The white spots appeared the same as the metallic debris trail. "PurposeTo solve the mystery of the 6.5 mm "metallic" object on President John F. Kennedy's anterior-posterior (AP) skull X-ray. National Archives 8601 Adelphi Road, Room 2400 College Park, MD 20740 Phone: 301-837-3510 Email: PDF files require the free Adobe Reader. I believe that it is at the level noted in this image, lined up with the main part of the fragment particle trail, based upon the angle at which the AP x-ray was made. March 22, 1994 WASHINGTON, D.C. The family of the late President John F. Kennedy can control the access to his autopsy photographs now held by the National Archives, a federal district court in Washington ruled in late February. John F. Kennedy Jr. (who turned three on this day) salutes as the casket of his father as it's carried out of St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. while Jacqueline Kennedy and Robert Kennedy stand behind the boy. Time seemed to stop. Dr. Mantik has written extensively about the technique of double exposure and how this could have been accomplished with these films. An entry wound at the HSCA entry site would not be expected to show this pattern. This illustration was made for the Warren Commission, based upon the pathologists description. The previously redacted agency document shows that a wiretap operation targeting the embassy was done with the help of the office of the Mexican president, but without the knowledge of Mexicos internal security or law enforcement officials. The National Archives released more than 13,000 documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Thursday, while President Biden ordered thousands of other records kept under wraps until at least the middle of next year. Fearing that they were in the line of fire, onlookers Bill and Gayle Newman lie on the grass, sheltering their children, mere seconds after the president was shot. Now where is this 6.5 mm object on the lateral x-ray? NARA never released an actual copy of the left lateral skull x-ray. It was the moment, in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963, when American history changed forever. Again, an illustration by Ida Dox(pseudonym). The next question is what are the two bulging, dense areas projecting on the inner side of the right frontal bone on the copy. There is a gap in the bone not very big, maybe 3 mm, but remember that this is a composite of all the material between the x-ray machine and the film when viewed from the side, a hole in the frontal bone may not be seen at all, and if it is, it wont appear as wide as its actual width. After Kennedy's autopsy, his brain was placed in a stainless steel container. OSW10 : V43 : 1993.06.12.08:11:59:680000 : EFFORTS TO OBTAIN OSWALD FLIGHT INFORMATION. Figure 2. 21 0 obj "According to investigative journalist Jim Marrs, a new study of JFK's autopsy reveals falsification of X-ray evidence . The . The country's largest online source of JFK assassination records is suing President Joe Biden and the National Archives to force the federal government to release all remaining . Just after the assassination, a crowd gathers outside of a radio shop in New York's Greenwich Village in order to hear the latest news from Dallas. OSW9 : V35B : 1993.06.04.11:54:31:430000 : NO ATTACHMENTS TO MEMO, HOWEVER, MEMO WAS ATTACHED TO 29 APR 64 MFR. Following JFK's autopsy, the president was finally laid to rest. Of the 52 that are listed at the National Archives, only 9 are in the public domain. My review of the scalp retraction photograph also is consistent with a defect in the occipital skull, to be discussed later. As I was dictating my impression of the left lateral skull x-ray, and I was surrounded by 3 NARA personnel, I dictated that there appeared to be emulsion overlying the wax mark. DENIES HE HAD FORETOLD ASSASSINATION OF KENNEDY. This significant disclosure reflects my Administrations commitment to transparency and will provide the American public with greater insight and understanding of the Governments investigation into this tragic event in American history, Biden wrote in his order. I apologize to the Kennedy family for this. In total, 13,173 new files were made public Thursday, the largest release of JFK assassination material since 2018. Policemen on motorcycles speed by while civilians lie on the grass and photographers capture the scene within seconds of the president being shot. OSW11 : V49B : 1993.06.16.15:15:22:250000 . Those documents