Check. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ac4a0c22b53c131e2e89e73782890fcd" );document.getElementById("c556f0c1ad").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Inspiring, leading and retaining employees requires a unique skill set. More so, by applying several tips about making friends. As a result of these discourses, I feel like I am growing and evolving as a person. Mature you display behavior that shows you are a real grown up. You need to write a cover letter, but what is a cover letter, exactly? It's therefore essential that you describe yourself with honesty and candour, so you can prove yourself to be a trustworthy and reliable candidate. Or Example four (4)? 1. 7. By continuing to use this site, you accept the use of cookies, pixels and other technology that allows us to understand our users better and offer you tailored content. Learn how to make a resume that gets interviews. 9. Reliability, responsibility, and excellent . Which example from todays post are you going to use first? Strong Time Management. Alternatives: non-judgmental, unbiased, impartial, tolerant, accepting. 1. Do you have any questions regarding these words to describe yourself? Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! He's spontaneous and frank, and he will describe what he is feeling to your face openly. Alternatives: reflective, meditative, introspective, deep thinker. Positive you have an attitude that looks for the good and promotes happiness. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Provide a glimpse of your personality. Another option is to concentrate on physical adjectives to describe yourself. You can find more information about how we use cookies on our Cookies Policy. 1. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. wrong things like making fun of people to make others laugh, saying dry jokes, You can use so many words to describe yourself based on your personality. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. 2023 Works Limited. Start building aprofessional resume template here for free. Autocide, suicide by automobile. Telling lies: You should avoid telling lies as much as you can. "My friends would describe be as an eternal optimist. Photo by Wendy Jolivot on Reshot It does not store any personal data. Contemplative you like to sit and think about your life, your past, your future. What are some other ways you could describe . This is because being likable is about you connecting with people around you and conveying emotions. Give example(s): Backing up your answer with example will make your answer to the question how would you describe yourself a perfect one. You can take your time to look into yourself and note down words you think can be used to describe yourself. Focus on your interpersonal communication skills, such as listening, empathizing and problem-solving. All Rights Reserved. 7. With the same stuff. Many romantic relationships started as a result of a friendly gesture such as a They are always ready to help and see the positive side in things. I appreciate and initiate dialogues that help me develop and enhance my skills of learning by interacting. Revenue Generator "I am confident in my abilities to produce and while I prepare for the worst, I do the work necessary to tilt the odds that the best will happen." 2. . Another thing about friendly people is that they are usually the givers and not takers. One of our users, Nikos, had this to say: [I used] a nice template I found on Zety. It is also a proven fact that you can never go wrong by being friendly and the numerous benefits that come with being such a person include the following: In a world full of hurdles, rejection, and surrounded by harsh circumstances, people love to be around and are naturally attracted to cheerful folks who will ease their stress, with whom they can share their worries, and who can offer them help when necessary. How Many Seasons and Episodes of Naruto Are There? Create a list of adjectives to describe yourself. them, say kind words to them, accept them, or admire them when they felt Thats a wrap! describe yourself as a friendly personcreekside middle school athletics. - consistent in performance or behavior. When they are the first to volunteer their time, you can remark on their generosity. Spell check? Words to describe yourself: Unique Creative Passionate Driven Motivated Successful Positive Upbeat Self-Starter Determined Hard-working Collaborative Empathetic Team-Player Friendly Innovative Analytical Considerate Resourceful Reliable Respectful Disciplined Honest Trustworthy Determined Patient Detailed Confident Productive Flexible Now is not the time for humility. Business Acumen. They are always optimistic while living life and see the bright side of things. 6. This guide on how you would describe yourself will help you deliver the best answer the interviewer would love to hear. While some persons ability to interact with people can be linked to their personality type that is, some persons especially extroverts naturally have a great outgoing personality that attracts people however, introverts who are reserved tend not to come off as being friendly as they are usually not outgoing. Your report is almost registered. I would describe myself as a CURIOUS,OBSERVANT and SHARING person. Efficient you get things done with the minimum of fuss and with the least wasted time or resources. Furthermore, I extend the same practice to my friends and even strangers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Loyal you can be trusted upon without question and will always have your partners back. THE TWO KEY BUILDING BLOCKS OF A GOOD ANSWER A good answer is based on the understanding