(Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President's office in Paris on Earth in 2293, In 2293, the president, an Efrosian, opened negotiations with Klingon chancellor Gorkon, following the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis. Chteau Thelian is as large as the Chteau de Saint Brisson, which itself served as the residence of former presidential Chief of Staff Koll Azernal. From there, the bill may be sent back to the Council, which may override the veto if a sufficiently large number of councillors vote as such. As the leader of the Federation, the President is widely considered to be the most powerful person in both the alpha and beta quadrants. Canonically speaking, Archer was the first Federation President mentioned, though the Federation itself was founded in 2161 and could have presumably had another office-holder in that span of time. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace, ST novel: Articles of the Federation), While a presidential term of office is normally four standard years long, this can sometimes change. USS Enterprise-A Captain Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy were arrested by the Klingons under the rules of interstellar law and charged with Gorkon's assassination; when Kamarag, the Empire's Ambassador to the Federation, defended his government's actions and demanded that Kirk and McCoy stand trial, the President conceded, "This president is not above the law.". It establishes that the office is held in four-year terms (without a two-term limit), similar to the modern American presidency. Can a private citizen of the Federation legally obtain a starship? When the Whale Probe approached Earth, transmitting its destructive message into the planet's atmosphere, the President decided to broadcast a planetary distress signal to warn all ships to stay away from Earth. The President of the United Federation of Planets (informally referred to as the Federation President) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. "), When the Federation was first founded, there was no Federation presidency. Council of the United Federation of Planets, 2385 Special Federation Presidential Election, Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet, Office of the Federation Security Advisor, Governor of Prophet's Landing (Republic of Bajor), President of the United Federation of Planets, Memory Beta articles sourced from episodes and movies, "Mister President" if a man (multiple cultures) (, "Madam President" if a woman (multiple cultures) (. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The President is protected at all times by a unit of the Federation Diplomatic Protection Group, a civilian agency tasked with the safety of the President, high Federation officials, foreign diplomats, and the families of their various charges. He currently lives in Los Angeles and pursues writing full time. The method of electing the President of the United Federation of Planets has never been discussed in a canonical Star Trek production. Presidential candidates are declared by the Council of the United Federation of Planets, which reviews anonymously-submitted petitions for candidacy before declaring that a given individual qualifies for the office. The president acts as head of state for the Federation government. The Federation is an organization of numerous planetary sovereignties, including Earth and Vulcan. It only takes a minute to sign up. The Federation News Service commonly projects a winner in the days leading up to Election Day, and has never projected erroneously. (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), The president may not declare war; that particular right is reserved to the Council. The Office of the President is created by Chapter XV of the Articles of the Federation. Satan,Paralax,Baal,Lucifer, Denab,Leviathan, Asmodeus, Demurg. The Office of the President is created by Chapter XV . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [8] Other writers have noted that Star Trek's Federation has the same logistical and philosophical difficulties of other utopian economic and political schemes that make it seem unrealistic. Non-citizens can join Starfleet, but the process is more difficult,[25] as with all non-Federation races. The proper form of address for a President of the United Federation of Planets depends upon the President's sex and species, and are as follows: As leader of the Federation, this president is the commander-in-chief of all Federation organizations and widely considered the most powerful person in the known Alpha and Beta Quadrants. [5], The optimistic view of the future present in the Federation has been highlighted as unique among most science fiction, showing how "evolved" and "civilized" the future could conceivably be. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Jaresh-Inyo, the Federation President in 2372. It is customary for each administration to redecorate the Presidential Office and the top three floors of the Palais as that president sees fit. Starfleet Admiral and Chief of Starfleet Operations Leyton and Captain Benjamin Sisko advocated increased security on Earth following the bombing, and when the planetary power grid was disabled, Inyo declared martial law on the capital planet. His presidency was marked by a number of troubling foreign and domestic policy developments, including the dissolution of the Khitomer Accords and an undeclared war with the Klingon Empire in 2372, increasing tensions with the Dominion, and the rise of the Maquis. Leyton's coup was thwarted by Sisko, but as a result of the scandal, Jaresh-Inyo's political career ended. He . Leyton's coup was thwarted by Sisko, but as a result of the scandal, Jaresh-Inyo's political career ended. In extreme circumstances, the President has the authority to declare martial law in any subdivision of the Federation, and in times of peace is the only person with that authority. [1] Bases visited in the series were labeled "Earth Outposts". President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Alpha, President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Beta, "Mister President" if a male (any species), "Madam