These are those who are like back-seat drivers; they love to stereotype and put all healing gifters into the same box. So when people tell me I try to obey the Lord , God showed me that really means no I do not obey Him always . One more thing. I think a lot of people need to repent. I found Jesus as MY SAVIOR in DEC. 1959 and remember then how God moved and we seen miracles that the young today question . I may have been a bit unclear in my position regarding what Chas 351 has said. Sndergaard has created his own little belief system by taking a little from some different denomination,[16]for example, baptismal regeneration from the Catholics, speaking in tongues as the sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit from the Pentecostals, believers baptism as Baptists, and baptism to Jesus Christ not using the Trinitarian formula as Oneness Pentecostals. The male, with a recorded age of 45 was arrested for suspicion of the below crimes: Bail has been set to $0 for Soendergaard which is listed as a white male. ( Am I EVER glad I didnt judge her for eating too much!!!!) Well Lightning Storm, all I will say is that Pauls concern for the church turned out well in that it prompted him to warn and share many good truths with them, which we still benefit from today.blessings to you and good night, Im off to bed now. Upon reflection, Im sure Andrew regrets lumping everyone together. It is starting to get gangrene where the wooden leg attaches. Maybe its just a different expectation outside that makes it more likely to see results. He was confirmed in the state church after being immersed as a child, but actually completely out of habit. I suggest that this same method (seek God, fast, pray for Truth) used by these preachers be used TODAY to come to the TRUTH FROM GOD HIMSELF AND TO HELP OUR UNBELIEF. Other christians have told me I cant discern what is true and what is wrong, and that what I received that wonderful day of salvation is not of God. Did they do this? Jesus said many will come in His name, saying that He is Christ. He came back to Houston a broken and disillusioned man. Ample scriptures indicate that they will appear as ministers of the gospel, not ministers of the enemy. I must say your eisegesis is astonishing. Boy! So I would like to ask you about a danish evangelist Torben Sondergaard. The deaf were healed and the lame I just read Luke 7 where Jesus raises the widows son from the dead and great fear and rejoicing fell on all the crowd. Ultimately, God has to show this to you, not me. Bill Johnson can not save anyone, only God can. EVERYTHING IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS BASED ON FAITH/TRUST AND SURRENDER. And he saw people being healed, getting up off of sick beds in the hospital, going home well, etc. Is God feeling ambivalent about those healings when He led Korban to record them? We should let the Lord direct people in their belief. But it is patently obvious to me from listening to him preach and reading his statement of faith on his local congregations website that he does know and believe and love the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ he knows He is God and he knows He is Lord I am not saying that he is perfect, I am not saying that everything he does or endorses is right or perfect but if we see such a one who loves our Lord Jesus Christ endorsing or doing something which we dont believe to be right or true what is our response to be? with legs growing out instead of the more impressive healings 6 And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Minister Starker. If we dont learn from history we are bound to repeat it. I too have been badly wounded and burned by previous fakes and deceptions- thats no excuse for cynicism. A new Spirit-one that is more interested in making men thrilled and exhilaerated than in making men holy and heavenly minded and a new hope a hope in this world and in this age- where believers will rule and reign in this present dark age rather than the blessed hope the glorious appearing of The Lord Jesus Christ from heaven and the hope in the life to come which declares , if for this life only we have hope we of all men are to be most pitied .. Definition of WEIRD 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. In the political world (which I dont participate in) this is what the liberal left does to conservatives by calling them names (e.g. Jhn 14:16. Torben Sndergaard is part of the Oneness Pentecostal sect. In whatever FORM God deems necessary for the people to BELIEVE that He exists and that He is GOOD/can be TRUSTED. I am not here to debate as that is useless. I will continue to respect you for that. 357 talking about this. Its not just a matter of someone professing correct doctrine with their lips, but an indwelling of the Holy Spirit such that, when it acts through us, people are brought to repentance, recognizing Jesus as Lord. Where do you get your identity? They complain about the driver, while they sit and do nothing. There is a great emphasis in the Last Reformation Movement on feelings and the gifts and their 'model for church' is confined to Acts. