man when he committed his crimes. sample, or it is old or contaminated. Though the woman wasnt a child, she was carrying an unborn child at the time of their murder. I couldnt agree with u more! Are you related to one of the victims? Full stop. * Again! Just as a side note I find it interesting wow the internet domains must have upgraded their requirements these days to start a page. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Since youre obviously mentally incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you. Mr Byers wife seemed to be taking drugs for the same things So, Hobbs mustve stripped them, killed them and taken them to the Woods. Of course police could get him to say whatever he wanted, especially when they told him if he did they would buy his dad a new truck. I think the filmmakers only became unambiguous supporters of the WM3s innocence AFTER high profile celebrities rallied to the WM3s cause. That usually a sign of some deep seeded psychological issuesso no. I think the original plan was to beat up Chris Byers, hurt him real bad, and then things got way out hand, resulting in their murders. one of the stipulations of the Alford deal? Wow, thats like the rain on your wedding day type of ironic. Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 7:00pm. twisted friendship and romantic ties had a lot to do with muddying the waters of this case just enough to create sufficient doubt to effect the eventual release of the WM3. Now all of a sudden its Terry Hobbs. The saddest thing is the lives of Christopher Byers, Steve Branch and Michael Moore seem to get lost in all the hoopla concerning the WM3, and thats a shame. appealing and the Good look runs/started. pull out the dictionary son, and find out what the word means before you spit it out. No alibis, him acknowledging then unknown details about the crime during interrogation. There were plenty of witnesses who saw the boys heading towards the woods alone.. Kim Williams, Cindy Rico, Bryan Woody, Dana Moore.. and the list goes on. He was collecting disability due to his bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizoid personality. Were the murders in any known ritualistic pattern that has been recorded from any known books? Thank you so much for taking the time to post it. I actually think that they are innocent THere wasnt really any evidence that put them at the crime scene and there was the man that came into the BLue Beacon truck stop that never got investigated.. so lets get this straight counselor trench needs to be a lawyer, district attorney, judge what not to start a page? I dont know whats going to happen next. I find it mind boggling that anyone has the gall to claim theyre innocent. He has been married to Lorri Davis since 3 December 1999. Echols, 19 at the time of his trial, was sentenced to death. That may have saved 3 lives from a terrible death, and 3 lives from living with an unimaginable guilt load. playing people for donations? Peter Febraury 17, 1994 so donations are supposed to pay back some rich film maker? lord knows i am not a lawyer or a criminal investigator, but like johnny depp, i could play one on tv. I cant decide if shes a prison groupie, or just a very greedyschemer who never counted on hubby actually getting out. Instead of presenting evidence that could acquit they did the opposite they admitted there was enough evidence to convict. He cut his hair to that weirdo cut for the courtroom to look more alternative. Many people fit the profile of a school shooter without committing violence. It shows a lot. Youre right Trench. I was an antisocial teenager who used to wear black and listen to Metallica also. P.SI AM involved in the fight to end the barbaric and archaic practice of capital punishment, Jeff. If Im being honest. Documentaries are less about presenting the facts than they are about presenting the facts as the director sees them. The third died from trauma and bleeding, indicating he was the first to perish. Headlights at his trial while Damien just kept cheesing it up for the cameras finding it amusing- he must have known That this was his big break into the industry, Thsnks to the producers of PL1.How pathetic!!! I mean, now that this is over, all those righteous subcultural deities (ummand Maines)need a new cause, stat, lestthey get bored. GUILTY! Besides, you said stereotypes. i was just about to say the water and boys rotting in there ,may have had something to do with the lack of dna? Normally when someone like him gets off I would agree but hes been working on this for too long. Could anyone tell me where to look into the allegations of Damiens animal cruely and/or killing of animals? If hes taking medication, he can maintain, but eventually, hell go off the meds and then hell be just like he was at 18. Stop giving them our hard earned money. Was this not Damien Echols (born December 11, 1974) is famous for being movie actor. As a teenager in the mid-1990s, Damien Echols dabbled in Wicca and wrote love spells in his journal. I was that child, who grew up and still appreciates the music, art, fashion. And you the state has enough to convict me so Ill sign off on this plea deal WTF and Why?? When three 8-year-old boys Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher . I think not. Jackson is a New Zealand-born director, writer, and producer with an His alibi was not at all rock solid, and its quite curious that no one really followed up on that. You have all been fooled. of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelly. These animals are guilty and should be in prison. Face it the man does not appear to have the Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. if they were so innocent, why the alford plea? I wonder if that commenter read the same medical records that I just did. Nov 21, 2020 Deepen your understanding of angels and magick in The Royal Science of Angels, a new online course from Damien Echols. Oh wait, yes I do. personaly