3] Many people find them annoying, frightening or threatening. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice." Some NPCs in the world gave players clues during the quests as to where and how to find the Esrohs, putting the onus on the players to put the clues together and discover them independently. 5] Don't share too many personal problems, this is a game and not a consultancy. : "Hi I Would like a horse so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3] If you are banned do not create a new account. #3) Run the flashplayer_32_sa.exe (windows), #4)This will open a mostly white empty application,at the top,click FILE -> OPEN (, Right click on the "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" projector that you downloaded above -> Click "Create Shortcut", Right click on this new icon "flashplayer_32_sa.exe Shortcut" -> Click "Properties". 5] If you notice a player attempting to scam please file an Abuse Report immediately and inform a moderator. 3] Players may not give/sell an account to any other person, including friends or siblings. Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Buy fancy tack, pets, decorative extras and even design your own logo for your horse! 3] If your opinions happen to be offensive to anyone else, or will result in an argumentative discussion, please do NOT further discuss the topic. Horse Isle 2 Help Forum. You might want to get a horse if you don't have one, here are a few tips: Suggestion: You should buy a horse from a ranch rather than a livery, because the prices are usually cheaper than 20,000. 2] Cheating: For these competitions "cheating" is defined as acting in a dishonest or unfair fashion to gain an advantage in the competition. 1] Opinions and freedom of speech are allowed, although they must be within the rules. 1] Players are 100% responsible for their accounts. I am a lost player. Cheat Sites supply at the store. 2] Admin review ALL abuse reports - treat this feature with respect. Meadow. GlowCat has been an active player of Horse Isle 2 for almost 5 years while GreenGoblin and FutileFantasy have just started playing. 2] Players consider excessive use of punctuation annoying, please avoid it whenever possible. 5] Remember that if you are seeking lost horses and willing to offer a good price, to please use the ADS Chat or Classified Ads function. 3] If you come across a bug or glitch you can report it directly to Admin or in the forums. Relationships Moderators giving their friends special treatment will have their status removed. Player 1: "You hurt my feelings .. -cry cry cry-". 2] Remember that players may come from different countries and may share different beliefs. Many completely original soundtracks and game musics, professionally produced. There are many breeds of horses and ponies found all over the isles. Find and capture wild horses who wander the lands. 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. Your horse's performance and actual look are based on its genetics, just like the real world. Sometimes they are busy, or working on their own things and Moderators are under no obligation to help. 1] Please assure that you do NOT deliberately break rules. 2] Please do NOT ask for items using pity as an excuse to engage in begging. They are there as a reminder to you. Unfair Trades It is also unnecessary to create a new thread to apologize for the previous thread. 9] Moderators are not required to help other players - Moderators are players like everyone else. Cooking Recipes. HI3: Infinite Wilds! Threats 2] Do not ask friends to contact the player who has muted you, this validates as harassment. 1] Your account can be banned by the admins if you have broken the rules. If a player refuses to use this system, it is advisable to not make a deal with them. In life cycle, your horse will eventually die, when it reaches the age 25.5, it'll be gone, and he/she will be added to the player's memorial album. The Lands of Horse Isle: HI1-The Secret Land of Horses and HI2-The Legend of the Esrohs 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. Horse Isle 2 help for quests, mini games and other information. 3] Admins should be fair, and uphold the rules set forth - Being fair requires being strict. . 4] Keep in mind that this filter does have a specific purpose, please do not openly argue the filter when you cannot say a specific word, this will result in a warning. Arguing Any valuables or money exchanged beforehand, could result in the player being banned. Do not upset yourself by reacting in the same manner. 3] If someone is trying to fight with you on the Personal Messaging system please Personally Mute them immediately. More added regularly. 4] There have been cases of players attempting to sell non existent services or items (e.g. To give your horse water without mounting and interacting with a trough, go to a horse supply store (where you can buy things like hay) and buy a bucket for $111, then go and find a well and interact with it. e.g. 4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is a good reason they were personally muted. 7] Assure that your topic, if you must share, is NOT inappropriate and is within the rules. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. Where is the Record Press on Vine Isle in HorseIsle 2? 