b. a. \\ a. 40. The corporate culture at Walmart is centered on which of the following? Business Environment The following statement with respect to culture is false. b. 1. a generally understood idea of "how we do things around here", may find that they can rely heavily on word of mouth to embed cultural norms in the workplace. People the world around, more or less independent of their cultures, experience the same basic emotions. Which of the following most characterizes anthropology among disciplines that study humans? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, B. the Folsom culture was the first to arrive in Oklahoma. (a) Both nature and nurture provide a foundation for language learning (b) Language is closely tied to maturation (c) Parents can tell if an infant is hungry, angry, or in pain fr, Regarding gay and lesbian persons, which of the following statements is false? b. |91180 days past due |42,000 |32| C. Instinctive behavior can be modi, Regarding adolescence and puberty, which of the following statements is false? which of the following statements about culture is not true? This is an example of, From an HR perspective, the most compelling reason given below for an, organization to have a reputation for social responsibility is to, increase the ability to attract and retain employees, In the HR context, "sustainability" is defined as, the ability to continue to operate, survive and adjust to significant change, The explicit aspects of organizational culture include all of the following EXCEPT, Taking a "green" approach with HR policies can result in all of the following, EXCEPT. Which of the following is a culture aligned with company strategy more likely to accomplish? c. Stereotypes tend to simplify people into "us" a, Which statement is true regarding the sense of taste? b. C) Managers should use a structured approach to changing cultures. b. D King Henry VIII of England. 1. evaluating personnel, in part, on how they display cultural Normas in their approach to work. The strictest norms in any society are called . The system will last 5 years. C. The Folsom culture was derived from the earlier Clovis culture. a. include the physical products of a society b. include the norms and values of a society c. affect people, often in patterned and predictable ways d. All of the above. 1. a culture that prides itself on customer service is conducive to the execution of a strategy to improve customer satisfaction. The discussion of birthday traditions included in the text demonstrates that. In their day-to- day lives, most people. b. Prejudices that occur when members of another social group are perceived as a thre. True or false: Company culture has minimal impact on strategy execution and is unrelated to business performance. Click on the vertical 6. 1. subcultures are likely to undermine company success when they promote different approaches to people management. The idea of cultural capital was developed by: 103. In Western cultures, girls are encouraged in emotion-oriented behaviours. Failing to reject a null hypothesis is evidence that the null hypothesis is true, but it might not be particularly good evidence, and it certainly doesn't prove the null hypothesis. c. If you were to take a drug th, Regarding self-concept, which of the following statements is false? Culture is learned. 37. You can't think without using language. c. Knowledge can be acquired without language, According to Piaget, which of the following statements is false regarding the relationship between language and cognition? Company personnel are most likely to be receptive to new assignments if _____. impending changes do not threaten their job security. Which of the following statements about applied anthropology is false? a. Child-rearing practices in different cultures reflect different customs and belief systems. 11. c. We are most sensitive to sweet, and least sensitive to sour taste, Regarding the research on happiness, which of the following statements is FALSE? The customs and practices that occur across all societies are called cultural universals. b. attentive; happy A set of attitudes, priorities, essential beliefs, and customs shared among those within a company that shape workplace behaviors. Which of the following is not an element of culture? C Charlemagne.Charlemagne. Puerto Ricans in New York and the Amish are examples of . Responses the first step in changing an unhealthy company culture is ______. \\ a. A. The habit of seeing things only from the point of view of one's own group is called . All members of a society usually use a paper napkin and turn their heads away from others when sneezing. Within a culture, a behavior may be defined as abnormal in one situati, Regarding sensation and perception, which of the following statements is FALSE? Which of the following is an example of a story that could potentially help foster a positive corporate culture? a. Which of the following is not one of the claims made by cultural relativists? 84. theorists are most likely to emphasize that cultural norms and beliefs integrate people into groups and create social bonds. A lack of unanimity, that is, having at least one pe, Regarding social stereotypes, which of the following statements is true? Estimate what the proper balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts should be as of December 31, 2014. 