The pupil is dilated and unresponsive to light. Symptoms of Synechiae in Cats. Lipogranulomatous conjunctivitis is an unusual inflammatory condition in cats believed to develop from damage to meibomian glands and an inflammatory reaction to liberated glandular secretions (Figure 14.15). The goal of these pupils in domestic cats is to allow them to see prey more clearly. Categories . Figure 14.10 (A) Primary feline herpesvirus1 (FHV1) conjunctivitis in a kitten. The congenital abnormality of microphthalmia has been variously described as rare in cats and not rare in kittens. Although FHV1 primarily affects the conjunctiva, the cornea can be involved as well (Figure 14.16). Children with even quite severe microphthalmia may have some vision and it is important to establish this early on, especially in bilateral cases, as it will guide the approach to socket expansion (Figure 4). Treatment includes topical antibiotics (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, or erythromycin), and systemic supportive therapy. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Figure 14.14 (A) Symblepharon in a cat associated with FHV1. Note the marked conjunctival hyperemia and swelling, and the pseudomembrane (arrow) in the ventral conjunctiva. Feline Herpesvirus (D) Orbital lymphoma in this cat resulted in exophthalmos, deviation of the globe off its axis, and exposure. (B) Symblepharon, or adhesion of the conjunctiva to the eyelids, the cornea, and to itself, in this kitten is obscuring visualization of a normalsized globe. If you would like to learn how this type of eye problem affects dogs, please visit this page in the petMD health library. (Mycoplasma felis and Mycoplasma gatae) also cause conjunctivitis in cats, which can affect one or both eyes (Figure 14.13). A post shared by Melvin the Cat (@melvintheblindcat) on Feb 25, 2018 at 2:33pm PST, Once Melvin started feeling confident, he began exploring the house using his whiskers and senses of hearing, smell and touch to figure things out. In contrast to the usual benign lid tumors in the dog, lid tumors in cats are usually highly malignant and histologic examination of the surgical margins is recommended. buffalo bayou park stairs; Tags . After recovery from the primary FHV1 infection, about 80% of the cats become latent carriers of FHV1 and in about 45% of these cats the virus will spontaneously activate and result in recrudescent eye disease. Significant corneal scarring can eventually impair vision. Exploring The Controversy Surrounding Seminole County Animal Services: Is It A Kill Shelter ? *Microphthalmia is often misspelled as micropthalmia on the internet. Note the copious conjunctival exudates of both eyes. They act just like any cat, they just have no eyes so depend on their ears and nose to get through life. Summary. FHV1 keratitis can also involve the stroma (Figure 14.17). Glory pictured at 10 weeks with her normal-eyed littermate,