She proclaimed that she was a writer and artist before she was any kind of political advocate. At Columbus Hospital, Warhol was declared clinically dead for two minutes. "[94] Harding believed that Solanas' assassination attempt on Warhol was its own theatrical performance. No! David Blackwell: Quick Biography . While Warhol was on the phone, Solanas fired at him three times. In 1967, Solanas self-published her best-known work, the SCUM Manifesto, a scathing critique of patriarchal culture. Known for. If it now seems irresponsible to laud any kind of violence as avant-garde, Hardings perspective dovetails with much of the American far-lefts strategy from the early 1970s. To her, these werent compromises, but markers of freedom. "[32] The Manifesto has been translated into over a dozen languages and is excerpted in several feminist anthologies.[33][34][35][36]. Violet, Ultra (1990). She suspected that he was coordinating with Girodias to steal her work. snowrunner unable to establish connection with the host. References. [56] The next morning, the New York Daily News ran the front-page headline: "Actress Shoots Andy Warhol." We now have sperm banks.. Valerie Solanas Author #95544. [26][d][49][50] (A New York Times assistant Metro editor responded to an online comment regarding the story, saying that the Times "does not present the account as definitive. Valerie Solanas. Solanas was charged with attempted murder, assault, and illegal possession of a firearm. Redakce Valerie Solanas. New York chapter president Ti-Grace Atkinson and powerhouse lawyer Florynce Kennedy acted as her advisors and pro bono counsel; as part of NOWs radical faction, they believed that every woman deserved their support, and that Solanas was a symbol of the victimization of women everywhere. What she was writing and what happened to the manuscript remain a mystery. "[43] Miles told Solanas that Strasberg would not be in until the afternoon, accepted the script, and then "shut the door because I knew she was trouble. As she was leaving Feiden's residence, Solanas handed Feiden a partial copy of an earlier draft of the play and other personal papers. By fall 1967, her militancyhad curdled from amusing to tiresome for the Factory, who soon dropped her. Blackwell is the only one of the books interviewees who wants desperately to remain associated with Solanas, appealing to Fahs to recognize his mothers intensity in him (Listen, let me tell you, when youre talking to me, youre talking to Valerie) its both touching and troubling. Girodias described her as being "very relaxed and friendly with Warhol." To frame the significance of Valeries life around her shooting of Andy would minimize her merits as an author and her broader intentions as a revolutionary, Fahs writes in her Solanas biography. Photographer Nat Finkelstein introduced Solanas to Warhol as a possible collaborator. Solanas constructed a mode of performance that absolutely defied the conventions of mainstream theatre and tore at the very conceptual fabric of the avantgarde, Harding writes. Fahs claims that Warhol stole bits of Solanass conversation for his own work, which seems like an unfair complaint: Isnt chatter where most writers get their material? "[55] She was fingerprinted and charged with felonious assault and possession of a deadly weapon. If its easy to chuckleor smirkat Solanass outrageous writings, its challenging to forget her campy, vengeful voice. John Green. Two years later, the writer completed her calling card, The SCUM Manifesto. Her itinerant lifestyle led her to lodge in hotel after hotel, including the Chelsea, where Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Patti Smith, and more countercultural figures once lived. In fact, he lost his copy of the play, which infuriated Solanas. In the decades since, some academics and creative practitioners have offered a compassionate narrative about Solanas. [11], In 2018, The New York Times started a series of delayed obituaries of significant individuals whose importance the paper's obituary writers had not recognized at the time of their deaths. [1][2][3][4] Her father was a bartender and her mother a dental assistant. "[55], At her arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court, Solanas denied shooting Warhol because he wouldn't produce her play but said "it was for the opposite reason",[57] that "he has a legal claim on my works. Reading about the feminists early support for Warhols shooter, it can seem as though a nascent movement was simply seeking a patron saint, and Solanaswith her extremism and media attentionhappened to be available. The police are looking for me, she said. And yet, marginality was everything to Solanas. It's been used in pop culture. Though Solanas was able to somewhat ingratiate herself with the Factory crew, she never totally fit inmany of the resident women were classically beautiful and came from wealthy backgrounds. Valerie Solanas Net Worth is $12 Million Mini Biography Valerie Solanas, given