What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you cant get it you can always just use your hands? Run hot water over it before and after each use. A: You can negotiate with a terrorist. How do you know that the toothbrush was invented in the Deep South? A man is riding aimlessly through the desert on a donkey. ", I said, "Well, I was planning on using that toothbrush again.". 2. A single child who wasnt sick had Strep A on her toothbrush, Shepard says. 71. He packed everything he could imagine for the trip, which was to last a few months. 51.Q: Whats one word you never want to hear from your dentist? Because if it were invented in the North, it'd be called the teethbrush! Q: What movie do dentists watch over and over again? "Hilarious Pic" You Found Out Your Grandfather used your toothbrush, (Image).Laugh To The Toothbrush And Tissue Paper. They grew the normal stuff but they did not grow strep. When the bill comes, Mike, Dave and John will do it You meet this toothbrush salesman, you ask for a job and you end up getting it. The American Dental Association agrees there's little evidence that any germs on a toothbrush could hurt you. Then, one day, they run into him at the mall, where he's set up. You look like the world is about to collapse.". If it was invented anywhere else it would have been called the "Teethbrush.". Rate: There is no shame in accepting for your bawdy sense of humor and rolling on the floor laughing at R-rated jokes with your buddies. The customer says "ok", and he paid, headed to the room. "Enlist more Q: What's the difference between a blond and a toothbrush?A: You don't lend a toothbrush to your best friend. Then he goes to his father a, Better be the last time I see one of those bastards on my rommates toothbrush, One eager child says, "Daddy says to cover my mouth when I cough because my cold is contagious!". If it was invented anywhere else it would've been called the teethbrush. The only one I know is, "In West Virginia it's called a TOOTHbrush and not a teethbrush for a reason". She's also a certified personal trainer and walking coach for a local senior center. 20. If it was made anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. 'That's full of germs now.' The next thing I knew, he was handing me my toothbrush. Such kind of jokes could bring a smile on anyone's face or could crack them up in a knotty situation. His expectations are low for this guy, so he gives him a couple dozen toothbrushes to sell, expecting him to flop out. After more than 6 years with my wife and I, she still gets angry when I use her toothbrush, What's long, hard, that comes and goes and makes you spit white. Q: What do you get when you cross a hedgehog with a giraffe? Seeing whats between my hairy legs will make your skin crawl. Because anywhere else it would've been called a teethbrush. A guy walks in the local whorehouse, says "I want the cheapest one you got, I don't have much money." If you clicked because you didn't know, let me know next time you brush your teeth. Sometimes, giant balls hang from me. Their employer tells them, "okay, all you have to do is go around town and sell as many toothbrushes as you can, and when the day is over come back to me and tell me how many you've sold," so one each gets box from A man responds to an advertisement for a point of sale. Q: How does a dentist fix a broken tooth? And of course there is a little girl in the front, raising her hand. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Me: Stevens soap, Stevens shampoo, Stevens toothpaste and Stevens toothbrush. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. RELATED: 20 Chemistry Jokes Every Science Nerd Will Appreciate. Q: Why should you be true to your teeth? A man named Melvin works for a toothbrush company. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Suez Canal? The top toothbrush salesman at the company was asked by his boss how he managed to sell so many brushes. 44. All I wanted was to give you something." He doesn't trust talking fish. Raise your hand if you love going to the dentist. These days I couldn't keep my diesel engine. You guys know how the toothbrush was invented in the south? An angry nurse! A man goes to an interview for the position of salesman. He applies and is invited to an interview. When you're done with the breast and thighs, the only thing left is a greasy box to put your bone in. What am I? What am I? What am I? What does a man have that begins with P and gets bigger if its properly stimulated? Donald Trumps is small. He freaked, "omg she's sick." Why do motorcycles fold born-again eyeballs? What has 148 teeth and holding back a monster? Whats made of rubber, handed out at some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes? My tip penetrates. Then, one day, they run into him at the mall, where hes set up a tobacco dip sample table. One day, Melvin's boss calls him into his office. 