of why the question is asked. More so, one can never go amiss when you have the right kind of support and all that can be triggered by friendly gestures. Alternatives: courageous, fearless, gutsy. Choose wisely as whether you are in a job interview situation, working the dating scene, or just chatting to people you meet, its important to be succinct. Making friends can be very difficult for some people, especially for introverts. This site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. You want to be honest, but not brutally so. 10. How Did She-Hulk Get Her Powers and How Strong Is She? I am also a good listener and quick to lend a hand to my friends and family members. Caring you like to make sure people are well looked after. As aforementioned, there is no hard and fast rule about becoming a likable person because all you have to do is to let your good side shine whenever you are around people. Passionate About My Work. They are always ready to help and see the positive side in things. In my role as marketing coordinator at Boston & Borris, I organized marketing campaigns with budgets over $250,000. Example 2 In my mind, there is a difference between learning by reading and learning by interacting. 6. Composed you stay cool and calm under pressure and dont let your emotions get the better of you. - worth having or seeking or achieving. Articulate you are able to communicate effectively. Cooperative you are able to work harmoniously with others. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. someone who cares to listen, and they connect with such person. Find the words that keep escaping you with this extensive list of words to describe yourself. Alternatives: driven, willing, ambitious, hungry, self-starter, determined, industrious. friendly conversation, help rendered, patience exhibited, or even kind words that were spoken when a harsh one was expected. Below is a quick list of indicators to look out for to confirm that you are a likable person: People are easily attracted to you A friendly person does not seek an audience, rather the reverse is the case as people tend to warm up to such a person whenever they show up. They have to be sleek and professional. My creativity has made me an effective team leader because I can anticipate problems and innovate solutions. See how popular he is? See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here. Saying Nothing: Dont ever say you dont know. Alternatives: productive, organized, methodical, practical. You might end up looking like someone who is bragging. Independent you are able to work well by yourself and find solutions to any problems you encounter. The object that would best describes my personality would be perhaps a microphone. Read on to learn pick the best words to describe yourself and see lists of: Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Describe a situation when you said something that may have been true but that you wished you'd kept to yourself. While it's in everyone's interest to hire employees who like their jobs, "passion" conjures images of unwavering commitment to the company. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. These cookies give you access to a customized experience of our products. Killing of self [ edit] Suicide, intentionally causing one's own death. I think I am a friendly person because I also have all the habits of friendly people that I mentioned above. While it may sound ridiculous, the answers are . friendly, dont be hasty in judging people, put yourself in their shoes, this will You are going to be working in the position for some time, and if you dont have all it takes to fit in the job, you will find it very difficult to excel. Here are some real life example of how to describe yourself in an interview: As persistent Example answer: "I'm persistent. Improve your career with expert tips and strategies. Employers ask you to describe yourself for a couple of reasons. It would be best if your resume could identify you as a creative individual and have a brief mention of the projects you led. Find out the secret. You must be a member to contact other profiles. Energetic you have bags of energy and like to be active as much as possible. "I am rational, accountable, and diplomatic.". First, they want to see whether you will be a good fit for the position and the company culture. 2. Not even the popular how would you describe yourself? question. Demeanor: Confident and poised, with a commanding presence. I am not a rigid person having rules in life that can be broken. At the same time, in my kind of work in the field of customer service, I practice goodwill all the time. Being able to describe yourself during an interview quickly is essential for success. Alternatives: sincere, candid, straightforward, blunt, plain-spoken. Criticism is dangerous it can destroy a persons pride and self-esteem. Alternatives: considerate, attentive, courteous, compassionate. Yes, I do think of myself as nice: I consider myself to be compassionate toward others and I'm always willing to help others. Alternatives: daring, thrill-seeker, free-spirited, intrepid, spontaneous. If you would like to set your cookies preferences, click the Settings button below. You can as well ask your friends, family. Manage Settings Research the role Make sure to carefully read the job description and research the primary duties of the role you're applying for. 4. 14. Give context. A lot of things are considered when a persons gauge of friendliness is being measured. Brave you are willing to face your fears and take risks. When you answer them, don't just focus on explaining your actions. More so, this will make them be around you because you value, and appreciate them because you help bring out the best in them. Alternatives: inventive, imaginative, innovative, inspired, resourceful, unconventional. All Rights Reserved. So, in as much as one can be referred to as being naturally friendly, so many key factors must have contributed to such behavior. 12. There are endless possible ways to talk about yourself. I have great pleasure talking with people and learning more about their lives. Perceptive you are able to quickly assess situations or people. In my last two roles, I was promoted to leadership positions after less than a year with the company.. An adjective is a describing word. Down-to-earth - someone who is practical and close to reality, who accepts other people as equals. Get the job you want. Being courteous comes with a lot of pleasant things and one of those things is making people like you. He's not complex like us, and his mind is not riddled with complications. Proactive you are a doer. Im reliableI was so consistent in updating patients charts that I was promoted to a position responsible for training new hires. 9. Talk about values you feel are essential to how you want to live and work. To be happy, I need to be with people. 15. Describing yourself can be nerve-racking. (5 Profound Examples), What Are Your Weaknesses? In this essay, I will explain why I think that I am a friendly person. Find out more about Zety and its career experts. Career books and psychology books will often contain descriptions of personality traits as well as self tests that you can take to determine what your personality is. 2. Creative you like to make things, come up with ideas, and express yourself in different ways. Are you going to example two (2) more? Sample resume made with our builderSee more resume examples here. Learn how to make a cover letter that gets interviews. Alternatives: joyful, cheery, sunny, upbeat, chirpy. 10. Okay, how can we improve the above response? In most cases, people find it very offensive when the opposite happens that is using insulting words and making sarcastic comments to bring people down or bruise their self-esteem. And whats the best way to write it? So, if you constantly get calls from people to share in their joy or grief, know that you are considered friendly and likable. ","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"A friendly person would always do whatever he/she can in order to help the other person. This is because if you intend to be seen as friendly and approachable, you ought to take intentional steps towards that path. I dont use words or commit actions that are offensive to people that surround me. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I never let little frustrations set me back and I'm always looking for solutions right away. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Friendly people are always surrounded by people who love and admire them. Linda is a kind and warm-heartedwoman. Focused young indian woman holding negotiations video call with. You simply dont know where to start with. If you had to use 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be? Surprisingly, having a good answer this question will reward you in more ways than one. 10. Criticism Example: "I am highly organized. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Nik the people person. Anyone can say anything he or she likes, telling stories that have a connection with what you are saying makes your answer a more believable one. It is believed that to change peoples behavior, habits, or thinking patterns and thus During some visits, we may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, time spent on certain pages and page interaction information. Top Performer "I want to be judged by individual performance and I want be rewarded for my efforts based on their my to execute." 3. Example Of A Friendly Person? This page contains affiliate links. I prefer chatting with people face to face where I can determine what they are going through. Smile is a language that is understood universally. an accessible person is friendly and easy to talk to, even if they are in an important position. The key to nailing this job interview question is to stay relevant and provide evidence. 2. You'll be surprised by how many more people think you're friendly and how quickly they come your way. In this short essay, I will discuss why I think that I am a friendly person. It's thankfully pretty straightforward. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Moreover, no one wants to be with a grumpy, mean, harsh, and inconsiderate fellow so being friendly can get you the man or woman of your dreams because you can make a lasting impression of friendliness on someone that can result in a happily ever after story. Including this information in a job application demonstrates . Writing sample of essay on a given topic "Orem Nursing Theory", Writing sample of essay on a given topic "Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years? Instead, stick with personal qualities that everyone can agree are positive, like "collaborative," "curious," or "diligent.". I am Energetic. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Alternatives: self-reliant, self-sufficient. Be sincere and authentic when describing yourself in a job interview. So if you want to be You will get an honest and unbiased opinion from him all the time. This a quite a common interview mistake . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I can be stubborn sometimes, well we all do but overall I am never disrespectful to anyone around me. 15. See perfect resume samples that get jobs. Free essay sample on the given topic "Lamentations". Living is giving, use your resources to benefit others. 