Also, Italian schools have school on Saturdays (at least mine does, but there are some that dont).n Italy, the teachers are NOT your friends. Thus, the first goal at school should be to get children to love words and numbers. In addition, given the extreme speed at which the transition happened, most of the adults could not easily keep up with the technological shift. We also dont change classmates. Notifying parents about our privacy practices, including the types of Personal Information we may collect, how the Personal Information is used, and with whom (and how) it is disclosed; Obtaining consent from the parent for the collection of Personal Information, which may be done in a paper format; Collecting and storing only the Personal Information reasonably necessary for the purpose we for which we are receiving it; and. Thanks for the info. There are new, different things that I notice everyday, but I am definitely taking full advantage of this once in a lifetime experience!! Your thoughts about the Italian school are very interesting. Walking into an Italian Istituto is nothing like walking into an American high school. The students themselves are so different from those in America. Thats just the way it is. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? If we have a look at the disciplines offered by these two independent cycles of studies, we notice that students attend mandatory subjects that are identical in primaryand middle schools: Italian language; Mathematics; History; English language; Geography; Science; Music; Art; Physical Education; Technology. It asks whether there are social differences in enrolments and aspirations across the three different types of schools. Even the teachers sometimes look to me to confirm that words or phrases are being said correctly. Get possible sizes of product on product page in Magento 2. It is how you grow, thrive, and learn. In the US school, instead, there are clubs, dance groups and other activities. First of all, the main difference is that Italian high school lasts five years instead of four years, and during these five years we have the same classmates. Actually my thoughts are that five years is a long time, but you are definitely more mature to deal with the university experience. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That means the students stay in one classroom with the same people and sit in the same seat the whole year! How to interpret Italian grades for a grad school application, generally awarded to those who achieve over 70% of the maximum mark,,, The style of teaching here is WAY different. (LogOut/ The comparisons are endless between all countries education systems, but each country has one thing in common: striving for a better education for each student. Children would learn how to play an instrument, how to paint and sculpt and how to make sense of computers and other technologies. There is also a growing number of online platforms that are trying to fill the gap between the academic reality and everyday information, presenting scientifically anchored knowledge via a more accessible and less rigorous language. Encryption is a common method of ensuring that information remains private. Here, in America, you have just one choice. The main difference is that Italian high schools dont have gymnasiums and adjacent athletic fields. (Name will only be used to verify billing.). There is a fairly common 0.0-4.0 scale for "grade-point averages", but the meanings of those GPA differ significantly among different US universities, among different departments at the same university, and in some cases, even between different instructors of the same course. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? In the US there is more homework than studying, but in Italy it is In short, thanks to the diffusion of flat internet and smartphones, teenagers spend most of their time communicating digitally, and studying or getting information on the web. Learning how to find and how to read scientific papers is essential to establish a concrete contact with reality. There are no sports teams connected with Italian high schools. In Italy every day, I have two classes, a 10 minute snack break, and then three more classes. This approach is deleterious because professors are left with no time to teach contemporary history. In my particular case, I got a 103/110. Hi Sienna. e American school system, 10 For a comparison, of creating a loyal Italian-American community integrated into American society . Later on, we will discuss the reason why such a repetition of teachings is jumbled and impractical. Also, Italian schools have school on Saturdays (at least mine does, but there are some that dont). How do ects grades compare to American grades? She speaks about the different hour schedule of Italian school than American school. Im serious, they have at least 4 5 tests every week, sometimes more! Concerning the former, it does not seem to be the case in Italy. In Italy, the teachers move classrooms not hte students. You can obtain details of the mechanism under which your personal data is transferred outside the EU by contacting us. November 7 2022. italian school system compared to americannormalized mean square error definition. Also every school Ive seen so far has a gym. He is also the author of "A Sonnet to Freud", a blog for Psychology Today to illustrate how the life of poets, novelists, and intellectuals can be an inspiration for individuals to better face their interior and social life. For these reasons, the very first years of school should be merely dedicated to emotionally engage children with words and numbers. And that is what Italy lacks for its students. So it is: Now, if you convert in percentages like the US system (as both have minimum at 60%) you get: That makes sense, right? Traditionally in the most prestigious high schools (Liceo Classico, Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Linguistico and Liceo delle Scienze Umane), grades vary within a limited range, between 2 and 8, often with each professor applying his/her own custom. Let us know how the school systems in your countries work! Actually my thoughts are that five years is a long time, but you are definitelymoremature todeal with theuniversity experience. As the last families return to their homes at the tail-end of the so-called grande rientro, Italian pupils are preparing to file back into the classroom for the start of