1] A Horse Isle Moderator is someone who is enabled to enforce the rules of Horse Isle - someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid conflict. The Esroh's. Words Worth Cave. We are determined to build our wiki entirely by discovery and hard work. Very rarely, your horse might suffer from a variety of illness or injuries. 6] No trading should occur until after support has been contacted and the club has been successfully transferred. Slander 2] If you have a controversial topic that you want to discuss, please keep it to Personal Messages, these topics do get out of hand because players share different beliefs. 5] If you do Stat or Experience training without using the contract system, you do so at your own risk since it is considered trading on a promise. They are the mystical horses on Horse Isle 2. Punctuation Dozens of original, professionally composed soundtracks for each terrain type and location type. This is still a work in progress. } else { Please make sure that if you do not understand something in these extended rules that you ask a parent or guardian to help you understand. Legend of the Esrohs was also a Flash-based game, which was slated to become non-viable at the end of 2020. Completing these can earn you awards and bonuses. > -1) { 3] If another player is: Falsely Accusing, Name Calling, Slandering, Badmouthing, etc. Real Life Advice A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 4] Players MAY ask for their classified ad or art to be reviewed via the helper system, however, please try buddies first. You'll need a pick to clear away the rock. either using Personal Messaging or Area chat please immediately Personally Mute the player AND File an Abuse Report. 2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites, your efforts will be in vain. 3] The abuse report will send the report that is filled out by the player along with a short chat log. Can you help me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????" - We're all here to have fun =], Players 4] Always assure that you listen carefully to a Horse Isle Moderator, Moderators speak in GREEN text on the Area chat and their names are outlined in green. 2] All donations to a Club must be made directly to the Club and not to an individual. 3] Trading on a promise includes, but is not limited to: trading between HI1 and HI2, boarding a horse with another player not using the leasing system, lending items/pets/money, trading an item/horse/money with the player promising to pay you back later, having a horse trained without using the in-game system. Participating in cheating will result in punishment. If you dig where the Obelisk tells you to go . 2] Raffles are not allowed on the game as they often are used to steal money from others. Search this site. The game offers a number of different horse breeds, mini-games and arena competitions for players to take part in;[2] many of the minigames feature educational elements, focusing on mathematics, science and problem-solving. These are broadcast to all players and cannot be muted. Finding them better tack, or even finding your horse a nice pet! 1] Please do NOT discuss other websites on Horse Isle, it is against the rules. 500 means the horse is in normal mood. enjoy (there is more to come soon) Marshy Isle. Remember, you should not know their password. In some cases, you will be able to find horses in colors which are not acceptable for breed registration in real life (for example, chestnut Andalusians and fox (chestnut) Friesians), but which do actually occur from time to time and are very beautiful. Default Breeding: Same Parents: 100% Parent Offspring Different Parents: 25% mother, 25% father, 50% grade (build based on either parent) Color Selecting Code: Parent Base colors are combined via chart below, to result in 4 possible output base colors. 2] Posting quest answers and the prizes awareded at the end ruins the fun for those players that like the surprise of doing the quest themselves and seeing what they get. Jar of fresh olive oil from Pond View Village - Go to Dumbbell Isle, from Narrowed Isle. 7] Most of the time you will not see a Moderator correcting or warning a player - Moderators correct, or warn using a Personal Message - Please do not assume a Moderator is not dealing with a problem. Dating No advertising clubs that are not official, as this causes confusion. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things. Joy Sankey, Carley Frame 2. 09/11/2011 2 new quests added to Angle Isle under Island Lake Isle, quest added to narrow isle and 2 cookie cutters added to the minny game page. Banned Blue dahlia from leaf isle - Talk to GiddySmurl, who will tell you where Blue Dahlia's grow. Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating. 3] Please assure that you do NOT get involved in an inappropriate discussion if you do see it happening. url("//cdn2.editmysite.com/fonts/SQ_Market/sqmarket-medium.woff") format("woff"); (Dictionary.com) There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock. 1] We do not recommend that you board your horse on another player's account, once you give that player your horse, they can choose to keep it. Completing these can earn you awards and bonuses. 