cannot be released independently by the Archives, the White House, or the executive branch. I visited the archives before I really knew much about the medical evidence before reading David Lifton, Doug Horne, Sherry Fiester, Gary Aguilar, and others. MAIL TO ALLEN DULLES ADVANCE COPY OF BUCHANAN BOOK ON JFK ASSASSINATION. The autopsy materials were turned over to the archives in 1965 it was mandated by public law 89-318, passed by congress in Nov 1965, that these materials were placed in the custody of the federal government up to that point they were kept by Robert Kennedy. That day of the Kennedy assassination started out full of promise. In these photos, JFK's body is just a mere shell of the young, charismatic president that had captivated the nation. DISCUSSIONS OF OSWALD CASE IN USSR WITH FELIX DMITREYEVICH KARASEV AND VIKTOR VLADIMIROVICH TARATUNKIN ON 14 SEPT. RESERVATIONS AS TO WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO OSWALD DURING STAY IN USSR. My intent was to review and re-study the original JFK autopsy materials, as well as . Subsequently, the Secret Service stashed the box in the White House. A Dallas policeman holds up the rifle that Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly used to kill President Kennedy. Jackie Kennedys pink dress. The official John F. Kennedy autopsy showed that the president had been shot twice, once in the head and once in the back. This shows that the most dense part of the skull is easily the petrous (latin petrosus stone hard) portion of the temporal bone. COLLEGE PARK, Md. But the saga was far from over. Another possibility, that seems improbable, but in this case I think that you have to look at all possibilities, is that this piece of frontal bone, which was mobile and not connected to surrounding skull, was simply removed for the x-ray. CLIPPING OF ARTICLE 'THE KENNEDY MURDER AND THE SECRET SERVICES OF THE USA'. here, in relation to the skull and facial profile of the President, at the hairline. head; I was standing about 18 inches above the back of his head, so I. was looking directly down into a wound in the back of his head that. Photos from the JFK Assassination Records Collection November 22, 2013, commemorates 50 years since JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. HOTEL TORNI REGISTRY SHOWS OSWALD REGISTERED ON 10 OCT. OSW10 : V46 : 1993.06.14.15:49:55:680000 : SR/CI DISCUSSION WITH SLAWSON 9 JULY ON QUESTIONS OF SOVIET POLICY TOWARDS RUSSIAN WIVES OF AMERICANS AND VISA PROCEDURES. Saundra Kay Spencer, in her deposition by the Assassination Records Review Board, after being shown the JFK autopsy photos in the National Archives Ms. Spencer had been identified as the NPIC employee who developed them, but she disavowed the official set. A close up note that the larger mark is not perfectly round in this copy. President Lyndon B. Johnson places a wreath before the flag-draped casket of President Kennedy during funeral services in the Capitol rotunda in Washington, D.C. I went to McDonalds drive-thru for lunch but left with bags of cash instead, Biden, Harris photo-op with Warriors team takes awkward turn: 'I'm not doing that', Prince Harry roasted at Critics Choice Awards 2023, Lisa Marie Presleys grave prepped at Graceland across from Elvis, Tom Brady carries Louis Vuitton bag featured in ex-wife Giseles ad campaign, Pamela Anderson: Tommy Lee divorce crushed me during lowest point of life, Nick Sirianni's update on the status of Eagles' star QB Jalen Hurts, The Fabelmans Flops on Jeopardy After All 3 Contestants Fail to Name Spielbergs Film, Wife of 'Boy Meets World' star William Daniels details 'painful' 'open marriage'. Media in category "Photos of the autopsy of John F. Kennedy" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. On November 23, 2015, authorized by Senator Paul Kirk acting for the Kennedy family, I visited the National Archives at College Park. Dr. Mantik described emulsion over the T shaped wax mark, which was attributed to Ed Reed marking the film. If the angle is correct, the lower edge of the orbital rim lines up with the external auditory canal, in the petrous bone. The resulting Collection consists of more than 5 million pages Photography Revisit the Harrowing Pictures From the JFK Assassination BY Kacy Burdette and Alex Scimecca October 26, 2017, 1:06 PM PDT It has been more than 50 years since the public and horrific. But if the photos are genuine but have been altered in some way, the above graphic