Ok so the gleams to you to understand are like stars.they are untouchable and were always here with us.and also what i wanna say catching girls by there is a flash thing but i dont do this anymore, But this would happen on the street.ok you dont need to do it if u have girlfriend f or maybe u want even with girl friendok i was in that situation that i have not girlfriend and i had did it then often in the past. It conjures up images of Earth, and forms the basis of words such as ecology, economics and ecosystem which all share the same Greek root, ecos, derived from "oikos," meaning . In Turkish we have another two word synonym for earth which has a similar sound. Usually. The measurement of the Earth or geometry was born when the Greek mathematician Euclid decided he needed a way to measure his planet. In modern Greek it is pronounced [i]. Tellus is its own root. In ancient times, Gaia was mainly worshiped alongside Demeter and as a part of the cult of Demeter and does not seem to have had a separate cult. and as i said i am untouchable.like stars.maybe my ip kind be find but i am like stars.as i said i am from Earth.or from there. Pangea is a word from the Greek. Anyway, my point is: this hunk of rock we stand on, was never given an Official name by the president of our planet or whatever. The outercrust of the Earth is broken up into regions known astectonic plates. Its called terra in Portuguese, dnya in Turkish and aarde in Dutch, just to name a few with their own etymology. A special variety of natural glass called tektite was created when ancient meteorites struck the Earth. i did it for the gleamsflashs were old when was Atlantis, I ve seen a couple and i felt somehowi dunno i done so much for the world andok so i wanted say that I made a mistake.they are nt called flash s it fits more well gleams.flash s are of course and they are from gleams.made by.they are made at poles and are a planetary thing.belong to.flash s come from the gleams.made by.they can be also very great not only small like gleams.and the planet can make them at poles.Earth s lights.the y are done if are done in the sky far at the border with spaceabove the polar ocean.they can be seen from cosmos.from Earth no.but it can descend.to be seen.when i was speak with Earth voice were gleams.it were n t flash s.from now on i ll call them gleams.fits better.flash s can also carry planet.like gleams cause are from them.and flashs of Earth if are done such power have that they can carry whole Cosmos, Ok they were did but only once.i ll not say when but they were did once.at arctica.only i was the only who had knew.they were did for a girl.for a singer.the planet had did them, Ok it is true.believe what you want.And Earth was going then on the orbit with that flashs not with gleams as always.this happened in 2017 in summer.then fo r the first time were flashs.only then, I should say easy after the word Cosmos before the last but one post, What i wanna say is that the flashs are by gleams.gleams tube in flashs.they become flashs.i dunno how big were then but they were there at the north pole.ok this is something what was n t before.but it was in2017.it was not other way.that girl have such a powerful beautiful tragic voice that it can not to be not done.so it was.for she.she is the singer of a band called Delain.they have so powerful songs.it s like Ertha as some one said. Further books by Lovelock and others popularized the Gaia Hypothesis, which was first embraced in the 1970s by New Age environmentalists as part of the heightened awareness of environmental concerns. Youre all wrongEarth is derived from Godspeakand roughly translated asall sales final/no refunds. pistis Geochemistry: Ascience that deals with chemical composition of and chemical changes in the earths crust 12. Theyre called 3753Cruithne and 2002AA. The Arabic word is derived from Hebrew Eretz which is pretty much the same root. In biblical thought, of course, this order is the result of Gods activity. earth word is from arabic language ardh mentioned in the holy book Quran. Government and Politics 2022-11-05. In German it is 'erde'. i gi. This is a list of Ancient Greek words with their derivatives in English. Every few years, an extra second is added to make up for lost time. To make your meaning clear to Greek people whenever you talk to any, specify that you are referring to th. The word in the Hebrew is Eretz. We use cookies to provide you with the best online experience. (1535 A.D.) The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, the New Testament was originally written in Greek. The hypothesis proposes that living organisms and inorganic material are part of a dynamical system that shapes the Earth's biosphere, and maintains the Earth as a suitable environment for life. s. v.; Phot. You have many more words that were copied to the English with the original biblical term in the Hebrew , like Hallelujah , Babel , Messiah and many more. Originally adjective form of the Latin "homo", it entered English through French. So boys and girls, especially girls those who believe in me and in my ideology,i dont care from where, israel,arabian people,americans welleveryone. From everything Ive searched for (and read), this language, and the people who brought it into being, traveled from somewhere in Eastern Europe and moved around quite a bit. To ignorant people, Greek seems a language