. The reaction from your antivaxers pals, including on these recent threads? It would be hard to shut them down probably, free speech and all. What the hell makes RFK think he somehow knows more than the combined brain power of so many highly-trained medical professionals? All measles cases in that outbreak were caused by wild-type measles. Also, tootles, the word you were looking for is tootles, with a T. (Antivaxxers cant seem to get anything right these days.) If the blue line is at or near the bottom of the chart Tuilaepa is in a low point in his physical cycle. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi Want to write? He got it swimming in Silver Lake, but the 4 brothers swimming with him were fine. Of course, if I ask the good doctor to show me where Ive tried to be a pediatrician or know about pediatrics he wont be able to. When the purple line is near the top, his powers of intuition are at their strongest. To safeguard public health during the current infection in and in the future, it is critical that the Samoan Health Ministry determine, scientifically, if the outbreak was caused by inadequate vaccine coverage or alternatively, by a defective vaccine. It doesnt magically become more safe and effective only during an outbreak. That same article you selectively quote points out:: Measles is probably the most contagious human disease we know: One person can contaminate 18 others, compared to just two in the case of the flu. And if they are successful at stopping a threat, well, since the harm from this threat failed to happen, people will just conclude that it was not a real threat, the CDC was just crying wolf. You are a goddamn idiot if you think that. But his letter to the Samoan Prime Minister is clear and scientifically sound. . RFK. Like the deluded narcissistic fool that you are, you think that your own personal opinion about the vaccine schedule trumps the opinions of the worlds immunologists and vaccinologists who have based their conclusions on multiple decades of peer-reviewed research to which they have dedicated their lives. Since 1998, he has led the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP). Wait a minute.. Well, until people started gathering in big cities all together, with sanitation which, while good, was not up to todays standard. Richest People in Samoa: Here are the Top 10 in 2020. Of course not! During periods when the aqua line is near the bottom of the chart Malielegaoi is not particularly in sync with the spiritual side of life. Susuga Tuila'epa Lupesoliai Neioti Aiono Sa'ilele Malielegaoi (born 14 April 1945) is a Samoan politician and economist who served as the sixth prime minister of Samoa from 1998 to 2021. Tuilaepa is Samoa's longest serving prime minister and is currently the Leader of the Opposition. 23.2 British voters are heavily fragmented and no party is on course to win more than a quarter of the votes if the country participates in the May 23 EU election, according to a new YouGov poll the first since an EU leaders' summit agreed to extend the Brexit deadline. Keep up the good work. An earlier review of the literature found that, yes, antibody level does tend to start out lower and wane to lower than needed for protection against measles in the children of vaccinated mothers compared to children of mothers with natural immunity, although not all studies showed a difference. Antivaxers cause real harm. The CDC offered the vaccine for free, but you Americans cannot give freebies to brown people. I like a good belly laugh. . }); Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse. Other articles where Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is discussed: Samoa: Independence: office outside the building, but Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, prime minister since 1998, announced that he planned to continue as caretaker until the dispute was resolved. Damn, Dr. Jay; you are obviously WAY ahead of your time! If everyone around an infant is vaccinated, creating a cocoon then combined with the weaker, less duration antibodies from mothers still protects them. Laurel Hubbard Net Worth. Everyone should have their brain swell. Choir, this outbreak will sort itself out and tomorrow and we will hear next to nothing about it. The authors suggested that the inelasticity of these proteins prevents the sequence variation required to escape antibody neutralization in the host, allowing for long-lived immunity after infection with the virus.. Instead, he evidently thinks we should wait for measles outbreaks in order to give the MMR (instead of preventing them through high vaccine uptake), and continues to claim that CDC/AAP recommendations to vaccinate for measles at 12-15 months of age pose an unacceptable danger to children (Jay wants parents to delay until later, which apparently means not until their kids are at least three years old).