29. b. a. act quickly but also take the time to assess the situation, review data, and evaluate options. Taste preferences are influenced by biological factors only. - fight to defend the polis Which of the following cultural traits are considered unhealthy? Social stereotypes tend to be rational and somewhat accurate. a. The chief characteristic of an adaptive business culture is a willingness to _____. Culture is persistent. Genetic material can be maintained through physical replication, passive inheritance by offspring, and direct transmission. People stand during the National Anthem and are emotionally moved by a cross or Star of David because a. these symbols have an innately significant. axis scale and set the lower limit to 0 and upper limit to 100.You will see something like the example shown below. Which of the following statements about cultural universals is false? The invention of subways and trains illustrates which cause of social change? People often disagreed regarding the perceptions they obtained during introspection. The last step in changing an unhealthy company culture is _____. Use the present tense ("I am," not "I was," "I do," not "I did.") Be brave: say nice things about yourself. a. Culture is shared and passed down through generations. Who is responsible for taking the lead in driving the pace of progress throughout the strategy execution process? Regarding sensory analysis, which of the following statements is false? D their reliance on farming. Norms, values, laws, and customs are all examples of . However, there may be another problem. Through ethnomethodological research sociologists have learned all of the following, except. Answer true or false: Morality is not your opinion or belief, manners, culture or upbringing. - be devoted to the polis A A simplified language is spoken by them. b. Functionalism and Gestalt psychology have blended into newer, broader perspectives. 69. Children can help shape their own development through their actions. Cultural Relativist claim that it is arrogant to judge other cultures? As they process information, the senses divide the world into important perceptual features. 1. convincing workers and managers that certain new behaviors will improve company performance. b. effective leadership at the top of the organization. Indicate whether the following statement is true or false: The values and norms of inert cultures neither motivate nor inspire employees; instead, they lead to stagnation and often failure over time. The complex system that includes a group's beliefs, values, dress, and way of life, is called . c. Stereotypes help promote individualism. a. Nonconformity does not always indicate a disorder, and conformity is not a sure sign of mental health. Which of the following media sources dominates most Americans' leisure time? Which of these is true regarding cultural diversity in society? Which of the following statements is false? A(n) is something that stands for something else, or anything to which people give meaning. 1. have the autonomy to offer contributions. 49. c. crosses and stars are instinctually moving to people. The abstract standards that define the ideal principles of a society are called . a. Thirst is strongly affected by learning and cultural values. If the total revenue function for a blender is a. TV violence raises inhibitions against acting out our hostile feelings. Regarding cultures and intelligence, which of the following statements is false? c. The th, Regarding social nonconformity, which of the following statements is true? The self-esteem for people from Western cultures is based on a secure sense of belongi. b. It is highly likely that we share the experience of basic emotions w, Regarding the child-rearing practices of different cultures, which of the following statements is FALSE? b. Movements like the "Black is Beautiful" movement of the 1960s, and the push to teach Native American children. 54. 1. replacing managers who have resisted necessary cultural changes. B-Abusing People who express gender-appropriate traits tend to be more satisfied with their lives. b) We learn relatively more information with spaced practice. Choose the false statements from the following - 1. 1. $$ Physical attractivenss may be the most important factor influencing the development of friendships. Explore the concept of perception in psychology. 16. c. Americans reject European notions of aristocratic privilege. c) There are behaviors common in chimpanzees in one location that are absent from chimpanzees in another location. They are always the same, regardless of the context in which they exist. 1. the management faces significant challenges in overcoming resistance to strategy execution. b. a. a. As an element of culture, language is important because. 18. The difference between subcultures and countercultures is that. a. a. Bar Dance - Kanwar Tribe 4. b. Which of the following practices demonstrate a sincere commitment to culture change? Cultural conditioning affects what altered states we seek and attain. \\ a. The general rule for friendships is tha, With regard to our senses, which of the following statements is FALSE? In some large cities, "minority" gro, Regarding the visual capabilities of the neonate, which of the following statements is FALSE? b. True or false: honoring people who exhibit important culture building behaviors at company ceremonies is an effective way to create a productive work culture. Determine whether the following statement regarding perception is true or false: Perception affects our communication. Cultural relativism is conceded with the, what? Which of the following are key features of a company's corporate culture? Multiple Choice Loaders are the architects/developers of organizational culture Managers should use a structured approach to changing cultures Culture change should only be attempted when organizational being highly protective of company-developed technology. The values, beliefs, and practices that undergird a company's culture can originate with a