DU-containing ammunition was first used in the 1991 Gulf War and has again been used in Serbia, in Kosovo, and in the 2003 Gulf war. He does not need to worry about any political opposition, the prime minister I mean, not even from a Labour party whose leader appears to go along with government's policy in this area as if he was worrying about not damaging the image of his party in the eyes of the so-called traditional Labour voters and so avoiding the potentially catastrophic results for his party --an his leadership-- at the next general election whenever that maybe. > Posted by: Mike B | 28 April 2021 at 11:07 AM: Prof Susan Michie, the director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, and another member of Sage's behavioural science subcommittee, tweeted: "Allowing community. One Twitter user remarked: So much for the BBCs impartiality. > "That sees over 100,000,000 deaths per year?!?!" I believe that says all that is needed in respect of the seriousness of the situation in India. Welcome to the new Dark Ages. -"It is at this point that I recall another very interesting, thought-provoking article by Peter Hitchens last August on Claire Fox who was nominated for a peerage by Mr. Johnson despite Ms. Fox's past opposition to the very existence of the House of Lords and having been a member of a strange cultish group called the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). I know that it sounds like a clich but it really shows how decisive it is to think hard before we drop that piece of paper into the ballot box. The Brexit the ugly Barbican and the Covid 19 helped the choice to go to Mnchen sure. Which is why their actions are filled with hypocrisy, contradiction an injustice. In 1989, she joined the Royal Free School of Medicines Health Psychology Unit as a senior research fellow in clinical health psychology. On the "Why is There No Balance" thread in April 2016: You wont find any of us who think it is morally wrong to nudge people in the Nudge Unit. This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's But hang on a cotton picking minute. Still seeing the news today ,handpicked as is always the case ,one must remember before putting ones hand in their pockets . The social justice ideological position held among Michie and her colleagues that greater social equality is desirable is not a scientific view but a political view and it is in fact essential that proper representation of voices in favour of the common desire for freedom of choice appears on such committees where mixed scientific and ideological advice is given. PETER HITCHENS: This green revolution will turn Britain into a Third World country | 02 May 2021 at 01:02 PM. Jeremy Bonington-Jagworth | Sally | It would be good if we had a conservative PM who would drive out such ideologs from advisory committees and quangos. The problem with Prof. Michie is that she is a communist, so shes a fascist, but we are failing to treat her as one. The interview took place before it was announced all remaining Covid restrictions would be scrapped in England including the legal requirement for those who test positive for the virus to self isolate. Registered in England & Wales | 01676637 |. These ideologues are relentless. Then Indias might be no worse than any other. SAGE advisor Susan Michie: Will we wear facemasks forever? They probably live in the same neighbourhood, and send their kids to the same schools? He added: It appears these dangerous choices are purely political and are being made up on the hoof, it is another symptom of a Government in turmoil. Susan Michie certainly doesnt think so, as she told me in her. Because they wanted it done, regardless. "RT @MaajidNawaz: A 40-year member of the Communist Party of Britain - Susan Michie - has just been appointed Chair of WHO's Technical Advis" 29 April 2021 at 03:22 PM. Posted by: Professor Susan Michie, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, will chair the WHO's Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for. The hubris of these people had to be read to be believed. I have pointed out before that in the UK private medicine is not chosen by disappointed and frustrated patients because it is better but because it is quicker. Banning private systems is unfair but but fairly regulating their profitability is the real nut we have to crack. On Twitter, several listeners objected to the interruptions. Communist British scientist dubbed Stalins nanny who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is given top job at World Health Organization, read the Daily Mail headline. He who controls perception can mold any opinion he wants. Their positions are completely hypocritical, and based on self interest, while they themselves sneer at others self interest. Posted by: Most sane people want a more equal society, but not one imposed top down which would be contradictory. Posted by: Posted by: Among its membership are actual communists, Labour Party donors, activists, Corbynistas, "anti-Zionists", Brexit conspiracy theorists and even a former Greek MP. Home Understanding the Wheel About the Authors About the Book. (Referring to India). When Boris or Hancock open their mouths its BIT and SAGE thats actually speaking. I am also sure that in Brazil, like in the rest of the world, the deaths FROM covid-19 are being massively exaggerated as many are almost certainly deaths from other causes where the victim just happened to have a positive covid-19 test. As usual, it sounds like a lot of woke gibberishhow do we make societies fairer and root out inequalities? First, tackle the enormous wealth transfer going on in plain sight then! And has suffered 190,000 COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic! But its voluntary. She developed a psychology service for staff, an organisational consultancy service for managers and taught a variety of professions. Shame on the WHO, shame on Michie. Made up and shortened to save effort and accuracy, whilst pandering to a majority of stupid lazy people. adeledicnander | If she was a member of a far-right political party, promoting an ideology that had caused the deaths of millions of people throughout the 20 century, then I am sure that it would be an issue of public debate, and enough to prevent her holding publicly funded positions. [9], Her current research includes developing methodologies for designing and evaluating theory-based interventions to change behaviour, and advancing scientific knowledge about, and applications of, behaviour change interventions. She told The National afterwards she had been on many programmes on BBC Scotland over the past two years and she was always been treated with courtesy and asked intelligent questions. Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. In less credulous times the WHOs attrocious record throughout the Wuhan flu fiasco would have led to a serious reassessment of its function if not the end of the organisation altogether and Sunstein and Thalers book would have been dismissed for what it is another dangerous take on the work of BF Skinner. From the economy to culture. Instead, the interviewers genuflect in front of one of their own. The DUP thought Brexit was a chance to get a hard border back, but now they cling to the vestiges of their old dominance, says Irish writer and journalist Susan McKay Ive always quipped that if there was no emergency, the SAGE cabals income will SAG. Teaching Summary. Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955)[1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change[2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group,[3] all at University College London. Posted by: WHO appoints Communist Party member who said face masks should continue forever as chair of advisory board,, But is it fair to make a scientists private politics part of the story? I suppose that Mr. Johnson concluded earlier on that his She is indeed a stalinist, though not saying this lightly- she also shows some very glaring sociopathic traits(as noted in the DSM-V written by fellow psychologists) and brandishes them with sadistic glee, and this is something that isnt simply any average commie will exhibit. Professor Susan Michie, an adviser to the UK Governmenton pandemic behavioural science, was questioned by BBC Scotlands Kaye Adams on Monday morning. We welcome applications to contribute to UnHerd please fill out the form below including examples of your previously published work. The broadcast news media are some of the biggest offenders. They believe in democracy if and when it suits them. During the Covid PsyOps (SPI-B) I took the time to read the minutes of SAGE meetings that were released. Steve balmforth | If you havent read it, it may interest you to know that Robert Peston writes this weeks Diary page. She leads the Human Behaviour-Change Project funded by the Wellcome Trust. "Their' lifestyles will continue unaffected and in fact enhanced by the policies they pursue, even if it will likely mean that future generations of their own sort may not see it last. In 2022, she was appointed Chair of the World Health Organisations (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health. All guests are offered the opportunity to have their say.. Did any other CH protest about it? She is always so good at finding positivity in everything! Perhaps we should be given some options on defunding the WHO? [28] In March 2018, she spoke at a public meeting saying that communists should be "working full tilt" for the election of Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. altogether and Sunstein and Thalers book would have been dismissed for what it is another dangerous take on the work of BF Skinner, WHOs Susan Michie: my politics are my business, https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors. So it is awaiting moderation even after putting asterisk in. And Prof Susan Michie, a SPI-B advisor who wants social distancing to last "forever," insists that opening up society is like building terrifying new "variant factories." Dangerous experiment.. . And I think that the kind of articles you referred to are a really disturbing kind of McCarthyite witch hunting, which I dont think should have any place in a liberal tolerant society. I'm delighted that Susan's expertise will continue to drive forward the use of behavioural and social sciences to improve public health across the world." Related. 29 April 2021 at 03:28 AM, Sally "According to the article she inherited her wealth in the form of a family painting which she sold off. If the true amount of COVID deaths were an honest representation ,and each countries totals were a percentage against per million . And, aptly enough, Buddhism is often described as a psychology and its polemics often rely on the redefinition of language and of reality (see the Milinda Panha). The Bolsheviks got rid of the factory managers and replaced them with workers councils. Watt Soever | You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. When Professor Susan Michies appointment as the new Chair of the World Health Organisations Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights was announced on Monday, almost every news report mentioned that she is a longstanding member of the British Communist Party. This is a practical guide to designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions and policies. Of course I meant "4,000,000" or "4 million". Michie S, Rubin GJ & Amlt R. Behavioural science must be at the heart of the public health response to covid-19. My latest appearance on Mike Graham's programme - we discuss the hopeless hunt for the Drug Cartels' Mr Big . Thats exactly why the nudge theory should never have been unleashed onto the public sector, and the pandoras box that shouldve been left untouched! Also remember that another thing McCarthy was notorious for was villainizing and persecuting people who dont agree with his ways of running the show. The joke is on anyone who imagines that a world controlled by all powerful elites is anything approaching egalitarian. Tim Davie, the director-general, was challenged on the issue this week in relation to the Sage advisers who regularly appear as BBC guests. It is based on the Behaviour Change Wheel, a synthesis of 19 behaviour change frameworks that draw on a wide range of . I believed this when I was at the bottom of the heap, and I believe it now that I have lifted myself up by millimetre. BBC and universities are full of them. This is quite simply wrong. It is at this point that I recall another very interesting, thought-provoking article by Peter Hitchens last August on Claire Fox who was nominated for a peerage by