*. If strain A is the most dangerous and widespread, then blocking it was the priority, the other strains can wait. You know, primary prevention? 1993 . In his letter to Prime Minister Malielegaoi, he despicably weaponized that very bullshit in order to try to convince the leader of a country in which measles has already killed over five dozen people and sickened thousands more that the MMR vaccine both caused and has exacerbated the epidemic. Vaccines do not stop the spread of infections. I said that. for those who live in cloud cuckoo land, I suppose we are. I AM old enough to remember Measles, Mumps and Rubella. A question from a 70 year old. The draw into the cultural controversy because its not a scientific one is too much for him. Labour leads with 24 percent of votes, with the Conservatives in . You are seriously misinformed and you are spreading this misinformation. Outside of her work in the entertainment industry, Lopez advocates for human rights and vaccinations, and is a supporter of Children's Hospital Los Angeles. It seems there has been a stepped-up response by the Samoan government. Do you have shares in a company manufacturing iron lungs? Photo: supplied / Forum Secretariat In his weekly radio programme, Tuilaepa denied owning eight homes in the United States. Most of those infected show no symptoms. Tuilaepa is Samoa's longest serving prime minister and is currently the Leader of the Opposition. Since 1998, he has led the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP). . Its not the viruses who shift, they dont magically become another strain, its the prevalence of these strains which shift. For better levels of antibodies, they would have to get measles the natural way. As a result of that, a significant number of women would have died in the process while a significant number more would develop SSPE. The reasoning seemed to be that it didnt qualify because not enough people were dying. Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi has received more than 270,725 page views. . Meanwhile, quacks are echoing the antivaccine talking points that RFK, Jr. laid down. But misinformation from vaccine opponents has spread around the world in recent years, including in supposedly civilized America, The outbreak and death toll ought to chasten celebrities and others in the U.S. who have spread fears about vaccinesEspecially in the age of social media and lack of social trust, bad information can drive out good. . Samoa's Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has opened up about the latest accusations levelled against him by social media blogger O Le Palemia. Even the magical potion delivered with a jab has its limitations especially when the receiver is already unhealthy/sick. That is literally the best quality a doctor could offer. Kennedy is not at all clueless. Who wants to name her? Laurel Hubbard may be a New Zealand weightlifter who has an estimated Net Worth of $1 Million - $5 Million in 2021. . How many kids 340.8 LOL, like Im making myself out to be a pediatrician? He is an expert in world trade and has been in the Samoan parliament since 1980. Other articles where Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is discussed: Samoa: Independence: office outside the building, but Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, prime minister since 1998, announced Health departments in outbreak areas also may recommend a second dose of MMR at least 28 days after the first for children ages 1 through 4 years who are living in or visiting the area. ,Sitemap,Sitemap, barney martin wife Good God look at all the people getting trampled on and dying!! Shame on you. Thats why the CDC recommends: In outbreak settings with community-wide transmission in which infants are affected, health departments may recommend vaccinating 6- to 11-month-olds, but it would not count toward the two-dose series. You can watch the video of his agony if you like. i love you more fights comebacks, Copyright 2007. . Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi is a male celebrity. And you brought it here not because I showed you wrong and you were frustrated. Oh, I was expecting another antivax loon. Interesting read but he didnt blame the government. They Cause them. I read your Fetal as Fecal (even though Im a Brit and spell it with the dipthong; Faecal), @ Dorit The vaccine business is very profitable. You know and I know that. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-10-evidence-immune-response-brain-cells.html, Perseverate much? Intellij Local Changes Tab Not Showing, Federal epidemiological investigations found that at least 1/3 of Californian cases were vaccine strain. Again, take your pick. Basically, evolution of resistance to vaccination is very uncommon, far less common than evolution of resistance to drugs, so much so that its even been proposed that vaccination is the answer to the development of antimicrobial resistance. You advocate for more government control over personal medical decisions. So if I want to vaccinate my kids I have to use a product I sorta trust. The Group was in part a response to the Melanesian Spearhead Group. Boost your immune system with herbs and superfoods? I was surprised GSK ranked 8 worldwide as far as profit but it is in the top 10, not bad! Quick rush for the Exit honey!! Ho Ho! Tuila'epa is Samoa's longest serving prime minister and is currently the Leader of the Opposition. This guy clearly stated that the physicians vaccinating people are murderers. Well, except for the fact that that would leave children unprotected from the age of ca. Since 1998, he has led the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP). If he ever slips up and tells the truth, his boss will immediately recall him to Hell, no excuses accepted. This means that those children contracted measles from vaccination or from someone who received the vaccine. Captain Regent Maurizio Rattini The decision to allow her to compete was subsequently criticized by the Samoa 2019 chairman, Loau Solamalemalo Keneti Sio, and Samoa's Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi. First, they seize on tragedies like the deaths of two children due to a vaccine preparation mistake to introduce even more fear, mistrust, and misinformation about vaccines, thus exacerbating a situation. Now, with the recent outbreak [], [] children, mostly unvaccinated, and sickened thousands. . Also, although it might blunt an immune response to vaccine, persistence of maternal antibodies doesnt prevent an immune response. When the purple line is near the bottom of the chart, his intuitive powers are at their lowest. He also did things, Greg, like practicing medicine without a license, sneaking into a hospital to treat the children there, etc. Two new strains of measles that are not included in the current vaccine are now spreading like wildfire among populations worldwide. And the claims babies are safer without mass vaccination programs is unfounded. I know you can!. After him are Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero, Kim Hwang-sik, Helene Lange, Arsen Avakov, Federico Errzuriz Zaartu, and Konstantin Stoilov. So what is good for uptake metrics is bad for patients & Dr. Jay is trying to do the opposite WITH the benefit of vaccines & you are all are COMPLAINING? Aahh!!! Im starting to think that Greg might be only barely literate. They are a fine living example of the meaning of regression to the mean. 1995 . Anything is fine as long as you can childishly see Brian Deer get smeared. 0 rating. And Oracwe have known each other for 15 years. So, in brief, RFK Jr. laid down a stinky thick layer of bullshit. For one thing, we humans are emotional animals, whatever we may wish to believe. And pools, public baths and, to a lesser extend other places of social gathering facilitated the spread of the polio virus. In the background of low vaccine coverage (particularly as low as it was in Samoa before the outbreak), one case coming in from another country can rapidly become hundreds and then thousands of cases. The green line tracks Tuilaepa's intellectual self over a 33-day cycle, in terms of alertness, analytical functioning, logical analysis skills, memory or recall abilities, and communication. The main opposition Tautua Samoa Party was all but wiped out with only . 1945 . Youre really going to tell us that you know more than people whove spent several lifetimes worth of years studying all aspects of vaccines? Wish you were here in Colorado. . I am reading this, and reflecting on dictators dismissing a coup with such creative language as, an act fulfilling the democratic will of the people. Cognitive dissonance. Prof. Reiss declared the potential COI, meanwhile people like RFK, Jr., Bigtree, Wakefield, Tomey, Sears, et al. Cleanup needed on aisle Gordon. Exactly. . After the elections, the Samoa Democratic United Party (SDUP) was the opposition party but since then has suffered defections and divisions that have reduced it below the eight members required by parliamentary orders to constitute an official . Is Athaic suggesting that adult Samoans did not get vaccinated when they were younger because they saw into the future that there would be a crisis with the vaccine. Aahh!! That must be why people didnt line up around the block for the polio vaccine when it became available. Christine . We protect the lives of the newborns through vaccination of close contacts and >93% of the children. Maternally derived measles immunity in children of naturally infected and