Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles], [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise], [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. The Pyro laughs. (Outwo music) (Fwench music) Ahhh pe-(something Fwench[I'm sowwy I was wazy]). ", [The Scout wingews behind, his expwession sinistew. ], [Scout begins to collect the images, taking them from Heavy and Soldier. So, we still got problem Big problem All right, who's ready to go find this Spy? Gentwemen. Stand back son. Almost instantaneously, the robbers collapsed to the floor, suffering from a bipolar seizure. He pwauses at a nuzzle cworner, as thwe cwamera pwulls bwack to ~OwO~ nuzzle weveal a BWU ~OwO~ Wevel ~OwO~ 3 Swentry Gwun with its nuzzle Engineer. Oh! And wowst of aww, he couwd be any one of us Waus, waus! [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background], The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! ], Soldier: "See! and our *], [As a BLU Heavy appears and bounces on the ground, the Pyro grabs a giant lollipop and cheers. ], [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's mother. The BLU Spy leans over the dead Sniper, gesturing frantically. Cwose-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacwes], [The Spy kiwws the Medic with a weww-pwaced chop to the thwoat, knocking off his spectacwes, which he catches and weaws, compweting his disguise], [Cut back to BWU Intew Woom. ["Meet the Pyro*" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro,* Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera and knocking a few empty bullet cartridges aside. This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. Red! ", [As the Scout approaches, he flickers and melts, revealing himself to be the RED Spy], [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. The alarm bell and signal board at the beginning is an "Alarm-O-Tron 5000". Meet the Pyro transcript [ "Meet the Pyro *" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro,* Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera and knocking a few empty bullet cartridges aside. ], [Heavy runs into the Scout and Soldier, breaking down the door with Sasha, his minigun. He slams it against the desk, and it has "TOP SECRET, SCOUT'S MOM" written on it. (Outro music) (French music) Ahhh pe-(something French[I'm sorry I was lazy]), Intwudew Awewt! Watch, he'll turn red any second now", [The Soldier and Heavy approach the dead Spy, with The Soldier prodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun], Soldier: "Any second now See? If you managed to kiww them, I assuwe you, they wewe not wike me. Thwe nuzzle Swoldier pulls out meat scepter weaches fwom off-screen and pwulls a Shwotgun off ~OwO~ a wack nuzzle of weapons. 48 min ago I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's a mental sickness! No offense. The RED Spy creeps up on him and steps on a creaking floorboard, alerting the Sniper, who engages the Spy with the Kukri. ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. I'm 33 years old. The PiMP Weekly Wrap - #11 - Guild Wars 2, Monster Hunter 4, Tomb Raider & More! The video was officially released the day after on May 18, 2009.[1]. Click here to view the video information page. President of his fan club? mang0 breaks records. He slides an Sapper across the floor, disarming and destroying the Sentry Gun immediately], [The BLU Engineer throws his Wrench down and frantically reaches for his Pistol, only to have the Spy shoot him in the head with the Revolver. I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak. Yo, a lil' help here!? ", [The Soldier and Heavy are unaware as the BLU Scout uncloaks and turns out to be the RED Spy. Ow. He could even be-", [Spy looks at the camera, but is cut off by his head being blown off. Use this to reduce . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It was obvious! This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. | 0.23 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. He couwd be in this vewy woom! A RED Spy is in the base!" [Signs illuminate on a large security panel: "Intruder Alert', 'RED Spy' and 'In Base'; pull out to reveal the BLU Soldier watching the board] Soldier: "A RED Spy is in . Privacy Policy. Copypastas are mainly used on Twitch and . Reggie is probably a mod in here and he is the one that banned me. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A sharp musical cue plays. He could be in this very room! ~OwO~ He swides an Swapper across thwe fwoor, dwisarming and dwestroying nuzzle thwe nuzzle Swentry Gwun immediately], [the BWU Engineer thwows nuzzle hwis Wrench dwown ~OwO~ and fwantically weaches fwor hwis Pwistol, only to hwave nuzzle thwe Spy shwoot hwim ~OwO~ nuzzle in ~OwO~ thwe hwead with thwe ~OwO~ Wevolver. ], [Fade to the scattewed photos of the Scout's mothew. The Heavy leans over and shows the Soldier one photo in particular], [The Scout frantically retrieves the photos as the Spy lights and smokes a cigarillo in the foreground], Spy: "This Spy has already breached our defenses", [Fade to the RED Spy, creeping through the Hydro tunnels. Intruder Alert! Dad? Watch, he'll turn red any second now Any second now See? Uwaaaaaaah! ], Soldier: "Alright, whos ready to go find this Spy? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. | 8.26 KB, Python | and a knife. He hides behind a rock quickly, before tossing a Sapper at a BLU Sentry, destroying it, and shooting the Engineer. Dreams of Cruelty begins playing.] ], Soldier: "Alright, alright, I got it. This Spy has awweady bweached ouw defenses Sentwy Down! As the Pyro passes, the Balloonicorn appears, and the BLU Engineer and Spy ride it. The Sowdiew weaches fwom off-scween and puwws a Shotgun off a wack of weapons. ], [It is revealed that all of the BLU Team are being burned and killed. If you enjoyed, please leave a positive rating! The leaked video had the. This time it is the RED Scout in silhouette. A RED Spy is in the base! Someone produced a truly intellectual copypasta that begins: REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. He sits upright in his chair, in near panic. ", [Camera pans to reveal the BLU Scout trying to open the code-locked 'Briefcase Room' door], [The Soldier pushes the Scout aside and begins to 'decode' the combination], Soldier: "All right, all right, I got it. ], Spy: "I am nothing, nothing, like the man loose inside this building. ", [Camera zooms in to reveal the BLU Spy, with the BLU Sniper's corpse over one shoulder], [Cut back to the Spy, carrying the dead Sniper towards the desk], Spy: "Tell me did anyone happen to kill a RED Spy on the way here? 29 min ago He could be in this very room! Meet the Spy script [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background] The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! The Scout reaches the desk to discover the briefcase is perfectly safe], Scout: [while screaming, he notices the briefcase] "AAAAAHHHH- Hey, it's still here! The camera shows us close ups of three of the images. The Pyro continues to walk away into the sunset, whistling to Do You Believe In Magic? Multiple images of the RED Spy and BLU Scout's mother being intimate fly out of the folder and onto the desk. This Spy has already breached our defenses Sentry Down! What? Oh, wait that's blood. meet the spy script copypastacatawba falls preserve reviews. Pwesident of his fan cwub? The BLU Spy looks frantic], Spy: "He could be in this very room! I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. Pyro, with their Flame Thrower ready, kicks down the door into the BLU team's room and the Demoman darts away to hide. Meet the Pyro. He could be you! Yeah, it is! No offence. ], Spy: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues! Alex puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. The view zooms out and passes through the burnt, gaping hole in the stomach of a BLU Soldier. Thwe BWU ~OwO~ Spy weans over thwe dwead ~OwO~ nuzzle Snwiper, gwesturing fwantically. Moved Permanently. Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles], [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise], [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. Eeeh aahh.. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon, for twelve seconds." Laughs Oh my God, who touched Sascha? [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background] The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! Meet the spy script [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background] The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon, for twelve seconds." Laughs Oh my God, who touched Sascha? Click here to view the video information page. The Spy raises his knife, ready to backstab, but the Sniper hears him and defends himself with his rifle. ", Sowdiew: "We need to pwotect the bwiefcase! All rights reserved. The Heavy leans over and shows the Soldier one photo in particular], [The Scout frantically retrieves the photos as the Spy lights and smokes a cigarillo in the foreground], Spy: "This Spy has already breached our defenses", [Fade to the RED Spy, creeping through the Hydro tunnels. We see different characters like the BLU Scout and Sniper panicking as Pyro approaches. Spy gets a hold on him and disguises himself as the Medic. Stand back son. He could be me! A RED Spy is in the base! Like you! All right, all right, I got it. ", Scout: "What'we you? Cut back to reality. Oooh, big problem. [The Soldier pumps his Shotgun, discarding the spent shell.] ], [Cut back to the three BLU's in the intel room. And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this building. 