Mr. Johnson despite Ms. Fox's past opposition to the very existence of the House of Lords and having been a member of a strange cultish group called the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). I know that it sounds like a clich but it really shows how decisive it is to think hard before we drop that piece of paper into the ballot box. Possibly quite rightly, given fascisms track record of human misery. She married psychologist Robert West,[25] Emeritus Professor at University College London,[26] in 2009. To be a communist IS to be a fascist. Charitable status of private schools is subtly regulated by requiring the schools to provide free means-tested places which is the sort of regulation I mean. A row has broken out over a question Richard Madeley asked Professor Susan Michie on Good Morning Britain.After she'd questioned the wisdom of lifting the mask mandate on July 19th, he asked her whether her judgment might be influenced by her membership of the Communist Party, given the top-down, big state authoritarianism of Communist regimes, or whether her views were purely based on . Inequality is the essence of life. The conductor received compensation from West Midlands Trains. I am not sure it would help. Johnson has been criticised by many public health experts for moving too quickly and for failing to publish the advice the Government has received from its public health experts. In the week before the Indian covid pandemic became the main news story, The World at One on Radio 4 20th April (from 18 min in) reported that 900 a day were flying into the UK from India, and on one flight to Hong Kong 49 passengers had tested positive. Posted by: SAGE is just an extension of the BIT (behavioural insights team) as below. "Americans - especially those on the Left - were anxious too: 'When a million or more people hear the same argument and appeals, the same music, when their attention is held in the same way and at the same time, to the same stimuli, it is psychologically inevitable that they should acquire in some degree common interests, common tastes and common attitudes. I am inclined to doubt it. Also I doubt flights incoming from India to England have reduced one iota . I guess you could say he's taking the Michie. Its about subliminally putting over a scare message, without appearing so to do. It s sad for the LSO. Susan Michie is Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London and a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavioural Science (SPI-B): 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) [13][14], Michie has served as president of the European Health Psychology Society and chair of the British Psychological Societys Division of Health Psychology. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. Michie was married from 1981 to 1997 to the trade union official Andrew Murray and has three children. Prof David Hendy, 27/30 'Radio Everywhere', Radio 4, 23 April 2013 [in part]: "The dream of the Nazi radio programmers was to create a kind of volkesgemeinschaft, a social unity that amounted in effect to a single way of thinking among the German people. He claim that her politics do not affect her scientific judgement is a nonsense, since much of what she is seeking to nudge is not scientific. lead advisory group. It is not in financial interest of consultants to eliminate or even reduce NHS queues. Its all about being economical with truth or fair balance. I feel this to be most profound. Apparently, a great number of working class Labour electors voted conservative. The UK deaths per million of population is currently 1870 people. Henry L'Eplattenier | "Were audiences really starting to succumb to a kind of mass delusion or hypnosis through the radio? However what worries me in the medical sector is that we are told that there is a shortage of surgeons etc, leading to months of delays to treatment to which we are all apparently entitled. Professor Susan Michie has told LBC it is wrong to say schools are "safe" as millions of pupils face staying at home from January 4. I just dont see this. The fact that we give people who believe in this evil, such as Michie, positions of authority is quite extraordinary. She was asked about the Prime Minister's plans to end the legal requirement to self isolate in England amid reports Covid tests would no longer be free other than for the elderly and vulnerable. On Mastodon @SusanMichie@fediscience.org Views: own. Professor Michie's co-panellist, a fellow scientist at UCL, Dr Shikta Das, said: "I think Susan has made a very good point here," adding that the vaccine roll-out has created a "false sense of security". Due to their high kinetic energy and the pyrophoric properties of U, DU ammunitions are used solely for the purpose of armor-piercing and have little use against other targets (Bleise et al., 2003). Michie S, West R & Amlt R. Behavioural strategies for reducing COVID-19 transmission in the general population. Later in the same interview, Professor Michie admitted that all of her colleagues on SPI-B, the UK government behavioural science committee, shared an ideological commitment to a more equal society: we never talk about each others politics. The Metropolitan liberal elite Lords it over us in every aspect of our lives. Thats effectively what she is saying. But you seem to implying that their are somehow special classes of businesses which should have more punitive tax treatment than others. : contact the editor here. Far eastern communism I think has other local religious and cultural origins mixed in. I didnt mean to define different classes of business, but rather to highlight the tax-like nature of those examples when wealthier people not only pay the bulk of the nations tax bill but then do not take up some of the services funded by their tax contributions. Why do we not outlaw communism? 2:42 A veteran Communist Party of Britain member has been appointed chair of a World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) Only when government announced eat out to help out scheme more covidiots came out. Ian Blackford, the SNPs Westminster leader,told the Prime Minister on Monday the decisions were bereft of science or consultation. Surely few million Kulaks? Martin they have figured us out, we live in the tyranny of kindness. beatpoet | Why do we stir up trouble in foreign countries when we can't even run our own? The only equality of outcome available to humans is death. Although not an interest unknown to previous governments. 