32. I had a one night stand and then she used my toothbrush. My dad bought me a Sonicare toothbrush What am I? "I use your toothbrush", How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Kentucky? A man had recently lost his job when he saw an ad in the local paper for a position selling toothbrushes. Three babies in the womb discuss what they would like to be when they grow up. As for tossing the toothbrush after an illness? The hiring manager says "We sell toothbrushes. No one knows how he does it. The Art of Awareness & Self-Healing with Dayana Pereira (Learn how to heal yourself in a new way), (The Magical Holistic Healing Arts Lyn & Erika Hicks), 5. 11. A: Because each dentist has their own floss-ophy. 13. I stopped a girl in the street last night and handed her a rape alarm and some pepper spray. After 6+ years of me and my wife being together, she still gets mad whenever i use her toothbrush 66. A guy loses his job and is really down on his luck. Every day, two of the guys sell twenty toothbrushes each, and the third constantly sells two hundred. If it was made anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. 24. I answered, "The difference is, I was gonna use the toothbrush again.". So far I have about a dozen of these in stock. Well, if it was invented in the north, it would be called the teethbrush. 42. Dirty Jokes That Are Absolutely Nuts 1 What's still together after all the sh*t they've been through? What am I? They were unable to grow Streptococcus A bacteria off any of the toothbrushes from infected children. The second one says, "I wanna be an electrician, so I can get some lights in here." "Ignore my eyeball, you square baby! She looked confused and said, "What are these for?" He offered to let the couple try an experimental procedure. There's no plaque. What is the difference between a womans G-spot and a quarter? He packed all the gear he could think of for the journey that would last for a couple of months. The banana turns to the vibrator and says, "I dunno what you're getting all worked A: Not everybody has been in a limo. Q: Why is the Securities and Exchanges Commission investigating the dentist? You can tell because had it been invented elsewhere, it would have been called a teethbrush. The bigger I am, the louder you scream. Q: What did the patient say when the dentist said she needed a crown? Little Johnny was in economics class and was told to sell something over the weekend and see how much money they could make. Ill fill your holes when you ask me to. Monday at school, the teacher lined up all the students and had them present their weekend homework: their assignment was to sell something and give a presentation on effective salesmanship. Im known as a big swinger. What am I? A: Because she gets right to the root of things. Funniest Toothbrush Jokes TIL that the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia. One Saturday the dentist is hungry and puts his brother to the test. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a rooster? We recommend our users to update the browser. He packed all the gear he could think of for the journey that would last for a couple of months. Both men and women go down on me. In this article, we have featured some of the best dirty riddles that are fun and seductive for you to solve while having the best of your time. Edit: Sorry for picking on you WV, when there appears to be numerous other states I could have equally offended with this joke. 63. 14. I don't remember her eating fish for lunch. I just had a brush with Death Weirdly, I've been taking some anti-impotence medication for my sunburn. Where was the toothbrush invented? The other two guys are jealous, but they can't figure out his secret. Its never what you expect it to be and forces you to reevaluate the way you think (which is filthy, BTW). I get wet before you do. Whats most useful when its long and hard? Classic VW BuGs How to Install New Valve Guides in Beetle Ghia Bus Motor Heads, 2. "Let's start with 10 toothbrushes," said the boss. 9. The doctor asked the man: "What are you doing, walking the dog?" 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Maybe the strep is just growing down on the tonsils, Shepard adds. If it stops working, it becomes a toothbrush. What the horny toothbrush told his partner My girlfriend and I are intimate, but she got mad when I used her toothbrush. Bad Jokes The following riddles and jokes were made up by BADJOKE.EXE, an MS-DOSprogram. So if anyone knows another way to remove dogshit from my sneakers id be happy to hear it. The couple took the new baby home. The guy behind the counter says "How bout the $1.95 cent special?" If it had been invented anywhere else it would be called a teethbrush. 30. What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? if it was invented anywhere else it would have been called the teethbrush. You can solve the riddles alone by yourself or together with your special someone for more fun and laughter. I suppose some ppl drink out of the toilet. 