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things. You can buy a horse from a ranch store, to access one, go to the dock( a brown building near the sea ) and click on the person in there( make sure its the NPC ) , then click "routes". There is no need to have any religious references in a profile. Flagged windowHref = windowHref.replace(/'/g, "%27"); Bullying Better tack makes a horse perform better. If they advertise for this, it must be on the advertiser's ranch. 5] Remember NOT to expect another Player to reply to you absolutely immediately if you have sent them a Personal Message - sometimes people are away from the computer for a small while, and therefore cannot respond. 4] Calling for players to gather on a normal isle is not allowed since many players may need to be there to quest and don't want to go to the Dungeon. Horse Isle 2 Help. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. Obelisks. Glitches or Bugs 12] The art contest does not include usernames in order to remove bias. 1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. Artwork must be G-rated and not likely in any way to cause offense to other players. Social/AntiSocialEasygoing/StubbornBrave/SkittishLeader/FollowerEnergetic/Lazy There is a large variation of quests, from buried treasure, labyrinths, and painting, to simply returning someone's books! After you have cleared your history, reconnect to Horse Isle. By joining you agree to accept them, and you agree to follow all rules. 4] Forums are "cleaned out" every so often, please do not be offended if your post was removed, we need to keep them clean in order for the forums to load quickly. Apollo added to Esroh page. Violence Players were thus given the choice between gameplay with immortal horses, or gameplay including breeding horses which had a set lifespan. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. Failure to do so will result in both accounts being deleted and all of your items lost. 9] If you feel you can not comply with the above please do Not role play on this game. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. Interacting with other players via chat, private chat, postal messages, actions, trading, competitive mini-games, and cooperative mini-games. Scams Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. 1] The definition of Bullying: "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people; to act the bully toward; intimidate; domineer" (Dictionary.com) A very unique, safe, educational, and fun horse game. fandomiz. Solving story-based quests and adventures by talking with characters in the game. 3] Please remember to LOOK before asking if a player has any horses for sale. Weebly.footer.setupContainer('cdn2.editmysite.com', '1673987310'); 3] Players of ALL ages enjoy Horse Isle, so please do not comment if you come across children, moms, dads, grannies, teens, etc. WARNING! Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale 4] To contact Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi2.horseisle.com) and click the "Help" button at the top, then start a Support Issue. Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items Then go to the horses tab and choose "Feed" and choose the water filled bucket to give to your horse. They are what Horse Isle 2, pretty much is. The Esroh's. Words Worth Cave. 5] Contest scams must be reported immediately, if you have been scammed please file an Abuse Report immediately. The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. 1] Do not share your account with another player. Please report anyone that is doing so. }); 7] Classified ads are to be used for advertisements and game-specific content questions only. Again, do not trade anything off your account. However, please ask for the help to be given to you via Personal Message. 5] Do not be concerned if you have 1 or 2 points against you. 2] We REQUIRE anyone under 13 to absolutely have parental permission. A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment. 7] In order to file an abuse report you need to click the "HELP" button and then click the button "ABUSE REPORT". 1] Asking for donations publically is a form of begging, and therefore considered against the rules. 6] If it is clear to staff that you have not fulfilled your end of a training agreement, you will be banned. 3] Do NOT share ANY other Websites. Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find . 3] If the Story violates any rules in any way, please file an Abuse report immediately. Although the world graphics are simple 2D, they have been beautifully designed to create an interesting and vast world to explore. 5] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking. Different types of tack have effects on a competition. If you talk to HappySmurl again she tells you to check the couch cushions for a reward. 2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. 4] If a player Personally Messages you begging for something, kindly ask them not to beg. 1] Netiquette is commonly known as Internet Etiquette. 500+ Adventure Quests. NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you. } Anarchy and Players 1] The Definition of Defamation: "the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny" (Dictionary.com) If you have a problem, please rather start a Support Issue for the Admin with a legitimate query. Please be sure you discuss the banning through a Support Issue. Rump Art 2] Answering riddles on Area chat ruins the fun of figuring it out for other players. 