birth to in 1936, had a years as a child of misuse. Born on April 9, 1936 in United States of America, Valerie Solanas started her career as radical feminist and author . According to Time magazine, radical activists set off around 2,500 bombs on American soil from 1971 to 72. She started writing hateful letters to Warhol: I really do believe that if you didnt have your lies + deception + notarized affidavits, youd shrivel up + die. Her parents split by the time she was four, sending their two daughters to live with. By the time Solanas was a student at the University of Maryland, College Park, in the mid-1950s, she was already seeking outlets for her (warranted) rage. The first time Andy Warhol met the woman who shot him, he thought she was a cop. (Solanas got evicted multiple times.) It's been praised and denounced. On June 3, 1968 (just days before Sirhan Sirhan fatally shot Robert Kennedy, and months after James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, Jr.), Solanas entered the Factory and shot at Warhol and two men near him: his assistant Fred Hughes, and Mario Amaya, an art critic who was visiting from London. Only the third bullet hit him, but it was a true shot, entering under his right armpit and exiting through his right lung. "[68] Kennedy, another NOW member, called Solanas "one of the most important spokeswomen of the feminist movement. [41] Krassner later speculated that Solanas could have used the money to buy the gun she used to shoot Warhol, as the shooting occurred just three days later. Coates learned about the rediscovered manuscript while at an exhibition at The Andy Warhol Museum marking the 30th anniversary of the shooting. [42] She then shot art critic Mario Amaya in the hip. Bestselling Series. And I believe I would've pulled the switch on her myself." She came out as a lesbian in her mid twenties, during the 1950s. [42], Solanas entered The Factory with Warhol, who complimented her on her appearance as she was uncharacteristically wearing makeup. I couldn't even love him anymore, because it hurt him to touch him. Here are five things to know about the controversial figure, and what led her to shoot Warhol on June 3rd, 1968. Solanas said that until she was informed by Violet, she was unaware of Warhol's death in 1987. Solanas became integral to Warhols mythology, her writings a footnote in a larger celebrity biography. She was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and institutionalized until deemed fit to stand trial the following June, at which point she was sentenced to two more years in prison. During her brief tenure in Warhols orbit she had given him her manuscript for the play, and, whether through her miscommunication or promise, she actually believed he would produce it. Valerie Solanas on the cover of the June 4, 1968 issue of the 'Daily News', Photo: NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images. While acquiring Biology in the College or university of Maryland in 1957, she researched human being chromosomes (you can find 23 pairs). Post author By ; Post date aleut tattoos aleut tattoos On May 31, 1968, Solanas went to writer Paul Krassner to ask him for $50, which he loaned to her. Lord stated that Solanas and her son lived with "a middle-class military couple outside of. [58], In the mid-1970s, according to Heller, Solanas was "apparently homeless" in New York City,[77] "continued to defend her political beliefs and the SCUM Manifesto",[77] and "actively promoted" her new Manifesto revision. Valerie Solanas died in 1988 when she was 52 years old. Laying out the mission of her Society for Cutting Up Men, the treatise called for the elimination of the male sex and the establishment of a utopian society of women. She had nowhere to live. "SCUM manifesto" 6 Copy quote A woman not only takes her identity and individuality for granted, but knows instinctively that the only wrong is to hurt others, and that the meaning of life is love. The pro wrestling icon and his manager wife fell in and out of love as they navigated the turbulent world of their profession. Solanas demanded a retraction of the statement that she was an actress. Solanas also had a nonspeaking role in Warhol's film Bikeboy (1967).[27]. In August 1967, Girodias and Solanas signed[37] an informal contract stating that she would give Girodias her "next writing, and other writings. And then the elevator doors opened, and Solanas was gone. Both Alice Neel and Richard Avedon commemorated the damage by, respectively, painting and photographing the wounds. "The Times does not present Ms. Fieden's account as definitive. [but] consider[s] this just one angle of the story". Valerie Solanas and Andy Warhol first crossed paths during the Silver Factory days in 1965. [96] Harding stated that leaving behind the sanitary napkin was part of the performance,[97] and called "attention to basic feminine experiences that were publically [sic] taboo and tacitly elided within avant-garde circles. She maintained that Warhol had lost the manuscript for, and that he offered to compensate with a part in the film, A dubious publishing contract with the unscrupulous publisher. Around this time she met publisher Maurice Girodias, who had built a career via Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and other controversial books bypassed by mainstream houses. - San Francisco, Kalifornia, 1988. prilis 25.) Its interesting that Fahss account of those final yearsself-mutilating on the street in Phoenix and dying a lonely death in a San Francisco welfare hotelare so viscerally presented, given the spotty biographical information available. The waiting room filled with veteran Factory members, dressed in their avant-finest, who vied for the swarming reporters. When the radical writer Valerie Solanas shot Andy Warhol in 1968, a prominent segment of second-wave feminism underwent similar fractures over the utility of this extreme action. [74] In a 1977 Village Voice interview,[75] she announced a book with her name as the title. He accepted the manuscript for review, told Solanas it was "well typed", and promised to read it. Radical Feminists: A Guide to an American Subculture. Tim Ott has written for Biography and other A+E sites since 2012. It's been analyzed and reviewed. Among those is her son, David Blackwell, one of two children Solanas had and gave up as a teenager. Sacramento, CA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics. Had a bomb gone off at the Communist magazine below? He also jokingly offered her a job at the Factory as a typist. Insulted, Solanas demanded money for the lost script. "[43], Fahs records that Solanas then traveled to producer Margo Feiden's (then Margo Eden) residence in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, as she believed that Feiden would be willing to produce Up Your Ass. [18] According to Factory lore, Warhol, whose films were often shut down by the police for obscenity, thought the script was so pornographic that it must have been a police trap. In contrast, Warhol told the press hed only been shot because he was famous, and Solanas was jealous. Tags: union square, union square new york, andy warhol, andy warhol factory, pop art, decker building, new york art, new york pictures . Breanne Fahss 2014 biography Valerie Solanas: The Defiant Life of the Woman Who Wrote SCUM (and Shot Andy Warhol) presents a wealth of this enlightening archival material. She said her father regularly sexually abused her and she had a volatile relationship . . Valerie Solanas was born on April 9, 1936 in United States (52 years old). [76] The book, possibly intended as a parody, was supposed to deal with the "conspiracy" that led to her imprisonment. Coates consulted with Solanas' sister, Judith, while writing the piece, and sought to create a "very funny satirist" out of Solanas, not just showing her as Warhol's attempted assassin. Despite this . She was a lesbian who slept with men both companionably and vocationally; she was an anticapitalist who plied the worlds oldest profession; she was an antiauthoritarian who sought out big names to legitimize her work. [5], Solanas reported that her father regularly sexually abused her. [79][e], On April 25, 1988, at the age of 52, Valerie Solanas died of pneumonia at the Bristol Hotel in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. Contents 1 Early life 2 The SCUM Manifesto Sarah J. Maas. This past spring, Michelle Tea published an essay about Solanas in her collection Against Memoir. (In fact, a vocal group of transgender activists and allies protested a 2013 San Francisco event planned to mark the 25thanniversary of Solanass death; the event was ultimately canceled.) Valerie. She told him that she intended to buy a gun. Valerie Blackwell's birthday is 08/09/1975 and is 45 years old. She believed Solanas was ahead of her time, living in a period before feminist and lesbian activists such as the Guerrilla Girls and the Lesbian Avengers. Robert Marmorstein, writing in The Village Voice, declared that Solanas "has dedicated the remainder of her life to the avowed purpose of eliminating every single male from the face of the earth. Education: University of Maryland. "It was the Cardboard Andy, not the Andy I could love and play with," said close friend and collaborator Billy Name. According to Feiden, Solanas then pulled out her gun, and when Feiden again refused to commit to producing the play, she responded, "Yes, you will produce the play because I'll shoot Andy Warhol and that will make me famous and the play famous, and then you'll produce it." It was this year that Blackwell's friendship with Girshick culminated with them releasing their collaborated efforts in the form of the now classic book, Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions.Their book explored statistical evaluating procedures through decisions and game theory. "[40] Solanas intended to write a novel based on the SCUM Manifesto and believed that a conspiracy was behind Warhol's