28 April 2021 at 07:30 PM. You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. But she added: Today, I was surprised to be interrupted on several occasions after having waited 25 minutes before being brought into the conversation. She was asked about the Prime Ministers plans to end the legal requirement to self isolate in England amid reports Covid tests would no longer be free other than for the elderly and vulnerable. Brexit, crony contracts, Russian interference, the Coronavirus pandemic, democracy in danger, and the crisis in British journalism. Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson for starters, and of course the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and the list goes on! Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie is the granddaughter of Henry McLaren, the 2nd Baron Aberconway, an Eton-educated Edwardian industrialist and Liberal MP. Michie brings me many traumatic flashbacks too(even though her terror dissipated somewhat since I moved to the UK), especially as a survivor of prolonged psychological abuse who has smelt something amiss since the beginning of this live COVID blockbuster. Clearly there has been an increase of these kind of scientists in policiy making. Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist who sits on the all-important Sage committee, made headlines last week by appearing to suggest that social distancing and wearing facemasks should remain in place "forever". [9], Michie worked as a clinical psychologist with children and families at the Royal Free Hospital, London. I tried to comment but forgot that typing N**i is not allowed by this forum algorithm but typing Communism is fine. Its SAGE behavioural scientists at work. That would mean, given Indian's population of 1.3 billion, that 1 in 13 of them die annually. Susan Michie's research focuses on behaviour change in relation to health and the environment: how to understand it theoretically and apply theory to intervention development and evaluation, and to evidence synthesis and translation. It starts to feel distinctly like fundamental questions of how a society should be organised are being taken out of the political sphere where they can be debated and ultimately rejected at the ballot box and hard-wired into new scientific disciplines that are then treated as unquestionable expertise. All of this is nothing to do with Boris or Hancock. The fact so many of them defend this SAGE Phycologist , and attack PH for what they claim as bullying just confirms that they dont like it when their own hypocrisies are exposed. I assume theres a very broad range, but everybodys unanimous about wanting a more equal society., She also explained that the new science of Public Health is collectivist by nature, seeking to provide group-wide solutions to health challenges, and so it fundamentally downplays individual rights. If she is simply an communist psychologist that has latched on to Sunsteins work to see a way to promulgate her ideological preferences she certainly should not be on any WHO committee. But like them, I too am not bound by a rigid belief which makes it easier to see what is happenijg the difference is that I am following infornation to arrive at a position of truth, as opposed to deliberately distorting infornation to conceal it. India has a space program. As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. And there will be a new concert hall in town there. With the exception of Mark Woolhouse, but he didnt the b***s to speak up until Omicron came along. They believe in masks for you but are not able to remember to put one on when they visit a shop. Susan Michie is a c linical and health psychologist and a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Social Sciences, the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, the Society of Behavioral Medicine, the European Health Psychology Society, the British Psychological Society and a Distinguished International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association. ". As for her crying out that masks should be forever, I would simply say that this illustrates that she is incapable of actually looking at the real evidence, that is that upteem randomized controlled trials conducted since the 1920s to the present day have failed to show any benefit whatsoever of community masking in the context of respiratory virus infections. Its the same rubbish journalism that spawned corrie or strictly. The concept of equality ( 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2 etc.) Prof Michie said it was not the right time to be lifting restrictions and said the UK Government moving from legal restrictions to guidelines was sending a strong message to the public to be less cautious about Covid. 379k members in the ukpolitics community. "British intellectuals worried that radio would create a uniform middlebrow British mentality. Comments have been closed on this article. Well said Sally except that's just the point. 28 April 2021 at 02:09 PM, "That sees over 100,000,000 deaths per year?!?!" That equates to about 45,000 excess deaths, based on a yearly death toll of about 650,000. In this, he states that on 12 March 2020, following a briefing (he does not name who briefed him, but states the briefing was witnessed), he wrote a blog which claimed the government was pursuing a strategy of herd immunity in relation to COVID, and that this was the prevailing view of the Prime Minister, his ministers and scientific advisers. But what IS wrong with Johnson and Hancock is that they keep on letting SAGE do this and get away with it. DU is used in armour plates in heavy tanks and in armour-piercing ammunition. Remember how she shared around SAGE a smear letter denigrating Profs. Michie S, Rubin GJ & amp ; Amlt R. behavioural strategies for reducing covid-19 in... West, [ 25 ] Emeritus professor at University College London, [ 26 ] 2009. The heart of the factory managers and taught a variety of professions interviewers genuflect in front one. Service for staff, an organisational consultancy service for managers and replaced with... 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