For every even level in Underrail, you gain a feat point. Leper Serpent Leather All rights reserved. Survival Instinct tank with specialization in Health Any suggestions for an Underrail-themed DND campaign?, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Quick Tinkering lets you place traps even if you are in the middle of combat, allowing you to block doorways or narrow hallways, or to set up an explosive killbox to instantly kill a clump of enemies by pairing it with a grenade in the same turn for two explosions.Escape Artist: (Requires 7 Dexterity)Getting Immobilized sucks, you can't move at all and your Dodge and Evasion both get reduced to 0. Okay, which one was Ben? Don't just rattle off their boring names and some lukewarm politics. You can get immobilized in a lot of different ways: Mutant Dogs or certain enemies can immobilize you with Acid, lots of human enemies can throw Nets at you, and traps can immobilize you. Its armor penalty is very high, requiring you to plan around the lack of mobility you will have when wearing it.Riot Armor: requires up to 6 Str (4 at the minimum).Riot Armor is fairly balanced, granting extra damage reduction against guns and melee attacks, and some sets of Riot Armor come with a shield. One Noteworthy interaction here is with the Fatal Throw feat, which guarantees a Critical Hit with Throwing Knives against low health enemies and even refunds a lot of Action Points when it kills something. You'll either be raising it as high as you can to have lethal ranged attacks, or leaving it at 3 points in order to invest those points into more useful stats, as while Perception does increase your character's ability to Detect enemies, you usually need a lot of it in order to see any real benefits from it.There are no Universal Feats for Perception. The fact that there's a perk that lets you cancel status effects - but only some and with another bloody cooldown timer - twists my tendons. Is there any way to have at least some viable MP like 30 with 95% effective armor penalty? Praetorian Peacekeeper Reload. Aside from melee weapons, no weapons gain any benefits from having your Strength higher than their requirement for use. I could eliminate certain high-res enemy so fast I won't even remeber it as tough enemy. Trapper's Belt double barreled shotgun refurbished armor: thortist vatsophore armor - improved acid and bio defence commando belt - now have 3 utility slots ammo: removed weight 5mm shock In addition to regular feats, veteran characters can pick feats from new veteran feat pool. Veteran feats, at least in Underrail: Expedition, tend to be more general in nature, but they can also give your character some important bonuses that you cannot otherwise obtain. For which difficulty? The two weapon slots in inventory are separate. For the sake of the example, regardless of the build, i see 800HP the minimum there should be. Mushroom Salad And when you use a Sledgehammer, you'll want your Strength to be as high as possible to benefit from the bonus damage it gets from Strength.There aren't really any Feats for Strength that are usable for any build, most of them only benefit builds that primarily focus on Strength and therefore you will obviously meet the requirements with your build. This Feat allows you to immediately break free from any immobilizing effect at no Action Point cost, and it's on a very short cooldown, so you'll get to use it very often. None There are cooldown timers on everything too - stealth, medkits, even grenades for god's sake - so while your options are arbitrarily limited, two enemies (and the very opening task has you fight several groups of - of fucking course - rats. They are permament elaborations of your character and serve the purpose to further customize your character build with unique active abilities, skill boosts or passive abilities. This Feat is very strong with those weapons, so pay attention to the Strength requirement of this Feat if you plan on using these weapons.DexterityDexterity is a powerful "Jack of all Trades" attribute with many different uses. Each one of these 'oddities' adds a point, and when you have enough points, you reach the next level. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion and news surrounding Underrail. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can ask Graham! However difficult, slow, or arbitrary it got, Underrail might have recovered. They are permament elaborations of your character and serve the purpose to further customize your character build with unique active abilities, skill boosts or passive abilities. The hardest it gets is actually solving the quests, since there is no waypoints, but the game does a good job having mutiple ways to finish quests, it is quite satisfying to discover how to. I could eliminate certain high-res enemy so fast I won't even remeber it as tough enemy. Even with all my perks devoted to doing damage and getting into positions to do more damage, there's simply too much random luck involved. Buttery Steamed Clams Tyranny is the best shotgun, since it gets an extra burst shot which allows you to get 5 stacks of shell count in a turn. Here we have a world whose difficulty demands levelling, which in turn demands exploration of all the side tunnels you can find (standard encounter rules apply: the only way to gauge a fight is to save the game, then let them kill you). What feats are essential for a shotgunner in your opinion? That's more health with SI than glassers have by the end. White Dude, Head I trudge all the way back to HQ, talk to Science Guy, trudge back to Soldier Guy, and then trudge all the way back to the vault again, then go in and stab the monsters inside. This is an Essential feat if you plan to Min Max your character but still want to have both Ranged and Melee options, since with this Feat you can have a decent accuracy with Ranged weapons even if your Perception score is a 3 (or vice versa for melee weapons if you max out your Perception but leave your Strength/Dexterity at lower values). All of the good Feats that have Perception as a prerequisite require a very high Perception score, and only apply to weapons that benefit from having your Perception as High as possible.WillWill is "THE" Psionic attribute. Grinding doesn't work, as each flavour of oddity can only be used so many times, the rationale being that your character has learned all that they can from, say, a bandit's jewellery, or a copy of What Mutant? Sleight of the Night This build eventually gets 14 perception, but I can't wait that long. 6p is good as a normal ammo since it works great against armored and in armored targets. Cave Hopper Steak How to overcome movement penalty with these heavy armors. Since we are running a virtual machine in the same network, we can . There's definitely room for an RPG to be to Fallout what Xenonauts is to UFO: neither remake nor clone, but a new game that does all the same stuff we've missed, only without an interface from the Stupid Age. Well, rathounds. Combat shotguns in my opinion are indeed worse than pump since theyare pretty bad at the start and it requires burst to be used normally, while pump can reach extreme numbers at midgame (i reached around 1,8k damage on carnifex at level 14). close. Unarmed attacks, fist weapons and knives attack lots of times in a turn and tend to crit often, making this feat a great option for them. Which shotgun of each category Is better and which components I should use? For more details, see Dev Log #54: Specialization and Veteran Level Changes. But Underrail doesn't. I have 10 con and i want to fight in melee range. So, 2 feats spent for nothing. Survival Instinct tank with specialization in Health Any suggestions for an Underrail-themed DND campaign? There are 7 attributes in Underrail, those being Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Constitution . Chemical Assault Unit Armor The idea is to encourage exploration with something less unnatural than "you need more xp, go stab rats", and to ensure that players can advance through means other than playing Mata Piata. But for shotguns, is Better to use the single shot or automatic ones? I very much prefer the latter, because I don't need AoE at all (grenades already suffice). Sie verwenden einen veralteten Browser. Movement brings me to another bugbear, one that it's really unfair to single Underrail out for: the trudging. I heard shotguns have troible with dt. There, among the old and mysterious ruins of an age long past, you'll face the vicious fauna, hostile natives, cunning pirates, and something far more sinister than all of those. Shotgun is perfectly fine as main weapon, but you need a lot of feats to make it works. JavaScript is disabled. What the state of discourse in Underrail Discord looks like, Press J to jump to the feed. That's a legendary game for several reasons, and some are even good. short vindicators with and without gun nut outdamage any other shotgun in the long run. Critical Power will depend on your weapon, since it requires Bonus Critical Damage past 100%, seems like there is not much information on underrail wiki on that, but I can make those shotguns and check their stats on my game if you want. Shotgun is essentially more RNG + AoE variant of Assault Rifle. None You cannot save feat points for later use and you cannot remove or reallocate them once level up phase has been finalized. However strength is useful over 5 for the juggernaut feat which needs 7 con 7 strength. If your build is primarily a Melee build, and you want to use heavy weapons like Sledgehammers, you will want to make your Strength as high as possible. Either that or put down 20 traps before every encounter which is a no from me dawg. It also better to hold 2 shotgun so you saved some AP by not reloading it. These two Feats together turn Throwing Knives into a powerful Execution tool and Free Kills.IntelligenceIntelligence is the second "Jack of All Trades" stat, in that investing into it a bit can make any build more powerful. Short Shotgun Barrel: +15% damage, 5 degree wider spread angle, -10% precision penalty; Shotgun Tube Extension: +3 shell capacity; Shotgun Choke: decreases spread angle by 10 degrees, decreases damage by 15%; Forward Grip: increases burst precision by 10% on combat shotguns, decreases action point cost of regular shotguns by 5; Shotgun feats . At character creation, none of your attributes can be lower than 3 or higher than 10. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Reload. We're accepting online orders and walk-up orders through our Caf next to the Foundry & Lux culinary garden. Underrail character build calculator & theorycrafting tool . Show me your tin can shotgun builds. Please Submit a Problem for any incomplete, non-working or fake code listed above.If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or level guides, then please Submit your Stuff and share your insights with other players.,,,,,,,, Feat wise the only change compare to my real build is a Sixth Shell instead of Interlooper. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As an Amazon Associate, earns from qualifying purchases. Aside from a few Unique items, some of which are hard to get to, the best weapons and armor can all be acquired through crafting. I am doing a Shotgun / Grenadier build and at character creation I put 7 points in Strength to get the Full Auto feat later on. I wont be taking leading shot and will be taking barrel stare. If you craft it yourself, you can also give yourself various bonuses to melee combat when wearing it. If you are running a melee build or a stealth build that will also be high in Agility, and therefore using equipment without Strength requirements, Dexterity is a great stat to raise as high as possible. This feat gives you Initiative, lots of Initiative. It also gives you these effects without requiring you to spend any more skill points, so you can save them for other skills. Short vindicator with shotgun tube so you dont run out of shells midway for the tougher enemies. On other difficulties - yes, probably Barrel Stare could be comparable. Your voyage through vastness of the Black Sea will shed new light on the history of . You'll be much more likely to swing fights your way with this feat, and it is always valuable in any build.Quick Tinkering: (Requires 7 Dexterity)Traps are amazing, there are lots of enemies who are very susceptible to traps. None of these faults, as I've said, is all that uncommon. This Feat also allows you to be very effective with Pistol weapons while maxing Dexterity, even if your Perception is very low.Cheap Shots (Requires 5 Intelligence):One of the best Feats for any Melee character, except for Sledgehammers. Under Pie One early scene has an NPC, Soldier Guy, struggle to open a vault, only to quickly close it again with horror as he sees something inside. Heartbreaker Serpent Leather Mutated Dog Leather There's even a Junktown, and the murky, looping, almost ambient soundtrack could have been pilfered directly from an Interplay archive. ber dieses Produkt This DLC expands the base campaign with many new waterway maps that connect various harbors of the Underrail as well as adds huge new region called the Black Sea, a massive underground body of water. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Srmirbren Staff-Spear Death's Grin I have to talk to Ben? Praetorian Caped Peacekeeper None Every few levels, you can take perks that grant a special stunning attack, or bonuses to homemade armour, or replenish movement points for killing. Tchortist Robe Pacifier, Body This adds up to endless plodding from one end of an empty screen to another, even more slowly if you're stealthed, and if you're not, you'll get killed before long and have to do it all over again anyway. So interlooper would be better just to help overcome early game and to make the . In Underrail: Expedition, player characters also gain a specialization point each level after 15, up to total 15 specialization points at level 30. Strength and Body Balancing working on Both. Without that, all of those games would have stumbled badly (don't tell me you played Planescape for the combat), and it'd probably be their undeniable flaws that we talk about today, rather than their strengths. Srmirbren Skrder Knife/Spear/Sword Guys, please take a loot at my rough first draft sniper build: Yeah, I guess Gun Nut that important after all, but Power Management, why that? But the real problem with Underrail is a question that throws all of its shortcomings into focus: I've played for dozens of hours according to in-game timers (which don't account for time lost to undone dead ends