I dont have any doubt in my mind, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley(along with others possibly) committed this attrocious act of deprevation on three innocent young boys. Additional points: on a you-tube video, Echols admits wanting to be famous and everyone knowing him for something. Thank you. All of the adds up to just as much circumstantial evidence that he killed the boys as their is that the WM3 killed them in fact the fibers and knife make for more physical evidence than there is that the WM3 did it. He is guilty as sin. disability benefits? But I checked the school out very thoroughly, and the setup is such that there is never any reason for any of the children to be alone with any of the adults working there. I have a hard time believing that these three stooges could pull off a crime like this and not leave nothing at the crime scene and not having anybody reliable as a witness to put the 3 together. To continue your little play on words, that taste you got was not bitterness and angst. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Yep, I totally dont know what its like to grow up in a conservative small Christian town while having long hair, wearing all black and listening to metal. Ive read the first 103 pages of the 500, thus far. Obviously it doesnt but please explain to me why it supposedly proves his innocence. It all depends on what the courts of Arkansas want to do depending on what type of lawsuit or hearing theyve got on the docket concerning that case. Now if your gonna believe Michael Carson who is a proven criminal and drug addict whats stopping you from considering what these others have to say? Echols has some serious underlying mental issues that I think are going to lead to an eventual decompensation and return to violent behavior. Mr. Ramsey has countless hours of videos of police interrogating other acquaintances/coven members and he also has documentation on the case that proves there guilt such as exhibit 500 and more stuff in callahan8. Jesus Christ, are you familiar with false confessions, plea bargains, etc.? There is quite a detailed account from lots of witnesses about the search that ensued for the boys as soon as the alarm was raised. I think I can understand him wishing to stay the heck out of Arkansas. no they were just in it for the media circus followed by those three numbskull californians who have a thing for serial killers. Bottomline. Your gonna feel dummb when this happens and Ill be watching to rub it in. In no way is that a literally retarded point of view, nor am I doubling down on my total ignorance as to the statistics of capital punishment. Your lack of basic critical thinking is amazing in its staggering level of absolute stupidity. Why did he confess AFTER he was convicted? Well unless youre a brainless dolt who refuses to look at anything that might prove that youre wrong about something. But the so called Hobbs evidence is no evidence at all against Hobbs. His art he does nowwhich gains him thousands of dollars, a comfortable living, is nothing but Occult and Satanic sigils endlessly repeated. You mean no evidence except the multiple confessions by Misskelley even after he had been convicted? Id be out for blood. Many points have been made by WM3 supporters about Jessie being retarded and that his confessions were coerced. Can the families of the victims sue these three for wrongful death in civil court, or does the Alford plea disallow that scenario? It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources. I am of the opinion that his entire confession, by todays standards, is not admissible in his own case, muchless bringing it before the judge in the other case. They had no proof of anyone . But Ill play along. Prison does not reform, alas nobody would ever return. Echols is NOT presented in a favorable light in the original documentary. A great researcher into the WM3/ Crowley connection is : William Ramsey- his YouTube channel is called: occult investigations. Seriously? While I agree that the PL films are very convincing, so is Al Gore 2) They read the callahan case files. Are you serious? Actually a judge can judge them and they were convicted. In fact, its so rarely used partly because a prosecutor never, and I mean NEVER accepts that deal if they have dont doubt their case. Thats bascially ALL it takes! How do you fucking morons sleep at night? Misskelley will confess yet again (he has never actually stopped confessing Mike Allen said he was still confessing to his prison counselors). HBO has its take, believers of the justice system have theirs. If you dont see the difference, youre nuttier than Al. The appeals on Baldwin and Miskelleys state post-conviction claims were dismissed as part of the plea agreement. From what I have read the state did bungle the case by pushing the devil worship aspect, knife and some other things. Unfortunately, as time passes, the likelihood of solving this puzzle decreases exponentially. I dont know. How is your grip on Damien overshadowing the fact that kids look up to teenagers more than their own parents? Lorri Davis Saw Accused Murderer Damien Echols in a True Crime Doc. (I believe I made a funny there. very much all those things. The second reason is that Damien Echols was a known animal abuser who not only bragged about killing animals but a witness even testified about how Echols violently killed a sick dog. What should truly be able to take place is their (no option pleas) be voided & have a retrial & then have every one of them corrupt S.O.B. they were not found innocent and they did not plead innocent. Jason(looked like a deer caught in Your argument is invalid. . Im Pagan, so I dont go to church unless there is a religious milestone of a family member or friend happening at one. This went above and beyond the job description. grappling with growing up, religion, belief, puppetry and having been brought Leave them alone. These guys went