1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given, this is your responsibility to price accordingly. 1] Do NOT share your Horse Isle password! 8] Do not use the classified ad system to get around another player muting you. 4] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking. Build a customizable ranch to produce items and support your horses! 3] Please to not let another player bully you into anything (e.g. : "Horse Maps"); This action is considered scamming, if you are unsure about these services you may contact a Moderator or Admin to verify or report the action. There's your Trilobite fossil. 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. All horses are non solid, you can go inside one and see what's behind it (and possibly the player riding it!). The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. Trading on a Promise Do this instead of letting them use yours. 4] Being banned means you must stay off the game completely. This is accessible if you go to their ranch, they do charge a fee, however. Awards. (Dictionary.com) Also realize that those answering the 'question' will not receive any helper points for this. Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Should we find you getting yourself stuck purposefully, you will be left for a while to just sit. 6] If you choose not to heed these warnings - be aware that if you are hacked then it is your own responsibility, we cannot refund any account values if you have lost them due to password abuse. This means that we promise we will never steal from other wikis. 2] Please do NOT engage in bullying of ANY kind - this is strictly against the rules. 4] If you have been muted, please accept that you have broken a rule - please do not argue as to why you have been muted. Group activities include drawing rooms, music rooms, and poetry rooms! [6], massively multiplayer online role-playing game, "HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game", "Horse Isle 3, War Crimes and LGBTQ+ Visibility A case study in how NOT to approach Community Management", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Horse_Isle_(video_game)&oldid=1093288992. Veterinary care is not needed for such a horse; it will recover in time with good care. Violation Points 1] If another player is bothering you, making you angry or upset in any way please use the Personal Mute feature, do not respond in a harsh or rude manner. 1] Please do NOT get overly personal in your Horse Isle friendships, the game rules and Personal Information rules still stand. 1] We do not endorse Horse Isle services attempted to be sold by other players, but do not prohibit the action. Abuse Reports Simply take tack off once you have achieved this and select MOUNT. Massively multiplayer. Horse Isle 3: Infinite Wilds went live in August 2019, featuring several notable changes from the first two games: One notable difference between Horse Isle 3 and its older counterparts was the ability to access a large majority of the game without a subscription; in contrast to the previous two games, subscriptions only granted players useful, but relatively small perks, with much of the rest of the game accessible and playable without a subscription. 4] This note stands for Forums as well, should your Forum post violate rules, the post will be removed immediately. 2] Please do NOT bully or harass another player into selling or returning a surrendered or previously sold horse back to you. Your welcome, feel free to contact me on Horse Isle as BreyerFind through mail if you have anymore. 3] Violations can be given a number of ways. Stealing Then care, train and feed your horses. Players were able to create clubs for other players to join that became 'villages' on the map. 2] Your account is responsible for any violations incurred, regardless of who you claim has done it. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. 4] To have your account deleted so that you can start over, contact support@horseisle.com from the email address you used to create your account. 1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." Personally Muting Other Players When a horse reaches 1,000 experience and a player 5,000 experience, the horse is able to be ridden bareback. Parental Permission This includes any information that would reveal your age including grade in school, etc. Please use that. 2] You can use this feature by clicking the "PLAYERS" button (next to the "HORSES" button which you use to view your horses), and by clicking "List Players Alphabetically". The player may breed with his/her horses on the player's ranch. These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. A large multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. 3] Methods of cheating include: paying others to win or lose; taking turns winning; sharing win profits so that no player loses money; asking/telling others not to enter the competition. 4] Never abuse the !STUCK command. Player avatars were now customisable, including the option to custom hair and eye colour, body shape and clothing options. Horses are the animals in horse isle that can be ridden, making the player travel two times faster than walking. 3] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability.