A. Emily: Got it. What is a Revocable Living Trust for a Married Couple? Does that include things like marriage, adoption, being the executor of my will, and so on and so forth. Of course, sitting down with somebody and speaking really intentionally about what relationship you want to craft probably is not going to feel as organic as just seeing where things go, which is how most of us have been socialized to deal with relationships. Jase: Yes, I think there's a couple of parts of that as well. It just means that there's communication around these organic changes happening. Get access to ad-free episodes, monthly video discussion groups, and more by becoming aPatreon supporter! Again, the whole idea is that using terms like romantic relationship while it can be useful as a shorthand explanation for other people. Have you heard of the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord? Relationship anarchy is the 'choose your own adventure' version of relationships. Yes, I love sharing these tools with my clients. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them. 9. Go for it. Dedeker: I do remember watching all these kids turning in their homework and feeling a little bit, sorry for them, but you're like, gosh, they really didn't get it. If you are more suited to sexually, socially, and emotionally monogamous relationships, you can still adhere to a . We'll be looking at some of the core components of relationship anarchy and how they can be applied in order to improve our relationships . relationship bet ween government and civil society, NGOs, the private sector, academia, faith- based groups , and women's and youth organisations. The smorgasbord talks about different relationship elements for various types of relationships. Solo polyamory is the same, except they know they are. Also, if you know that there are categories here that aren't applicable to the relationship, you can just cross them off the list from the get-go. It's a word that means an assortment of things or like a buffet with lots of different food to choose from. Anyway, a fun free solution for that. Its a relationship with a flexible commitment option.it depends on no demand, no expectations rule. Doing shared activities, having shared interests, having intellectual or philosophical discussions. They discussed the origins of the Smrgsbord and they said, "The relationship anarchy Smrgsbord was originally created by Lyrica Lawrence and Heather Orr of Vancouver polyamory in December 2016. I guess the first thing is just, it's okay to make it your own. Jase: is our only option, that's for sure. Even though of course, so many of us were brought up to have this cultural understanding of "Well, this is what a friendship looks like, versus "This is what a romantic relationship looks like," versus "This is what a casual sexual relationship looks like." We're discussing relationship anarchy: can it be practiced in monogamy or is it a contradiction of terms? Yes. We have done a couple of talks. Your partner will do the same. That's interesting. Jase: Yes, for sure. I think a buffet is probably the closest thing for us. Changelog. The contributors are a group of young adults who are also within the spectrum, have a partner, or simply understand the issues surrounding these topics. If you hate it, you also don't have to use it. Some sections that we don't think of in polyam circles very often but that get to the heart of this being an RA document intended for all relationships include Hierarchy/Power Differences (this category includes being Boss and Employee, or Mentor and Mentee); Collaboration; and the Labels section includes being Chosen Family and literal familial labels as well as colleagues and various possible romantic labels. Our question on Instagram this week is have you heard of the RA Smrgsbord and do you use it in your relationships? Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. So, dont be afraid to have your own definition and set your own boundaries and adventures. Yes. Do we want daily, do we want monthly, do we want it inconsistently? Click here for ways you can support positive change through petitions, demonstrations, and donation. I think I stumbled upon it. Dedeker: The funny thing is when I was in second grade, I thought that that's how homework worked actually. Even within the categories, you're customizing. There's different ways you could do it and that doesn't mean that you have to negotiate what kind of sex to have with your mail carrier. Our social media wizard is Will McMillan. Dedeker: What this is is it's literally a chart. Those are like different suggestions for things that you can write. The smorgasbord doesnt only have to be used for romantic relationships; it can be customized and used for any relationship you would like to use it for. You can add things to it. I think that a lot of people in like the more intentional relationship community are a particular breed in being really into these kinds of things that help to codify our ability to just be more intentional with relationships but of course, ultimately, if you don't like the tool you don't have to use it. What we're going to do is we're going to look at it. For this reason, anarchists follow relationship anarchy smorgasbord produced by a few anarchists and posted very first on Reddit polyamory forum. Emily: Umlaut, yes. Dedeker: Do what you got to do get a felt board is when I illusion. Therefore, there is a level of anchoring because of the involvement of another partner when you say I do.. Might feel much easier than starting with, "I'd like to discuss the nature of our relationship having regularly scheduled check-ins about your relationship and time to process also helps diminish anxiety around this discussion. Dedeker: It can be helpful to add this to a relationship check-in whether that's something regular, like a radar or if this is a more infrequent check-in that you do with your partner. By Holmbo, November 8, 2020 in Aromantic Relationships. Our researcher for this episode actually had a discussion with Maxx Hill and they are the creator of versions two through five, the majority of the versions that are even out there. That's really interesting having a potential Smrgsbord talk with someone