into court laughing. I am not from the Free the WM3 camp, nor the send them back to jail and let them burn in hell brigade. Apart from that, the series also explores celebrity activism and the wave of satanic panic that arose in the town of West Memphis. your also a dumb cunt. But what is not refutable, on both sides, is the fact that the police were in WAY over their heads and botched this case. While supporters yell that the three could not have done the crime as Thats not even worth the pixels. SO, please dont make a big deal. Anyways, I do support the WM3 but I would like someone on her who does not to look a little into Terry Hobbs sexually violent background and tell me which you would prefer to leave your child with. I agree with you Mr. Reynolds. The signed affidavit is on callahans if you care to review it.. Damien was so mentally ill that he qualified for disability in the state of Arkansas. That before Stevie Branch died he told his aunt that his step-father forced him and his sister to engage in sex acts together in front of him? This type of person loves to point out all of the glaring facts omitted from the documentary, proving how bias the film makers are. dont forget that he fell to the ground in tears on the advocacy film while Echols smiled and waved at the grieving families. Oh dont apologize, like I said, I get it a lot, Im used to it. WHOOPS! BTW, I used to be one of their supporters, as well. yes and i agree with trench reynolds analysis absolutely. Three different knots.Indicates 3 killers. Thats your opinion. This is just my theory and these are just my opinions. The Murders seem to be planned. (2) He WAS weird, with a long history of runins with the law and treatment for mental health issues. The trial(s) were a complete farce! In some ways I see Damien as cold, calculated and disturbed. They shouldnt have just jumped for the arrest . How on earth is Echols in any way like Charles fucking Manson? She does not speak publicly on the case and keeps to herself. Last week after church, my 15 year old son convinced 10 kids to tie their shoes together (not to each foot but to the other childrens feet) for no other reason but he wanted to know if they would do it just because he asked. Ashlyn, you are wrong. This is a whole other level of depravity that mass murderers like school shooters are not capable of. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What a liar! Of course, it is a leap to go from mentally ill with suicidal ideation/ thoughts of patricide to child murderer, but there are precedents for that to occur. As for accusations against Hobbs, its hardly surprising that one strand of hair was found matching his considering he lived with his step son think about the odd hair you find on your clothes from someone who lives with you and those are the hairs you actually notice! Very complicated but then life is hardly ever black or white. High Magick Original drawings for book - The Middle Pillar. I find your comment about loving to paralyze him just as disturbing as Mr. Echols himself actually. Wow. hes twisted clever and evil. I fell hook line and sinker after those documentaries. all liars, all with cult followings. These 3 convicted murders got caught. I His handlers probably wont let him near a microphone. Hes absolutely frightening, I feel sorry for his wife. There was no evidence that pointed to Byers or Hobbs, just conjecture. While they should have questioned Hobbs, its also important to note that none of his wifes relatives came forward any of the abuse theyve alleged in their declarations signed in 2009. Conversely I could ask you where is the proof that theyre innocent and not just feelings? One day when you die, no one remember your name, you have never made a difference in society,or in anybodys life. I think not..,.extremely telling. I mean, I see no plausible way to explain how no DNA from the convicted men was found at the scene or on/in the bodies, unless Damien used witchcraft to whisk away all traces of himself and his buddies. Very well written. You calling anyone dumb is mind-blowing. So hopefully for At the time I bought it, I had zero idea who the trio was, assumed they had been sent up for life for possession or selling LSD or something. Even if they were in fact guilty, their convictions were a travesty of justice. While you may not consider yourself a Reporter, in actuality thats exactly what you are. lol there is some satisfaction in that. I am a little confused though as Much like other teen killers that Ive posted about Echols has always maintained that its everybodys fault but his that he was in jail. either way you look at it Innocent or Guilty it is time to let these boys become men and be let free. One simple comment versus all the lies and crazy conspiracy theories that the defense has thrown out? What a way to make an intelligent point. Join the discussionDamien has had my twitter account suspended.I raised the issue how can convicted child killers profer from hawking their shit on social media Stop the in-fighting with eachother (cause thats what they are hoping we will do instead of digging and uncovering the truth) if we are caddy, and fighting amongst ourselves nothing will get done. Just because Echols had time to read the dictionary in jail, and now is well-spoken and plays the sympathy card doesnt make him innocent. Jesus Would. 09-Nov-2020. Trench, you are free to believe whatever you feel like believing. You seem pretty nasty and judgemental (Reynolds). Case in point: Jeff. Obviously there were school shootings prior to the late 1990s but they did not become the cultural phenomenon they are in this country until the late 90s with such shootings as Paducah, Jonesboro and of course Columbine. I just saw the 96 documentary, few days ago, have done some research on this case for the past few days and even looked at court transcripts etc. Its a whole different thing.
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