and the many, many reloads), and I still have very little idea what the plot is. Serrated / Combat Knife Base ability and skill requirements of feats check your unmodified base/skill scores, not effective scores that include bonuses. Ice of Spades None I can't call them wrong, because I can see the germ of something great in it. Jon's Special This means Agility is one of your two "Defensive" attributes, the other one being Constitution. Srmirbren Spirit Staff Stuck in this game? I just completed Depot A ( it was a lot easier then i expected, shotgun is a BEASTl) and i did not used Kneecap Shot even once. The damage aren't there and it's mostly used as a side-weapon kind of things. single shot shotguns deal more damage than auto shotguns. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. I've already fought things like them in another cave anyway. None Tchortist Vathosphore Armor as you progress you might find out 12p is also kind of good but 6p is also good at all stages. My original pitch was all "it's like Fallout or those old Infinity Engine RPGs, but with an interface designed for humans", because that's the initial impression it gives. Leading Shot and Sixth Shell are both really good. I'm taken to a private room and kind of blunder aimlessly about the place until I meet the right NPC, then do a few chores because he says so. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. No im not gonna use burst/combat shotguns, I wanted to add skinner too for rathound infused armor. None 1. Like psi-shotgun build and only shoot when you ran out of psi + booster on cd. Most Feats in the game have attribute requirements that need to be met in order to take the feat, so in order to make the most of your build you will have to plan out your attributes accordingly. Why are there so many good video game adaptations, but not good adaptations of video games, Atomic Heart may be a beautiful FPS, but I wish it had a silent protagonist, We've been talking, and we think that you should wear clothes, Total coincidence, but we sell some clothes. By the time a likely overarching force of villains arrived I was past caring (not helped by their total invulnerability - more trudging to get there and find that out and then return, thanks game), and I can only remember one NPC by name because it reminds me of Gorky-17, a mediocrity I'm suddenly looking back on fondly for having far more personality. 1. Also good idea would be put 2 more DEX at PER expense as was suggested in the main thread and take Strafe instead of Power Management or as a last perk/sooner instead of it because most of the time, a spearhead is the all you need, really. If you have enough Constitution to take this Feat, it is usually a Must Have. Most of them directly improve the power of certain types of items that you craft, and will be covered in the Feats section later in the guide. I've been going full auto on every iteration of my build. As a wise man said, Switching to . The armor that has a shield has a higher Strength requirement, and you are unable to use weapons that are "Two Handed" when you have a shield (such as assault rifles, shotguns, sledgehammers, etc.). Es ist mglich, dass diese oder andere Websites nicht korrekt angezeigt werden. Way of the Hunter Update v1 21 - RazorDOX, Potion Craft Alchemist Simulator Update v1 0 5 - TENOKE, Demeo PC Edition Update v20221221 - TENOKE, UnderRail Expedition v1 1 4 4 Update - RazorDOX. Pentapus Barbeque But while its tone and aesthetic goes beyond the shallow iconography of Bethesda's sequels, it gives me too few reasons to follow, and too many to stay inside the Vault. Spear You can lure them directly over a bear trap and immobilize them for 3 turns, or plant some traps in advance to be detonated later, either by an enemy stepping on them or by triggering them with one of your own grenades. Also, I erroneously believed there were Shotguns requiring that much Strength. There are a few Feats in Constitution that are powerful enough to make an entire build focused around them, rather than just supporting your other builds with a little extra tankyness:Survival Instincts (Requires 9 Constitution):This Feat has no skill requirement, and only needs the Con requirement to be taken. From both weapons I already figured out what feats and base abilities use, as well how probably need for the Sniper Rifle use on late game. Burst shotty are busted, tho. The combat shotgun burst damage is insane. One such feat is Psi Empathy. This allows your character to move very fast for a while and get into a good position, which is very powerful, especially for characters who are slow and would otherwise have to spend Action Points in order to move around. iron grip is to be able use spears with riot gear, which has shields which prohibit the use of hammers and normally spears. You'll have a limited amount of points to spend on your attributes, and you will not be able to max all of them. Vigorous Belt Rathound Regalia Other than that strength is not the skill you should pump into as a shotgun/grenadier. You can switch to a vindicator shotgun with higher damage after the burst to get a massive damage shot with it. Master Demolitionist Belt The only benefit of the shield is to give you a chance to reduce melee damage taken, so I often avoid Riot armor because of how restrictive it can be for your build.Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Swords, Spears: requires up to 7 Str (4 at the minimum).A large variety of weapons come with Strength requirements, and they will vary depending on the specific weapon. Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. qz. Stunning effects are often Game Over, and with this Feat you are instead barely affected by them.PerceptionPerception is the main stat for any character who wants to use Guns or Crossbows. JKK Tactful Vest SA Forums - Something Awful - Search the Forums - User Control Panel - Private Messages For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I noticed that i barely use it, even against melee enemies- i tend to just kill them straight away. No game has ever paired real-time wandering with turn-based combat without causing severe friction. The first step to start solving any CTF is to identify the target machines IP address. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. But that's no help if your pathing takes you blundering into them, or if they follow you as you try to creep away. Even if I had pumped it up earlier it would still not be good enough I think. You can use Tube Extension so you could do 3 burst before reloading, but I prefer better accuracy from mid range, since short barrel gives penalty. Advice for ElectroSpartan Spear Build. Eel Sandwich Power Fist For Burrover Warriors use trainshot, this will work. New characters start with two feat points. Do you use Kneecap Shot with shotgun? So rats and wolves combined, because why limit yourself to one clich? This feat directly increases the damage value of your Critical Hits, and gives every attack a chance to "Incapacitate" the target for 1 turn. Intelligence boosts the most skills out of any attribute (All the Crafting skills, as well as Mercantile and Hacking), and is a necessary attribute for Psionic characters as it directly impacts the number of Psionic skills you can use at one time. You can't even bloody run. They're hidden away in electronically-locked boxes or rooms accessible only to mechanical types. A simple double click order system would remove this entirely. I wonder if its worth to put 2 specialization points into meditation or into 2% more critical chance with psychosis/hemopsychosis/last stand build? This isn't a good sign, y'know? Cause Chaos. Even with a low intelligence score, you will eventually be able to craft almost any item, but there are many noteworthy Feats that can be useful to you that have Intelligence requirements. An in depth guide to what each of the attributes are, what they do, and approximately how high you should raise them in order to make an optimized character and get the feats you want. First examples of veteran feats were showcased in Dev Log #48: Veteran Levels. Metal Gloves not reinforced. There are no character builds who don't benefit from having Grenades available as an extra (or perhaps their only) Area of Effect option, so being able to use them more often is great.Trigger Happy: (Requires 6 Dexterity)Do you hate it when your enemies act before you, run away from you and either crit you with their Aimed Shot, Stun you, or both? Is versatility+expose weakness worth it? What a waste. That's okay! Being able to judge how soft or hard a target is makes the difference in one shotting, two shotting, and basically grazing an enemy. Set in presumably the future, after, I assume, some sort of apocalypse, under probably an American city as far as I can tell, Underrail is an isometric RPG set in a drab and ugly world full of mutants, dustbins, and recklessly spiked leather jackets. ), with venomous attacks that also render you helpless. Commando Belt Purchase: Account - Platinum Upgrade - New Avatar - Archives - No-Ads - New Username - Donate on Patreon - Banner Advertisement - Smilie - Stick Thread - Gift Cert. Cave Hopper Leather Laylow Trudge trudge bloody trudge. Mindshroom Martini Adaptive Goggles Attributes. Shotguns has NO troubles with DR at all. In addition to increasing those 2 skills, Perception also gives you a bonus to your Detection stat, allowing you to spot hidden enemies and traps. Shotgun is essentially more RNG + AoE variant of Assault Rifle. At no point is there any way to find out much about the world, its past, the people in it, what to expect from the game, or to care in the slightest about anything at all.
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