First thing i noticed missing when switching. I do know you do not speak for the VSC-Team. That's a good point indeed but for console or command, we already have the console application for example which should do a better job in general IMO. By default there is a warning when pasting multiple lines, which can be disabled with the terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning setting. Typically when there are rendering problems it's an issue of something in your hardware/OS/drivers not playing nicely with the GPU renderer. Split code into one screen is already enough and this kind of decision imply a lot of design implication for the User experience. But why do you feel the need to "set expectations"? Wouldn't it be possible to launch a new window, and do communication between the parent window and the child via the webContents API? When applications running in the terminal turn on mouse events mode, such as Vim mouse mode, mouse interaction is sent to the application instead of the terminal. Until VS Code has multiple display support I do not see moving to this editor as my default. Is it because no devs are currently enlisted to work on VSCode ? Will it has this feature next major version? Dragging tabs outside the VS Code window currently copies the file (or a shortcut to it?) They also have limited support for line and column suffixes. The minimum contrast ratio feature can cause colors to not be displayed as expected. I recently, started using JetBrains tools as an alternative. This means that clicking and dragging will no longer create a selection. versus if the feature is built in later, when code would have become more complex due to "required features". It's ok as a workaround. Look at what @RoyTinker mentioned. Also from main workspace window we as developers could create a bridge service, that would listen from child duplicated workspaces events, and main workspace window could interact with that. _however, hopes are getting lower and lower as time moves on_ _or is it?_) - hopefully something will happen in regards to this problem. Or just thumbs up main post enough? @michaljaros84 The fact that VS Code isn't intended to be an IDE like Visual Studio doesn't at all preclude UX enhancements like floating in-process windows. The workaround (open new window and drag and drop your file from the current workspace/window to the newly opened one) is OK but I have no access to the workspace itself; different settings, no access to other files in the workspace, etc. 2017 2:38 a.m. schreef Luc Shelton @laserbeak I think the complications arise from having to handle window management across several operating systems. @jayarjo I've been doing something similar by opening a new vscode window and dragging my tab in there. It's essentially a new instance of VSCode in same workspace. A template could be named, for example, "Panel only" (it would had only Problems, Output, Debug console, Terminal). _Probable solution: Open new instance of VSCode instead of implementation of frameless windows, but add a command line option to let it use first instance's shared extensions (Problem: Extension host can be shared or is tied to instance?)._. Please stop suggesting "Duplicate workspace". I'm honestly tired of trying to get some communication from the vscode team. Thanks @RoyTinker. Read about the new features and fixes from November. The terminal is not still as useful as the traditional command prompt. No roadmap no milestone no promises, whats happening ! I will continue to share support for this feature with thumbs up and rare constructive comments. You can create something that's similar, by using a WebView instance, which creates an absolutely positioned div within that page. I can't stand integrated "search" panel, because it is always huge and wide. This is quite unintuitive when comparing to other IDEs. Kiddo, do you live behind the moon or are you just trolling? I think it is high time, at least for a definitive statement: @Hypernut Actually the votes for this issue only really started to take off around December last year. Some features have taken 2 years from when they reached prominence to when they shipped. I use, but am limited to windows only ;-) while vscode I use on linux, macos, windows. I do find it odd that although this is now two years old and the most wished for and discussed feature here, this is still being completely ignored by the developers. The VScode team has responded to this topic to discuss the difficulty. Terminal editors are ideal if you want a complex workbench layout such as terminals on either side of an editor or terminals arranged in two dimensions. I can't even have them side-by-side on the same screen as the debug console takes the full bottom of the window separate to the code editor. I downvoted to provide feedback on a level of priority I think the feature should be given in the backlog. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. As is, I keep installing VS code, loving almost everything and eventually uninstalling when I realize the UX still hasn't been updated. This will add scroll bars when necessary, which may lead to an unpleasant UX and is generally not recommended, but it is a common ask on Windows in particular for reading logs or long lines when paging tools aren't available. But hey, macOS Touch Bar support is there. @nguyenlamlll I suggest you read through @laserbeak I think the complications arise from having to handle window management across several operating systems. I really want this feature too - mainly to just have the debug window on a different monitor. @bpasero by technical limitation do you say that it's a Electron limitation? At the least, please remove the very arbitrary restriction on opening the same folder in multiple windows. Add a reaction to the original post and that'll be enough, no need to comment out the dreaded +1 comment. If this feature can be implemented, it would be awesome. This would really be super useful for multi-monitor productivity. In that case, let's consider terminal in floating window. ;-). . @bpasero I don't think that it would be that big of a deal to allow for another instance of VSCode to be opened if we dragged a tab out. We do not host any of the videos or images on our servers. +1. When I try to open the same workspace in Mac OSX it always just focuses the already open window. We are not affiliated with GitHub, Inc. or with any developers who use GitHub for their projects. Its a truly massive product. Or maybe it's already possible using Cmd-K o? Look at JetBrains - they made a successful business of building these things ;). Looking through these comments, it seems I am not alone in this view. All windows where you can navigate your project or edit code are equal. To everyone trying to excuse this due to technical limitations: Please remember that someone had the opportunity to evaluate a platform/language to build vscode on, and they decided on a framework that has a very obvious flaw. Imagine: You get in a taxi and tell the driver your destination. +1 for me. I wait eagerly with every comment on this issue to hear a relevant update only to see more of the aforementioned comments. See the GPU acceleration section for more information. This is a feature, not design choice. Remove every plugins and just give one code window? The content in the terminal is called the buffer, with the section right above the bottom viewport being called "scrollback". I strongly support the request of this feature. Possible better focus IMO, fixing word pattern selection and renaming selection, adding drag & drop support into panels, etc Also, most of the OS don't support a proper tiling system for you windows so yeah have fun managing each ones @MangelMaxime You do realize that new windows would be optional? I really hope this won't be implemented, focusing on a single window, streamlined, editing focused UX is a strong advantage of VSCode, not disadvantage. I have been watching this issue for year + and still no movement on this. I also just found issue #8171 seems to be exactly what I want. Do you honestly think the vscode team would merge something that changes their product at such a fundamental level when they're not directing it? There are several built-in link handlers that are used in the following priority order: URIs/URLs: These are links that look like URIs, such as The right-click behavior differs based on the platform: This can be configured using the terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior setting. There is a Terminal: Select All command, which is bound to Cmd+A on macOS, but does not have a default keybinding on Windows and Linux as it may conflict with shell hotkeys. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and this is the ONE thing about it that i really don't like. Now add the repo root folder into that new window/instance (because this is now effectively a new workspace) Now you have two windows using the same workspace on two monitors. @belst It still does allow multiple windows on the same workspace, which is an improvement on VS Code. Not the answer you're looking for? You don't have to move your eyes left and right and up and down, you just directly stare at the middle of the screen and use mouse to move relevant content to middle of the screen. Running duplicate language services and language servers can create racing conditions and heavy HDD/SSD usage with accessing same files, especially with tools that use project wide analysis. I'm not sure why this feature never gets progressed as it has massive support and given code is electron app it's perfectly doable and degradable if you ever ran outside of electron. So the reference in the Iteration Plan #47369 is just a joke about getting a 4k monitor rather than a plan to support this? Chiming with a motion to undock, especially the watch window. I would suspect this implies some heavy rewriting of a bunch of core features. Everyone now telling the duplicate workspace stuff, but that's sure now known by everyone und doesn't need to be repeated so often. This really needs to happen! @scriptcoded yeah it's really hard to achieve feature at this moment. vscode --extended-window --socket-id But detachable debug would be really good. Thanks. These ANSI colors are determined by the active color theme, but they can also be configured independently from the theme with the workbench.colorCustomizations setting. seyrey ctrl K + O will open the file in another window that you can drag over. Please the issue to show your support. I am not sure why the delay? This behavior can be changed using the terminal.integrated.splitCwd setting: There are also extensions available that give more options such as Terminal Here. Dont forget we have VisualStudio Community, please consider to move some feature to VS plugin. Why not a separate git application? You can create something that's similar, by using a WebView instance, which creates an absolutely positioned div within that page. We figured it's covering the same as another one we already have. Perhaps VSCode is just so awesome people sometimes assume its commercial :-), @patrys this is the top voted issue and I'm sure you know that, but yes, you're right, this won't magically be fixed, it needs time and effort, and people (as @Aetherall said) seems to think this is commercial software (it started as a nice request but now it seems like a strong exigency). Yet it is free, which from the set off means it will have limitations. Currently I can stretch the windows across multiple monitors, but the position is reset back to the default on the next open. frustrated? Quite often with the full Visual Studio I'd drag out a tab to my other monitor so that I could view two code files at once. @RoyTinker Not at all, just though I'd clarify so others who read don't get their hopes up :), Bump. Not having it is a deal breaker. It's simple a case of MS wanting to integrate it with VS Code. You don't like it, go and pay JetBrains or Microsoft for something that has all the features you require. This requires a bit of rearchitecting the internals of vscode, so let's be patient (or contribute). Visual studio code VScode API visual-studio-code; Visual studio code VSSSH visual-studio-code google-cloud-platform ide; Visual studio code VSC visual-studio-code terminal; Visual studio code vscode . They have to create a new windows each time you drag a tab into it's own window, and obviously this isn't an easy thing to do. We only need 88 more votes to make it to the top 10. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. @WNemencha I'm assuming the team doesn't want any unnecessary dependencies. This issue is getting pretty heated, I think those of us that support it should raise awareness for it (tweet, recommend, discuss), so it can make it to the top 10 list of requests. By default, the terminal will open at the folder that is opened in the Explorer. I'd say that undocking tabs (editors more specifically) is a _must have_ rather than _eventually_ type of task. Why? Creating a File in VSCode using Terminal There are primarily two methods to create a file in VSCode using the terminal, you can use the "Code" keyword to create a file, or you can use the "echo" keyword to create a new file. My mistake. Dear community, let's try to help VSC team. +1 Will be very useful for larger or multiple monitors. This would also allow me to better manage and work whilst on the move where I'd only have my main screen available to work from, like on a train or at customer sites. A workaround in the mean time is to open two windows, open a parent folder and a child folder of the same project. +1. An example of this is the GitLens extension detecting Git branch links. I must see only code. Happy coding! You could then open any tabs you need in this new window, or if you just want to have the debug console here you can maximise it to fill the window. Quite often with the full Visual Studio I'd drag out a tab to my other monitor so that I could view two code files at once. ((socket-guid)) --root-window ((root-window-guid)). The split pane functionality is nice but not the same. Webstorm/Phpstorm both have this feature, and it is really the main thing that I like about those apps. privacy statement. Anyway, I have 2 monitors and I still consider to buy the third one. Also please remember this is an open-source project. Since it's critical to change core code on that level. Perhaps bade it upon that? I do not care if it's lightweight either. This feature can be configured or disabled to get the original colors with: The terminal features three different renderers, each of which have different trade offs: GPU acceleration driven by the WebGL renderer is enabled in the terminal by default. @Penagwin Likewise, but given I don't know what the technical reasoning is for not being able to implement it, I am also going to be polite and reserve judgement and wait patiently like everyone else. Would really be a great to have that. I guess I can understand that. VSCode is a complex program, they cannot patch functionnalities on the core, or it would became a nightmare to maintain and improve ( just clone the repo to see what the hell is happening inside the beast ), My guesses (I may be wrong): The currently integrated terminal docked to the panel right now but this usage is narrowing the editor window and it is difficult to examine logs on the terminal. @bpasero I suspect there's a possible 80/20 (% benefit/effort) intermediate target that wouldn't involve several of the complexities you mentioned. If electron has a way to open, read, and write sockets, this approach might . The integrated terminal can use various shells installed on your machine, with the default being pulled from your system defaults. Adding my request for this feature as well. It is certainly lightweight when you don't install 1000 plugins. Hope we will get this eventually, this is a must have :). That's quite a clever way of doing it. VS Code is quite amazing tool. Please do not try to recomend to use Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio Enerprise, Sharp Develop, Eclipse, Jetbrains or may be Notepad. Word links are considered "low confidence" and will not show an underline or tooltip unless Ctrl/Cmd is held. To the VS code team, please never "fix" this bug (unless you add multi-window support ofc). On macOS and Linux, split terminals will inherit the current working directory of the parent terminal. Is it not deemed worthy enough as VSCode cannot be monetized ? Like others who mentioned it in this thread, multi-monitor coding kinda requires detachables. Especially considering the speculation in this thread, that it might not be possible at all. Sometimes, We want to change the default Windows Powershell terminal. Sounds great? Hey, yes that is a known workaround (like opening the project multiple times) and is stated above somewhere in the comments. I will just leave my two bits here as well. There is already much to do on VSCode, to improve the current user experience without adding more complexity. Also there was some amount of discussion on Multi Window coding (original suggestion of Ctrl + K, O to open a new window), so I thought I would just clarify that part here for all the people looking for that feature. It would be ideal to have this for some text editing as well. and our Would it not be better to build it in now, when the overall system is relatively simpler ? But we're not about to just grab the wheel and drive ourselves, it's not our taxi. But I still find it pleasant. All possible in something like Web Storm, but not VS Code. I am getting by using a larger 4k monitor in my home office but at my work office desk where I use 4 smaller monitors this is a slowdown. This way I get more real estate while still keeping an eye on the terminal / output, which I believe is one of the main reasons for floating windows. You can search for existing issues here. I'm trying to move off JetBeans and this isn't an optional or nice-to-have feature. An