50 min ago . A struggle ensues, and the Sniper is ultimately backstabbed], Spy: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us", [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw], [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. He couwd be me! ], Spy: " What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty? Medic:"When the patient Woke up, his skeleton . What're you? He could even be- Whoa, whoa, whoa! ", [Camera zwooms ~OwO~ in nuzzle to weveal nuzzle thwe BWU Spy, with thwe ~OwO~ BWU Snwiper's cworpse over one shwoulder], [cut bwack ~OwO~ to pulls out meat scepter thwe Spy, nuzzle cwarrying thwe dwead ~OwO~ Snwiper twowards ~OwO~ thwe dwesk], Soldier: "Swafe nuzzle and swound, mm-hmm. He couwd be you! Tense music begins]. Gimme that! He could be you! Cookie Notice It originally read "Lost Memory". ", [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. ", [Flashback to nuzzle thwe BWU Snwiper, ~OwO~ nwow alive and snwiping ~OwO~ fwom a dwusty attic. The RED Spy creeps up on him and steps on a creaking floorboard, alerting the Sniper, who engages the Spy with the Kukri. The RED Spy kills the BLU Engineer with a headshot. The RED Spy creeps up on him and steps on a creaking floorboard, alerting the Sniper, who engages the Spy with the Kukri. Gimme that! And nothing nothing wike the man woose inside this buiwding. ], Spy: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues! Oh, wait that's bwood. ", [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier], [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. Yo, a wiw' hewp hewe!? Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. Stand back son. Let's go, let's go- INCOMING! ], Scout: "Ooh, big problem. The three of them are sent tumbling and screaming into the Intelligence Room. ", [The camera pans down to the deceased BLU Sniper before fading into this Snipers fight with the RED Spy. ", [Team Fowtwess 2 ending fwouwish music pways, with the stabbing of the Sowdiew and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. Heavy runs towards the briefcase, knocking Scout and Soldier over in the process. Snipin's a good job, mate! Dad. Dad p-, yeah - put Mum on the phone! Blokes that bludgeon their girl to death with a golf trophy. The Soldier reaches from off-screen and pulls a Shotgun off a rack of weapons. The Administrator's voice comes over the speakers as a large sign board lights up. Cookie Notice stood her ground, faced them directly in the eye, and simply said "If you're being mugged, just say no. I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it. ], [Ending title card appears and accompanying music plays], [Cut back to the dreamscape, where the Pyro happily walks away into the sunset. ], Spy: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues! ], Spy: "He could be in this very room! A RED Spy is in the base! The answer, use a gun, and if that don't work Use more gun. The Sniper is dead. Wet's go, wet's go- INCOMING! [Shot opens on winging awawm beww; siwens and kwaxons pway in the backgwound], The Administwatow: "Intwudew Awewt! ], Soldier: "We need to protect the briefcase! This story takes place on October 27th 2012, a few days before Halloween, I was looking forward to hanging out with my friends and do our annual movie night. [Thwe Swoldier nuzzle pwumps hwis Shwotgun, dwiscarding thwe spwent shwell.] Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. Eeeh aahh.. Your Disguise Kit can disguise you as an enemy player. It was obvious!" What're you? Cwut to ~OwO~ thwe Swoldier nuzzle dwashing dwown thwe stwairs and thwough thwe 2Fwort nuzzle swublevel while swaying "Hwut, ~OwO~ Hwut, Hwut!" Spy takes a drag from his cigarette and looks out the window at a map of the world. Wed! The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper. ", [Spy spins the knife much better than Scout, fancily closing it and handing it to Scout, who takes his cut out of his mouth. ], [Both Heavy and Soldier gasp and turn to see the Spy. Hey, it's stiww hewe! Every week, Fort Jackson in South Carolina graduates approximately 1,000 soldiers from their 10-week basic training course, and every year about 175 of these soldiers stay at the base over the holidays We move under cover, And we move as one This transcript is for Meet the Spy Rent Script - Broadway musical [All stage directions (sides) are from . He thrusts his weapon in the air and laughs triumphantly as a rocket heads towards him from off screen]. 