failure to return the Up Your Ass script. It aired on October 17, 2017, on the cable network FX. The strange tale of Valerie Solanas reads as both tragedy and farce. [63] She was subsequently institutionalized several times and then drifted into obscurity. Morrissey told her to leave, threatening to "beat the hell" out of her and throw her out otherwise. Net Worth: Undisclosed. Solanas was portrayed by Lili Taylor in the 1996 film I Shot Andy Warhol, and by Lena Dunham in a 2017 episode of American Horror Story, but the tribute she likely would have enjoyed most came in 2000 when Up Your Ass finally enjoyed a professionally staged debut before an audience at the George Coates Theater in San Francisco. Stridsberg was awarded the Nordic Council's Literature Prize for the book. [23][24] Up Your Ass remained unpublished until 2014. Breanne Fahss The Defiant Life of the Woman Who Wrote SCUM (and Shot Andy Warhol) is the first biography of Solanas, an attempt to piece together her controversial life in the context of the radical 1960s and 70s, when the womens liberation movement was splintering as quickly as it was flowering. It becomes apparent throughout the book how dogged Fahs was in her quest to put all the pieces of her subjects itinerant life in some kind of order. A cult hero to some and vehemently denounced by others, she has been dismissed but never . Pulled from her Catholic middle school after attacking a nun, she twice became pregnant by age 15 the first time allegedly by a relative, the other likely by an older sailor; both babies were taken to be raised elsewhere. [62][63], The shooting of Warhol propelled Solanas into the public spotlight, prompting a flurry of commentary and opinions in the media. He described the sensation as a cherry bomb exploding inside me. Amaya was grazed in the back. Solanas was featured in a 2017 episode of the FX series American Horror Story: Cult, "Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag." "[47] In some instances, the police responded that "You can't arrest someone because you believe she is going to kill Andy Warhol," and even asked Feiden, "Listen lady, how would you know what a real gun looked like? "[3] Lord believed that the reissuing of the SCUM Manifesto and the disowning of Solanas by "women's liberation politicos" triggered a wave of radical feminist publications. But perhaps she can rest easier (if not in peace) knowing that Fahs has painted a sympathetic portrait of her uncompromising life that for better and worse wears its powerful ugliness on its sleeve. Ever since the singer released her accusatory track in 1972, the identity of the you has remained one of the greatest mysteries in music history. She was in her early-thirties and already a well known haunt of Greenwich Village. But Betty Friedan, president of NOW, along with her fellow liberal feminists, argued that supporting a would-be assasin with clear mental health issues not to mention a lesbian would harm the womens liberation movements legitimacy, and subsequently blocked all efforts to help her. The aggression was still there she was disciplined and ordered to counseling multiple times but Solanas continued to thrive academically and gained a few friends among the artsy-intellectual sect. she was one of famous radical feminist and author with the age years old group. I consider it immoral that I missed, she said in a 1977 interview. Valerie Jean Solanas was born April 9, 1936, to Dorothy and Louis Solanas of Ventnor City, New Jersey. [101], Alice Echols stated that Solanas' "unabashed misandry" was not typical within most radical feminist groups during the latter's time. She acted out in school: At the Holy Cross Academy, she once assaulted a nun. Dr. Seuss. Warhol had tied me up, lock, stock, and barrel. Andy Griffiths. "[38] In exchange, Girodias paid her $500. Also Known As: Valerie Jean Solanas Died At Age: 52 Family: father: Louis Solanas mother: Dorothy Marie Biondo children: David Blackwell Born Country: United States Feminists American Women Died on: April 25, 1988 place of death: San Francisco, California, United States Ancestry: Spanish American, Italian American, Canadian American [15][16] While at the University of Maryland, she hosted a call-in radio show where she gave advice on how to combat men. A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to Solanass manifesto as The S.C.U.M. Coates turned the piece into a musical with an all-female cast. Throughout this time, Feiden repeatedly refused to produce the play. Why was she attracted to Warhol and the Factory scene in the first place? Indeed, she dressed up like a spy (trenchcoat, turtleneck) and left a bag of veritable propsher pistol, a sanitary napkin, and her address bookat the scene of the crime. Enid Blyton. By fall 1967, her militancyhad curdled from amusing to tiresome for the Factory, who soon dropped her. Over the years, the document and its author, Valerie Solanas, have been celebrated and debated, discovered and disowned. had left