that is old and intimidating but the reality is not so hard to grasp. Join our Free TELEGRAM GROUP for exclusive content and updates. The Cyclopes (Arges, Brontes, and Steropes), The Hecatonchires (Briareus, Cottus, and Gyes), The Elder Muses: Mneme, Melete, and Aoide, The Telchines: Actaeus, Megalesius, Ormenus, and Lycus. I ll tell you more how was.i told it to a girl too. She is the wife of Varaha, an avatar of Vishnu. PS: For those who does not know what Atatrk, the founder of modern Turkey, claimed here is the claim: [29], When Boreas, the god of the north wind, killed Pitys, an Oread nymph, for rejecting his advances and preferring Pan over him, Gaia pitied the dead girl and transformed her into a pine tree. Since radioactive cesium atoms count so much more accurately than the outdated method, we have to add a second to the old style year to recalibrate it whenever it falls behind the atomic clock by about that much, because the atomic clock is counting it faster with its shorter seconds. And was with gleams like Arda s voice but then i did not spought.and i spought with another voice too before speaking with Earth voice.but was after Happening.i do not wanna say.so this can be imagined, Ok i ll tell you more it do nt happ en to me only good things look when was for a girl in city that with that woman and the luggage in the night i was passing a bar i wanted go in but was locked.from behind the bar a guy come and throw me with a spray substance in eyes.i was n t seeing a while and some people called ambulance and i was tooken to hospital.ok so in this way go things sometimes, OK maybe was a flash thing but i dont want this.so you see how goes sometimes it s not ho w i want.it happ en ed too thing s that are sure 100%not by gleams to me not much but were somethis with the spray was maybe by flash but there were 100%not by gleams.ok that things were happened and i am completely sure that i do nt wanted them.anyway they were at border and i could accept thembut i dont wanted them thats sure.fo r example i was put some times in the past in psychiatry hospital and i was cleaning there the room.not often but it was.this wasnt by flashs thats sure 100%.it was how was and i passed over.so in this way were going things sometimes.in the last year s i wasnt there anymore.that was more then when i was younger.no w i am other man then in that times, And dont understand me wrong.this cant be accepted.were n t at the border or like this.it was happened and i just passed.and were others.i dont wanna remember.these things i could nt accept by with time i passed.for example one doctor there was offended me harsh in the past.and were others people know imagine how is there at psychiatry.and i was in other times offended not only there.and i was not only offended.i was hit by full.ok i wasnt hit much times it s true but were. .This is how works.as i said love girls legs a lot.ok the flash s can be from another universe ,particles,making to be made another but i dunno these are just theories.ok they are from here thats what i wanna say.nobody know s from when, Ok they are on planets where is life i suppose like on Earth making the whole thing.about planet s like Mars,Jupiter etc i dunno there are not like Earth and is not life there.but i say about planets like Earth in cosmos .i suppose these planets are somewhere cause the cosmos is bigand they are n t on stars.cause there i dont think is life.ok this is how it works with flash s particles planets this is how is i think.the gods made the planets but these made things on planets , Ok i ll tell you people if Antarctica was ever not there at the South Pole thing that i dont believe by the way it was moved there by they by the flash es.it s your theory.u say that it was with Africa and Australia or how you say before to go south.ok they did it not the gods.cause the gods could n t did.but i said i dont believe it.i told you more above about pterodactyls or what they were how it happened to be at dominion range nortofagus.and they are there in Antarctica.they remain ed there if they carried Antarctica there.ok as you say.they can did it from there from the sky were they were then when was a supercontinent as you say.but i dont believe it.flash s were in Antarctica always.cause Antarctica is from always there at the pole.i know.i demonstrated it by the way in a post above.and i said where they still are in parks.they can be seen by pair of lovers sometimes.they let they be seen them:), yeah it s true lovers in parks can see them sometimes:)and as i said they were from always in Antarctica.i dont think they carry it to the south pole.they were just there from always.they couldnt stay through dinosaurs but there they could.they loved that ice from the beginningthey were in the sky,in the deep of ocean then and in the icy Antarcticaand later when Earth changed and were we they had come through usas i said lovers see them in parks, They liked Earth from the beginningthe gleamsand there they were in the sky in the ocean and in Antarctica at the beginningand when was us they had come in parksand they can be seen there only in the nightcause they are gleams, Ok this is how is and as i said they were with Earth alwaysand they are seen by somebody else there in parks ok you had guessed i had seen them there the gleams of our homeand very poor people see them too there i imaginethe gleams, Ok they could stay through dinosaurs but i dont think they would like.they were as i said in the sky and in the ocean, I ll tell you the whole thingi wanna say that the gleams were always on Earththey were in Antarctica ..thenAntarctica was different thenwas more colderthey were doing from therechanging Earth s surfacelook they had adore d that cold Antarcticabut they had did it for us, Cause there that cold and empty Antarctica was the only place on the planet which was like will be, Was the only place that was like the future.Antarctica is still in that way that was even today only then was more colder.but is still the same, mornin lol it s almost 13 lol so as i said they were also in the sky and in deep of oceans the flash lights they liked Earth even in that time.they were doing the whole thing.and they were as i said there in the sky in the deep ocean and in Antarctica, and as i said they were with Earth as always.they weren t coming from cosmos, but as i said they were gleams flashs they were just doing to happen the thing and they were there where i said.and they were much in Antarctica only there in the sky and in the deep of oceans was like the the future, ok these are the things that are with that with the flash stuff i said them in posts above like was with that survey on that site or with that woman luggage.or there are others too but i don t say them all.i said another.with that woman of what made and the whole mediatizationor with that girl about what said on that site about her legs.and there are other girls too which at the flashs fall in different situations.ok so this is.is what is with flash stuff and what s not.that s all, ok why you didn t posted?all is true then i was speaking with planet voice 27.02/2017 and that video s are something by flash s as i said, ok i know it s like a journal me and my moods these days lol but this is happening and tommorow are exactly two years after.i wanna people know.that these things really happened and are not lies so i lll say again the links for that video is a flash video and it had come in front when i was surfing on internet a few minutes before i speak with planet voice and i had love it a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ttt4xjMKqU, ok as i said is what s with that and what s not.you understand about what it is i don t have to say further. The answer we have below has a total of 4 Letters.Use the search functionality on the sidebar if the given answer does not match with your crossword clue. then,when was MaVo,MastersVoice ,so to say.look, has begin ,immediately stopped a little,after begin again .but i was already there,when stopped.all was for 20 minutes, i cant remember how much was.had stooped, but there in that realm .and after a while i move up from the chair and i began speak.and this ,was also MaVo.in this way was.let say that was like an engine but really not.it s another dimension Atlantis these fit, That with the stopand after began again had happen in that world in that realm.lets say that there i do what i want.i was already there as i said.but of course i was on Earth.sitting on the chair at the computer. In Old English, the word became eor(th)e or ertha . 1; Stob. No, Gaia gave birth to Earth. Sorry about that. It s true.But not about this i wanted to say more.Ok i was saying in posts above about Antarctica.I was saying that is also called Polarisa.Polarica.so what i wanted to say is that,that when came in my mind that name it wasnt really Polarisa.It was for the first Lapolarisa.after i was more thinking and i shorted to that two but for the first was Lapolarisa, And i have to tell you that, that about name Lapolarisa at that name i was thinking then in 2017,was in that period when i spought with Earths voice ..i was thinking at En and all What is the Greek word for World? This verse reads in Greek: 'Makarioi oi praeis hoti outoi kleronomesousin ten gen . TikTok video from Fellowship of the Mystery (@vigil777_): "TH3 SKULL ? Pausanias also mention the sanctuary of Ge Gasepton in Sparta,[46] and a sanctuary of Ge Kourotrophe (Nurse of the Young) at Athens. All things were created through Him and for Him ( Colossians 1:16 ). I enjoyed reading this post and all the comments Makes you want to go and study all the ancient languages. Advertisement. GeoScience: Sciences dealing with the Earth 10. Inevitably the opportunity arose: one afternoon, Apollo and Hyacinth went . The woman who from time to time is priestess henceforth remains chaste and before her election must not have had intercourse with more than one man. The Greek word for politics is "polis," which means "city" or "state." In ancient Greece, the polis was the center of political life and was often equated with the city-state itself. Yes its true that during Ottoman ruling, words from many other regional languages made it way to spoken language. But as no lovers are allowed to simply be in Greek mythology, the Western Wind, Zephyrus, grew jealous of Apollo. Earth? I looked but didnt see this one. I have the privilege to have come into contact with old Australian Aboriginal languages, which were so numerous two hundred years ago. 17 Carrying the stake himself he went out to the place called Skull (in Aramaic, Gulgolta). The Obscenely Successful Obsolete Sailing Ship and Its Daring Captain Who Terrorized the High Seas During WWI, The Curious Case of the Sable Island Seal Killer, The Mysterious Disappearance of One of the Most Successful Recording Artists of All Time, What Those Nasty White Chunks That Sometimes Come From Your Throat Are, The Difference Between a Fact and a Factoid, Marilyn Monroe was Not Even Close to a Size 12-16, A Japanese Soldier Who Continued Fighting WWII 29 Years After the Japanese Surrendered, Because He Didnt Know, Translations of the Bible into English was one of the earliest recorded use of the name Earth God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. 