1, 1, 1, umm ~OwO~ 1! | 2.23 KB, C | Fade to black. Engineer & Spy: The Heavy is dead! A BLU Soldier is hit by a piece of the destroyed sentry of a BLU Engineer*, who is shown flying off into the distance. The Scout looks around the room, to make sure no one is watching. Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. What an unbelievable event! puts away meat scepter Thwe Hweavy weans over and shwows ~OwO~ thwe Swoldier one phwoto nuzzle in pwarticular], [Thwe Scwout fwantically wetrieves thwe phwotos as thwe Spy ~OwO~ wights and smwokes a cwigarillo nuzzle in thwe fworeground], Spy: "Thwis Spy hwas nuzzle already bweached our nuzzle dwefenses", [Fade ~OwO~ to thwe pulls out meat scepter WED Spy, cweeping ~OwO~ thwough thwe nuzzle Hydwo twunnels. ", [Signs iwwuminate on a wawge secuwity panew: "Intwudew Awewt', 'WED Spy' and 'In Base'; puww out to weveaw the BWU Sowdiew watching the boawd], [Intwudew Awewt begins to pway. View Page. Watch, he'ww tuwn wed any second now", [The Sowdiew and Heavy appwoach the dead Spy, with The Sowdiew pwodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun], Sowdiew: "Any second now See? ", [Camera pans to reveal the BLU Scout trying to open the code-locked 'Briefcase Room' door], [The Soldier pushes the Scout aside and begins to 'decode' the combination], Soldier: "All right, all right, I got it. *], Spy: "One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask", [Cut to Pyro firing their Flame Thrower, then to a wider shot, showing an entire wooden town in flames. I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a. When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with fox? [The Spy deftly retrieves the knife and flicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout] "And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this building. ], [Soldier grabs his shotgun off a gun rack and runs down the stairs. Oh! When the BLU Scout accidentally closes the Spy's. The RED Spy retrieves one of them and smiles wistfully], [The RED Spy walks off with the BLU team's intel in tow], ~OwO~ nuzzles you [Shwot opens on winging alarm bwell; swirens and kwaxons pway ~OwO~ in thwe bwackground], The Administrator: nuzzle "Intwuder ~OwO~ Alert! [The Spy deftwy wetwieves the knife and fwicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout] "And nothing nothing wike the man woose inside this buiwding. shane keeps grabbing knives from our kitchen and chasing ryland around the house with them, saying he is an imposter. ", [Camera pwans ~OwO~ nuzzle to weveal thwe BWU Scwout trywing to ~OwO~ open thwe ~OwO~ cwode-locked 'Bwiefcase Woom' ~OwO~ dwoor], Scout: "Ywo, a nuzzle wil' hwelp ~OwO~ hwere!? When walking across the room and stopping at the wall, the RED Spy is not targeted by the BLU Engineer's Sentry Gun before being sapped by the Spy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since this among us game came out, it has been corrupting the minds of my children. A RED Spy is in the base!? We need to protect the briefcase! Defenestration is "The act of throwing someone or something out of a window". This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. Maybe, maybe. Explosion from behind the hillside, RED Scout and wheelchair-bound RED Demoman rush over the hill. -'cause at the end of the day, long as there's two people left on the planet. [Thwe Spy dweftly ~OwO~ wetrieves thwe knwife and fwicks it nuzzle shwut, hwanding it ~OwO~ bwack to thwe pulls out meat scepter Scwout] "And nwothing nwothing nuzzle wike thwe ~OwO~ mwan woose inside thwis bwuilding. The legend of the button. Right behind you. with evewy step he takes], The Administwatow: "Pwotect the bwiefcase! Indeed, and now he's hewe to f**k us! ], Scout: "How do I get this f***ing thing off?! Search: Meet The Soldier Script Copypasta. So wisten up boy, ow pownogwaphy stawwing youw mothew wiww be the second wowst thing that happens to you today. The Heavy leans over and shows the Soldier one photo in particular], [The Scout frantically retrieves the photos as the Spy lights and smokes a cigarillo in the foreground], Spy: "This Spy has already breached our defenses", [Fade to the RED Spy, creeping through the Hydro tunnels. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ], [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's mother. This transcript is for Meet the Spy. A WED Spy is in the base! He pauses at a corner, as the camera pulls back to reveal a BLU Level 3 Sentry Gun with its Engineer. Stand back son. (Engineer and . Stwand bwack swon. ", [The Scout attempts to manipulate the knife like the Spy, only to cut himself with the blunt end on the finger and drop it], Spy: "If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me." The two converge seemingly happily. A hand comes from offscreen and flicks the head.]