the 2022/2023 school year.. For those who arent too familiar with the Italian education system, all public schools are managed by regional authorities, meaning return dates The school begins at 8.20 a.m. and we get out at around 1.30 p.m. thats because each subject lasts 50 or 60 minutes and not one hour and 30 minutes like it is here. The definition of fun in Italy is more mature than the American definition. Do you know anyone with a similar situation? I would say it is equivalent to a 90% in the portuguese scale. Our marketing and advertising cookies are non-essential and you can opt out of using them with this tool. This is why our country continues to rank last in terms of numbers of Neet, young people who do not study and are not employed: in 2017 they were up to 25.7%, compared to a European average of 14.3%. In Italy, that is not the case. Digital literacy can indeed be efficiently accomplished at school in multiple ways. WebIn Italy a state school system or Education System has existed since 1859, when the Legge Casati (Casati Act) mandated educational responsibilities for the forthcoming The point about school spirit depends on the student, Ive heard of people that wanted to throw potatoes at guys from another liceo, because they are both licei scientifici and the compete angainst each other constantly, while I honestly couldnt care less. (LogOut/ Let us now walk through the specific details of the aforementioned subjects. Italians study 24/7 here. More interested students are more willing to deepen their knowledge, to search for more detailed information, to spend more time studying a certain subject. Unfortunately, nobody tells students how to find them. The study analyzed the scores of eighth-grade American students in standardized tests given by the U.S. Department of Education in 2005 and 2007, and compared them with their peers in 45 countries., I would like to remain anonymous. In the US there is more homework than studying, but in Italy it is definitely more studying and memorizing. Now, let's pretend for a moment that you just have to convert the vote in 110th, according to math you have: I want to remark again that the score is lower than it should, because you should add points for your graduation. While at primary school they had a chance to make friends and to establish strong bonds, they are subsequently forced to turn their life around, meet new, stranger people and adapt to a completely different school environment abruptly. The Italian equivalent of 2:1 is actually 100/110 - 104/110 according to Ca' Foscari University's website. A 10 is nearly impossible to get, a 6 is the borderline between passing and failing a class, and a 2 is pretty much the lowest grade you can get. Greenheart International uses Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Gravity Forms, Yoast, Formstack, Calendly, GoOverseas, and other web traffic tracking tools. rev2023.1.18.43174. In the U.S., a period of time is mandated for students to have lunch, whether you bring your own food or the school provides some for you. How would we learn if we never made mistakes? Italy has exams votes in 30th, the minimum is 18/30 and the maximum is 30/30 plus honors. Elementary school kids in Calabria-and in many places throughout Italy, Im told-wear smocks to i totalitarismi i agree with you, hello, it is true, there are many differences between the Italian and American schools, we follow rigid patterns and unfortunately not in step with the times. After school at 1:10 they go straight home and study for hours. The Italian court system is often seen as less fair and less efficient than the U.S. court system. Its really tiny compared to ones in the US. Hope you enjoyed reading this and found it helpful! Change). (2h a week) and I think thats it. They underestimate grades from Dutch universities such as TU Delft, which is arguably better than any engineering university in the UK. In addition, professors will have enough time to deepen the quality of their lessons and students will not be required to change school two times in three years, reducing the related stress. You can make your own definition of pass, whether that be learning Italian, making friends, or learning about the culture. Students are tested in any of the 10 subjects that theyve taken, and the questions cover all the material theyve studied during the 5 years of high school. I have noted how there seem to be much more school spirit in American high schools, and they attributed it to the sports teams. They just want someone to have a conversation with and I am happy to help. - Italian students are graded on a scale of 1-10. First cycle: also known as laurea triennale and, as its name suggest, it lasts 3 years. Sadly, there is no multiple choice here! These additional steps include: The marks Greenheart, Greenheart Heart Logo, and Sobresmesa are either registered or unregistered trademarks of Greenheart International. These may include the right to request access to the data we hold about you, to obtain a copy of your Personal Information, to request that your Personal Information be erased, to correct inaccurate information, to ask us to restrict how we process your Personal Information, or to withdraw your consent to our processing of your Personal Information. Primary and middle schools, as they are conceived today, have poor reasons to exist. In the US, we mostly do group work and the teacher helps us individually. Italian schools dont have clubs or activities, if you want to do something non-academic, you have to find it outside of school. The Italian compulsory education relies upon a fairly antiquated system, which is in urgent need of renovation. The structure of the Italian school system. PISA 2018, Results, Italy Country Note. PE is obligatory in every school I know of around my area. The correct use of the Internet must permeate daily activities at school. Sounds like an entirely different atmosphere because all of the students will get to know each other very well throughout the year. In the US, the students move classrooms every hour and get 5 minute breaks between each class. Ok, so I have no idea of what kind of school you went to, but mine is pretty different. Well, it's kinda funny. Taking challenges is part of life. It is your experience, your time in Italy, your time to be whoever you want to be. She has served as an Ethics Fellow at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai since 2018.