vaccinated mothers. Sanitation doesnt prevent them. Im shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!, @Dorit Motivation Dorit. However, the insert doesnt say that and says this instead, Pg 14 There are insufficient data on FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT in pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated risks. Pg 25 Encourage women exposed to FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT during pregnancy to enroll in the pregnancy registry [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1)]. The language is interesting, exposed. . Just look at stats in U.S. But what about antibody levels in babies born to mothers who had natural immunity to measles versus those born to mothers who had been vaccinated against measles? And I didnt tell you to stop reading inserts. I lana saunoaga faapitoa, na saunoa ai le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi, i le taua o le galuega a le 2AP mai le tau amata mai o le malo Samoa seia oo mai i lenei vaitaimi, aua le taulogologoina o atunuu lautele e le gata i fuafuaga a le malo, aemaise o taimi o faalavelave faafuasei faalenatura. The CDC, health authorities, and in their humble way Orac and a few others scientists/physicians have been warning about the return of measles and other infectious diseases for two decades. Many of those who do receive the vaccine dont get both doses to make it work effectively. Tuiloma Pule Alaimoana Unasa Lameko Gaee (6 July 1935 1 April 2018) [1] was a Samoan politician and Cabinet Minister. and they shed. IAA. . Its Jay and his antivaccine colleagues who, by spreading misinformation and fearmongering about immunization have made a subset of parents/patients suspicious about professional recommendations on the subject. Over the last month, anti-vaxxers are KNOWN to have caused 68 deaths and many more serious injuries in Samoa. Joseph Parker's successful career has earned him some luxurious lifestyles and some fancy cars. I do like how RFK Jr. pointed to nearly 60-year-old predictions by scientists, who clearly vastly underestimated the level of herd immunity necessary to keep measles in check in a population and likely didnt envision how easily diseases can now jump borders, thanks to air travel, tourism, and people traveling to visit their families, over 55 years later. Politikai plyafutsa sorn elszr 1981-ben kerlt be a parlamentbe az upolui Lepa vlasztkerletbl. Enele Sopoaga. He was the youngest recipient of an award at the ceremony [167] The Prime Minister also announced the government of Samoa would host a special welcome for Parker, with a half day commission holiday. @BillyJoe Thank you for your reply. If so, where are your ethics on that? .11.2 Let us work together to encourage and convince those that do not believe that vaccinations are the only answer to the epidemic, Tuilaepa said. Lettre Pour Informer Un Client D'un Changement De Situation, Samoa Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi awarded Parker the Order of Merit Award at the 2017 Government's Honours and Awards. Then tell us why poliomyelitis remains in populations where antivaxers have Kalashnikovs and arent afraid to use them, while closely matched populations not currently under threat by terrorists have a much smaller incidence. . [2] Initially educated at a free church school, he later attended Poutasi Primary School. After him are Roland Moreno, Lasse Berghagen, Lloyd Kaufman, Burhan Ghalioun, Jozef Moravk, and Katri Helena. I know thats how they criticise Wikipedia- its not, they say. Look it up. Most of the people who die from the flu were vaccinated. It seems several antivaccine organizations want to write to the Samoa police and complain about arresting Edwin Tamasese for his antivaccine efforts (apparently, aside from discouraging parents from going to the hospital, promoting vitamin A and C protocols, and going to the hospitals directly, he also promotes antivaccine misinformation, as you showed). Heck, people with natural immunity to measles would also be affected by these evading strains. This is a good one: They are using mainly the Priorix MMR from India., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Into_the_Comet, http://nationalacademies.org/hmd/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/PublicHealth/MicrobialThreats/Nowak.pdf, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heasnJY8HMM, https://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/anti-vaccine-education-bullshit-ignorance-finance, https://www.fiercepharma.com/vaccines/glaxosmithkline-tops-its-peers-7-16b-2017-vaccine-sales, https://www.thelundreport.org/content/senator-drops-oregon-vaccine-mandate-bill, https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2019/10/30/brain-inflammation-autism/, When died suddenly comes for