founder or certain strong leaders and/or stem from exemplary actions on the part of company personnel This problem has been solved! Conflict theorists view in which of the following ways? A. Critics of television often refer to the detrimental effects that all the violence shown on television has on children. oft-repeated stories that develop company culture can _____. Applying psychological princ. - Definition & Theory. The cultures of groups whose values and norms differ to some extent from those of the dominant culture are called . The flavour of food can involve pain. Committed to a culture of anti-racism, we create dynamic communities of respect and inquiry which encourage student success and lifelong learning while fostering the sustainable economic, social, and cultural development of our students and region. Nurturing a result-oriented work climate can prompt employees to ____. VISION Fresno City College aspires to build upon our equity-centered mission and further our . Which answer best fits the following statement, "simply the observation that there are disagreements among cultures regarding moral behavior?". | Overweight | 18 | 6 | 0 | $-1$ | 13 | 14 | 7 | 7 | b. Managers in companies with change-resistant cultures ______. b. Which of the following is most likely to follow as a result of adopting cultural relativism? At six months old, babies are able to recognize catego, In understanding abnormality, which of the following statements is false? d. Culture's impact is often invisible. Question options: When products are perceived to offer greater satisfaction and for which customers are, consequently. Children tend to blindly imitate adult role models. c) When we form an impression of someone, we are slow to change our minds. B) An early target of the change strategy might be a firm's artifacts and espoused values. Outsourcing to a, The HR department is trying to fill a vacant position for a job with a small talent pool. b) It assumes that moral disagreements across cultures are not severe or widespread. Which of the following statement is TRUE about culture? b. This isn't really seen as a main issue in how these Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Freedom, justice, and education are examples of: 42. Discovery learning is somewhat better when learning is measured by tests of a, Regarding the studies of conformity, which of the following statements is false? The senses are enough to give people a comp, Regarding language, which of the following statements is FALSE? In order to create and maintain a high-performance culture, managers should consider _____. a. Homosexual people are found in all walks of life, at all social and economic levels, and in all cultural groups. Taste preferences are influenced by learning experiences only. Also, one can argue that perceptions would influence culture indirectly through their effects on individual residents or long-term visitors or the like. Answer true or false: There are no cultural universals (things all cultures share). What is the term for the processes that are making nations and people increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent? A sociologist who studies this practice from the perspective of cultural relativism is likely to justify the behavior of these groups. a. What event led to a general disillusionment with the theory of cultural relativism? Monocentric approach Ethnocentric approach Geocentric, Jefferson, the manager at Gold Storage Vaults, Inc., has determined that the company has a talent surplus. In order for a company culture to assist with the strategy execution process, the culture should be _____. We creatively build our self-concepts out of daily experiences and revise them as we have new experiences. b. Observational learning only prepares a person to duplicate a response. According to the text, the interdisciplinary field known as cultural studies builds on the insights of . When discussing the need to change company culture with managers and frontline supervisors, top executives should be certain to point out _____. 106. 83. | :--- | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | The theoretical approach that is based on the idea you can discover the normal social order through disrupting it is referred to as . Therefore, agriculture is an example of which of the following mechanisms of cultural change? an industry leader that has become accustomed to its success. 43. Culture encompasses everything in a particular society, including values, beliefs, knowledge, behavior, language, and objects. r use of rivers. On the highway, alcohol intoxication impairs size and shape constancy, adding to the accident rate among drunk drivers. There is general agreement across cultures about whi, Regarding personality types, which of the following statements is false? Then (D2) is true. 56. Which of the following statements is correct regarding successful culture change? Culture is changing. Some elements of prejudice are unconscious, which makes them difficult to change. Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. Although humans continue to adapt ____, reliance on _____ means of adaptation has increased human evolution, Cultural traits, patterns, and inventions also can be ______, threatening the group's continued existence (survival and reproduction), According to Leslie White, culture, and therefore humanity, came into existence when humans began to use ______, The term ________ refers to any fossil or living human, chimp, or gorilla, while the term ____ refers only to any fossil or living human, unlike human rights, _______ are vested not in individuals but in groups, including indigenous peoples and religious and ethnic minorities.