would not automatically prove authenticity. This blurred image is very misleading the purported reason for the need to enhance the x-rays was the poor image quality that simply isnt true. An autopsy photograph of the president's body taken at Maryland's Bethesda Naval Hospital. Perfectly round, with metallic appearing densities inside, and the surface was raised and crinkled. The 1992 law required the government to release all non-exempt documents related to the 35th presidents murder by October 2017. I had read some of David Mantiks writings, but not all of them. REQUEST FOLLOWING FOR WARREN COMMISSION: TIME OF OSWALDS ARRIVAL TO HELSINKI; WORKING HOURS AT SOVIET CONSULATE. A woman reacts to the news of the president's death on the streets of New York. produced the famous moving images of the assassinations, Notice: Withheld JFK Assassination Records are undergoing processing for release on October 26, 2017. My intent was to review and re-study the original JFK autopsy materials, as well as the autopsy photographs made from the exposed roll of 120 Ektachrome E3 autopsy film. artifacts (approximately 2,000 cubic feet of records). Optical density readings were used for quality control of x-ray film. Thank you to James Fox, Mark Crouch, and David Lifton for unveiling these important pictures! That allowed the president, his wife, the governor of Texas, and his wife, to take the plastic bubble top off their car. Notes taken at the autopsy of President John F. Kennedy by one of the examining physicians apparently disappeared that night, and the whereabouts of previously unknown photographs of Kennedy's. Tuesday, November 10, 1998; Page A03. OSW10 : V43 : 1993.06.14.14:55:36:650000 : OSW10 : V43 : 1993.06.14.14:56:42:710000 : OSW10 : V46 : 1993.06.14.15:38:07:810000 : PROCESSING OF VISA APPLICATION BY SOVIET EMBASSY IN STOCKHOLM. His head was turned to the left and tilted forward at the time of a shot to the head in frame 313. Bidens order set a new deadline of May 1 for the National Archives and other agencies to review the remaining redacted documents and propose keeping any material under wraps beyond June 30, 2023. Thisreview of the JFK cranial x-rays and photographsis based upon two visits to the archives in College Park, and also a visit to the Presidential Library in Boston. I agree completely with him, that this points toward tampering. Alleged shooter Lee Harvey Oswald poses for his mugshot following the assassination. It was kept on file along with several samples of brain tissue, first by the Secret Service then at the National Archives. OSW11 : V49 : 1993.06.15.17:13:23:680000 : INTERVIEW OF SUBJECT WHO DENIES VISITING COUNTRIES OUTSIDE EUROPE AND LIVING IN CUBA FOR SEVEN YEARS OR VISITING HAITI AS ALLEGED. The only observation that I had which was different than his is the appearance of this mark when I shone a very bright flashlight over this mark. The Act mandated that all assassination-related material be housed in a single collection in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). He has described this in detail in his publications. Crowds of people wait for news outside Parkland Memorial Hospital, where President Kennedy had been taken following his assassination. Former President Donald Trump released some 2,800 secret records in 2017, and the Biden administration ordered the release of nearly 1,500 more records last year. NEVER VISITED HAITI. In 1965, for reasons not fully understood, JFK's brother, Robert, ordered the removal of JFK's brain from the White House and he had it put into the National Archives. Evidence of Autopsy Photo Tampering Housed at the National Archives? On the frontal view, the AP x-ray, the particle trail is located high in this image, which is probably in the scalp and meninges. View at your own risk. Then, have a look at some of the most incredible John F. Kennedy photos ever taken. John F. Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963. And as for the Kennedy assassination itself, Breslin certainly didn't find that episode's only "gravedigger." Haunting Photos Of The Kennedy Assassination And Autopsy That Capture The Full Scope Of The Tragedy. OSW10 : V46 : 20031125-1016925 : THIS IS A 37 PAGE DOCUMENT VICES 38 PAGES. The x-rays and photographs that we are reviewing today were not officially examined by the Warren Commission. More than 3,000 other documents are being withheld in full or in part because they were under seal, were part of grand jury proceedings, or involve individuals tax information or details of gifts or donations to the US government. However, a National Archives inventory of medical evidence from the JFK autopsy conducted in 1966 showed no record of the box or the brain. I have difficulty accepting Jerroll Custers explanation for this x-ray image, and also his explanation for the burn marks, which will be discussed later. The official version is that this is a slice of the midpoint of a Mannlicher Carcano bullet, that broke off and is embedded between the skull and the galea at the HSCA entry wound location. This is what were going to talk about in a nutshell Im going to tell you why I believe that there is in fact, evidence, of a shot from the front, with entry in the upper right forehead. The following material contains a collection of photographs which are purported to be from JFK's autopsy; however, the "official" autopsy photographs have never been published and continue to be under seal at the National Archives. This lateral skull x-ray was performed on President Kennedy in 1960, and it took me a while, but I located the original at the Presidential Library in Boston, where it was labeled as a sinus x-ray. Cecil W. Stoughton/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. by Harrison Livingstone. Jerroll Custer stated that the reason the left lateral skull x-ray was cut off at the back was due to the lack of room between the autopsy table and the gallery, and he could not lower the portable x-ray machine low enough to include the entire skull in the image. Dr. Mantik took many more optical density readings that I did, but I wanted to show that my readings agree with his that the white patch appears much more dense than is possible. The president slumps over approximately one-sixth of a second after the fatal shot was fired. [Editorial note: The following presentation, A Review of the JFK Cranial x-Rays and Photographs, was prepared and delivered by neurologist, Dr. Michael Chesser, at the 2015 JFK Lancer Conference in Dallas, Texas. WC WANTS INFO RE OSWALD ARRIVAL IN HELSINKI. Texas Governor John Connally and his wife (front) sit with President and Mrs. Kennedy in their limousine just minutes before the assassination took place. OSW10 : V43 : 1993.06.12.09:15:52:030000 : OSWALD'S ARRIVAL TIME IN HELSINKI REQUESTED. I hope that I can do justice to the evidence, and Ill do my best to describe these x-rays and photographs. Walking behind: Patricia Kennedy Lawford (right) and her husband Peter Lawford (left), along with Robert F. Kennedy (center). One problem when youre looking at the lateral skull x-ray copies is that the orbital rim isnt clearly visible this was blacked out when they obscured the facial bones in this copy. Kennedy, with his eye on reelection, was all smiles. I am still not certain what to make of this observation, whether there is wax mark embedded in the external surface of the film or whether it is covered by the film surface, and this is one area that I would like to review again. The National Archives has recently digitized many materials relating to his assassination. . The Warren. I also worked my way through the second year of med school as a morgue assistant and I assisted on multiple autopsies during that year. Email: The cerebellum is covered primarily by the occipital bone. There are no reviews yet. I absolutely do not believe that these marks are due to a hot lamp, for multiple reasons. JFKtruth-13 An editor at All That's Interesting since 2015, his areas of interest include modern history and true crime. jfk autopsy photos photographs john f kennedy assassination. In that call, recorded Oct. 1, 1963, Oswald asked an embassy guard if there was anything new about a telegram a Soviet diplomat had promised to send to Washington on Oswalds behalf. Poignantly, his young son John saluted his father's casket as it passed. 1654 The orbital rim is fractured on both sides. View at your own risk. %PDF-1.4 endobj But what evidence do conspiracists have? The sniper's perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building from which Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly shot President Kennedy, as seen within a few hours of the assassination. The autopsy doctors who examined JFK's body on the night of November 23, 1963 concluded the fatal shot had struck Kennedy from behind in the middle rear of his head. He and Dr. James Humes and Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, who performed the autopsy on Kennedy,. It's a reassuring excuse of the sort often heard in the wake of a Washington scandal. Ive talked with several radiologists who have seen burn marks on film, and none of them had ever seen a perfectly round mark made they all described an irregular, crinkled area on the film. After Albert Einstein's death in 1955, his brain was removed and studied by pathologist Thomas Harvey, much of it sliced and mounted on hundreds of slides, many of which have been lost. As you see here, the largest skull bone is the parietal bone, and it covers multiple lobes of the brain. Rather than wax tragic about the state of the nation or interview those closest to the president, legendary New York journalist Jimmy Breslin instead spoke with Clifton Pollard, the man tasked with digging Kennedy's grave, and delivered an affecting account of a lowly laborer who'd suddenly found himself in the middle of a historic moment. OSW8 : V33B : 1993.06.03.10:10:16:960000 : COVER SHEET REFERRING TO XAAZ-22406. According to Puppes rule, fracture line 2 occurred first. Eventually I was approved to view the cranial x-rays only based upon my qualifications as a neurologist. RESPONSE TO CERTAIN QUESTIONS POSED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT FILES. The vast majority of the collection has been publicly available without restrictions on access since the late 1990s. Compare the angle of President Kennedys head on the previous illustration with the appearance on the Zapruder film. 4dZWHFW-g"/:88_)wi74ce_bb56@z>p~>vrDi9V"u6hgfuBry@(vw>-I6%7|Kwy[A2$ubdo'TMB? Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Donald Uhrbrock/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images. She chose Bethesda Naval Hospital to perform the autopsy because President Kennedy had served in the Navy. But as the car crossed Dealey Plaza, shots suddenly rang out. %R e#9P=*1uX7!J~B"]2o!GE0AK~2)3G}e8h:[3hkR||}@e =kI`#=TMDF02:-_wJ}+G>KXElY!!9^aSRK8n5'eigUxoCUJG=$0 sK j In addition, these images are cropped and are not as clear as the originals. The president was then raced to Parkland Memorial Hospital but doctors were unable to save his life. I dont believe that I would have viewed the original films without this happening. When we talk about the skull bones and the lobes of the brain, we use the same terms, however their territories dont exactly match. New York newspapers report the president's death. November 24. And again, this same area appears differently in this autopsy photograph in this image, the area appears to be obscured by a fuzzy dark blob it appeared this way on the actual photograph at the archives I believe that this photo has been altered. stream I cant exclude this, however I think that Dr. Mantik is probably right that double exposure is how the alteration was accomplished. Conspiracy theories regarding who . I favor the first explanation. X-ray film layers are demonstrated in the lower image. The autopsy determined that JFK had been shot twice, from above and behind. xQmCSb_Wp9CvFBZ1-v{oO'WU,OML3m0PcGo,'VMg""kXBS#+hY'Xe6EJ/l{d\4e!ZkiW$X%K\. JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is 'bulls-t'. [free-text-block title="What's New Online?" The National Archives at College Park Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). By Dave O'Brien, author of Through The 'Oswald' Window and JFK Case NOT Closed! NSAM 263, National Security Action Memorandum 263, NSAM 273. The corpsmen describe the pathologists actually positioning portions of the frontal bone back into place. He said that this fragment bounced back from the bone, to be embedded between the bone and the galea. New testimony released Friday about the autopsy on John F. Kennedy says a second set of pictures was taken of Kennedy's wounds _ pictures never made . The skull bone itself has a covering called periosteum, and then inside the skull the brain is surrounded by three layers of the meninges. Texas Governor John Connally and his wife sit with President and Mrs. Kennedy in their limousine not long before the assassination took place. Being both important and utterly morbid, its time at the archives was spent under the watchful eye of JFK's old secretary. Jack Ruby moves into position immediately before fatally shooting alleged President Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live television as police transport him through the basement of Dallas Police headquarters on the way to Dallas County Jail.
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