hour you ask the same question, and he replies, "there are a lot of turns needed to get there," and will say no more. I'm confident this is the design decision behind it but I'd be interesting to know otherwise. @Krzysztof-Cieslak This would work as long as the windows remain in sync and any code changes/debug messages etc are immediately updated across all window instances. If you can afford 4 monitors just for the increased productivity benefit, I assume that you can also afford spending some money on the development of such feature. If this doesn't get added to the vscode roadmap soon, I think I'll find a new IDE. The currently integrated terminal docked to the panel right now but this usage is narrowing the editor window and it is difficult to examine logs on the terminal. If thats correct, I am pretty sure that they get payed for working on this. Tip: Ctrl+F can be sent to the shell by removing the workbench.action.terminal.focusFind command from commands to skip shell. And this whole "workaround" is not even practical, we need a real floating window feature like it's implemented in other editors. Everybody clap your hands for @mrmos and his solution. It's fundamental to multi-monitor coding. @inarius Sure, although that has been discussed above already (see my "20% effort/80% benefit" comment). OK, glad to hear that. Sharing single workspace processes across multi-window opened files. This would not be movable outside of that WebView but at least you can freely position it within that. You can open your terminal in a few ways. Can't drag tab out of workspace to move to new window, floting panels; undock panels and move them around,, Navigate through explorer by typing start of file/folder name, Add option to launch and debug external powershell.exe, Can't create new window by dragging a tab out of current window, Multi-file search results are very hard to skim and use, Explorer / search / debug / git / extensions. This issue is now open for almost 1 and a half year. "Ctrl + K then O" @n0v1 the problem is not opening the a file/workspace in new window. They say that we can not have multiple node.js instances in one process. For ppl wanting a workaround, if you create a symbolic link to the folder of your project and open that folder as a new window. @Nepoxx You are here just to give thumbs down opinions and comments from people. It's sometimes really nice to edit a JS widget file there, with the corresponding HTML and CSS files in a maximized split pane on an adjacent monitor. Anyway, I'm out. While I express as much enthusiasm as anyone here about the prospect of multi-window, I am happy to wait as long as it takes. Thanks for the question! To use terminals in the editor area, there are several options: Create via the Create Terminal in Editor Area command. One thing it is not, is IDE. This approach would be greatly appreciated in VS Code. Moving a terminal into its own group can be done with the Terminal: Unsplit Terminal command through the Command Palette or in the right-click context menu. Having the option to use this or not would be much better than not having a choice at all, quite frankly. Flake it till you make it: how to detect and deal with flaky tests (Ep. When on Linux VMs, browsers that don't support WebGL, or machines with outdated drivers, WebGL may not work properly. This behavior is baffling to me. And surprisingly the next most wanted features are very related :+1: Right now, I'm using vscode 1.22.0 with multiples monitors and the shortcut CTRL+k o to open a tab in a new window. nvm (Node Version Manager) users often see this error for the first time inside VS Code's integrated terminal: This is mostly a macOS problem and does not happen in external terminals. I really want this feature!! I'm not an Electron guy of any sorts, but I've tinkered around with it a little bit. There are some internal problems bei GitHub itself. You also demystified me as a random internet troll, well played, sir! This normally means that the program/shell running inside the terminal requested to turn on "bracketed paste mode" but something doesn't support it properly. :). The community is concerned because this is such an important feature and there has been little to no response from core contributors beyondessentially, "this is a difficult issue.". come on guys this was already requested from day one. It's expensive, it will make application maintenance harder, it will prevent users focusing code. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Thanks for creating this issue! I totally agree with you. So getting back to topic: What can we do? Awesome IDE nonetheless I don't see a value to dramatically increase complexity if the same functionality can be achieved by spawning a new process. There might not be a clean or clear way of doing it across all platforms. Or is it more about VSCode one project <-> one window design? On hover, selecting the inline split button. Right-clicking the context menu and selecting the. @RoyTinker same here. The recommended workaround is to tell macOS to no-op for these keybindings by running this in your terminal: By default, the integrated terminal will render using GPU acceleration on most machines. Terminal in the editor area, also known as terminal editors, can be created through the Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area and Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area to the Side commands or by dragging a terminal from the terminal view into the editor area. I must say, especially considering the fact that Microsoft considers this its "official code editor" this is very disappointing. Here is a suggestion for everyone requesting this, if undockable tabs has such immense value for you and your company. Which it is not. It also means I don't have to babysit the window management as much as I don't have to remember which is the "real" project window. Just clutters up the stores, makes them harder to maintain. Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble.