Red hair and green eyes. I' ve physic dreams and events my entire life, so at least now I know I'm not alone and there are others like me. my feet are always cold,my hands ar sweaty. Here are more details: Such real dreams that I have never forgotten them all these years later. (babysitting) I guess my major revelation with all of this is that I have read about how rare my blood type is and how beneficial it is to people who are sick and that there is less than 16% of the population that is type O RH-. Simply fascinating how I am described on such a list. Abby became a nickname 35 years ago. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? Life has been very perplexing to this point. I had abilities and had a hard life because of it. People with these personality traits are also hard workers. You are just a deep thinker. And also potential psychological traits. x the unknown? When pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter. You purposely create feelings to give yourself energy. Additionally, people with blood group O negative are less likely to need blood transfusions than those with other blood types. and RH Neg. O negatives are usually being themselves. Has that come up at all? There must be. I think this might be a common thinga floating ribbut I will ask my doctor next time I go. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 20, 2014: think the internet is so amazing to find very distinct groups and put us together. High incidence of unexplained phenomenon and extreme feeling of not belonging. When I have my hair coloredyou bet orange and red are going to be the first color you seeit has always been a joke in my family because no one else has my coloring ( I belong to the milkman)and my head has always had trouble fitting into a hatbaseball caps not so much but a fitted hat forget about it! I'm AB neg, and I can't stand to be around RH pos , for very long. In order to find out your blood type, you will need to go to your doctor and request a blood test. Check with your doc (or at the very least google search this please). After her birth, I had 8 miscarriages! Scientists studying the effects of Rh-Negative blood have found that individuals carrying the gene for Rh-Negative blood are more resistant to certain parasites such as toxoplasma, which can threaten unborn children. RH negative, however, is a rare blood type. I also found out I am an A- during pregnancy. The traits you speak of are vague and can be read in any number of ways. However, we were at a red light, hit head on by an extremely fast car running the light from the other side that we never even saw coming. My father on the other hand was a red head with light blue/grey eyes. You staple your pants to your work chair. Just the thought makes me feel nervous and stressed out. However, there is little scientific evidence in favor of this believed association and so far blood group has not been found to affect a person's personality. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? Just like there are different human blood types, there are also different Starseed blood types. One of her fave Outer Limits show was when aliens came to earth and convinced people they were friendly and their planet was lovely and giant spaceships began taking humans there. I have always wondered if this (-delivery wouldnt start naturally) had to do with my blood type? You like to get the basics of life into a routine. js = d.createElement(s); = id; The reality is people with RH negative blood type are rare. See, my parents and all my siblings have brown eyes. There are some far-out theories floating around, from alien astronauts to mystical beings to snakes. Today, Brittany is the place where there is the most redhair people in France and they still speak a celtic language. It will have a bad effect. I had white blonde hair as a child and consider myself to still have blonde hair. (Hence the midnight calls to UFOs to take me away) Even my username, abbynormalkat is one I've used for 15 years from the movie "Young Frankenstein". It is another way to get stuff done during the day. I get dizzy & feel like I want to pass out if I spend just minutes in the sun. There are four blood types. feel like i travel out of body during sleep almost like im watching my self. Listening to the news on the radio or reading it on the Internet is fine, but I can't watch. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on June 22, 2013: the neg -- I answered your comments below! However, only 1% of the Asian population will have it. This can include the plague, cholera, mumps, and tuberculosis. and I know to make a statement that has an absoluteness to it regarding the gray areas that the blood type As seem to thrive with would be viewed as dogmatic and even outright mean or in acceptable. BioBalance Health Can Help You Fight Aging with Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy, Aesthetics & Weight-Loss. This is why people with RH negative have a fear of heights and fear of flying. Forget it! I think that most people are me, myself and I, and show false empathy and false compassion only when they want to be well seen socially, but they don't feel any empathy at all or very few and they have no emotion linked to their "compassionate" words. If they need to put on an act to get something accomplished, they are very good at it. Are there physical characteristics which rh negatives are more likely to have? Like her experience in donating blood, the Red Cross (or some agency) after my second donation, tore up my card and with a smile said, "Please don't come back." This is why most people with RH negative blood feel lonely. 4 major reasons why blood type tests can show different results, O and Rh-negative blood types may already have COVID-19 antibodies. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Coincidence? 7. Type O individuals generally have more stamina and are less likely to develop cancer and certaintypes of bacteria. and have reddish hair and bluish/green eyes. Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes? I have big head, left handed and people always commented about my piercing eyes. They are often thought of as idealistic. It was creepy how much this related to me! My ex husband used to call me an Irish Witch and this was before I even knew anything about the RH negative traits. But only to people who do not understand them. I have a feeling of being followed and watched. If any blood type with A antigen (A or AB blood group) is transfused, the immune system will attack such cells and this will result in the breakdown of the newly transfused red blood cells. It is important to note that the two are two different blood group systems that are quoted in combination. Many strange things have happened to me in my life, but I think they could be explained by science or chance. It also, upon consideration, does not sound so far fetched. The sense of "not belonging" could be attributed to my orphan status. Don't make friends easy. I do have a lot of the traits you mentioned. Narcissism is a trait that is always in danger of developing with this personality type if this issue is allowed to spin out of control. You like to stay in your comfort zone. Still its a mystery and gets the ole noodle shimmying around ideas. nephilim? I have strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. I'm not sure about this diagnosis. About 85% of the US population has Rh+ blood. I told my boyfriend this as I walked in the door and said I was leaving before then but ended up being convinced to stay. There is a thing called the Celtic toe or Mortons toe. Engineering, astronomy, and creative painting are great examples. I have blonde, slightly reddish hair, pale blue eyes, a big head, different vision in both eyes (one is astigmatic the other is just far sighted), sensitive sense of smell, empathetic illnesses, the floating rib the author explained, low blood pressure, and sensitivity to heat! in my dali-esque world, time melts like a cherry popsicle on a hot day. And compare to the faces of rh negative women: Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? I have very low blood preasure and pulseso low in fact it concerned my doctor and nurses especially in my pregnancies, they made me sit for awhile and check it again but it was still low. It's very strange. Learn more about: Cookie Policy. I've always had a big head too lol. The test will determine which blood type you have: A, B, AB, or O. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. js = d.createElement(s); = id; To avoid the pitfalls of Type O personality a healthy diet, exercise and hobbies that require time and effort can help to alleviate the constant annoyance with others. The biggest claim to the alien abduction theory is the extra vertebrae. Your article was an interesting read . I have had unexplained BIZARRE things happen to those who wished me harm. The table below will show what have been discussed above directly. One of the reports that can be found on Blood Banker even says that up to 0.5% of people who have B negative blood type are not ''non-famous'', which means that approximately 1.5% of average people in the world have this rare blood. Not quite MENSA , athletic but feeling the wear and tear of time. Following others is an impossibility unless the person they follow is also O negative or skilled at what they do. Not one! Started out with low blood pressure but with enough salt and sugar and carbs, I've been able to get it back into the normal range. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! I love taking hot showers but sometimes have to sit on side of tub because I feel faint. If a baby needs surgery or to be transferred to a hospital with a better neonatal intensive care unit, O-negative blood can be a lifesaver. Otherwise use first name and last initial. 45 Distinctive Personality (ies) that People with Rh-Negative Blood Type Have To add to the theory that those who have the Rh-negative blood type could have alien origins, they have quite specific characteristics: Physical: Striking blue, green or hazel eyes Red or auburn tint to hair Extra rib or vertebrae Sensitive vision, hearing or smelling So where did this Rh-negative blood come from? Read More. Can rh negative people recognize each other? I have some, but not all of the characteristics. Did Neanderthals display more empathy? If you have the protein, then you are positive. You know who is laughing, who is crying, and who is sad. (More here: Y chromosome genes from Neanderthals likely extinct in modern men), Genetic incompatibility may have caused miscarriages. That may result in hurtful encounters, broken relationships, and it might even cost some their jobs if they push this issue far enough. Like you, I didn't think twice when they told me with my first pregnancy, but fortunately, had baby 2 at the same hospital, so they had the records for the first. If you don't agree with something, just shut your pie hole and you move on. But then again, that's fairly common, isn't it? They are believed to have leadership qualities and are considered innovators and trend setters. I have strawberry blonde hair & my eye color changes from green, to blue, to gray. I should find out what their Dads is and figure it out with one of those charts we used in biology class growing up! What effect will it have on me and my baby during pregnancy? ARE THERE PHYSICAL TRAITS RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE? So far there is no scientific claim to the theory. I am male and have no childrentried but always ended in miscarriage. There are many theories and myths about RH negative blood type. I have always been super sensitive (as is my sister who is a healer), as well I have been called an empath. Have felt physical presence of evil. Do you notice anything in the Neanderthal skeleton which resembles you more? I meet ALL the criteria in the list but deferred from the public life (fame) even when offered many times. Still to date I am 33 and make friends in their 50's and 60's. But that is not true. I was a software engineer for 20 years and I'm still interested in almost every aspect of the sciences. It remains nothing more than a conspiracy theory. At the forums I visited on this topic most people seemed pleased by the claims made about Rh-negative blood type. I am not ready to talk about the spiritual and other out worldly experiences I have had. In the 1930s, Tokeji Furukawa published a paper where he claimed that the blood type of an individual contributed to individual personality development. Although people with these personality traits thrive in environments where unpredictability reigns, they do like to create routines for themselves that are outside of the public eye. Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. When I plug stuff into electrical outlets, I can blow a fuse, black soot on the outlet plate & my hand. It just feels so strange talking about it now Well I've read the article and all the That applies when they conduct research or speak with others. For some, that might mean reading or watching the news. Soon after birth, newborns develop anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies but not the anti-Rh antibody. Are-- Are you for real? And btw I have read that Scadanavians have the highest number of A+ blood type than any other part or Europe so their goes the light hair theory. Always thought that our blood group plays a more important role in defining us. That is because many of the carbs that Vegans fill their diet with are bad for type Os. Had just a fine childhood. O negative are said to be natural born leaders very much in tune with themselves and their instinct and always ready and unable not to act according to it. I have a friend that is also Rh- and we have always been able to spend hours and days around each other and just feel comfortable and love the same things and have more in common than our other friends.