production of Solanass play in limbo. On June 3, 1968, Solanas went to The Factory, shot Warhol and art critic Mario Amaya, and attempted to shoot Warhol's manager, Fred Hughes. The Paradox of Pluck: How Did Historical Fiction Become the New Feminist History? [42] In her 2014 biography of Solanas, Breanne Fahs argues that it is unlikely that she appeared at the Chelsea Hotel looking for Girodias, speculating that Girodias may have fabricated the account into order to boost sales for the SCUM Manifesto, which he had published. The book does a solid job of setting the stage for Solanass troubled life, with cobbled-together descriptions of a childhood marked by divorce, a heavy-drinking father who may or may not have sexually abused her, and a personality that simply did not mesh with what was expected of young ladies in the 1940s and 50s. Her first two shots missed, but the third went through his spleen, stomach, liver, esophagus, and lungs. Solanas's cousin claimed the man was a sailor, and that she may have also given birth to a second child before leaving home. Isolation followed Valerie, she writes. Art Life reports that from 1963 to 1967, Warhol's famous art studio in Midtown Manhattan the Factory was as well . Solanas became increasingly paranoid that both Girodias and Warhol were out to get her, eager to steal the rights to her manuscripts. Art dealers Leo Castelli and Ivan Karp made serious statements on Warhols legacy. Valerie Solanas. Valerie Solanas and Andy Warhol first crossed paths during the Silver Factory days in 1965. The Scum Manifesto. Valerie Solanas (1971). She moved to the Upper West Sideeven then, Greenwich Village was too pricey. When pressed on her motive Solanas replied, I have a lot of very involved reasons. She played herself, rejecting a male characters sexual advances with witty barbs. [9] In 1953, Solanas gave birth to a son, fathered by a married sailor. High-profile feminists scrambled to distance themselves from her name. David Blackwell, Seattle 1967 (Konrad Jacobs) Nineteen fifty four would be a pivotal year for Blackwell. Meanwhile, Solanas had approached a young cop in Times Square. According to Breanne Fahs' Valerie Solanas: The Defiant Life of the Woman Who Wrote SCUM (and Shot Andy Warhol), Solanas was a smart, funny child. [17][19] In 1965 she wrote two works: an autobiographical[20] short story, "A Young Girl's Primer on How to Attain the Leisure Class", and a play, Up Your Ass,[c] about a young prostitute. [25], In 1967, Solanas encountered pop artist Andy Warhol outside his studio, The Factory, and asked him to produce Up Your Ass. In his 2001 essay The Simplest Surrealist Act: Valerie Solanas and the (Re)Assertion of Avantgarde Priorities, James M. Harding conjectures that Solanas meant the shooting as a radical artwork. By the age of 15, she'd given birth to two children. In their estimation, the assailant had simply rebelled against The Man. But gradually, Solanas alienated her supporters one by one, and the extent of her illnessparanoid schizophrenialost her all potential friends. Full Name: Valerie Jean Solanas. A family in Washington, D.C., adopted Solanass son, David. Florynce Kennedy represented her and asked for a writ of habeas corpus, arguing that Solanas was being held inappropriately at Elmhurst. Solanas (1936-1988) was born in New Jersey, towards the end of the Great Depression. [88] Tragedy in Nine Lives (2003), by Karen Houppert, examined the encounter between Solanas and Warhol as a Greek tragedy and starred Juliana Francis as Solanas. [92] The episode portrayed Solanas as the instigator of most of the Zodiac Killer murders. She was declared "incompetent" in August and sent to Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Usually they would never hurt anybody, they were just disturbed themselves; but how would I ever know again which was which?, A little over 52 years to the day of the event, Solanass attempted shooting stands as a strange incident within the life of one of the most celebrated artists of all time, but if she had been successful in killing Warhol, she couldve altered art history entirely. Solanas grabbed his ass, then tried to hit him with a chair. See all. For the frustrated radicals of NOW, this underscored that the organizations reactive, classist leanings were ossifying into irrelevance. Lili Taylor plays a sympathetic Solanas. [90] The novel was later translated into and published in English under the title Valerie, or, The Faculty of Dreams: A Novel in 2019.