69. Lots of water, food, first aid kit, even three toothbrushes to last him the whole way. Whos the most popular guy at the nudist colony? I didn't know I had to put my electric toothbrush in my mouth!?! Your tongue gets me off. How do you know that the toothbrush was invented in Arkansas? An even bigger surprise they tested two brand-new, unused toothbrushes as a control. He went to the address and met with the boss. When I was doing my research I realized there were no other studies about throwing away your toothbrush after you have had strep. One day, a man with a lisp named Joseph walks into a toothbrush factory. Sometimes, I drip a little. Submitted by dentist Alice Boghosian, American Dental Association spokesperson. she always keeps her cool. If was created anywhere else it would have been called the teethbrush. You might not need to throw away that toothbrush after a sore throat, a new study shows. Today I visited the birthplace of the inventor of the toothbrush. My business is briefs. I mean, would you rather be reckless or toothless, I leaned forward and said, "You're single, aren't you?". So if anyone knows another way to remove dogshit from my sneakers id be happy to hear it. This old Scottish friend of mine has saved every toothbrush he has used since childhood! I just noticed that my new electric toothbrush is not waterproof. They both take a little bit o dip. Why you should never brush your teeth with your left hand. Wife: Oh thank you darling, what did you get me? We bought these toothbrushes that had a little light in them. A: The shopping trolley has a mind of its own! The other two guys are jealous, but they cant figure out his secret. I started unbuttoning my jeans and replied, "I like a challenge.". I assist with erections. This gets rid of . A lone camel driver was about to embark on a long journey west of the Sahara into Egypt. A: Plaque to the Future. "While there is evidence of bacterial growth on toothbrushes, there is no clinical evidence that soaking a toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthrinse or using a commercially available toothbrush sanitizer has any positive or negative effect on oral or systemic health," the group says. What am I? He searches everywhere, but can't seem to find any work. That really surprised us, Shepard said in a telephone interview. During this time, you must sell an average of at least 100 units per week. Q: Why does the dentist have a TV on the ceiling for patients? Otherwise it would have been called a teethbrush. Q: What is it called when an astronaut gets a cavity? Edit: Sorry for picking on you WV, when there appears to be numerous other states I could have equally offended with this joke. Q: What do you call a boat fill with dentists? You can't break an electric toothbrush 21. Of course the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia. Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. A guy loses his job and is really down on his luck. Did you hear Oral-B and Queen Latifah are making a toothbrush together? More jokes about: dirty Similar jokes See also best jokes rated by other visitors or new jokes. The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand, plus a dozen donuts. You can tell the toothbrush was invented in Kentucky. I told her, "This is disgusting!" She replied, "Well we just had sex so what's the big difference?" I replied, "The difference is that I wan. How do we know the toothbrush was invented in Alabama? I grow in a bed, first white then red, and the plumper I get, the better women like me. I have a stiff shaft. Well, I have a prostate exam coming up. Doctor: What toiletries are you using? 4. 36. Arnold Schwarzeneggers is big. The third one says, "I wanna be a boxer." If somebody can tell me of a better way of getting shit stains off the back of the toilet bowl I'm all ears. Throw in a lawn sprinkler! All day long its in and out. Please try not to laughtoo hard and feel free to flame as much as you like-we are all likepassengers on the deck of the Titanic discussing what we're going to do whenwe get to shore.How can you tell when a mechanic has been behind your nuclear warhead? The best part about getting older is enjoying lascivious content we would have gotten in trouble for back in high school. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and your job? After a few weeks, he sees an ad in the newspaper looking for a seller. People may find dirty jokes shocking or disgusting, but no one can deny they're funny as hell! Q: How did the dental hygienist land a job? How do you know if someone is a UA graduate? 68. A: One's a bunch a cunning runts. "This study supports that it is probably unnecessary to throw away your toothbrush after a diagnosis of strep throat," said Dr. Judith Rowen, a strep specialist and pediatrician at UTMB who worked on the study. Q: What kind of filling did the little boy want for his cavity?