[5], The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek uses the terms rhema and logos as equivalents and uses both for the Hebrew word dabar, as the Word of God.[6][7][8]. WebWe at Rhema Scientific Inc., support a mission to improve the health of communities, safety & joy of the workforce, growth of businesses and bring value to our consumers, our manufacturers & our partners for the betterment of our communities. I was really blessed by this article. WebRHEMA Store Home page The NEW limited edition Kenneth E. Hagin Legacy Bible Available Now! When God inspires a prophetic Word, this Rhema care is with it, the power to produce the end result. ; Read more Lord Jesus, I ask You into my heart today to be my Lord and Saviour. Nee holds that by rhema Jesus will "bring the Church to the stage where there is nothing old, where there is nothing of the past. I believe that I receive when I pray, so I fully expect to receive right now in Jesus name. RHEMA for Today Daily Broadcast Join Revs. Rhema, on the other hand, is God communicating personally to us, through the Spirits voice in our hearts. [1] Still, within his ontology as both these spiritual encounters happen to specific individuals their occurrence are both classified as receiving rehma. If we pay attention to these matters and do not take them lightly, the Lord will cleanse us by the washing of the water in the word that we may be sanctified. Wednesday 7 p.m. You are only a visitor once at Rhema Bible Church! If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. Donations are accepted. Charismatic and non-charismatic Christians have different views regarding rhema and how it should be understood. [teaching] that untested modern prophecy must be received as 'the engrafted Word of God'. Now begin to praise and thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Services begin Sunday, February 19, at 6 p.m. in the Rhema Bible Church Auditorium and continue Monday through Friday. Hamon differentiates between "the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit to bring out the deeper and greater meaning of Scripture [which] is a personal event" and personal prophecy "God's revelation of His thoughts and intents to a particular person, family, or group of people. But at other times we receive it by an illumination of a particular Scripture. [1], Along these lines Pastor Nee wrote "We will always treasure the fact that the Lord still speaks today. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. In the Greek language, the word Logos (Strong's Concordance #G3056) can also be translated as "word" in a number of English translations, such as in John 1:1, 14, Luke 1:2 and many other places. Colossians 3:16 (WEB) Let the word (G3056 logos) of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to the Lord. Our address is 1025 W Kenosha St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Therefore, if our purpose in reading the Scriptures is solely for knowledge, it is indeed pitiful. Over 40 years later, millions of newer, brighter, energy-efficient LED lights adorn the 110-acre campus. "[4], Dr. Shirley Christian also holds that "The Prophetic Word will bring healing, miracles, deliverance and wholeness. [1] In such a case if a believer claims they have a personal prophecy to deliver to another saying "'God showed me you are going to be healed,' or 'Thus saith the Lord I have healed you and you shall live and not die. We want to bless our community and point visitors to Jesus Christthe Light of the Worldand the real meaning of Christmas. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The glittery lights will begin shining at 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 (Thanksgiving Eve) and continue through January 1, from 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. (rain, snow, or shine). As you continue to praise and worship God your heavenly language will start to come. (Matthew 4:4, HBFV). Examples are found in Luke 1:38; 3:2; 5:5; and Acts 11:16. Fact, however is not faith. We are not saying that the written Word of God is of no use, but that logosthe Word of God recorded in the Bibleis of no use to us by itself. Charismatic and non-charismatic Christians have different views regarding rhema and how it should be understood. WebRhema Energy Company Limited (RECL) is a trader and bulk distributor of petroleum products. [2] In philosophy, it was used by both Plato and Aristotle to refer to propositions or sentences. "[7] The believer is to read the prayer repeatedly until a few lines hold their attention, and then slowly and quietly repeat those lines with closed eyes until "this scripture will root in you and other words will begin to rise from your heart and interact with the scripture. WebRHEMA Store Home page The NEW limited edition Kenneth E. Hagin Legacy Bible Available Now! Rhema literally means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically). One cannot add to a contract or 'covenant' without changing it". The Rhema campus is located on 71st (Kenosha) between 145th (Aspen) and 161st (Elm) in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. While both rhema and logos are translated into the English word, in the original Greek there was a substantial distinction. [1] It is a word that signifies the action of utterance. God is using His rhema to do His work, and He desires to speak to us. The Logos is like a well of water, and the rhema is a bucket of water from that well. In some Christian groups (such as Daybreak Resources) rhema is defined as "God's Word Spoken to You". John 1:1-3 (NKJV) 1 In the beginning was the Word (G3056 logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. But He (Jesus) answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (Rhema) that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" [2] The meaning of rhema in distinction to logos is illustrated in Ephesians 6:17, where the reference is not to the Scriptures as a whole, but to that portion which the believer wields as a sword in the time of need."