Let us first take the properties of the table itself. When the dimensions of the data field are changed, all contents are lost. The following example shows how format properties can be edited in LibreOffice. placeholders in both VBA and LibreOffice Basic. The date is formatted here in accordance with the country-specific settings used on the system. It converts a string into a number; however it always expects a period to be used as the decimal point symbol. Subs and functions are always contained in modules. Both interfaces provide you with an object, through which the properties for searching and replacing can be defined. The example first tests whether the B parameter has been passed and, if necessary, passes the same parameter to the internal B_Local variable. In terms of functionality, OptimalWidth is more of a method than a property. If you click on Yes, the new or changed styles will be copied into the document. LibreOffice Basic offers complete access to all LibreOffice functions, supports all functions, modifies document types, and provides options for creating personal dialog windows. Before you can create the dialog, you must ensure that the library it uses (in this example, the Standard library) is loaded. As the name suggests, LibreOffice Basic is a programming language from the Basic family. The following example creates a table with the help of the createInstance method described previously. In error handling, it is useful to have a description of the error and to know where and why the error occurred: shows how the error information can be displayed in a message window. This represents the content of a complete database table or query. The following expressions assign the various Unicode values to the code variable: ensures that the MyString string is initialized with the value of the number 13, which stands for a hard line break. The object variable created must then be initialized so that it can be used. LibreOffice documents are based on the XML file format. Here are a few examples of correct and incorrect markers: Enclosing a variable name in square brackets allows names that might otherwise be disallowed; for example, spaces. To make an instance of the type actual variables that can be read and stored use the Dim as New statement: As shown in the example below, the Type definition may be written at the start of a module (before the first Sub or Function). Here are a few examples: The following example shows how all empty lines in a text document can be removed with the help of the regular expression ^$: So far, this chapter has only dealt with text paragraphs and their portions. VBA: Whereas the active document in Word is accessed through Application.ActiveDocument and in Excel through Application.ActiveWorkbook, in LibreOffice, the StarDesktop is responsible for this task. A corresponding source text can be seen in the previous example. The code is first checked for obvious errors and then executed line by line. You can also link another action to the button to close a dialog using the PushButtonType property. It returns the string produced in this way as the result of the replacement process. To avoid other errors resulting from implicit type conversions, LibreOffice Basic offers a range of conversion functions, which you can use to define when the data type of an operation should be converted: You can use these conversion functions to define how LibreOffice Basic should perform these type conversion operations: During the first addition in the example, LibreOffice Basic first adds the integer variables and then converts the result into a chain of characters. Two chart walls usually exist for 3D charts: one behind the plotted data and one as the left-hand or right-hand demarcation. In accordance with UNO philosophy, an Obj is described as a reference to an object which supports the com.sun.star.frame.Desktop service. Most of the properties of an object in LibreOffice Basic are defined as such in the UNO description of the service. The com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument service, responsible for presentation documents, also provides the complete com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument service. Basic knowledge of the way in which databases function and the SQL query language is however needed to fully understand the following sections. A . The com.sun.star.frame.Desktop service, which is similar to the core service of LibreOffice. For example, in the following variable declaration, MyVar1 becomes a variant and MyVar2 becomes an integer: The following sections list the variable types that are available in LibreOffice Basic and describe how they can be used and declared. creates 4 integer variables which can be described with the expressions MyInteger(1), MyInteger(2), MyInteger(3), and MyInteger(4). To do this, it first creates a TextCursor object which makes reference to the content of the table cell and then adapts the paragraph properties of the table cell. For example, this object provides a start method that can start presentations. In the second example, the sheet is accessed by its name and the getByName method. The following values are available: The following example creates a circular slice with a 70 degree angle (produced from difference between start angle of 20 degrees and end angle of 90 degrees). As a parameter, this takes the name of the property and returns a constant that provides information about the origin of the formatting. The corresponding properties are: The following program code shows how DBG_properties and DBG_methods can be used in real-life applications. Note: They support the following property: The number of the current page can be inserted in a document using the com.sun.star.text.textfield.PageNumber text field. Pie charts (com.sun.star.chart.PieDiagram) do not contain any axes and cannot be stacked. The symbol defined in the corresponding country-specific settings must be used as the decimal point symbol. The descriptor objects for searching and replacing in spreadsheet documents are not created directly through the document object, but rather through the Sheets list. The expression Dim MyArray(3) declares an array that has four variables of the variant data type, namely MyArray(0), MyArray(1), MyArray(2), and MyArray(3). If no more matches are found for the search term, the function establishes the part of the string still remaining and adds this to