who's like a sponsor or a mentor or someone along those lines. To this end, mechanisms are re quired How do you best communicate, and how frequently? Then again, at the end of the day, you get to use as much of it or as little of it as you want. Member; 895 . It's an excellent idea to adjust, to add, to subtract from this board, according to your own preferences and your decisions with the other person about what makes sense for you and your relationship. People labeled as friends, boyfriends, wives, and so on and so forth are rejected because other relationship possibilities without labels exist. I think a common critique that comes up about honestly any intentional relationship tool or conversation is, "Oh, but this doesn't lend itself to organic relationships." Essentially just a way to help determine what it is that you and your partner want out of a relationship or you and a partner, you and another person that maybe you're not in a romantic or sexual relationship with. That's the point, is to get you talking about those things and not taking for granted, that if I want this one, I have to do these others, or if I don't want this one, I can't do these other things that we can't have that. I will be raising some funds to be able to put together a website where I will host the Smrgsbord, both current and past versions and in various spiraled types, outside of the realm of social media. Our production assistants are Rachel Schenewerk and Carson Collins. Then bord, which means table, like a board, like a board of wood that you put food onto, and that it is Smrgsbord, not Shmorgasbordg. You can find out more about relationship anarchy across our backlog. They never have been. It is a practice of consciously aligning intentions with others rather than unconsciously projecting assumptions and abiding by societal expectations. Episode One: Intro to Relationship Anarchy. Emily: That's lovely. If you find one please let us know at info@multiamory.com and we will fix it ASAP. It always makes me feel like, because as I think it doesn't necessarily build in a lot of this flexibility into it, because this tool is also supposed to act as a temperature check on things and a way to assess compatibility. Emily: Yes, totally as a buffet. Relationship anarchy is often described under the umbrella of polyamory, as it allows people to form natural, authentic connections with others without having to limit or restrict what behaviors are part of new relationships based upon labels of existing ones. 339 - The Smorgasbord of Relationships - YouTube This week's episode is all about the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord! Unless your definition of organic is just like chaotic and full of friction all the time that it's kind of, by having clarity, it allows you to spend more of your time enjoying your relationship and less of your time worrying about is this how our relationship is going? You're like I obviously understand it. How one connects to the partner or ways to run a relationship should be on them. Oh yes, that could affect how we can relate to each other and how those power dynamics and imbalances might play out. Relationship Coach. I thought that the homework was optional was like for your own benefit if you don't understand. It is also to acknowledge the inevitability of change. Definitely, no. Then figuratively means a wide selection of things and it comes from--. Relationship anarchy pretty much works by couples deciding to set their own boundaries. Now I would love to see how this would look like in your relationships? Its about respecting each others choices regardless of how selfish or stupid it is. Legal Connections Face-to-face Financial Sexual Power of attorney Frequency Involving genitals, anus Adoption I think that that could be a really valuable thing with a Smrgsbord as well. Jase: Yes, it's a one page thing. Emily: Love means never having to say, you're sorry, which also some real bullshit. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Emily: Here's the quote. Dedeker: I do know. Couples consensually creating mutual arrangements that work for their needs is a good thing, but historically, the subject has. In order for your relationships to go smoothly, there is a certain level of intentionality and discussion that has to happen around a lot of aspects of relationships. If you are not also a huge relationship geek who is just like ostracized that relationship school, because you're too obsessed with your good grades and getting extra credit, then you're not part of the Multiamory family. Jase: On this episode of the Multiamory podcast, we're talking about the relationship anarchy Smrgsbord. It says color coding and highlighting are fun too. I certainly hadn't, but I bet a lot of you out there have. As long as the relationship doesn't harm yourself & others and feels right to you & those involved, that's all that matters. As Dedeker said before, there are a variety of different boards out there that you can use. You can have like three boards for free or something like that and all you need is the one for this or you can even put all of your different Smrgsbord on the same huge whiteboard if you want. On the other hand, polyamory has certain rules. Instead of depending on the one sanctioned by the society, the ones falling under this practice set their own rules about how the relationship should work. Friendship: yes. Emily: You get a Smrgsbord and you get a Smrgsbord. It is about handling the relationship not on the basis of entitlements and conventional cultural standards but on respect, self-determination, communication, and authenticity. August 02, 2022. Some people put a G at the end, that's wrong. There's a little bubble around emotional intimacy. It was like, I got it. Not all who use this are relationship anarchists, and those who are may need to discuss how their relational style differs from cultural norms. Whether you are entering a new relationship or reconstructing an existing one in the line of such a practice, it is important to understand the depths of the structure. Relationship Anarchy, on the other hand, rejects hierarchy and believes that everything is unique. It did not explain if some unique relationships are more important than others or how the dynamics of non-labeling fits into reality. There are numerous versions of the relationship anarchy smorgasbord, but the version were discussing the most in this episode is version 5, which was updated by Maxx Hill in 2019. The video below discusses why anarchists dont use labels and what are the alternatives to get away with the hierarchies in the relationship. B-O-R-D, is the bord and then Smorgas is spelled with some fancy little symbols over the letter we don't normally have in American English, but Smrgsbord is how it's said. I've never used this exact graphic in my own relationships (the latest version was created after my romantic relationship started) but the subjects listed are definitely some of the things that get brought up in discussing with play partners what a partnership looks like to us and what activities are involved - though there's a lot of "jumping off" from the relevant categories. Think of it like a buffet smorgasbord and you and your partner have one plate to fill, you have to communicate and choose what goes on the plate together. The point of it isn't to be all and all. Gold at "one/two" and Chromium is a complex relationship to say the least. However, RA is just a flexible form of commitment. Jase: I think the other thing that's really powerful about this is, within each of the little ovals that's a category like Dedeker was saying, there's one for romantic, one for sexual, one for kink. Just to shout out to a researcher M because they really schooled me on this whole thing. 2. Dedeker: It's so thinking about, I think that we don't often track our own history as people in these weird little fringe communities. Everybody's views on each of those structures is probably going to be pretty unique. If that's something that you want from me, then let's not have some of these other things that we're talking about, or if we do want to have this romantic and sexual, these things from those platters, then I'm not okay with us having this one too." It's meant to be used as a tool for discussion with a partner or a potential partner in order to figure out how you want to customize your relationship. Many of you are familiar with relationship anarchy and some of you may even practice it but do what the RA Smrgsbord is? They also strongly recommended taking notes. Polyamorous Relationship. However, considering RA is not about labels, theres a smooth relationship transition, whether they are platonic or otherwise. Relationship anarchy smorgasbord Whether you are entering a fresh union or reconstructing an existing one out of the distinct these a practice, you should understand the deepness with the build. Thanks so much, Maxx, for all that information and we look forward to having you on the show at some point. Emily: Everyone let's pull out our boards and if you're following along, or if you already have your own relationship anarchy Smrgsbord, then maybe you can pull it out right now and take a look. I find it very inspiring. What does relationship anarchy mean, exactly? Oh, really? Dedeker: That's really funny because when I saw it in Mind and Body I was like, "I think I'm quoted on an article in Mind and Body." Actually I don't even think it's that overwhelming but I get it customize--. Now, what monogamous means in a relationship? Lets break it down and see what it actually means and why some couples happen to advocate it. Another quote from the Center for Growth is, "The idea of the RA Smrgsbord is that you have a Smrgsbord of different relational elements that can be included in different types of relationships and you and another person get to choose collaboratively exactly what you would like to include on your collective relationship platter.". No, I love it. This is why, anarchists follow relationship anarchy smorgasbord developed by a few anarchists and posted first on Reddit polyamory forum. Multiamory was created by Jase Lindgren, Emily Matlack, and Dedeker Winston. 1. This is like a fun tact way to do it. I got a lot of feedback and made version three shortly thereafter, version four, version five grew out of feedback from this group, the solo-poly group, a polyamory group, and comments on the original post of my timeline. I'm just trying to speak to like the kinesthetic, the more physical visual learners out there who maybe have a harder time codifying things just by like writing, and instead would benefit more from being able to physically move things around in space. Is this something that you want in any relationship or is this something you're sure that you don't want in any relationship? In April there was version two and three and then September 2018 was version four. We'll include links to the board in the description for this episode on our website, as well as on our social media this week, but if you can't find it there, you can also just do a search online for it, relationship anarchy Smrgsbord, and you'll find it. Oh my God. 8. It's like, "Oh, you know what? Mar 2, 2022 - Polyamory is openly, honestly, and consensually loving and being committed to more than one person. We're going to do that at some point in the future and this week in lieu of a bonus episode, just please check out and support Maxx's work. It has blanks to fill in your own options in almost every category, because relationship anarchist philosophy allows for uniqueness of circumstances and no graphic could include everything, and the text with instructions suggests indicating whether certain categories and activities are "Yes, Maybe, Maybe in the future, No," or color-coding your answers about whether or how often you want to include them in a given relationship. Emily: Did you try to change the assignment? Melville is a poet and it shows. If this show is . If you cross that off immediately, it can be helpful. Something as simple as, "Hey, I'd like to take another look at what's included on our relationship platter. Before we get into all of that, we're going to discuss some ways that you can help keep the show going by going to our sponsors and checking them out, so that we can continue bringing you this show for free. It's not a test, it's not a quiz even. RA is a relating philosophy that applies to any and all relationships, whether they are