2023 Jobgam Technologies | All Right Reserved, How Would You Describe Yourself? You don't want the interviewer to think that you're a know-it-all who can't be easily trained to do things their company's way. charismatic. Please consider using an alternative such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox. Rule #3: Describe your personality; traits that add value. As a Observant learn things from others and last Sharing defines to share things wt i know from learning and from others. A survey found that 44% of hiring managers automatically reject resumes that appear to duplicate the job posting. 1250+ Verified Job Openings For Freshers, 350+ Leading Organisations, Interview Training From Trained Experts & Much More. To see a detailed list of cookies, click here. Its a common job interview question, but you might also hear it on dates or other situations where you are getting to know someone. I'm a person with a strong-will and determination. - financially sound. People can sense if they are They are always ready to help and see the positive side in things. Alternatives: tender, cuddly, emotionally expressive. Cory is a career expert with extensive experience in manufacturing and consulting. "But if they check your references and this is 180 . Mostly because I always do whatever I can when it comes to helping a friend, family member, or just any person. 3. To learn more visit our Privacy Policy. It shows that you are outgoing and open-minded. Competitive you revel in going up against others and trying to win at whatever you do. While Im an optimistic person, I am also realistic about the current situation and how satisfactory or unsatisfactory it is., Im a natural leader. Detail-oriented Determined Diligent Diplomatic Direct Discerning Driven Dynamic Easygoing Efficient Encouraging Energetic Enterprising Entrepreneurial Ethical Experienced Extroverted Fair Fast Fearless Flexible Friendly Genuine Goal-oriented Hardworking High-achieving Honest Imaginative Impartial Independent Innovative Integrity International 8. These cookies are placed by third-party companies to deliver targeted content based on relevant topics that are of interest to you. Alternatives: quirky, different, unusual. I never try to harm people in any way and always look to spread positivity. I am the type of person to meet challenges head-on rather than sweep them under the rug and hope they go away. For example, while working on a complex team project, one team member was frustrated and having trouble completing her tasks. Alternatives: loving, big-hearted, generous, warm-hearted, kind. This is the most important part of your answer. Alternatives: free-thinker, artistic, imaginative. Committed you are willing to stick at something and are prepared to stay in for the long haul. Im sure youve faced that challenge before. How do you describe yourself in interviews or on a resume? Describing yourself in a few words to someone who doesnt know you is tough. This will definitely make you appear approachable and someone people can be comfortable around. Respectful you treat people as you would wish to be treated. 20. Read original data insights to boost your reporting. Here is the best way to find your two adjectives your friends would use to describe you information. Trust me most people like to talk about themselves especially when they meet Alternatives: mellow, placid, genial, soft-spoken, well-mannered. This does not mean that most people should think of me as a person who cannot adapt to certain things. We need you to be detailed. before the usual time. I would say that I am very generous; I take pleasure in sharing and feel some guilt when I'm in a position to share something but am not able to.And I would say that I sometimes lack self-control, and when I lose my temper it shows a dark side of me which I am increasingly aware of. Altruistic suicide, suicide for the benefit of others. You can win someones heart How To Stop Being Hard On Yourself: 14 Highly Effective Tips! Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. I would describe myself as caring, loving, friendly, trustworthy, helpful and positive girl. Usually such a trait is built over the years, especially with positions like finance executive, marketing executive, etc. Synonyms for Friendly Person (other words and phrases for Friendly Person). He recognizes the life-changing impact great career advice can have, and that's why he shares expert tips with every job seeker out there. Another example: There's nothing wrong with shyness, but you may feel that it holds you back from participating fully. For me, great conversations are vital to having a happy life. Adventurous you like to try new things and expand your horizons. Dynamic and energetic, with a vibrant personality. 1. They just keep on giving love and care to others without caring about anything in return. I worked hard to complete my tasks ahead of time so that I could then help her. Proactive, confident, motivated,prodient,collorative. Here's what'll help. Passionate. Many a time what people just want is someone to talk to and share their thoughts with. Once I set my eyes on the prize, I work hard to achieve my goal. You can always start by getting to know them and what their interest is by asking questions like: As they answer your questions, pay attention while they speak make eye contact, and avoid distraction. I always find some common ground with everyone even if I . I know some people prefer to be alone and keep things to themselves but I can say I am different. Find descriptive adjectives and fitting comparisons. Insights about audiences who saw the ads and content can be derived.