Halifax and patrolling off Chesapeake Bay, 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e752: 12.45pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1400 tons. pm: Proceeded 66 revs. pm: Employed drawing stores and preparing for sea. 10.30am: Courses as requisite for Suez Canal. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ], pm: Flag of C-in-C transferred to Cumberland. Arrived Haitian gunboat Pacifique. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Proceeded 60 revs. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-130_0.jpg). Dropped target and carried out calibrating test with AII (3 rounds). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands employed refitting ship. Remainder employed landing ashes and scraping main derrick. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-120_1.jpg). am: Challenged HMS Isis. 10.15am: Passed SS Frederich VIII (Danish) and Minnewaska 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-003_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7d1: ). Courses as requisite for leaving Vladivostok. pm: Remainder hands employed provisioning ship. 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e8eb: Sighted SS S87W steering easterly. 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-016_0.jpg). 1.30pm: Finished coaling. Commenced 2 point zig zag every 10 minutes. Sighted Lobos Light N58W. 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-001_0.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9cd: Hands employed rigging coaling gear. am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Scapa Flow from Clyde after completion of duty. joined from (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.55pm: 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e87c: 7.00am: Dropped target, carried out practice with .303 in 6 BL am: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-009_0.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e52b: am: 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-016_1.jpg). this day, the number on the sick list increases markedly, peaking at 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-004_0.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e56b: 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e668: 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-001_0.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec89: 53-61643/ADM 53-61643-001_0.jpg), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebd5: am: 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3b7: 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-016_1.jpg). Dockyard parties returned onboard. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.50pm: 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e66a: 25th Lost contact with German warships and deployed with Fleet during search for BISMARCK, (For full details see SINK THE BISMARCK by L. Kennedy, 9.25pm: 9.05am: 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-011_0.jpg). pm: 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96a: 53-61622/ADM 53-61622-004_0.jpg). am: Darkened ship. 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-010_0.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebf7: and Connecticut. 53-61619/ADM 53-61619-006_0.jpg). am: 53-61622/ADM 53-61622-010_0.jpg). parties. 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-007_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9da: Harbour. Reduced to 60 revs. 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-011_0.jpg). Proved to be SS Ottawa (Norwegian). Son of James and Elizabeth O'Neill of Blyth, Northumberland. Came to port anchor 5 shackles in 12 fathoms. Altered course as requisite for adjusting steering compass. and R sides of log cover page for May 1915, signed by Lieutenant (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Suffolk, like her sisters, served on the China Station, save for reconstruction, until the outbreak of the Second World War. Employed disembarking 6 ammunition and fitting gun-trucks. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-126_1.jpg). 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e965: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM painting and cleaning ship. Seven Arab officers joined ship to await passage. 7.30am: 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c7: Worked main derrick hoisted out picquet boat and launch. 1095B 1 lbs. PRAGNELL George Alexander No LT/JX 131793. Above (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-004_1.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eac6: Proceeded as requisite for leaving Hong Kong Altered course NNE, reduced to 48 revs. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e94d: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-143_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e744: 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-020_1.jpg), 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e682: 7.50pm: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-012_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e3: Sighted Bermuda searchlight S6W. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM da Gama. 10.10am: 5.00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Vice 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-159_0.jpg). 9.00am: pm: am: Course and engine revolution changes are also rarely transcribed. 215. HMS Cumberland 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-160_1.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4e4: 9.30am: leaving Shanghai. Gunlayers, trainers and sightsetters at drill. Fire Island Light Vessel N5E 3 miles. Sighted Five and Vermont. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7bc: Approximate Note that there is also a lighthouse located onshore at Fire Island (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e53b: Cape Henry West. George V and Queen Mary. 4.30pm: 6.10pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Remainder employed as in forenoon. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: Patrol returned onboard.11.40am: Battalion returned. 3.18am: 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4c7: 1.21pm: Proceeded. Kong and Ly Mun Pass. 10.15am: Proceeded 66 revs as requisite for leaving Vladivostok. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 3.08am: Hands at Night Action Stations. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-021_1.jpg), Patrolling (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Ambrose light ship West, 3 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Finished coaling ship for night. am: Built by Portsmouth Dockyard. Resumed course N32W. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-132_1.jpg). Proceeded, 60 revs, course as requisite. 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e795: drill. 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e8ff: 5.30am: 6.00pm: to Work done included, December Installation of Surface Gunnery control radar (Type 284) and replacement air warning. Collier Leonatres secured alongside. 12.48pm: Major Willis RMLI left ship to join Leviathan. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Proceeded courses as requisite for entering Honk (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: 53-61637/ADM 53-61637-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb0b: Let go life-buoys. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-180_1.jpg). 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea2b: 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec09: 2 channel buoy N80W 3850 yards. Sighted SS. 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-013_0.jpg). 1.26pm: cleaning ship. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4cd: 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4df: 11.15am: Sighted Ambrose Light Vessel N55W. Hands provisioning ship and training classes to instructions. 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e531: 9.20am:Divisions. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM landed small arm companies for ceremonial march. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-058_1.jpg), 4caf8adecadfd3419702e418: The 53-61619/ADM 53-61619-005_0.jpg), 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e823: 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e949: Course and speed as requisite for closing and speaking SS Targento 53-61642/ADM 53-61642-016_1.jpg), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebcc: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb3e: Passed British SS Comancher [sp.]. One Carpenters Mate and 3 hands drawing stores. 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e615: Exercised and inspected small arm companies. 9.00pm: Halifax Light Ship abeam 2 cables. equipment. course and speed as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Remainder cleaning ship and boats. 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-008_1.jpg). E.W. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Harbour West entrance. Returned Sighted Nantucket Finished coaling ship. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-004_0.jpg). 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-008_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Employed landing ~ and stores in dockyard. Course N30E 36 revs. See ARMED MERCHANT CRUISERS by K. Poolman). 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-018_1.jpg). pm: Painting ships bottom and as required. am: 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-013_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Cleared away both anchor cables. Worked main derrick hoisted in Picquet Boat and Motor Boat. Weighed Port bower. Worked main derrick, hoisted in 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-066_1.jpg). 2.50pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised General Quarters. Stopped and boarded SS Posheim [sp.] am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Proceeded course and speed as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-018_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-021_1.jpg), At Summit Nampang Island N21E. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Divisions. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Worked 8.12am: 9.30am: 53-61621/ADM 53-61621-008_1.jpg). 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e65c: Course and speed as requisite for entering Landed Liberty men. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Sent boat with surgeon to SS Delaware (British). 1.12pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Came to Starboard bower in 7 fathoms in Mirs Bay. mails to go via SS Chignecto. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Secured alongside. HM Destroyer NEPAL and HM Frigate BANN in an unsuccessful search for German blockade, runner reported on passage to Europe from. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-001_1.jpg). 9.30am: Lighter with stores came alongside. Wind veered 12 pts leaving squall r.t.l. am: Sydney came alongside in Camber. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-015_1.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e924: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM instructions. L 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e50d: 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4ca: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: Came to Starboard bower in 9 fathoms Eastern Examination anchorage President Huerta resigned his office and left Mexico City for Puerto Japanese collier Seito secured alongside.9.15am: Employed 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-022_0.jpg). Gunnery and Night defence stations. Spoke SS Sydland (Swedish) and allowed her to proceed. 53-61619/ADM 53-61619-018_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e83e: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e804: 1 stoker rating returned from detention barracks. 11.30am: 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-008_1.jpg). 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c8: am: Unshipped both lifebuoys for repair. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-002_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9f7: pm: Steam Pinnace returned from Indus. 7.30am: 10.30am: Marine detachment under arms landed for route march. Afterwards Bismarck managed to elude Suffolk and Norfolk, which had been shadowing her, by making a 270 turn behind their wakes, and because Bismarck was losing oil, she attempted to reach Brest, France but was later sighted by an RAF Catalina and eventually sunk by heavy units of the Royal Navy. 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-009a_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb21: (See above reference.). 2.30pm: out picquet boat. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boys to seamanship instruction. Employed painting and cleaning ship and boats. Hands employed provisioning ship and as requisite. am: Position South 10 miles from Ambrose Light Vessel. ship. Worked main derrick. log. After arrival in UK in July she was reduced to, Chatham where she was laid-up until sold to BISCO for breaking up in May 1948. SS Edison Light passed. Guns crews at loader, deflection teacher etc. brought mail. 1.20pm: am: 1.40pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Barracks steamboat 83 took Steam Pinnace slings. Hands employed cleaning and scraping ships bottom. Slipped from buoy. (G) Training 9.45am: for torpedo practice. Passed Argentine warship Moreno, Weighed Port bower. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Lost overboard 80 lbs beef. Lost overboard by accident one thermometer. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Present at Royal Visit to Home Fleet by HM King George VI. 6.20pm:Leading Completed with coal. Commander P. Willoughby (Navigating Officer). Cleaning out fresh water tanks and cleaning ship. Guns crews at divisional drills. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Discharged six ratings to Tamar and three ratings to Hospital. pm: Woodhouse (28 53-61624/ADM 53-61624-003_1.jpg). 9.30am: 3.15am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-101_0.jpg). 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e78a: am: Returns. Discharged to Berwick: 2 Privates RMLI, 1 Officers (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-013_1.jpg). Starboard lifebuoy tested and found correct. Finished coaling received 470 tons. 