a colleague and friend, Resurrecting old tropes about naturopathy, If 2022 was the year of the gaslighter, expect a lot more gaslighting in 2023. Usually, the HRPP easily wins the most seats in Samoa's Parliament, allowing it to select the prime minister. Duhviruses mutate once they hit a host. How likely is it that Gordons comments like Measles outbreaks are caused by inadequate vaccination rates. Deputy: Misa Telefoni Retzlaff Fonotoe Nuafesili Pierre Thats easy to figure out, even if RFK might disagree. Follow the advice given by Chris and see a GP. On 10 September 2020, Mataafa was publicly rebuked by Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi after announcing that she would follow the wishes of her constituency and vote against the controversial Constitution Amendment Bill, Land and Titles Bill, and Judicature Bill. If one believes, as you do, that these illnesses are no big deal. EARLY SIGNS OF DUTCHIFICATION? Just Asking Questions. My siblings had Mumps. The island, which is halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii, was named in the Panama Papers tax . Did you kill today? Rank Name Net Worth Age Source. Getting the flu while pregnant puts you at increased risk of complications of the flu. He was born on Saturday April 14th 1945, in Unknown. My point is there doesnt seem to be as much hysteria and outcry for DRC, Liberia, Madagascar, Somalia, and Ukraine. Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of Samoa, underscored the UN's vital role in Samoa's journey towards becoming an independent nation and underscored that UN membership is grounded on the promise of peace, rule of law, equality, and justice that it offers to all Member States. Noun Form Of Believe. 1935 . Sometimes freedom of speech can be really irritating. ICAN is funded by a wealthy couple, the Selzes, ( see RI, 21 June, this year) who provide about 3/4 of its budget: Gel gets paid and generous travel expenses ( perhaps about 300K USD), Gel is a typo but Ill leave it because it is somehow is fitting. Among politicians born in Samoa, Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi ranks 4. 110.2 ), Hes trying to make the point there are other factors that can worsen epidemics, and we are ignoring those to focus on AVers. . Im trained to recognize the signals in the noise, to tease apart the false associations from the real ones, and to understand the data and what they are telling me. Vaccinated mothers would pass measles immunity to their children, too. I feel confident about my measles immunity since it was conferred by a bad case of measles in pre-vaccine days. In fact, Nowak hasnt worked for the CDC since 2011. The main opposition Tautua Samoa Party was all but wiped out with only . He has also been Leader of the Leader of the Human Rights Protection Party since 1998, and is Samoa's longest serving head of government. Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi's overpowering need is to be independent and to direct his own life according to what he believes. This is disturbing: are they not spreading misinformation and mistrust about serious health issues? The real threat of measles is rooted in the disconnect between what we know about the disease and actual public health practices. Take your vitamins. Steve Wojciechowski Salary, Your situational ethics and lack of insight are just astounding. She disclosed ownership while working with Senator Pan from California to limit the exemptions and finally remove religious/conscientious objections SB 276 or SB277. There maybe a nuance missing since this is a third party report. Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi. In an interview with Samoa Global News, the former Prime Minister said the development committees for the seven districts preparing for by-elections should only be formed [] PRESS SECRETARIAT); The Prime Minister, Afioga Fiame Naomi Mataafa announces key Cabinet decisions during a Press Conference Wednesday 18th August 2021. Dead virus, live virus, attenuated virus and proteins. These high points are times when he should be more willing to trust his hunches. Laurel Hubbard : Family, Net Worth, Parents, Partner Tuilaepa Says Establishment of District Committees Can Women Athletes Have It Tough - Swimwatch | Swimming News ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 8 June 2017, Samoa's ruling party faces new threat - The Guardian, Pacific 2020 | Economic Growth | Governance, PoliticsNow: Urgent search for 'missing link' in Victoria. I know that I could and every day in my office I have to take up that battle: No, vaccines are not poisonousYes, vaccines work. 1965 . Outhouses, no toilet paper, no hot water and no soap. The statement is also inaccurate. By Lagi Keresoma. Sanitation stops disease. Why not add another insult to the immune system?<<