1093 g - properly, the physical earth; (figuratively) the " arena " we live in which operates in space and time which God uses to prepare us for eternity. The Kind James was first published in 1611, if memory serves . She is the mother of Uranus (the sky), from whose sexual union she bore the Titans (themselves parents of many of the Olympian gods), the Cyclopes, and the Giants; as well as of Pontus (the sea), from whose union she bore the primordial sea gods. So unnecessary and detracts in a major way from enjoyment of readers. We know the Greek origin story from some of the earliest Greek literary sources that have survived, namely The Theogony and Works and Days, by Hesiod. There was a temple of Ge Eurusternos on the Crathis near Aegae in Achaia with "a very ancient statue":[45]. What is a Greek word that means earth description? Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : ) is a word, translatable as ground or earth, which occurs in the Biblical account of Creation of the Book of Genesis. so funny to see people talking about Portuguese, Spanish, roman etc the first people called it something and it never changed from there, In Arabic language Earth is called ardd. Here's a list of translations. The Earth itself is viewed as a "superorganism" with self-regulatory functions. INTUITIVELY COMBINING BOTH DERIVATIVES AND YOU GET GREEN DIRT OR GREEN ROCK OR GREEN PLANET THE ONLY GREEN PLANET WE KNOW OF. For the theory of the Earth as an organism, see, Primordial goddess and personification of the Earth, Other offspring and the castration of Uranus. It is a combination of the Greek word for Earth, or 'ge', and of 'ergon', the Greek word for work. The word is of uncertain origin. Note the palatalization of the to [], which is pronounced like a soft GY sound. [47] Aside from her temples, Gaia had altars as well as sacred spaces in the sanctuaries of other gods. What is the Greek word that means all earth or all lands? Caving is a branch of earth science that deals with the study of caves. This is a Roman name of a deity with no Greek counterpart. Ok so this is.ATM s and beautiful girls dont fit.butthere is this wordbut,so if it was that name En it would work this.ATM s and girls.but in this way there is a big no.it doesnt fit.as i said i dont believe in En anymore.since 2017. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Parsing the different morphemes in a word reveals meaning and part of speech. s. v.). Get the latest updates from our side, including offers and free live updates, on email. Lets relate Geo Root Word to this quotation, to understand and remember its meaning: The Earth does not belong to man. When the Chief ordered one of his hunters to listen he would say You! | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Actually, since you mentioned the Bible in your article, the word Earth translated from the original Hebrew is ha aretz, or the earth, or the ground. These divisions, in descending length of time, are called eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? as Rhea or Gaia; the title was later applied in Greek texts to Artemis. For instance, the word invention includes the prefix in- + the root vent + the suffix -ion, from which is formed the noun invention.. In Greek mythology, Gaia (/e, a/; from Ancient Greek , a poetical form of G, "land" or "earth"), also spelled Gaea /di/, is the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities. Did Machu Picchu get destroyed by the Spanish? The term Geography is directly derived from a Greek term meaning "description of the earth". NAS: throughout all that land.KJV: all that land.INT: all the land that, Matthew 9:31 N-DFSGRK: NAS: about Him throughout all that land.KJV: all that country.INT: all the land that, Matthew 10:15 N-DFSGRK: NAS: to you, it will be more tolerable for [the] land of SodomKJV: more tolerable for the land of SodomINT: More tolerable it will be for [the] land of Sodom and, Matthew 10:29 N-AFSGRK: NAS: of them will fall to the ground apartKJV: fall on the ground without yourINT: to the ground apart from the, Matthew 10:34 N-AFSGRK: NAS: peace on the earth; I did not comeKJV: peace on earth: I came notINT: to the earth not I came, Matthew 11:24 N-DFSGRK: NAS: to you that it will be more tolerable for the land of SodomKJV: more tolerable for the land of SodomINT: to you that for [the] land of Sodom more tolerable, Matthew 11:25 N-GFSGRK: NAS: of heaven and earth, that You have hiddenKJV: and earth, becauseINT: and the earth that you did hide, Matthew 12:40 N-GFSGRK: NAS: nights in the heart of the earth.KJV: in the heart of the earth.INT: heart of the earth three days, Matthew 12:42 N-GFSGRK: NAS: from the ends of the earth to hearKJV: the uttermost parts of the earth to hearINT: ends of the earth to hear the, Matthew 13:5 N-AFSGRK: NAS: much soil; and immediatelyKJV: not much earth: and forthwithINT: not they had soil much and, Matthew 13:5 N-GFSGRK: NAS: no depth of soil.KJV: no deepness of earth:INT: having depth of soil, Matthew 13:8 N-AFSGRK: NAS: on the good soil and yieldedKJV: into good ground, and brought forthINT: upon the ground good, Matthew 13:23 N-AFSGRK: NAS: on the good soil, thisKJV: into the good ground is heINT: the good ground having been sown this. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library, Online version at Harvard University Press. All of the other planets were named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. Makani is the word for "wind," but Hawaiians approached their wind with a staggering level of detail. Even our modern society. 2. All religions are about Him.And yeah there was the flood,in the past of humanity. There is not a scrap of evidence to support the out of Africa hypothesis so beloved of social Darwinism/Marxism. (Seriously, pun fully intended.) While caving is a serious science, cave exploration also involves an element of sportsmanship, adventure and bravery. [citation needed] Gaia or Ge had at least three sanctuaries in Greece which were mentioned by Pausanias. The hill outside the city gates of Jerusalem where Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth was nailed to a tree was called Calvary/Place of the Skull/etc. I'm interested in: BTW, who here knows that William Tyndale probably the greatest English scholar that ever lived was strangled and burned at the stake by Roman Catholic authorities in Vilvoorde, Belgium, as a heretic. But, if its true, doesnt it show that you made a huge mess of it yourself, right from Cain & Abel? Stickum ear to Th or if he was in a hurry he would simply say Ear Th!. Korns Fieldy and Head are involved, and it was co-founded by Ryan Ries, who recently baptised Of Mice & Mens Austin Carlile. Of all gods revered in ancient Greece, none held as much influence as the great mother goddess herself, Gaia. Before he died, he prayed, Lord, open the King of Englands eyes. So what to say more.lol its not really a troll farm.then in february were two years,since i spought wuth the voice of Terra and i posted a lot then lol.ok so this is.i ll be back if its posted greets, I forgott to say that on that link on youtube i have the nick GothicMoon.on comments.i was saying today there interesting stuff and it s worth be red.i had a vision about aliens that were visiting Earth in Antarctica in the past of our planet.so red it there at that link whats all about on yt, Look i know that i seem mad when i describe that flood, butits written in the bible.God s words teachings.it was,but was a long time ago.and He put a sign ,in the sky,the rainbow that He will not do it again.thats what i had read,if i remember well.and Earth still was,the core,the ground below the planetary ocean etcand there is other thing at what i am thinking,but i ll not say it here but u had figured it if u had red what i said on smithsonianmag.com in march.greets i go to try some rest cause its 2 a.m. lol, Ok i can t sleep i am thinking imagining.so i told you Earth in flood,it s really madness.Earth is stable,with Antartica and only the north pole in ocean,butas is described therein the bible,when was noah,all in a gigantic planetary ocean with the south ocean completely free,and all in a big planetary ocean,i dunnoso,what to say,it rules.like i said on smithsonianmag it distorts in cosmos very veryfar,more far than the solar system,in this case with that gigantic oceanso,if was the flood,Earth had ruled,for a whilea big part of space,cosmosmaybe He wanted Earth to rule(for a while) that s why He did itor just we were only evil and that was allwho knows what were His wills really.that nobody knows.even me.i know a lot but some stuff no, He says that He destroyed us cause we were evil.And He never lies.but in the same timean Earth only with oceanswithout dry.have a force in cosmos.which is not Earth ly anymore.not as we know.it s different.wild, So what to say.i still believe.even He did that.when i was kid i was religious.and i don t betray Him.if He wanted Earth to rule thenin the flood time then,be it.i am still with God that giant re pulsor which made the planets the stars us etc.like i said it s also re pulsor.the force which is the master of cosmos of all the worlds realms.i know that i said in a post above that i don t believe really in the bible god but that god and repulsor are in the same stuff btw.the bible God and re pulsor are connected.they are in the same stuff so to say.and God repulsor really had destroyed Earth.then in noah time.cause men were very evil then.it s described the sodoma and gomorah they were on killings i suppose etc.but,like i said in the same timethat 100% oceanic Earth began to distort in cosmosfar far away.now it s not but then was.that force that was then,was so big that the Sun (a star) begin go a little wrong.and other stars too.about planetswere there too troubles cataclysms.cause of what had happen on Earth.and He had made it again as it was before.He didn t wanted but men then were beasts sinners and He became angry furious and He did it.it s described in the bible how was.and even He knew that the force of Earth will be very very bigall in water ,He still did it.He just wanted revenge.that were all His thoughts then.cause He made men and women in His image.and they had made by them will in the image of His enemy the devil.