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. You missed the entire divine point and purpose of the video- to show that Jesus still uses ordinary , humble, weak nobodies to do his marvelous works. (Hebrews 9:22). their church out of control by the gifted ones. Im just having fun. The MANIFESTATIONS of demons are NORMAL when people are praying for DELIVERANCE AND CASTING THEM OUT. Watchful..I found where Paul makes that statement about FEARING for the church in Corinth. Bringing the traveling road show called WIERDSVILLE into the mainstream of modern church life. These two are Gods fool proof acid tests . Secondly I remember well how Derek Prince when he held healing and deliverance meetings would always begin by praying for one or two folk with legs of uneven length. The only thing I think I will venture to say categorically is that the scriptures are the living word of God, alive and active! TLR is a classic cult and Torben Sondergaard is a classic cult leader. Amen. Torben told CBN News the documentary ruined his reputation in Denmark. Unfortunately, not many details about his wife are available on the internet. Discerning the World 2008 - 2022. Andrew J, at least you dont call Bill Johnson a cancer on the Body of Christ! Love you all in the LordLightning Storm, you sure do keep me on my toes. Theres a schism in the church; those who believe Acts was for that time only, and those who believe that the empowerment that happened in Acts is for the churchs lifetime until He returns. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever! Personally i believe the great commission reflects the exact words used by Holy Spirit though Peter in Act 2:37-38, because those Jews were Cut to the heart(Joe 2:13), their only hope was to They were all very obvious. Id take issue with just one thing the gifts of healings are for the common good of both the Body of Christ (the context of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14, and the public at large (where the Apostle Paul also was used of God for healing, prophecy, and so on). Is this the way we find out first what pleases the Lord, or is it mans view of what The Lord should be pleased with? The man ran upon the platform and around the room. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. He told the story that immediately after he was born again, he read the scripture saying to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Neither did He give any dogmas or creeds which may be used to distinguish believers from non-believers. It would seem to me that they possess the redemption of God and now God can display His righteousness through them. He said no weapon FORMED against us will prosper and yet I can only think of one weapon that has been formed from the beginning, and that is the carnal mind, leaving me to understand that no carnal mind formed against us will prosper. OFFICIAL UPDATE ON TORBEN SONDERGAARD: January 17, 2023. Sndergaard's attorneys are filing an appeal. I believe God is Sovereign and all things happen for a reason, as i came to this site after looking up Leon du Preez( Thanks again), but just when i wanted to share that post, i found this one. Im not saying they are or arent, Im just saying the video evidence isnt enough since all the healings are subjective in that there is no obvious malady present, only a reported internal problem by the person supposedly healed. He was (and is) one of Todd Bentleys biggest supporters. He had no interest in any institutional organization with worldly offices and laws. Many people do things they think please the Lord but dont stop and think or ask if the Lord is indeed pleased. intolerant, hate mongers, bigots, homophobes, etc.) He is NOT MR. Wierdsville! I just watched the original video after reading and watching the second video. The elitist claims to have personal relationships with God and regularly receive divine visions. As a work? . 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. I praise God for the healing that God does through him and yet my heart is saddened by the lack of healing for saints suffering in the Church. I told Your disciples to cast it out, and they could not do it. God always has and always will place things in the midst of His miracles that cause the insincere and the sceptic to be scandalized over and can be interpreted as either genuine or a scam. When man comes in and says look what we have done and is proud of that which has been done, then pride has entered in. 1.Repent(turn back) to the Father Some of you may remember the mans leg that grew out about a year ago. ! He had a bout with fear as the guards told him he would spend a long time in prison and then be deported, the fate of virtually all the inmates at ICE's Baker County Facility in Florida. Marie, i agree, there are people like what you describe. This was a huge pitfall I saw with the Toronto Blessing when I was there. This wonderful key aligns our focus when reading His Word. I know I have never heard it talked about that I can remember and so the Lord is teaching me. Each time they went into battle, THEY INQUIRED OF THE LORD and the Lord told them to put the Ark of the Lord in front of them..and VOILA..they won the battle. And this sin of jealousy among other sins such as wanting the power to speak to God in an unknown language that makes the believer feel that because he/she can now speak in tongues they are on another spiritual level or more powerful than those who cant, and dont tell me you have never thought of this! Next, Sister Lankford told of the man with no arm. Sometimes God TESTS peoples faith in HIM, the LIVING Word of God.