the return buffer. When working with 3D charts, a Z-axis is also sometimes provided. While test functions exist for checking numbers, date details and arrays in LibreOffice Basic, a corresponding function for checking Boolean values does not exist. The Chart object provides the property Diagram which forms the coordinate system with axes and grids, where the data finally is displayed: Different services are supported depending on the chart type (see #Chart Types). More information about UNO is presented in #Introduction to the LibreOffice API. The paragraphs can however be sequentially traversed with the help of the Enumeration object described in #Introduction to the API. The call is made by entering the procedure name at the relevant point of the program. All of these objects can be anchored to any point within a text. Even the search properties and methods available differ. LibreOffice provides the com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape service for line objects. An integer variable can take up to two bytes of memory. The amount of time that a variable is retained, as well as where it can be accessed from, depends on its specified location and type. Note the last line in the example: Once the text is changed, the TextContent object must be assigned to the header again so that the change is effective. In LibreOffice Basic, use the keyword Const to declare a constant. The False value for IsFixed ensures that the date is automatically updated when the document is opened. An event handler runs a predefined procedure when a particular action occurs. The following example first moves the TextCursor ten characters to the left and then three characters to the right: A TextCursor can highlight a complete area. The Execute method of the dialog returns the value 0, which is the same as when you click Cancel. Apache OpenOffice - Official Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite The figure above shows the LibreOffice Basic development environment with a dialog window that contains two list boxes. The corresponding constant for SearchFlags is: The following example shows how the content of an opened window can be replaced with the help of the frame parameter and SearchFlags: The example first opens the test.odt file in a new window with the frame name of MyFrame. The following are all the properties that are associated with the LineShape service: The following example creates and formats a line with the help of the named properties. This example shows how a text can be searched for the word "turnover" and the results formatted in bold type. The loop is terminated as soon as the hasMoreElements method returns the False value, signaling that the end of the text has been reached. Example declarations for integer variables: Long integer variables can store any whole number between 2147483648 and 2147483647. It adds the NewPart section at the point of the search term Search. In this instance, access is provided directly through the HeaderText property of the page style rather than the HeaderFooterContent object. Such array is declared without dimension, but may later be filled by an API function or with a Redim statement: You cannot assign a value to an empty array, since it does not contain any elements. The preceding Document object could, for example, provide a Save method, which can be called as follows: Methods, just like functions, may contain parameters and return values. LibreOffice Basic Programming -- Resources for Learning English common, writer, calc, base, macro EssayFebruary 25, 2022, 3:17pm #1 H Everyone, Does anyone know of any books, pdf files, or courses where one can learn LibreOffice Basic and the ins and outs of macros in LibreOffice? All objects that support the com.sun.star.text.Paragraph service also provide support for the paragraph properties in com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties. Once the Dlg dialog object has been initialized, you can use the Execute method to display the dialog. In the hexadecimal system (base 16 system), a 2-digit number corresponds to precisely one byte. Warning: If you close a dialog by clicking the OK button, the Execute method returns a return value of 1, otherwise a value of 0 is returned. The active document object is accessed in LibreOffice through the StarDesktop.CurrentComponent property, or through ThisComponent. Functions and procedures can only be called up if all the necessary parameters are passed during the call. Logical operators allow you to do operations on elements according to the rules of Boolean algebra. In addition to the standard control elements, a table control element is also available for forms, which enables the complete incorporation of database tables. LibreOffice dialogs and forms are based on an event-oriented programming model where you can assign event handlers to the control elements. The command: specifies a delay of 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds). Instead, you execute an LibreOffice Basic program inside LibreOffice. In these situations, the XEnumeration and XenumerationAccess interfaces are appropriate. These include tables, drawings, text fields and directories. When you port a VBA application to LibreOffice Basic, you must change any duplicate variable names. A database is incorporated into LibreOffice by creating what is commonly referred to as a data source. This event is also used for notifying requests for a popup context menu on the control. createUnoService creates an object which can be used universally. This reflects the content of a table or the result of a SQL-SELECT command. Furthermore, the SearchFlags parameter must be set so that the corresponding framework is created, if it does not already exist. A loop executes a code block for the number of passes that are specified. To split a string across two lines of code, add an ampersand sign (the concatenation operator) and the underscore continuation character at the end of the first line: To include a quotation mark (") in a string, enter it twice at the relevant point: LibreOffice Basic supports five basic types for processing numbers: Integer variables can store any whole number between -32768 and 32767. A variation of the If statement is the If/Else clause: In this example, the variable B is assigned the value of 2 when A is greater than 3, otherwise B is assigned the value of 0.
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