[3]. WebHome of Rhema Ministries | Kenneth Hagin Ministries About us Media Rhema.tv Video-on-Demand Podcast Special Offers Wholesale Customers Devotionals Articles Events Ministries Prayer and Healing Center Church Locator Bible School - Home About Us At a Glance Instructors RBTC News Admissions Apply Online Enrollment Dates Tuition and Actuallyit was not the rhema of the Lord which failed, but rather the people who heard it failed to understand, interpret, believe, obey, respond, wait upon, or act upon it according to God's will and way. WebWe at Rhema Scientific Inc., support a mission to improve the health of communities, safety & joy of the workforce, growth of businesses and bring value to our consumers, our manufacturers & our partners for the betterment of our communities. Rain, snow, ice or sunny the lights will be on. Whenever someone who is working for the Lord stand up to speak for Him, he must expect the rhema. It is not your natural language, but the language of the Holy Spirit so it will sound different to how you normally speak. I know that my governmental authorities have told me to remain inside, but the Bible doesnt have any verses on Thou shalt not break your two-week quarantine from the COVID-19 virus.. Sunday 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. "Hour of Power" Wednesday 7 p.m. You are only a visitor once at Rhema Bible Church! General biblical truth does not guarantee specific application and appropriation of that truth. "[6], The Encyclopedia also notes that Memra "becomes more and more a personified agency" in the biblical apocrypha and rabbinic literature, and in the Targum it "figures constantly as the manifestation of the divine power, or as God's messenger in place of God Himself, wherever the predicate is not in conformity with the dignity or the spirituality of the Deity. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. In the modern church, some charismatic denominations of Christianity emphasize the importance of rhema when referring to the Holy Spirit speaking to them now, at a present moment. During the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis, we are continuing appointments through the help of telemedicine. According to this article in Charisma Magazine, the rhema word can happen when youre reading a particular passage of Scripture, perhaps one you have seen many times before, and you see it in a new light and see how it applies to your life personally. [4] Donations are accepted. We cannot take shortcuts to receive faith and grow it. "[1], Pentecostal minister and author Jack W. Hayford shares similar sentiments saying, "Jesus is the living Logos (John 1:1), the Bible is the written logos (Heb. WebMedia - Rhema USA. [5] Citing Isaiah 50:4 she holds that prophets today can have "the Spirit of Counsel" come upon them and they can speak "a Word of deliverance prophetically for someone", which results in "inner healing begins to manifest in the person. Streaming Online Services and FREE Seminars, We would love to pray for you! WebMedia - Rhema USA. When the Holy Spirit activates that portion of the logos in our heart, it becomes active, mighty, powerful rhema which the Holy Spirit ignites with explosive force as it comes out of our own mouth. 4:2). "[10] They also held that this placed too much emphasis on the actions and conditions of humans, robbing YHWH of His sovereignty. Healthcare. "[4], In this Nee maintains "All doctrine, teaching, theology, and knowledge are of little use if they just flow from one person to another. You are only a visitor once at Rhema Bible Church! The following passages of Scripture give examples of the logos of God: The second primary Greek word that describes Scripture is rhema, which refers to a word that is spoken and means an utterance. A rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. It is true that the word spoken by God in the past and the word He speaks today carry the same authority; they have never changed. We work with the best equipment, and we stay up to date with the latest research, procedure, and technology in the assessment and the rhema spoken from our mouth has to come from our heart as a rhema in order to be effective: 'The rhema is nigh thee even in your heart and mouth, that is the rhema of faith' (Rom. Ive read in Word For You Today has been so relevant to me in that point of my life. it should be holy and blameless. WebA rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. Admission is free. Matthew 7:24 (WEB) Everyone therefore who hears these words (G3056 logos) of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. [10], They concluded that this was teaching "that God was like a Magic Eight Ball in the Sky" where "we can pull down at will and on demand 'prophecies' that are 'false' but also 'true' at the same time. WebAt Rhema Healthcare Services, our providers specialize in treating acute and chronic non-healing wounds. And as always, the vibrant Rhema Park bridge acts as a remarkable centerpiece for the entire display. This website is not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. "[4] Nee holds believers "are Christ's own Body. "[4] Nee says "The 'word' in this verse was something spoken by the Lord for that occasion. "[4], Nee holds that "knowledge of the Scriptures and understanding of the doctrine" are not spirituality, "Bible knowledge can never be a substitute for spirituality. WebA rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. According to the article, two steps to receive the rhema word from God, from God speaking directly to you through his word, is by admitting your sins, known and unknown, and committing fully to him. WebHome of Rhema Ministries | Kenneth Hagin Ministries About us Media Rhema.tv Video-on-Demand Podcast Special Offers Wholesale Customers Devotionals Articles Events Ministries Prayer and Healing Center Church Locator Bible School - Home About Us At a Glance Instructors RBTC News Admissions Apply Online Enrollment Dates Tuition and Kenneth E. Hagin along with fresh manna from the Word of God. "[1] Citing Hebrews 4:2 Hamon states "The Bible gives the factual knowledge of God, His Word, Will and Way, His plan and purpose for mankind. Every word of God is inspired, and all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (II Timothy 3:16). They were also troubled by the light consequences for prophesying falsely (which is worthy of death according to Deuteronomy 13:1-10). Not only the opportunity of revival in the local church but with all the saints worldwide awakening. [3] In Christianity, it is used in reference to the concept of Rhemata Christou, Jesus Christ's sayings. "[5], She cites the Jewish Encyclopedia on the matter, and it states that Memra, "commonly denotes the speech addressed to patriarch or prophet" but "frequently it denotes also the creative word". OUR DIVISIONS. All the rhema of God is based upon logos. Thats the rhema word. Examples are found in Luke 1:38; 3:2; 5:5; and Acts 11:16. Rhema ( in Greek) literally means an "utterance" or "thing said" in Greek. Our providers are always on standby to attend to your needs by providing fast, reliable and efficient services. We must pray, 'Lord, please give the rhema that I might know how to deal with this situation.' In that day, when the Church is so glorious, she will become the Bride of Christ. Site Map, Copyright 2019 - 2023 All rights reserved, www.renner.org/article/be-sure-to-go-to-sword-practice. WebWe at Rhema Scientific Inc., support a mission to improve the health of communities, safety & joy of the workforce, growth of businesses and bring value to our consumers, our manufacturers & our partners for the betterment of our communities. Rhema is the word which the Lord has spoken, and now He speaks it again. Kenneth W. and Lynette Hagin as they share classic messages from Rev. We want to bless our community and point visitors to Jesus Christthe Light of the Worldand the real meaning of Christmas. +234 8051 4303 95, +234 8035 1967 07 Ministrations Outreach You can contact us for Evangelical outreaches and Healing ministrations Monthly Booklet Is memorizing Gods Word worth more than $100,000? In the King James Bible, the Greek word Rhema is many times translated as "word(s)" (Matthew 4:4, 18:16, Mark 14:72, etc.). 2:13). Call: 1-888-283-2484 OR order online. Does it directly impact the life of a Christian? [6] This leads to a reading where "'The Word,' heard and announced by the prophet, often became, in the conception of the seer, an efficacious power apart from God, as was the angel or messenger of God: 'The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel'[Isaiah 9:8]; 'He sent his word, and healed them' (Psalm 107:20); and compare 'his word runneth very swiftly' (Psalm 147:15). List of terms inDictionary of Biblical Words. Rhema's Christmas lights display was designed to provide a safe, peaceful, and fun atmosphere in which people can enjoy the Christmas season. WebPro Hawaii live sound reinforcement & audio services. As a custom manufacturer of tablets, capsules, flavoured powder drink mixes including effervescents, we offer a first-rate quality experience and an innovative approach to your challenges. [10] At the same time another aspect of the doctrine is that there always remains the possibility that the person held to be speaking a rhema to that believer may be presumptuous and confusing doctrine with rhema. Rhema, on the other hand, is God communicating personally to us, through the Spirits voice in our hearts. [4] WebRhema (doctrine) While both rhema and logos are translated into the English word, in the original Greek there was a substantial distinction. Amen. But he would come up to a grassy knoll on the family farmright about where Rhema Bible Church stands todayto read his Bible and pray. The use of the term rhema has special significance in some Christian groups, especially those advocating the Five-Fold Ministry that God gave of five gifts (Ephesians 4:11) or callings to some people. This is something living. God speaks to me so much through the music. His parents didn't like it, so they wouldn't let him go back to the tent meeting. For the Christian radio station, see, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rhema&oldid=1130202889, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 02:46. But he would come up to a grassy knoll on the family farmright about where Rhema Bible Church stands todayto read his Bible and pray. The rhema reveals something to us personally and directly; it shows us what we need to deal with and what we need to be cleansed from. Learn More, Let's continue to pray these scriptures for our nation so we may live in peace and under God's guidance. FAQs What days and times are the lights on? The Holy Spirit can cause certain passages to stand out with significant meaning or application for our lives. Logos under this viewpointis the communication process. [1] It is a word that signifies the action of utterance. Rhema is usually seen as the specific and active word in your heart and what you are believing for. She takes special note of the use of memra in the Targum, "where it is used when speaking of God's expression of Himself. Our service delivery is focused on the distribution of petroleum products including premix, gasoline, and crude oil. In essence, through people, or through prayer, people can hear God speaking to their particular circumstance or situation, whereas the logos, Scripture, and Christ himself, speak to us in a more universal sense. Registration is free and open to everyone! This makes God out to be a lying trickster who doesnt love us enough to tell us what He expects us to do. To learn more or preregister, visit rhema.org/wbs or call 1-866-312-0972. In Plato's usage, a logos (often translatable as a sentence) is a sequence in which verbs are mingled with nouns and every logos must have an onoma and rhema. Can we say that man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God recorded in the Bible? But rather, will present the two views of the Rhema word and discuss why either viewpoint matters to us as Christians today. Both the application of what is written in the bible and the witnessing of the Holy Spirit revealing the applied word(/s) to our spirit (heart) are vital.