romantic, platonic, personal or professional. Please feel free to send an ask or submit a question. The RelpAnarchySheet.pdf (152 KB) is a worksheet designed with the goal of making relationship negotiatings more successful. Dedeker: Yes. As you just said so many of us grow up thinking that we know exactly what a sexual relationship or romantic relationship looks like, versus platonic relationship. Jase: It's like you're at the buffet picking out the stuff and being like, "What do you think about this broccoli? There has there was once where on Twitter like someone tagged me in like a they made an image of a quote. The capacity to love someone should not limit us from loving others. Jase: Right. They understand that their feelings and desires come first above all others, and then from there, theres a hierarchy over which matters next. Dedeker: Now, that Jase brought up this like finishing the test Now, my brain goes to the weird like thunder dome version of the relationship anarchy Smrgsbord where you have five minutes to figure out what your relationship's going to be with your partner or I'll go. I probably even a couple of episodes deconstructing it. I highly recommend it to everybody. It says literally, no sneaking items in without the other knowing or there will likely be conflict or disappointment later. They also tend to limit expectations placed on other people and set their own adventures. It seems like you can do whatever you want. There's some different options that you could go about with that. In addition, you can share with us publicly Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. We're okay with sleeping together, we're okay with nudity, and we want to incorporate kink, but maybe we're not okay with actually a romantic experience or a domestic experience together." Holmbo. The smorgasbord talks about different relationship elements for various. 2020 by Ready For Polyamory readyforpolyamory@gmail.com Proudly created with Wix.com. They are focused on building relationships and not just sex Further, they reject creating rules and hierarchies. However, the rule is to not be overcome by fear and stick to your own rules. . Initially, I wanted to have Maxx Hill, who is the creator of versions two through five of the relationship NRV Smrgsbord on for a bonus episode, but we all realized after talking with Maxx that a longer fuller length interview with them would be the best. All of these assumptions tied up in what relationship may mean, taking all the stuff that we shove into the concept of romantic or sexual relationship and deconstructing that. The point is that every relationship is unique and the people in it are unique. Jase: I just think it's that thing that it only seems non-organic when you're looking at it from the outside, but once you're actually using it, I feel like it takes so much of the guesswork out of things. No, we love you. Pick the ones that are to you and leave the rest. Emily: Templeton, oh that's such a sad film in story but anyways this is not going to be a sad episode. I love the manifesto for relationship anarchy. The Pillars of the Earth book. We're just going to read from the top right here and discuss a bunch of different things that we see from it, but I'm going to read the heading. It says that people should continuously open up their feelings just like any other. There are no limitations. Lyrics, Song Meanings, Videos, Full Albums & Bios: Nothing, When the Suicide Lies Dead, Alea Iacta Est, Memories of a Murderer, Under Your Dead Hand, Marching Into Hell, We Are the Plague, Miss 21% Perfect, The Common Lie, Blanket of Black, Oath for an You align with the other person and can collaboratively choose items from different platters. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together. That's intended to be the starting point for which of those do we want, not just, do we want to have this domestic one with everything in it or not, right? I'd suggest this as a tool, much like a Yes/No/Maybe list, for folks who want a place to start with these conversations. I feel like this was very much a joint effort and the creation of this whole episode. Domestic: yes. PRESS KIT | SITE MAP | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS OF USE | CONTACT, therapy, therapist, nonmonogamy, polyamory, relationships, sex, relational intimacy, boundaries, relationship, maintenance, relationship maintenance, communication, polyamory, healthy relationship. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. View Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord.jpeg from COM MISC at University of South Florida. Emily: You did. Emily: Another critique is something along the lines of, "It's missing blank," or "I don't like that this thing is under a specific category. Another difference between a solo poly vs relationship anarchy is structure. I just keep that in mind that it's not like you have to go through and somehow analyze each one. When we expand our minds past the predefined boundaries, the possibilities can be endless!" That being said, a common thread between all relationship anarchists is the time given over to communication. Then we start to expand out from the center a little bit and we start to get into things like our creative connection, so like yoga or dance together, or doing theater, or offering each other companionship. Relationship Anarchy 101, and Episode 339: The Smorgasbord of Relationships. Then with the things in between spending a little more time discussing those and seeing not only what you want, but also if this is even compatible at all, like someone's definite no could conflict with someone's, "I absolutely need this." Having a tool like this helps take off the burden from yourself, I think, to think about all these different aspects. Leah practices solo polyamory and shares some of what she has learned, her challenges, and her love of learning about relationships! They and some friends took anarchist principles and applied them to relationships, challenging the idea that a romantic partner should always be prioritised above everyone else, which is a key component of our monocentric culture. Our researcher M who is researching this episode said that they use the board generally every few radars.