President" if a female (any species). Responsible for the day-to-day operations of an entire quadrant of the galaxy, the president was in command of Starfleet as its military body and could exercise a certain amount of control on all member planets. In 2372, fears of Changeling infiltration of the Federation government reached a high point when Dominion agents were discovered to have detonated a bomb at a diplomatic conference between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire in Antwerp. Answering questions as to why Jaresh-Inyo put Earth into a state of emergency, Ronald D. Moore stated: During the fifth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Ron D. Moore in an AOL chat gave a summary of what was going on in the show, ending by joking that Morn had become President of the Federation. The destruction of the Enterprise in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock brought Admiral James T. Kirk into direct confrontation with the Federation President at the time, and the human Commander in Chief meted out punishment that involved demotion. Very well, thank you. This state of emergency entailed deploying large numbers of Federation Starfleet personnel across the planetary surface; President Jaresh-Inyo had originally criticized the measure as tantamount to a declaration of martial law before being convinced of its necessity. Seal of the Office of the Federation President. (ST novels: Articles of the Federation, A Singular Destiny), In the early 2160s, vessels of the new Federation Starfleet carrying the Federation Council President (an ancestral office) were known as Starfleet One. The Efrosians were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd century. (TTN novel: Taking Wing, TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country), The president often presides over state dinners, such as the abortive state dinner held in the Roth Dining Room of the Palais in 2380 to welcome the Trinni/ek delegation to Earth. (ST - A Time to novel: A Time to Kill, ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The fourteenth and thirteenth floors house the president's staff, with the Presidential Chief of Staff's office and the offices of the cabinet members located on the outer rim of Floor Fourteen, while the presidential support staff, including the various deputy chiefs of staff, speechwriters, and other presidential employees, are housed on Floor Thirteen and the innermost rim of Fourteen's offices. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), In 2257, the Federation president personally pardoned Michael Burnham for her mutiny aboard the USS Shenzhou at the Battle of the Binary Stars, in recognition for her subsequent service aboard the USS Discovery and her role in ending the Federation-Klingon War. The novel also names several prior Federation Presidents, including the ones who are canonically "name unknown." Following the Whale Probe incident (in which Kirk and his crew saved the planet), the President and the Council agreed to drop all but one of the charges against the Enterprise crew, the remaining charge of disobeying orders simply resulting in Kirk being demoted to captain as he wanted all along in gratitude for their service to Earth and the Federation. Several planets are shown to desire Federation membership. President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Alpha The Federation President is the chief executive officer of the Federation. Israel the Creation of the Borg placed in the Middle East Creatures manifested under Jerusalem. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), By 2164, the Council had voted to establish a full Federation presidency, popularly elected with a four-year term. Article 1: The President (The WA Delegate) The President is to be duly elected by all citizens of the Federation. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?"). Very well, thank you. The novel also names several prior Federation Presidents, including the ones who are canonically "name unknown." Though the width and breadth of her accomplishments have yet to be fully seen, it was clear that Laira Rillak was the perfect mediator for that difficult period of the Federation's long history. Formally, the President was the chairman of the Federation Council, but in most non-ceremonial situations the Council was chaired by the Parliamentarian. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The Kennedy-class diplomatic cruisers were commanded by members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps, not Starfleet. ", the first President of the United Federation of Planets was former United Earth ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt, appointed upon the founding of the Federation in 2161. The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar state composed of 155 member states, colonies, protectorates, and other planetary governments unified under the goals of universal liberty, justice, equality, trade, exploration, scientific advancement, peace, and mutual protection. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. How do ordinary citizens get around the Federation? (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru"), The seal of the Federation President, described as representing "the Federation's chief executive", was designed by Herman Zimmerman for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. There have been a total of 43 Federation Presidents. [23] A single, unified government is not required for admission, but is desirable. The Federation presidency has traditionally been an office considerably less autonomous than the presidencies of many planetary governments. The President ascends to the office through a popular election and serves an unlimited number of four-year terms. Chteau Thelian also features a private transporter room, typically used for quick transit between the chteau and the Palais. This shrunk the Federation from a peak of 350 worlds to just 38, notably excluding both Earth and Ni'Var (formerly known as Vulcan). USS Enterprise-A Captain Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy were arrested by the Klingons under the rules of interstellar law and charged with Gorkon's assassination; when the Klingon ambassador to the Federation, defended his government's actions and demanded that Kirk and McCoy stand trial, the president conceded, "This president is not above the law.". Earth had seceded from the Federation after the events of The Burn, and it was unlikely that the president could have been a human. Common forms of address for Federation presidents include: The duties of the President of the United Federation of Planets are numerous. Everyone votes, then several weeks go by and a panel of judges decide who won. The President's private study, secretaries' offices, anteroom, private transporter room, and two large meeting rooms will the rest of the floor. USS Miranda Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Federation . Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the Enterprise made him a prime candidate to originate the office. The proper form of address for a President of the United Federation of Planets depends upon the nomenclature used by that individual's culture for their gender identity. But who was best? Approved candidates then campaign in a popular election. (ST - The Fall novel: A Ceremony of Losses), In the 2280s of an alternate timeline, even Starfleet shuttlecraft ferrying the Federation President received this designation. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the Enterprise made him a prime candidate to originate the office. Thomas Vanderbilt (Council President), Haroun al-Rashid (Federation President) Formation: January 2162 (Council Presidency), January 2165 (Federation Presidency) Latest: Laira Rillak (from 3189) The President of the United Federation of Planets is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. A short time later, Starfleet Colonel West proposed a military offensive (code-named Operation Retrieve) aimed at invading Klingon space and rescuing the "hostages", Kirk and McCoy. President of the Federation; Federation Council; Federation Supreme Court; Starfleet Command; Military Branches Starfleet. President of the United Federation of Planets Jonathan Archer Human male Efrosian male Jaresh-Inyo Second-in-Command The United Federation Council Military Leaders Rick Berman (Admiral) Bill (Admiral) Jerry Fleck (Captain) Merri Howard (Admiral) Robert Justman (Admiral) Les Landau (Admiral) Peter Lauritson (Vice Admiral) In 3190, President Laira Rillak joined the USS Discovery on its voyage to the galactic barrier, and transferred power to the vice president. Template:Government: The United Federation of Planets (also known as the UFP or the Federation) is a union of interstellar powers, planets, and peoples operating under a democratic central government. Hello! (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), This tradition had been maintained as of 2385, when the then-President Pro Tempore boarded a ship designated Starfleet One in order to campaign for the 2385 Special Federation Presidential Election on the planet Betazed. Viewers are rarely given details of the internal workings of the government; however, many episodes refer to the rules and laws that the Federation imposes on the characters and their adventures. Commonly referred to as "the Federation", it was introduced in the original Star Trek television series. The President is also the supreme commander of Starfleet (though the title of "Commander-in-Chief" is held by a specific officer appointed by the President), and their authority over-rides the orders of the Federation Security Council or the Admiralty. In the wake of the Zife Administration and the Dominion War, however, the presidency has become a considerably more autonomous office with much less overview from the Federation Council. Built during the term of Thelianaresth "Thelian" th'Vorothishria in the early 24th Century to serve as his residence, Chteau Thelian features a sitting room with the portraits of each president since Thelian. In the event of death, resignation, or other circumstances preventing the President from discharging the duties of their office, the Federation Council will declare one of their own members to be Acting President while a special election is called to fill out the remainder of the Presidential term. Star Trek: Discovery presented another unnamed president as a storytelling tool in season 3, episode 12, "There Is A Tide" when the president ordered Admiral Charles Vance to begin negotiations with the Emerald Chain for the release of the U.S.S. Christian Science Monitor: a socially acceptable source among conservative Christians? The President Pro Tempore of the United Federation of Planets is an office in the government of the Federation which is normally vacant, but which becomes occupied by a Federation Councillor appointed by the full Council upon the death, resignation, or disability of the sitting President. The president, however, nonetheless serves as the political and inspirational leader of the United Federation of Planets, and is still looked up to for guidance and leadership by the people of the Federation. Presidents of the United Federation of Planets depicted in the television series, films, novels, and comics include: de:Prsident der Fderation The democratically-elected Federation President is the head of this branch. Star Trek Expanded Universe is a FANDOM TV Community. Seen several times in Star Trek III and the sequel Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, the president in 2286 offered fans their first glimpse of the actual duties of the Federation's head of state, and his interactions with the council were crucial to the plot. Which species has the greatest population in the Federation? Weve noticed that you havent made any recent edits on your wiki this year. Sulu was elected to the office in 2328 and plans to step down in 2340, after completing his third term in office. The President of the United Federation of Planets, commonly known as the Federation president, was the head of the Federation, operating from the Office of the President. Although some references to money have been made, the Federation is more commonly noted as being a society where the pursuit of material gain is not paramount and money has become obsolete.