This can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that come from producing them, which is an obvious benefit to our environment. Since they are made from natural ingredients, they can break down faster than petroleum based plastics. Recently a company in Mexico worked out how to turn the biodegradable material into plastic. What Is Recyclable Plastic And How Can It Be Recycled? Several different types of bacteria have evolved the ability to consume hydrocarbons, giving them the capacity to "eat" plastic and hasten its decomposition. Biodegradables eliminate these substances from being needed. When facilities have the correct composting equipment available to manage biodegradable plastics, we can experience an entire breakdown of the product in 18-36 months, depending on what method is used. Also, it makes it cheap to deal with plastic wastes. In that time, they have greatly impacted our lives and provided significant benefits including convenience, health and safety. Our goal is to make science relevant and fun for everyone. 6. On average, biodegradable plastic material can take 3 months to six months or a year to decompose. Even with the downsides of using biodegradable plastic like the costs, it would still be more beneficial to switch to biodegradable plastic rather than continuing to use plastics like how we have been for many years. We no longer need to go through the processes of finding, accessing, and transporting hydrocarbons to create plastic items using this technology. Compounding the data reported in 2019 for biodegradable/bio-based plastics 72 and CO 2-based plastics, 32 the contribution of sustainable plastics is nearly unnoticeable. Though biodegradable plastics has many benefits over traditional ones, it also has a baggage of disadvantages. In response, several companies have developed technology that they claim makes PET plastic beverage bottles biodegradable. 5. In spite of the U.S. producing more plastic debris than ever before, recycling rates are declining. 7. In principle, biodegradable plastics could replace many applications for conventional plastics. The major worldwide share for biodegradable plastics is made up by cellulose acetate (CA) with 46%, followed by starch-containing polymer compounds with 22%, PLA with 16% and PBAT with 14%. When bioplastics enter the conventional plastic recycling stream they may contaminate the recycling process. Even though these drawbacks may seem like a huge hurdle, it would be very beneficial to iron out these problems and move on to switch to using biodegradable plastics more regularly. It is true that the production of biodegradable plastics requires. Biodegradable plastic decomposes naturally when bacteria in the environment are able to "metabolize" and break down the plastic structure. The other option makes the other plastic items that we consume. Once the natural materials are turned into polymers, they can work with the ones that were manufactured using oil molecules. Methane is a central greenhouse gas with higher heat absorption than carbon dioxide. One of the main advantages of using biodegradable plastic is a significant reduction in carbon emissions during the manufacturing process. It creates a result which is believed to be eco-friendly compared to the traditional plastics that we throw away every day. But like anything else, there are various advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics. Plastics have been in the world of packaging for a very long time. We specialize in material selection and testing, plastic part design, service life prediction, forensic failure analysis, chemical resistance testing, due diligence studies on new plastic technologies, troubleshooting/problem solving in plastic manufacturing, and consulting on new opportunities and uses for existing products. That would create fewer pressures on the overall waste stream. Learn more about the benefits. While it decomposes naturally, biodegradable plastics behave like other plastics when in the ocean. Bioplastics cannot decompose in ocean water because it is too cold of an environment for the material. Both are considered to be endocrine disruptors that are toxic to the reproduction cycle of humans. One of the main advantages of using biodegradable polymers to make plastic bags is the significant reduction in the carbon emissions that happen during the manufacturing process as compared to that of regular plastic. Its polymers occur naturally. These are the current advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics to review. This can further reduce the need for making more space for them. 5. After all, using biodegradable plastic is an effective way to protect the environment. The advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics give us hope for the future because there is an opportunity to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Reduce the number of wastes going to the landfills. In fact, most plastic items will take up to 1,000 years before they actually decompose. That means many of the advantages that are possible with this product disappear in equatorial and far-northern climates. Pollution from the different industries and the ignorance that we as humans have done over the last century or two has caused so much damage that many experts in the field think that we are too far out to stop the planet from dying. The Growing Problem Of Plastic Waste And How To Recycle Plastic Bags, Are Clear Plastic Food Containers Recyclable? Plastics and its by-products are cluttering up our cities, oceans and contributing to deadly health problems in humans and animals. These prices are coming down as our technologies improve and source material access becomes cheaper to produce. If the plastic park bench contains plastic containing additives that promote environmental degradation, the park bench will fall apart. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. New, biodegradable plastics and better recycling strategies are two promising approaches to help the world cut down on plastic waste. Weight-saving advantages of plastics over metal have greatly improved fuel efficiency of automobiles, thereby reducing our dependence on foreign oil and reduction of carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases, emissions from vehicles, unsustainable buildings, and cities are some of the areas where we could see more being done to help with producing a better world. Our primary concern with greenhouse gas emissions is with carbon dioxide, but we must also consider the amount of methane that we release each year. On the other hand, biodegradable plastics are petroleum-based plastics with an additive that harnesses their decomposition. Because it doesnt break down like it would during compositing, it will either float on the surface like a conventional product or create micro-plastics that are harmful to marine life. However, this entails a number of challenges. All in all, they are better than traditional plastics. When choosing a "biodegradable" product, the consumer tends to forget about the fact that mountains of waste pile up every year in the landfills. Test results showed the new bioplastic is . These types of plastics not only take less time to decompose when. Low carbon emission The production of biodegradable plastics does not involve the burning of fossils. Lets check this out! Hence, biodegradable plastics contribute to climate change and global warming. Switching to biodegradable plastics would help to reduce the number of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the industry even further, despite the initial financial costs that would be required to make the transition. You can recycle these plastics to create other by-products for other processes. Products that are biodegradable degrade substantially more quickly than recyclable products. This process turns them into polymers that become useful for the industry. The use of biodegradable plastics is becoming increasingly important as traditional plastic continues to harm the environment. While. While it has many advantages, biodegradable plastic can be a bad idea. The list of benefits of using biodegradable polymers is listed as follows: It is Easy to recycle biodegradable polymers: These polymers not only decompose faster when discarded but can also be easily recycled using an organic method. His primary fields of expertise include computers, astronomy, alternative energy sources and the environment. Biodegradable and compostable plastics offer a suitable alternative to fossil oil-based plastics Benefits and concerns of using plastic in agriculture The discovery of plastic and its range of beneficial applications has changed the way we live our lives. Crops and soybeans can be used to produce the materials needed to make these plastics and can be a huge help in changing the way we use plastics today. Much of it ends in the rivers and oceans, threatening humanity. Yes, it is! 3. . This waste would otherwise be sent to landfills in order to discard them. Having something we can use to help fight the pollution of plastic can be very helpful in the future and help define the standard for future sustainable projects. Besides, there are many benefits using biodegradable plastics. Such terms commonly thrown around include: sustainability, biorenewable feedstocks, environmentally friendly, carbon footprint, and responsible care. Your email address will not be published. All these contribute positively to curbing global warming. It also creates a unique disadvantage in the fact that our current technologies do not allow us to recycle these hybrid items once they reach their end-of-life cycle. You can play a part in cleaning up our planet, now and in the future. Lesser Energy Consumption. Biodegradable products are made from renewable resources like corn, sugar cane and potato starch instead of oil: 200,000 barrels of oil a day are presently used in the United States alone in the manufacture of plastic packaging, and significant portions of this use could be eliminated by employing biodegradable plastic products. With the increased usage of plastics, people will need more spaces for landfills. Your email address will not be published. Most companies these days are jumping on the go green bandwagon and looking for ways to promote their plastic businesses by using certain words and phrases in their corporate mission statements and sales literature. This advantage can only occur if the items are disposed of properly, meaning that these items must be treated in a manner that is similar to compost. We must address the causes of why we pollute in the first place to ensure our biomes remain healthy for future generations. This amount is 68% less than that of traditional plastics. Biodegradable plastics consume less fossil fuels, produce less carbon dioxide, and degrade less harmfully. Biodegradable plastics have a clear benefit, they reduce waste and leave less of an impact on the environment than normal plastics. Types of Biodegradable Packaging Materials. The manufacturing process of biodegradable plastics requires fewer amounts of energy. With the environment as it is now, we need to come up with ways that help the environment and ways that can leave a path for our future generations. Biodegradable plastic bags have a number of advantages over conventional bags. . Oil is a significant material in making plastics. That means we no longer need to use the chemical fillers that are found in the traditional items, which then enter the environment when the plastic is melted to release them. Science Fair Project Ideas for Kids, Middle & High School Students, Environmental Protection Agency: Plastics. You must pay attention to the quality and labeling of the bioplastic items upon purchase to ensure that you are using items that can decompose rapidly. Clearly, we must consider better options for reducing the negative impact that the un-recycled plastic containers have on the environment. Also, the aspect lowers the amount of heat released to the environment. At least 85% of the 40 million tons of municipal plastic waste anticipated to be produced in the U.S. in 2021 was dumped there, according to Statista. Moreover, the land areas can be used for agriculture, residence or industrial applications instead of converting them to landfills. Performance & security by Cloudflare. These advantages include: Fewer carbon emissions Waste Reduction Better waste management Better recycling Reduced pollution Reduced toxicity in the environment Lesser species endangerment Decreased use of petroleum Decreased health risks Biodegradable plastics or bioplastics are made from natural plant-based raw materials that enable the natural decomposition process. But, nothing is perfect and biodegradable plastics are no exception. It will last many years if stored indoors. No doubt, there are many advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics. Furthermore, since the materials used to create biodegradable plastics are plant-based, minimal carbon is emitted during the composting process. The Many Benefits of Hemp Plastic. At the moment, PHAs . Made from bio-based sources such as corn, wheat, sugar-cane, petroleum-based . The creation of bioplastics was prompted by the 1970s rising oil prices and reliance on oil. They must be thrown into our landfills or other waste management systems. When it comes to a simple step you can take to save the Earth, changing your conventional plastic to bioplastic is the right choice. 