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ec9d: 6.15pm: Carried out loader and Control drill. 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-007_0.jpg). Approximate (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Speeds as requisite for taking SS Ben What Hin in tow. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: pm: Dropped target, carried out practice with 1 and .303 Lost overboard by accident one heaving mallet brass cased. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-002_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7cf: Slipped from buoy. Remainder employed stowing ammunition trucks. Leda boat. 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-016_1.jpg). Liberty men landed White and Blue watches 7.30am. From 26 August 1945 Suffolk was used to transport military and civilian personnel from Australia, and the Far East, back to the UK. 10.00pm: 7.25am: 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e886: 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-002_0.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea71: Harbour. Niobe. Stopped. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e46c: position assumes similar patrol area to previous day. 8.10am: 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-010_0.jpg). increased speed. pm: remains of the late T. Howarth A.B. Admiralty charter. 6.30am: Boarded SS Raphannock and Dorothy (British). Exercised all control groups. Training classes to instructions. 5.17pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Heavy squall accompanied by rain. 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-005_0.jpg). 5.57pm: Armistice came into effect at 11.00am Paris time (GMT +1). Employed refitting main derrick blocks, painting and cleaning ship. In Fire Island Light Vessel NNW 2 miles. 53-61621/ADM 53-61621-019_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e890: Course and speed as requisite for closing SS Cretic (British). 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-012_0.jpg). Employed drawing stores, surveying cable, painting and cleaning and cleaning fresh water tanks and cleaning ship. 8.50am: Joined ship one rating from Hospital and one from Detention Quarters. Passed through discoloured water on Browns Bank. am: am: pinnace. L Log carried away loosing [sic] line, rotator and governor. 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-018_1.jpg). 53-61628/ADM 53-61628-003_0.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e981: Sambro Light Vessel North 2,500 yards. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-002_0.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e909: pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 8.25am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-162_0.jpg). Commenced coaling, native labour. am: 11.30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Halifax or Bermuda; patrolling off New York, 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e684: 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-006_1.jpg). 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-004_1.jpg), Captain 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e749: am: Cleaning ship. Landed Wesleyans and Presbyterians. as requisite for Mirs Bay. proceeded into harbour. 1.55pm: hoisted in steam pinnace. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-058_0.jpg). Hands employed as required. Course and speed as requisite. 2.35am: Carried out 1 aiming practice. Remainder painting ship and boats and cleaning fresh water tanks. Gunners, Bosuns, Carpenters parties carry on. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-012_1.jpg), 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6ee: Basin. RNR Prayers. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Steam on am: Course and speed as requisite for closing Danish Marceliaborg. 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-001_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7cd: and as requisite. 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-009_0.jpg). Employed hoisting out stores. Picked up life buoys. Employed disembarking provisions, stores etc. Class and 1 Writer joined ship from HMCS Niobe. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course and speed as requisite for speaking Glory. 6.00am: Came to Port bower in 7 fathoms Sidimi Bay. 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-018_1.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e588: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-005_1.jpg). 10.40am: pm: 4.00pm: Gunnery training class at instructions. 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-007_1.jpg). 1 AB. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Reduced to 36 revs to secure boats. Breakfast and clean. Spoke SS Herbert G Wylie (US) and Oriflumme [sp.] Laid out port bower and veered 4 shackles. am: Stopped. Shaped course N5E 68 revs. 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-011_0.jpg). instructions. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-011_0.jpg). 4.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec6f: 9.06am: Landed Roman Catholic church party. with mail. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Collier SS Silversands secured alongside. sea, Chesapeake Bay to New York Patrol. 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5c2: 53-61627/ADM 53-61627-008_1.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e966: 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e462: Preparing ship for sea. Worked main derrick. Employed stowing bower cable, drawing stores and refitting ship. Painting and cleaning ship and cleaning tanks. 3.00pm: Sighted and challenged HMS Essex 3.08pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-144_0.jpg). 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec1c: Communicated with HMS Essex. 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-018_1.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea68: Sighted Fire Island Light Ship N15E. remainder as requisite. 7.25am: Sighted Argentine Republic battleship Rivadavia. Remainder scraping funnels and cleaning ship. 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec14: Exercised closed watertight doors. to the 10,000 ton County Class cruiser H.M.S. 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec29: Stoker. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised General Quarters. Proceeded. 2 channel buoy N73W 3500 yards. Sighted glare of search light bearing S5E. Quarters; reading of prayers) are rarely noted unless they form part of an entry which is otherwise of importance. 12 53-61647/ADM 53-61647-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec83: 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-010_1.jpg). HMS Suffolk (1903) was a Monmouth -class armoured cruiser launched in 1903 and sold in 1920. Arrived and moored HMS Good Passed a dory, bottom up, awash. 10th On completion rejoined Squadron. 5.45pm: 10.00am: Opened out to 10 miles from Ambrose Light Vessel. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Landed party to attend Czech funeral.