[91]. Valerie Solanas (April 9, 1936 - April 25, 1988) is nothing if not divisive. New York offered [her]freedom to express herself, openness to differences in sexual identities, and the chaotic tangle of urban life, Fahs writes. And yet, her belief in her own exceptionalism mirrors much of contemporary culture, in which everyone from tech company founders to megachurch pastors believes that they alone have the calling and the power to change the world. Valerie Solanas is considered by some people to have been an influential American lesbian radical feminist, and by most others to have been a criminally insane individual who tried to kill the American artist Andy Warhol as the result of a tragic misunderstanding on her part about a play she had written. To place Valerie in the context of the Factory, consider its denizens and the qualities that might have drawn her to this group, wrote Breanne Fahs in her biography of Solanas. [45][46], Fahs describes how Feiden then "frantically called her local police precinct, Andy Warhol's precinct, police headquarters in Lower Manhattan, and the offices of Mayor John Lindsay and Governor Nelson Rockefeller to report what happened and inform them that Solanas was on her way at that very moment to shoot Andy Warhol. Valerie Solanas (Ventnor City, Nova Jersey, 1936 - San Francisco, 1988) era una psicloga estatunidenca coneguda per la seva obra com a guionista, dramaturga i escriptora, d'estil pop i transgressor i, en particular, com l'autora del Manifest de l'Organitzaci per a l'Extermini dels Homes.. Biografia. Solanass action foreshadowed these desperate attacks. She left but rode the elevator up and down until Warhol finally boarded it. As Fahs reports, Valerie unzipped her pants, exposed her vulva, and said, Sure, Im a cop and heres my badge. Warhol figured she probably wasnt the law, and Solanas began hanging around his Factory coterie. Valerie Solanas on her assassination attempt on Andy Warhol[58][59], After a cursory evaluation, Solanas was declared mentally unstable and transferred to the prison ward of Elmhurst Hospital. Solanas had a turbulent childhood. Additionally, she calls for women to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation. Her writing exudes impassioned loathingbut its also laugh-out-loud funny, driven by a distinctly late-1960s voice that translates Summer-of-Love lingo into venom. An abbreviated versionof this review appears in Bitch no. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood. All Rights Reserved. Arguing against a classmate who believed that women attended college in order to hunt for marital prospects, Solanas seethed: Do I detect of touch of male arrogance and egotism?Im afraid Mr. Parrs puerile arguments are doomed to fizzlehood. She maintained that unique, acerbic, hippie-inflected tone throughout the rest of her career. Art dealers Leo Castelli and Ivan Karp made serious statements on Warhols legacy. The police are looking for me, she said. [86], Up Your Ass was rediscovered in 1999 and produced in 2000 by George Coates Performance Works in San Francisco. Valerie Solanas was born in 1936 in Ventnor City, New Jersey, to Louis Solanas and Dorothy Marie Biondo. She was a dangerously real product of a world hell-bent on treating women as mirrored distortions of the male ego, writes Fahs, and indeed, within the Factorys silver-lined walls Solanas was given about as much consideration as a stray wad of chewed gum. Check out our valerie solanas selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Valerie Solanas books online. The Los Angeles Review of Books is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and disseminating rigorous, incisive, and engaging writing on every aspect of literature, culture, and the arts. "[56] The judge struck Solanas' comments from the court record[56] and had her admitted to Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric observation.[56]. ISBN 1-873176-44-9. At 2:00p.m. Solanas went up into the studio. Author James Martin Harding explained that, by declaring herself independent from Warhol, after her arrest she "aligned herself with the historical avant-garde's rejection of the traditional structures of bourgeois theater,"[93] and that her anti-patriarchal "militant hostility pushed the avant-garde in radically new directions. Parents: Louis Solanas and Dorothy Marie Biondo. Cover of Valerie Solanas' SCUM Society for Cutting Up Men. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. It is "not only a remarkable biographical feat but also a delicate navigation of an unwieldy, demanding, and complex life story" (BOMB Magazine). Solanass mother raised the first child, Linda, as her own. . I should have done target practice.. She died in 1988 of pneumonia in San Francisco. (anglicky) BUCHANAN, Paul D., 2011. Her heavy-drinking father, Louis, sexually abused her. CELEBRITY GOSSIPY BIO. Read Valerie Solanas, a biography written by Breanne Fahs by School of Feminism on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. She badgered him to produce Up Your Ass. As related to Fahs, Solanas talked to Feiden for almost four hours, trying to convince her to produce the play and discussing her vision for a world without men. Yet the goodwill didnt last long. '"[70] Heller also stated that Solanas could "reject mainstream liberal feminism for its blind adherence to cultural codes of feminine politeness and decorum which the SCUM Manifesto identifies as the source of women's debased social status.