3. When PBAT is mixed with NuPlastiQ GP, it will also biodegrade in marine environments. Mexico researchers have been developing biodegradable plastic from prickly pear cactus. Phthalates soften the plastic to turn it into PVC. The goal should be to reduce overall plastic consumption. Making biodegradables a top priority could become a moneymaking tool for the country that can perfect this technology first. Herbicides and pesticides are not tracked by this industry, so there is no way to know what your exposure levels might be when you encounter these natural products. With zero oil-based content, it does not require refining processes that result in the release of high carbon dioxide to the environment. Biodegradable plastics offer a substance that is made from a natural source, so the risks of breaking down are much fewer. Thankfully, biodegradable plastic is an effective solution to mitigate the world-wide epidemic of non-biodegradable plastic bags and provide feasible alternatives to improve the environment and save marine species. Biodegradable plastics would direct petroleum consumption to other needs. In other cases, including single-use packaging and plastic bags, it . What suppliers does Coffee Bio-composite biodegradable plastic resins have? It will also help with cleaning the environment and help reduce the impact we have on the environment as a whole. Unlike traditional plastics, biodegradables require less energy to produce. 04, 2022, Climate Resilient Cities and the New Era of Urban Infrastructure, Tackling Climate Change One Truck at a Time, Supporting the Zero-Carbon Transition as a Service, A Pragmatic Approach Towards Sustainable Environment, With The World Locked Down, Technology Must Help Continue The Fight Against Modern Slavery, Advancing Sustainability - Lyondellbasell Invests in Recycling Technologies to Reduce Plastic Waste and Enhance Circularity, Renewable Energy-A More Adaptive and Responsive Choice, Resource Adequacy and Grid Flexibility Depend on Analytics for Energy Storage, Material Handling and Storage in Waste Management of a NPP Decommissioning, Utility Game-Changers: Solar, Wind, Hydro and Fintech, How Technology Can Provide A Safe Journey From Bench To Bedside, Basic And Applied Research In Aerospace Sciences. The product is still single use plastic There are many variables that control the consumption rate of the stabilizer which keeps the PET from breaking down prematurely including temperature, humidity and UV exposure. Biodegradable reduce the amount of plastic ending in a landfill. Reduces Carbon Emission. The decomposing organisms can easily break up the makeup materials of this type of plastic. We are producing more waste plastic today than ever before in human history. Biodegradation is the process of breaking down of particles into water, carbon dioxide and biomass through the micro-organisms like fungi and bacteria. When we reduce the amount of traditional plastics that we use by mixing biodegradable molecules in with the oil-based ones, then it does create less of a dependence on petroleum. Another benefit is that biodegradable plastic does not leave harmful products in the environment. The end-products of bio plastic also cause less harm to the environment as compared to the traditional plastic. The landfills occupy land you utilize for other uses, such as residential houses, agriculture, or industries. As the demand for biodegradable plastics increases, they will contribute to save our planet. PLASTIVISION INDIA 2020. Accordingly, plastic is also used to make biodegradable bags. Plant based, biodegradable plastics are on the rise and for good reason. For instance, a major use of recycled plastic is to mold items for use outdoors (e.g., park benches). 18 billion pounds of plastic waste flows into the ocean every year. 3. There are typically two forms that we use today: solid and injection-molded. Although the plastics in the items we use might be biodegradable when we use these technologies, some items (especially plastic bags) might release metals during the decomposition process. Given the fact that a dump truck's worth of plastic waste enters our oceans each minute, it's not surprising that people are looking to use their purchasing power in ways that will presumably leave a smaller footprint. There are positives that methane and other pollutants could also be released when traditional plastic is recycled or burned. Because of this energy savings, the long-term cost of using biodegradables could be substantially less than traditional plastics especially if the cleanup costs from plastic pollution are added to that calculation. 2. Bagasse Products An Essential Step Towards Earth! As these technologies mature, they offer the capability of producing plastic packaging and items even after the world's oil has run out. Below are four reasons why biodegradable plastics benefit the environment and help save natural resources. Biodegradable plastic is the material that will decompose naturally when introduced in the environment. Biodegradable plastics have a clear benefit, they reduce waste and leave less of an impact on the environment than normal plastics. Composting goes much slower when the weather turns colder. Are biodegradable films food grade? Since many of the reports cited in research involves industry-produced data, we must have access to more independent studies to understand if the advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable plastics are moving in the right direction.