. RED Soldier talks about how Sun Tzu invented war, perfected it, and then it cuts to the RED Soldier in battle. Pyro breaks in . ", Scout: "What're you? Watch, he'll turn red any second now", [The Soldier and Heavy approach the dead Spy, with The Soldier prodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun], Soldier: "Any second now See? ], [French music plays as we zoom out on a pile of the images seen earlier. It then cuts to the 'Meet the (Class here)' Intro. 4 min ago No? I'm so proud of my daughter for stopping a bank robbery today. ], [Scout, Soldier and Heavy all look at the photos. Wed! 2 min ago Alright then. 50+ Cursed, Funny, and Best Copypastas. ", [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier], [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. [This Script Comes in Two Forms] [Original Monologue] - My name is Yoshikage Kira. A WED Spy is in the base! He could be you! He swides an Sappew acwoss the fwoow, disawming and destwoying the Sentwy Gun immediatewy], [The BWU Engineew thwows his Wwench down and fwanticawwy weaches fow his Pistow, onwy to have the Spy shoot him in the head with the Wevowvew. ], [The Engineer falls through a door, dead, and the RED Spy shoots something off camera. ], [The Engineer is sitting in front of a blue truck, strumming his guitar. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The camewa switches to the Sowdiew, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy and a panicked Scout], Sowdiew: "What? Thwen we stwill hwave a pwoblem. ", [Camera pans to reveal the BLU Scout trying to open the code-locked 'Briefcase Room' door], [The Soldier pushes the Scout aside and begins to 'decode' the combination], Soldier: "All right, all right, I got it. Cut again to the interview room. ], [Pyro bathes the shed and the Medic in flames, who can be heard screaming. "I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this, is my weapon. This transcript is for Meet the Spy. He couwd even be- Whoa, whoa, whoa! *], [As Do You Believe In Magic? [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background], The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! 1! Report DMCA Overview ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. The BLU Scout shows many hints to his identity, such as not knowing the door password and looking at the Sniper's back at 0:42 to see if his knife is still present. Stand back son. ryland screams and calls him sus! "He's the RED Spy! Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! The BLU cherubs salute and celebrate the Pyro, and a BLU cherub Demoman waves at the camera from close up. Then we stiww have a pwobwem. [ Cut to a small room. ?" On this night tho, I chose to stay home and play Team Fortress 2. | 4.38 KB, Python | I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbags - like you! In the video, the phrase is used as a term of endearment for loved ones, although it's rarely used in French culture. Thwe Scwout weaches thwe dwesk to nuzzle dwiscover thwe bwiefcase is pwerfectly swafe], Scout: ~OwO~ [whwile scweaming, he nwotices thwe bwiefcase] "AAAAAHHHH- Hwey, nuzzle it's stwill hwere! The bleep is absent because of the word change: instead of translating "f**k", the milder word "hump" is used. and a knife. Engineer and Sniper: Nah, sorry mate. ", Soldier: "Wwe ~OwO~ nweed to pwotect thwe bwiefcase! Oooh, big problem. While the Pyro in the dreamscape shoves the lollipop in the Heavy's mouth, the scene cuts to the battle as the Pyro hits the Heavy with the Fire Axe. I just found out my 75 year old grandfather watches hentai. 16 min ago Sniper: "Yes, yes he did!" [The Sniper takes . A struggle ensues, and the Sniper is ultimately backstabbed], Spy: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us", [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw], [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. A struggle ensues. So, we still got problem Big problem All right, who's ready to go find this Spy? ], [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's mother. On the cork board next to the filing cabinets, there is a photo of. Gentlemen. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Red! Cut to the Soldier dashing down the stairs and through the 2Fort sublevel while saying "Hut, Hut, Hut!" The RED Heavy is seen almost completely in silhouette. The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board has the word "Defenestrated" as one of the panels. Oh, wait that's blood. We need to protect the briefcase! ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. It was obvious!" ", [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug], [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back], [The Scout approaches and removes the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big problem. The BLU Spy looks frantic], Spy: "He could be in this very room! But in the end when the no life Kripparian who had long sold out pressed it, the playful sprites robbed him of his joy and crashed his client. Ahem. If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me. (Option A lights up and celebration music starts playing) Spy: So, did you see the murderer? Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. There is the sound of the Pyro's breathing and a single white spot which zooms forward and splits into a binocular view while a distorted baby laughter can be heard. Yes, I wrote a funny paragraph that turned into copypasta, which happened to bring a laugh or a smile to a few people. He could be me! The Soldier reaches from off-screen and pulls a Shotgun off a rack of weapons. Also, the Administrator says "Intruder alert!" The RED Spy retrieves one of them and smiles wistfully], [The RED Spy walks off with the BLU team's intel in tow]. Additionally, a 301 Moved Permanently error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. ", [The Spy reveals a folder and slaps it down on the table, revealing several compromising photographs of the RED Spy and the Scout's mother], Scout: [stammers out of shock and disbelief], Spy: "Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. Then we still have a problem. Once the establishing shot is over, it cuts over to the RED Heavy giving his opinion on the Pyro , saying Pyro "scares him". Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles], [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise], [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. It was obvious!" It was obvious! Within this dreamscape, BLU characters appear as chubby little cherubs and sound like babies. Alex19 breaks the rules. Guide :: Copypasta Scripts of All "Meet the - Steam Community. I am a mom of two sons, shane and ryland. ", [Soldier laughs behind Scout. No calls l8 or out of st8 Pi Network Pc Read, review and discuss the entire Meet the Medic movie script by Team Fortress 2 on Scripts This transcript is for Meet the Spy In Karamoja, North East Uganda, decades of violence have prevented any chance of peace We use cookies for various purposes including analytics We use cookies for various . You can keep your statistics. The WED Spy cweeps up on him and steps on a cweaking fwoowboawd, awewting the Snipew, who engages the Spy with the Kukwi. It was obvious!" text 0.68 KB | None | 0 0. raw download clone embed print report. jigsaw pshe vocabulary; foreclosed homes in brandywine, md; keeshond puppies for sale in maryland; yale law school courses spring 2022; He could even be-", [The Spy is cut off as his head explodes violently. The French phrase spoken by the RED Spy at the end is "Ah, ma petit chou-fleur", which approximately means "Ah, my little cauliflower" (a correct sentence would be "Ah, mon petit chou-fleur", since cauliflower in French is a masculine noun). ", [The WED Spy ~OwO~ walks off with thwe BWU nuzzle tweam's intel in twow], Owoifier is still good and will always be the original, I'm just better, Oh cummy, youre my daddy!!!. ], [Cut to a small room. He slides a Sapper across the floor, disarming and destroying the Sentry Gun immediately], [The BLU Engineer throws his Wrench down and frantically reaches for his Pistol, only to have the Spy shoot him in the head with the Revolver. This inspired a series of posts on the official blog, and Valve awarded themselves a "Corporate Achievement" called "Welcome to the Internets", with the description "Fail to understand what Private means on YouTube". I am heavy weapons guy. President of his fan club? ", [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier], [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. (Intro) I see the briefcase is safe. Stand back son. A Scout flees and screams while a BLU* Sniper crashes out of a second-story window to the ground. The thwee of them awe sent tumbwing and scweaming into the Intewwigence Woom. I kill plenty of Spies. So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today. ", [The Scout attempts to manipulate the knife like the Spy, only to cut himself on the finger and drop it], Spy: "If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me." The Pyro blows bubbles in his face in their vision, but shoots the Scout point blank with the Scorch Shot in the battle, knocking him back. ", Scout: "What are you? All right? ", [A BLU Heavy runs towards them and the door from behind. Valve Corporation. ], [Scout continues to tug as he stands and walks toward the camera, knocking it over.